The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 335 Training Prisoners

Chapter 335 Training Prisoners
Lin Hai's expression was extremely serious.

"For another example, animal remains eaten by wolves can become food for vultures or other animals."

“Without wolves to hunt, many eagles would likely starve to death.”

"What's more, wolves don't just attack sheep and hunt large wild animals."

"They will also catch voles to eat. Without the suppression of wolves, voles will breed very quickly, destroy the grassland, and spread the plague."


Lin Hai listed to them the many functions of wolves.

No one could argue with it anymore.

"What the consort said makes sense. When we ride horses and encounter vole holes, we often break the horses' legs."

"I didn't expect wolves to have such a role!"

"The Prince Consort knows so much. Have you ever lived on the grassland before?"

"No, you will understand everything if you read more books." Lin Hai looked enigmatic.

After being in contact with him for the past few days, several guards admired Lin Hai very much.

He is indeed a scholar, he seems to know everything.

I finally understood why the princess insisted on letting Lin Hai be her consort.

Turks indeed lack such talents.


Early the next morning, the Turkic Khan led his army and rushed over quickly.

Shaoyao received the report and took Lin Hai to greet him.

Seeing the dug coal with his own eyes, the Turkic Khan was extremely happy.

"Okay, before you wanted to keep Lin Hai, I was a little unhappy. It seems that you have a better vision and have found a talent for our Turks."

"Since you have made a great contribution, I naturally have no objection to your marriage."

"Choose a good day to get married as soon as possible!"

The Turkic Khan laughed heartily.

"Lord Khan has misunderstood. I have already married a wife in Daxia, how can I marry another princess?" Lin Hai quickly refused.

Turkic weddings are very casual. Even if a princess gets married, it is just a celebration.

It doesn't take a long time to prepare like in Daxia. Once you decide, you may get married in two or three days.

If they really get married, wouldn't it be extremely difficult to leave the Turks?

Lin Hai absolutely cannot agree.

"It's okay if you're already married, as long as Liu Yi doesn't dislike her. Liu Yi is the Khan's most beloved princess. If you make her suffer, I'll kill you!"

The Turkic Khan glared and threatened Lin Hai unabashedly.

"Father, don't be in a hurry about getting married. I want him to agree to marry me willingly!"

Shaoyao said at the critical moment.

Lin Hai just breathed a sigh of relief, and then he was dumbfounded by the Turkic Khan's words.

"It doesn't matter. I just need to persuade him slowly when he gets married. Have a few more children and let him go when the time comes. He won't leave the Turks anymore."

"People in Daxia are like this. They are very pedantic and cannot make sense at all."

"Dad, the most important thing now is to mine charcoal quickly so that the people can survive the winter smoothly."

"Lin Hai has formulated a strategy for mining coal, and I think it's great!"

In order to change the topic, Shaoyao said Lin Hai's words again.

When the Turkic Khan heard about the methods of mining and selling, he was immediately shocked.

"This is a really good idea, let's do it! Immediately order all the prisoners to be recruited to mine coal."

"Let them be well fed and clothed, and absolutely no abuse of these people is allowed."

Lin Hai took the opportunity to hand over his hand and said: "Miners need to be managed, and their food, clothing, housing and transportation must be taken care of."

"I happen to be very good at these things, why not let me stay temporarily and help mine coal!"

The Turkic Khan hesitated for a moment.

Shaoyao said: "The matter of mining coal is very urgent, and there is not enough time.

With Lin Hai in charge here, the speed will definitely be faster.

I'll be here with him and nothing will happen! "

"That's fine. I'll leave you five thousand soldiers and horses to guard the miners. You will command all these people!"

The Turkic Khan came for a visit and did not return immediately.

It is better to let all the men start digging and dig out all the soil above.

At the same time, people were sent to recruit prisoners and let people from Daxia come to dig coal.

Sure enough, there are still many people.

Moreover, these Turks are all elites in the army, they are strong and work quickly.

Large tracts of coal were soon dug out.

The Turkic Khan grinned from ear to ear with joy and began to calculate how much money he could earn in a year.

With so many coal mines, there is no need to worry about freezing to death of people and livestock in winter.

In this way, the Turkic population could steadily increase.

In ancient times, only when the population was large enough could more soldiers and horses be recruited.

Only in this way can Daxia be defeated.

In addition, the Turkic dignitaries are also very wealthy and can sell coal to them at high prices and earn a lot of money.

As long as you have enough money, you can raise more soldiers and horses.

No longer need to worry about being competed for power by those big tribes.

In the next few days, prisoners from Daxia were transported continuously.

Lin Hai began to train them in order.

According to the military method, these people can understand the orders.

At least with an order, a neat team can stand up.

Each person only works for four hours a day, and the rest of the time is used to train them to line up.

At night, you enter the tent to rest.

Although the work during the day was very tiring, I was able to eat well and wear warm clothes.

There is also enough rest time at night.

Much better than the life before.

Shaoyao watched as Lin Hai trained these people to look like an army.

Starting to get a little worried.

He specifically approached Lin Hai and asked, "Why do you use military methods to train these people?
They are just here to work, they don’t need to go to war! "

Of course Lin Hai had his own ideas, but he couldn't tell Shaoyao directly.

He explained to her: "With so many people to manage, using the military method is definitely the most efficient.

Orders and prohibitions must be implemented, and only a few people will be needed to direct them to do things.

If they encounter any special situation, they can also use commands to quickly stabilize them. "

Lin Hai talked about a lot of benefits.

Shaoyao didn't completely believe it and said, "You don't want to train these people to become soldiers and look for opportunities to escape back to Daxia, right?"

“Although these people are young and strong laborers, they don’t even have weapons in their hands.

How to make waves?
You think too highly of me! Lin Hai said with a wry smile.

Shaoyao's senses were indeed very keen, and she could see through Lin Hai's thoughts at a glance.

“What’s more, they don’t have armor, even a hundred cavalry can easily kill them all.

There is no threat to you at all! "Lin Hai continued to explain.

Trying to dispel Shaoyao's doubts.

Shaoyao looked at Lin Hai closely.

“I don’t object if you want to train them, but you can only stay here for one month.

I will take you back to the royal city in a month. "

"No problem, I can train these people well in a month.

Even if I'm not here, I can easily direct them to do things. "

Lin Hai agreed very simply.

There was no hint of lying.

(End of this chapter)

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