Siheyuan: He Yuzhu’s Sunshine Farm

Chapter 222 He Yuzhu’s Student Aid

He Yuzhu acquired about 200 million yuan in original shares. These original shares will increase at least one hundred to two hundred times. This is absolutely no problem.

At the same time, He Yuzhu was also delivering supplies everywhere.

This is a village that He Yuzhu helps. The current season is summer, and a family is helping in the fields at home. At this time, it is the season of double guns in the village.

Looking at the busy appearance of this village, He Yuzhu remembered some of his past, which was in another world.

Before dawn, grandma woke up He Yuzhu and his second sister. He Yuzhu opened his hazy sleepy eyes and raised his mouth. He was unwilling to get up early, but he still wiped the eye droppings from the corners of his eyes while walking towards his golden rice fields. Walking away, I took a closer look when I arrived at the edge of the field. I saw that the heavy ears of grain in the rice field of more than an acre had been cut in half by my parents.

At this time, you will hear your father's words: "Pillar, come to my side and cut it."

"It's still the old rule. The second daughter and her mother will cut half, and Zhu Wazi and her father will cut half. Whoever finishes cutting first will go to the ridge to rest for a while," the mother said.

He Yuzhu and his second sister neatly rolled up their trousers, picked up the sickles from the bamboo frame specially designed for them, and went to their respective posts to cut.

The day's battle began, and the only sound heard was the "clucking" sound of the sickle cutting the crops. He Yuzhu and the second sister are small and have short waists. They basically keep their heads down and bend over and rarely stand up. Regarding this, their parents often say that He Yuzhu is small and has no waist, so he is suitable for this kind of manual work.

Although He Yuzhu's parents were only about forty years old at the time, they often had to straighten their backs to get some air. Especially his father, who often endured the pain in his lower back after doing double grabbing. After doing double grabbing, both parents lost weight, especially their hands and feet. The Y areas of his hands and feet were soaked in water until the skin rotted and the flesh rotted. He was often covered with red potion to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. My second sister and my mother won every competition. Cutting and cutting, the sun showed its smiling face from behind the mountain behind the house, and the task of cutting crops was coming to an end.

When cutting crops, the most feared thing is the blood-sucking locusts in the field. Every time I cut the seedlings in the silk grass in the water-soaked field, the locusts in the grass swim from all directions. As soon as they swim to the feet of He Yuzhu, He Yuzhu will He was so frightened that he screamed and ran to the field ridge. His father asked He Yuzhu to rub cooling oil on his calves. This method worked really well. The locusts no longer stung He Yuzhu. In order not to miss the farming season, his parents did not eat enough food on their legs. The full locusts did not take it seriously, and some of them rolled down into the field by themselves. The ones that were not yet full were too much to look at, and their parents tore off their leg flesh, leaving them with bruises. His calf was bloody, and his parents generally ignored it.

Around eight o'clock, grandma packed up the house and came to deliver breakfast to He Yuzhu's family. Giving this snack is called giving "tea" in the dim sum country. Someone from a distance away from us shouted, "Everyone, come and enjoy the hot food."

He Yuzhu and his second sister usually wolf down the food without even having time to wash their faces. The "tea" includes biscuits, sugar glutinous rice cakes and the like, plus a pot of boiled water. However, their parents are often too busy to even bother to have the "tea".

Three meals are given every day, namely morning, lunch and dinner.

I go home at ten o'clock in the morning, finish my meal, and rush to the fields in a hurry. The earlier the better, otherwise the sun will be too hot, my parents will have to work hard on the threshing machine, and they are afraid of heatstroke. During threshing time at noon, his parents stepped on the threshing machine, and He Yuzhu and his second sister handed the grain handle.

Every time I see them stepping on the threshing machine, sweat rolls down from their bodies like a heavy rain with the "rumbling" sound of the threshing machine. After a while, their whole bodies are soaked, sweat flows into their eyes, and their eyes are red. Yes, they wiped it with the towels on their shoulders and continued working with their hands and feet until the pile of rice ears was finished.

The ears of grain are usually stacked in piles, and after threshing a pile of grains, there is usually a load of wet grain. After each pile, the mother bundles the threshed seedlings into straw bundles, and the father cleans the grains in the back barn of the threshing machine. Separate the grass leaves and other sundries from the grains, throw the sundries into the fields to fertilize the fields, and put the grains in bamboo strips to make baskets. When a load is full, my father will pick up a load and go back to Shaiguping for grandma to dry. He Yuzhu and his second sister will put their mother in the sun. The bundled straw handles were dragged to the field ridge. After the pair snatched the straw handles, they were dried and carried back to the cattle pen upstairs for storage to be used as fodder for the cattle and horses in the winter. In this way, it usually takes until about one o'clock in the afternoon to finish plowing one acre of land.

After plowing, my father would spread fertilizer after dinner, then bring in the cows and the pu-gun, and use the pu-gun to beat the rice field into mud before planting. If there is hard paddy field, it must be plowed first and then beaten with an iron share. rotten.

During this period, my mother took He Yuzhu and her second sister to pull seedlings in the rice field. They tied the seedlings into handfuls and put them in a dung basket made of bamboo strips. Throw it about one meter. Let’s start the final step of “double grab”.

The scorching sun in June made the water in the rice fields as hot as boiling water. However, in order to compete with the season, we could only start planting rice at three o'clock in the afternoon. My father first laid out the rice fields into an even grid, and then He Yuzhu and his second sister laid out the square shapes of the grid. The rice seedlings are planted at the top corner, so that the rice seedlings are planted like soldiers in the army standing in line, aligned horizontally and vertically, neither sparse nor dense. Generally, He Yuzhu and the second sister each plant five vertical rows and five vertical rows, and often the two of them compete in a competition. Chase me to increase the fun and improve the speed and skills of transplanting. At the beginning, He Yuzhu inserted the seedlings too shallowly and floated on the water as soon as his front feet walked away. In this case, he needs to rework and insert them again.

This is time-consuming, damages the field, and causes the planted seedlings to stagger.

But it won't work if you insert it too deep. The stems of the rice seedlings tend to rot and grow slowly. Therefore, just insert a quarter of the bottom of the seedlings into the muddy water. In this way, through the "double grabbing" exercise year after year, He Yuzhu and his second sister have become masters in cutting, lifting and transplanting rice in the whole yard. Whenever the "double grabbing" is completed for their own house, they go to help their neighbors. , where this kind of help is called "eating fragrant rice".

Because He Yuzhu and the second sister are diligent and not afraid of getting dirty or tired when doing things, everyone in the yard loves it from the bottom of their hearts. As long as He Yuzhu and his sister come across any delicious food, they can't miss it.

Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle.

Nearly thirty years have passed since He Yuzhu came to this world. He has his own family and career here, but He Yuzhu still misses the world before. He also tried to go to his hometown to find his own life. family, but sadly, nothing could be found.

In fact, many places in today's rural areas are slowly getting better, but in this mountain village in front of us, every family lives an ordinary life, with houses built with rammed earth walls, courtyard walls and pig pens built. The courtyard has two weak gates and a hall door, and the windows are wooden lattice windows with window grilles on them. At that time of material poverty, everyone felt that this house was already very good, because some people still lived in shabby cave dwellings. The comparison in their hearts made people feel that people living in this house had a better life than those living in shabby cave dwellings. However, People who are complacent about this do not have the confidence to compare with the "10,000-yuan households" where people can live in brick houses.

When building a house in this small mountain village, neighbors basically come to help and do the hardest work. The main family only needs to provide two meals. One day of help is never too little, and a few days of help is never too much. Although the host will not clearly draw the helpers like an attendance sheet, but they will not let the helpers suffer, and will definitely help them when they encounter trouble. Try to help them get things done as much as possible before leaving. Therefore, there is no problem in describing the simplicity of the people in the village. Since the children are similar in material terms and there are not many differences, they are all similar and there are not too many unpleasant things happening.

Speaking of children, children are the future of the village. In our generation, because parents have suffered from illiteracy, most of them think that their children should study no matter what, no matter what else, even if Even if you can't read, it's okay if you can recognize your own name. So at that time, the most common thing parents heard when sending their children to school was "Teacher, if your child is disobedient, you have to deal with it."

With the parents' words, teachers dared to discipline their children. Many students who did not study well or who did not like to study were beaten. There were also students who could not memorize the text or did not complete their homework and were not allowed to go home for dinner. When parents come to the school and take their children home, the children may be beaten. This is our school age.

At that time, I seemed to believe that "good students emerge from under a stick".

When the New Year is about to come, the happiest people are the children, because they can receive 5 cents or 1 yuan as New Year's money, and in addition, they have new clothes to wear and meat to eat. When it comes to eating meat, we have to say that adults will give us a pig bladder, blow it loudly, and let the children play it as a ball. Although the "ball" is not as good as the ball in the World Cup these two days, it brings us We have much more happiness than the World Cup.

We know how to cook after killing pigs, and when we are ready to cook, our families will ask us to deliver pig-killing vegetables to nearby neighbors’ houses. We children shuttle through the streets and alleys, becoming a bond between neighbors. Our New Year gifts were also very simple, usually two handfuls of noodles, two packs of snacks, two bags of rock sugar, or two kilograms of Tuopai wine, which were already considered good gifts at the time.

He Yuzhu walked on the rural road and came directly to the village primary school. In the 1990s, basically every village had a primary school. However, the schools at that time were too shabby and had no walls, so there was no gate. .

There are ten houses in the school, for grades one to six, one house for each grade. There is also an office, a room where teachers on duty rest at night, and a kitchen, which is also a kitchen and dining room. It couldn't be more crude.

In particular, the principal and deputy principals do not have special offices. They all work in the same office as ordinary teachers.

All the rooms are scattered in an open space. They are ordinary rooms with wooden doors and wooden windows. The classroom is like a steamer in summer and an ice cellar in winter. There are no fans in the classroom and no heater in winter.

Especially in winter, there is only a simple earth stove for heating. Every day, students bring corn cobs from home to light the fire, and the teacher saves the stove. In fact, it was a very big classroom with forty students. The windows were leaking air everywhere. We were shivering from the cold and had runny noses. The teacher asked us to stamp our feet before class.

He Yuzhu's arrival attracted the attention of the school's teachers and students. As soon as he entered the village primary school, the principal and vice-principal immediately welcomed him out happily. After entering the village primary school, the students all shouted happily: " Welcome Uncle He, welcome Uncle He!”

The group of students in front of me are all sallow and thin, and the clothes they wear are patched, but they are full of energy and have eyes full of the future. They are a determined generation and the most capable generation.

These children will experience hardship, so they have the courage to keep moving forward.

"Hello, classmates!" He Yuzhu waved immediately, and under the leadership of the principal and vice principal, He Yuzhu visited the children's classrooms, dormitories, study rooms, etc.!

How should I put it? It's dilapidated. The classrooms are tile-roofed buildings with earthen walls. Some classroom tiles are broken. When it rains, there will be leaks. The dormitories are even worse. One dormitory is less than ten square meters, and there are three things in it. There are bunk beds, and six children live in it, and they are male and female together.

There is nothing in the study room.

This is a well-known poverty-stricken county, but what surprised He Yuzhu was that the building here was tall and magnificent, and there were even several fountain squares in front of it. In the primary school here, children who live far away from home need to cook and eat by themselves. . The school provides a house, the stove is built by the parents, and the food is carried from home every week. The children collect dry firewood after school every day and make their own fires to cook, so that they can live independently at a young age.

There are also aluminum lunch boxes in Sijiucheng. The food in them only needs to be steamed to be cooked, but there is nothing here. For a moment, He Yuzhu thought of Mr. Zhang, the man who entered the mountains alone and sent his daughter into the mountains. Mr. from higher education institution.

"No matter how poor we are, we cannot afford education, and no matter how miserable we are, we cannot afford to suffer for our children." This was a household slogan in the 1990s. This sentence is extremely correct, but why is it that now, we are still very poor. Among those poor counties, the most glorious ones are The buildings are basically schools, but office spaces that are supposed to serve the people.

I really don’t understand it at all. He Yuzhu came to this village in secret this time. He wanted to spend his money wisely. He Yuzhu also donated money directly through the person who served the people, but unfortunately, He Yuzhu The money goes directly into the hands of the people who serve the people, and they keep it to settle their own accounts or repair their own offices.

The children could only leak a little and couldn't even drink the soup. He Yuzhu came down to check the accounts. Those who served the people were confident one by one. If his office location is not better, how can he serve the people? He Yuzhu has no way to deal with them because they don't have it. Corruption, He Yuzhu is just a private donation.

If He Yuzhu wants to move them, he must use his own connections, but connections are used less and less. These people who serve the people are all together. They and the people have become two aspects. Although they are serving the people, But they are already nobles.

The nobles will protect the nobles. He Yuzhu was cheated of nearly 600,000 yuan in total, so this time He Yuzhu did not go to say hello to those nobles, but directly made a one-to-one donation, donating the school dormitories, canteens and everything else.

(End of this chapter)

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