Chapter 168 Leisurely
Early the next morning, the second elder got up early and put on new clothes. Xiu Niang wanted to take the second elder to the market in the city and eat delicious food.

It was a rare opportunity to go out and play. The old man was very happy. He tidied up and was waiting for breakfast.

The millet porridge for breakfast also includes deep-fried sugar cakes, small steamed buns stuffed with meat, vegetable python, loofah and egg stuffing, and heated soy milk. There are people selling tofu in the village. If you like soy milk, you can go get a pot early, it’s cheap. .

There are also homemade pickled side dishes, salted duck eggs, and cold tofu. The tofu is hot right out of the pot, beaten with soy milk, and served with hot oil, minced garlic and green onions. The marinated tofu is best when hot. Grandpa likes it very much. Xiu Mom often asks servants to buy them.

A few side dishes are served with farm rice. The food is not complicated or exquisite, but it is very delicious and the whole family enjoys it.

After dinner, my father-in-law went to the wine shop and watched, "Mom and dad, you and Xiu'er go to play while I go to the wine shop. Do you have enough money?"

"Don't worry, Xiu Niang bought it for me. I have money."

Grandpa waved his hand.

"Okay, then I'm leaving."

"Mom, are you going?"

Xiu Niang asked her mother-in-law.

"I'm not going. I just came back from the city a while ago and went to work in the weaving workshop."

My mother-in-law went to work to make money.

"Grandma, Grandpa, let's rest for a while and then leave. I'll carry a basket."

"Okay. Let's buy some sweets and snacks to eat back."

Grandma happily sat on the bench and waited.

Xiu Niang carried a backpack and a small horse. When her grandparents were tired, they sat down for a while, then took their elders and servants with them and went out.

There is also a carriage, mainly because the grandparents are old and cannot walk very far and get tired easily, so they have to bring their servants with them. When the elderly are tired, someone can help them to rest for a while, but Xiu Niang is a woman and she cannot hold her. The two old men also meant the same thing when they brought Maza.

It's quite boring for the elderly to stay in the village. When you get old, you don't have the strength to walk far, and you can't go to the capital anymore. Your body can't bear it.

Xiuniang felt sorry for the old man, and often took him to the market in front of her home, or to watch the excitement at the dock restaurant. The old man was very happy. Every time she came back, she would buy them sweets and snacks, making the old man happy like a child.

The old man took candies and snacks to coax the children in the village to play. The children were willing to play in front of the old man, and the old man just wanted to have fun.

They went to the market, Xiu Niang held the hands of the two elders, and the servants formed a circle, surrounding them in the middle to prevent others from crowding the old people, otherwise they would be fatal if they fell.

Grandpa looked at it with great interest at the stall and played with a clay sculpture of Sun Wukong.

"What are you buying it for?"

"Keep it for Brother Chun. The last time the child came home, he broke his precious monkey into pieces. He won't want it when he comes back. I'll make it up to him."

Grandpa laughed and gestured with the little monkey.

"Why are you talking to him? I told you to throw it away. You have to keep it for him."

Xiu Niang heard it and turned around and said something.

"Don't be too strict. Relax your child. Don't delay studying. If your child likes you, why should you throw it away? You should also control your child with a moderate amount of tightness. Don't just strangle your neck."

Grandpa loves Brother Chun the most, he is probably the youngest.

When Brother Chun left, he put the precious toys he had accumulated since childhood into a box and gave them to his grandfather for safekeeping. Infested.

But baby.

His grandparents doted on him, pulling him out of the box to bask in the sun every now and then, wiping and touching him, as if his grandson was right next to him.Xiu Niang sighed in her heart, her grandchildren were all running for their futures, so the old man must have missed his children very much.

Finally, I bought a grandchild.

I also bought my grandparents some of their favorite gummy candies, some halva, and some different snacks and fruits to take back.

At noon, I brought the two elders to eat their favorite wontons and crab roe pancakes. They were freshly baked and fragrant. Regardless of how old my grandparents are, their teeth are still good and their food is delicious. Eat a small amount in one meal. As long as you can eat it, your body will be fine. question.

After eating and drinking for a while, grandma still wanted to go shopping and buy some fabric to take home for shoe soles. Xiu Niang led her to buy it.

After shopping for a while, the old man got tired, so he came back in a carriage, taking some braised pork and duck with sauce home to add to his meal. The second uncle and aunt liked to eat duck with sauce, so she bought several of them.

After a day of shopping, my grandparents were tired and went back to the house to rest.

Only then did Xiu Niang have time to do her own thing. She made a pot of good tea, sat in the pavilion in the yard, and read a book for a while.

After wandering leisurely for a while, it wasn't until the smell of dinner came from the yard and sunset that she put down her book and went back to the house to eat.

She still likes this kind of leisurely and comfortable life, guarding the village and looking at the rice fields, feeling a sense of joy and satisfaction in the harvest.

The capital city is very prosperous, but there is always a feeling that the etiquette is too complicated, and people are cautious and cautious, for fear of taking a wrong step or saying a wrong word and they will be doomed.

Trapped in the house, looking at the sky outside, feeling aggrieved.

There is no freedom after leaving the house. Instead, there are more fights, selfishness, and calculations, which is very uncomfortable.

Might as well be at home in the village.

I had rice porridge and stir-fried vegetables for dinner, including vegetables grown in the yard, a plate of braised duck with meat sauce that I bought in the afternoon, and a dish of my grandpa's favorite stewed elbows with rock sugar, braised chicken with wild mushrooms, and corn. Pancakes, fried pancakes.

I fried lard today, and there is some oil left over to make fried pancakes.

When we were young, Qun Ge and the others loved to wait in front of the kitchen table to wait for their mother-in-law to make pancakes. They would put them in their mouths as soon as they came out of the pan. The children would jump to their feet because they were so hot, but they couldn't bear to spit them out. The pancakes with oily splotches were very delicious.

Until now, several children love to eat fried cakes, probably because they were really short of oil and water when they were young.

Xiuniang couldn't help but laugh as she ate the fried cake, "When I was a kid, several children would fight to eat a piece of cake like this. Every time, Brother Jing would eat the least, giving way to his younger brothers and sisters."

"However, it was difficult at home at that time. In order to send them all to school, we had to lose money on food. Every time you hide a piece for Brother Jing, the children say you are partial."

"Hehehe! I see Brother Jing suffers every time, so I hide a piece for him to eat, so as not to make the child feel aggrieved and to comfort him."

Xiu Niang couldn't help laughing when she thought about that moment.

"Brother Rui came back and asked me to make youzi la pancakes. He ate them deliciously. This stuff is very oily. It was delicious when I was poor, but it doesn't taste that good now."

The mother-in-law shook her head with a smile, remembering the proud smile on her grandson's face.

"No, I quite like to eat. Brother Chun also likes to eat. His life was much better at that time. This kid also likes to eat this, and he also likes the deep-fried pancakes."

"Well, he also likes to eat steamed buns, which are sweet and crispy. The children may not be able to eat the food at home when they go to the capital."

The mother-in-law sighed.

"Every gain must come with a loss. If the Li family wants to go out, their generation will have to work hard outside. After all, they are the first generation of the Li family to be officials. There is no way out."


Chatting while eating, Xiu Niang ate deliciously.

(End of this chapter)

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