The skilled widow is busy farming

Chapter 169 The Child Chapter Is Here

Chapter 169 The Child Is Back

Li Yu was severely punished several times by her aunt in school. When she returned home, she was probably beaten by my mother, and her cries could be heard far away.

Their village is not very big, and the courtyard is not far away. You can basically hear the roar from the east end of the village to the west end of the village, so you can't hide anything.

The mother-in-law was sitting in the weaving workshop weaving brocade, and asked curiously: "Why do you beat the jade girl? That child is very sensible, polite, and diligent."

"Your grandson chose a few girls to go to the capital to get married. He didn't choose her and felt aggrieved. She must have wanted to go to the capital."

"Then there's no need to beat the child. Who wouldn't want a good future?"

As my mother-in-law gets older, she is more tolerant and caring towards the younger generation.

"She has a bit of a picky personality, and she can easily get into trouble if she just picks the top."

Xiu Niang then added.

"Is it that serious?"

"They went to the capital for a purpose. In order to expand their connections, every child has a mission when they go to the capital to get married, which is to get married. The Lu family that Qing'er married into was also very troublesome. There were so many rules, and there were even more relatives standing in several rows. I don’t know what kind of grievance I will suffer if I go in, this is all for our clan.”

Another aunt sighed and said.

Nowadays, it is difficult for the Li family to become arrogant, to see many things more clearly, not to be blindly proud, to be arrogant, and to be able to see the key core issues clearly.

"Actually, I'm quite optimistic about that girl Yu'er, but I didn't expect that Brother Rui and Yulan didn't choose her, so I won't bring it up again. You also know that Brother Rui's temper is not easy to deal with. If you go and disobey, you will get into trouble. Brother Rui can take out his spine and hit her, it doesn't matter if she is a boy or a girl."

"It's true, Brother Rui is getting more and more scary now. When he raises his eyes, his aura is similar to that of a village chief. He looks frightened. Don't provoke him."

"Very true, don't you know that those four who came back from school were whipped so hard by Brother Rui that their skin was torn apart and their flesh was bloody and bloody? That's what Shan Ziniang told me."

"Good guy, what a fight."

"That's not..."

"Yu'er is still thirteen, and she can afford to wait. As long as she understands when to be strong, when to take a step back, and why she went to the capital, I will let her go. Brother Rui will not lose sight of her, I also deliberately polished her and taught her well."

"That's right. It's better to fall at home than to fall outside. Isn't that what those four are like? They've gotten over it long ago. They already have a bright future. There's no need to waste a few years."

"That's right."

"Xiu Niang, the weaving workshop will make a lot of money this year. What do you plan to do with the money you earn?"

"I'm thinking about buying a few more good villages to plant mulberry trees, raise silkworms and make silk. It would be more secure to control the raw and cooked silk in our own hands. At the same time, it can also drive the surrounding villages to get rich together. In this way, our village will not be conspicuous. I am jealous of others, so I unite people from surrounding villages to work for us, and the villagers can make money from us."

"I understand. Even if the county magistrate comes, he has to give us some face. He can't bully us at will. Is that what you mean?"

"Yes, the children are far away from home in the capital. I'm just using their names to scare people. If something happens, they won't be able to help. I won't let you use the children's reputation to do anything. Just for this reason, I myself This is a bluff, how can you let your reputation be used to shout about others?"

"That's right. It's not easy for the children to be outside. Besides, they are not in the same family. If you are nosy, then you will offend others."

"We ourselves have to work hard so as not to hold our children back."

"It's up to you, what kind of store you want to buy, I'll ask someone to find out."

"It's best to have good farmland. It can't be too poor. It will have an impact on the trees. If the trees are not planted well, the quality of the silkworms will definitely be low."

"Okay, I understand, I'll ask someone to inquire."

"Just say I want to buy it for my own use."

"I understand, don't worry and just leave it to me." Li Heng wrote back, saying that his wife was pregnant, and he seemed as happy as anything.

The eldest brother and sister-in-law wanted to bring the child back, and it was Xiaoya and Brother Jing who agreed.

After Brother Rui returned from his hometown, he told Brother Jing that his grandparents were very lonely and missed their grandchildren very much.

This made Xiaoya feel very guilty. Mrs. Sun's wife also persuaded her to send the child back to her hometown to be looked after by the elderly. It would make her feel more at ease. Growing up with relatives means being close. You can't be too selfish. The Li family is really nice to you. This Your mother-in-law has never given you any trouble.

Xiaoya agreed to let the child return to her hometown early. In fact, it was mainly because she couldn't let go of the child, not for anything else.

She thought about it again and again, thinking that her grandparents were so old and had already closed the door to hell. She had not even looked at her great-grandson yet, and people would say that her Sun family was too domineering.

It was impossible for grandpa to go to the capital again. His body couldn't bear the fatigue. After discussion, Brother Jing and his wife sent their parents and children back to their hometown by boat in advance.

Brother Rui and Yulan are also considering preparing for pregnancy, but there will be no news for a while.

Yulan also said that if she gave birth to a child, it would be better to send her back to her hometown when the weather gets hotter than to stay in the capital. She would have her parents-in-law and elders to take care of her in her hometown, and a good aunt like Xiu Niang to teach her, so it would be right to send her back as soon as possible. , they have nothing to worry about.

This time Yulan went back to her hometown to experience it. She liked Lijia Village very much. It is peaceful, peaceful, and positive. The attitude towards family studies is correct, and the assessment is strict. The children stand up and are upright, upright, and very lovable. She considers herself from her family. The school is just like this, and some aspects are even not as strict as the Li family's school, so why worry about it.

A month later, Li Mao and his wife came back with their grandson.

The grandparents finally met their great-grandson, the real fourth generation, four generations living under the same roof, which made the grandparents extremely happy.

Knowing that the child was coming back, I took out the crib and rocker that I had made in advance, wiped them clean, and polished them carefully. They were smooth, without burrs, and were not painted. They were made of solid wood, so as not to smudge the child.

It was prepared a year in advance but never used.

"Grandpa, do you want a hug?"

"I can't hold it anymore, please put it in the car so we can take a look."

Grandpa is very cautious. He knows that his arms and legs are old and he doesn’t dare to hold the child for fear of throwing him.

"This guy looks like Brother Jing, and his eyes are like Xiaoya's."

"Yeah, I also said he looks a lot like Brother Jing."

"Can you talk?"

"Not yet. I can't speak simple words clearly. I'm just at the age where I'm just learning to speak. I'm starting to eat."

"Well, it's good to come back. Let's support our farmers. Is Xiaoya willing?"

"Yes, Xiaoya is a filial child. Brother Tingrui said that you were very boring, so he agreed to bring the child back and let us take the boat back in advance."

The eldest sister-in-law was particularly happy this time because Xiaoya offered to have the child come back early, otherwise she was afraid that the grandparents would not see it.

After this incident, the sister-in-law was very grateful to Xiaoya. She completely let go of her worries and felt that her daughter-in-law was filial and considerate. In the past, she was petty and guessed that her daughter-in-law was the daughter of everyone, and her mind and spirit were different.

"You have to protect Xiaoya well. She is brought back at such a young age without even recognizing her. Xiaoya must be reluctant to leave her mother."

"Brother Jing will come back in two years and go to the capital instead. I said that I plan to let Li Feng and his wife go there. In the past few years, they have taken care of the tavern and family business, and they have done a great job. Grandpa said that they should go to the capital for some experience. Bring Brother Jing back."

"That's okay. It's also good to take turns, so that everyone won't be deceived by wealth."

"That's right."

(End of this chapter)

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