Siheyuan: He Yuzhu’s Sunshine Farm

Chapter 221 He Daqing chooses silence

Yi Zhonghai scolded He Daqing directly. He wanted He Daqing to leave immediately, because Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady had already discussed it. After He Daqing left, he would pretend to care about He Yuzhu and He Yuyu, and then slowly to develop relationships with them.

At that time, when his father left He Yuzhu and He Yueyue, they were at their most vulnerable. Yi Zhonghai believed that as long as he could release a little kindness, He Yuzhu and He Yueyue would be under his control and they would listen to him in the future.

Many people say that Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady are really good to He Yuzhu. In fact, you can think about it, don't the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai know that there are many disputes in the widow's house?

In those days, a young man's reputation would be ruined if he flirted with the widow in the yard. Basically, there were no short-sighted girls to marry him.

Yi Zhonghai always sent money to the widow in the middle of the night for fear of spreading gossip. Shazhu is different from other people? Yi Zhonghai let the fool stand in front and earn his own reputation.

In my opinion, the deaf old lady Yi Zhonghai and Widow Qin are on the same page, both are selfish and want to get something for nothing.

If you are really nice to Sha Zhu, his father will run away. Sha Zhu is only a teenager and doesn’t understand anything. When Widow Qin asked for a lunch box for the first time, Yi Zhonghai and the old lady should have stopped Sha Zhu and quickly found a girl to give it to him. marry. Rather than leaving it alone.

Someone also said that at least the house should be left to Shazhu. If the two families are extinct, can the house be taken away if he dies? To whom it is given is not given.

He also wanted Sha Zhu to take care of himself in old age, so that Sha Zhu could break the pot when he died, but he was also afraid of offending the widow's family. As long as Silly Zhu doesn't move away, let Silly Zhu go. Is this good for Silly Pillar?

He fools Silly Zhu with small favors in trivial matters, and pretends to be confused in front of big matters.

Someone also said that the old lady arranged for Lou Xiaoe to have a son later.

Is that really for Silly Pillar? Isn’t the old lady doing it for herself? Can’t the old lady see that the widow only has her son in her heart? Silly Zhu married a widowed old lady who promised to take care of her. The two of them are not married, and Silly Zhu is so obsessed with the widow that he doesn't even care about his sister getting married.

How can a bad old lady care about this? Why did Yi Zhonghai arrange for Si Zhu to serve the old lady for a month when Si Zhu framed Xu Damao's pants? Isn’t it that Silly Zhu doesn’t even go to the backyard to see the old lady? Another point is that Lou Xiao'e obeyed the old lady's advice and arranged for stupid Lou Xiao'e to get married. Can Lou Xiao'e eat and drink well and serve the old lady? Lou Xiaoe's family still has money.

It's just that the deaf old lady missed something, the wind picked up, and the Lou family would die if they didn't run away.

The same goes for Yi Zhonghai. If he really wants someone to take care of him in his old age, there is nothing better than adopting a child. He has been so kind to him since he was a child. How many people died of starvation in that era? I told the street office that there were many children for him to choose from. Why doesn't he adopt? It’s not like you want someone to provide for you in old age but don’t want to pay.

Neither of these men are good people.

Especially for Yi Zhonghai, when analyzing a character, you must first look at his purpose, then his behavior, then his speech, and then analyze the natural background, character background, and event background where he was at that time, so that you can analyze what he is doing with a certain A purpose, the logic of actions and speeches made in the scene at that time.

For example, the first uncle: What is the first uncle’s biggest goal, to provide for the elderly, and how does he achieve this goal?

First, set an example for Shazhu and take the initiative to support his old wife.

Second, Shazhu was tied to the courtyard, so he and Qin Huairu formed a natural alliance.

Third, being a "father" to Silly Zhu means that there are various operations to wipe Silly Zhu's butt.

Then his speech,

All kinds of moral kidnappings, you can't be without conscience, you should help Qin Huairu more, etc.

Does he know that this is unconscionable? He knows, but he has tied up Silly Zhu to support him in his old age. From Silly Zhu's perspective, he is a conscientious and respected man. But the fact is that the second uncle’s family, the third uncle’s family, Xu Damao and others can all be said to have seen the first uncle’s intentions, and the first uncle is not highly respected. This can be seen from the fact that no one listened to him after he stepped down. figure it out.

The only person recognized as highly virtuous in the courtyard was the deaf old lady, but the old lady had little reputation among the younger generation.

Then let’s bring the old lady into this logic

What is the biggest purpose of the old lady, to provide for her old age!

So how did she achieve this goal?

First of all, let’s mention the first man who is also a poor man, and then bind Sha Zhu to find a suitable wife for Sha Zhu. This can be seen from the fact that he asked the first man to find a blind date for Sha Zhu.

Then when Lou Xiao'e got divorced, the best candidate came out. The perfect retirement partner appeared who was rich, leisurely, educated, caring and not scheming, so she would rather lose her reputation and make things happen for them, and she would not hesitate to do so. Offend Qin Huairu.

Someone asked the old lady to support Si Zhu and Qin Huairu. Under such circumstances, if Si Zhu’s reputation was not restored, Si Zhu would be ruined. She clicked Si Zhu twice, but Si Zhu didn’t understand. What could she do? .

Looking at it from the perspective of Wu Shazhu’s contribution,

The first is Lou Xiao'e, the second is the old lady, the third is the uncle, and the fourth is Qin Huairu.

Of course, that was the analysis in the TV series. Anyway, the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai in the TV series plotted against He Yuzhu, but before that, Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady also plotted against He Daqing.

Under Yi Zhonghai's strong request, He Daqing could only follow the White Widow to leave Sijiu City and go to Baoding. As soon as He Daqing left, Yi Zhonghai immediately spread the news in the courtyard that He Daqing had abandoned his family and career and ran away with the widow, saying Really, at that time, I only bullied the people at that time for their innocence, and also bullied He Yuzhu and He Yuyu's brother and sister for their young age.

If only now, a fool could analyze the impossibility here. How could a widow let He Daqing throw away his family and business? This is simply unrealistic. There was no love in that era, so this news was full of loopholes, but there was no such thing. At that time, everyone believed in the method, and of course Yi Zhonghai also contributed to it.

This is Zhongshan Park. He Yuzhu led He Daqing into here. Looking at the amusement equipment around him, He Yuzhu smiled and said: "Old man, do you still remember this place?

You used to hold me in one hand and Yuyu in the other, and then lead the two of us jumping into the park entrance. There was a big flower display at the door. Yuyu and I stood in the middle, striking a beautiful pose, click Take a photo.

Some of the playgrounds in the park are free, such as slides, swings, and seesaws. Many other entertainment items are charged. At that time, there was not much money. I would pick 3-4 to play with each time. It was considered a luxury and I was very happy. .

Yuyu likes merry-go-rounds. She will choose from thousands of times, pick out the one she likes, climb up, listen to music, sit on the merry-go-round, and spin around in circles. You will always smile and look at Yuyu below. "

"I remember." He Daqing said with a smile: "However, you don't like carousels, you like bumper cars. At that time, older children could drive by themselves, while younger children would be driven by their parents. So you are all the same When driving, I need to bring rainwater with me,

Every time the bumper cars collide, Yu Yu is so nervous that he dare not let out his breath and stares straight ahead, while you scream with excitement, wishing to bump into it a few more times.

By the way, there’s Tao Ranting! "

He Daqing looked at He Yuzhu with endless memories in his eyes. "Da Snow Mountain" can be said to be the symbol of Taoranting Park, and it can also be regarded as the childhood memories of a generation of BJ children.

When we reached the top of the Snowy Mountains, there were more and more children who didn’t dare to slide. But it was impossible to go back the way we came. We could only stand aside and watch others slide down. Sometimes after standing for a long time, the friends who climbed up from behind would laugh at how cowardly they were, and while they were laughing and joking, they would just grit their teeth and stamp their feet before sliding down.

At this time, He Yuzhu looked at He Daqing who had endless memories and asked: "Old man, you are back. You don't have to be afraid of anything. Can you tell me why you left at that time?"

He Yuzhu's words made He Daqing slightly startled. He did not expect that his son would say such things to him, but soon He Daqing calmed down and said: "I was a bastard back then, I'm sorry for you and Yu Yu, you If you want to scold me, you can scold me, if you want to hit me, I can beat you."

He Daqing still didn't want to tell the truth to He Yuzhu, which made He Yuzhu feel distressed. He didn't know what this young old man was carrying. However, since the other party didn't want to tell, he didn't continue to ask.

The arrival of the 1990s also ushered in a national era of stock trading. At that time, there was a saying that in the early 1980s, you could make a fortune by setting up a street stall, but many people did not dare; in the early 1990s, you could make money by buying a stock. .So many people will regret it and think that they can make money by just entering the stock market.

Even if you have a primary school diploma and no skills, you can still make a small fortune. For example, selling vegetables at the morning market. The morning market sells vegetables, and the daily turnover can reach thousands, or even two thousand or three thousand.

It’s not that business is hard to do, it’s that some businesses are dirty and messy, and selling vegetables is “disgraceful”. As long as you put down your airs, are not afraid of being dirty, not afraid of being tired, and not afraid of other people laughing at you, then there are opportunities everywhere.

In the 1990s, it was not who who bought stocks made money, but whoever bought stocks lost money.

Not many people make money by playing stocks, and most people lose everything and leave the stock market.

When you say "you can make money by buying just one stock" you are referring to the original stock.

However, the vast majority of investors bought high-priced stocks, not original stocks. Later, the high-priced stocks fell, so they lost money.

Those who buy the original stocks may not necessarily make much money, because they may not be able to hold it; and the most likely thing is that after they sell the original stocks, they buy other high-priced stocks, leaving them behind in the original stocks. It’s not enough to wipe out all the money you make.

In the 80s, it was true that you could make a fortune by setting up a street stall.

A man who set up a street stall to sell cosmetics once told me that at that time, during the peak period, he could earn one "single player" per day (the price at that time was 1000 yuan). Even if you can make 1000 yuan a day now, it is still a good deal. In the 80s, the monthly salary was more than 60 yuan, and you could earn 1000 yuan a day, which is an astronomical figure. Later, more people were laid off, and business became difficult.

Remember, no matter what you do, do it sooner rather than later. When others don't dare to do it, you do it; when everyone else does it, you withdraw; when no one else buys the stock, you buy it; when everyone else buys the stock, you sell it.

This sounds like Soros, opportunistic and treacherous, but it is not, it is honest. Because if you don’t buy this stock now, you probably won’t buy it in the future; but later you see this stock rising and it is indeed a good stock with no risk, so you buy it.

This is "taking shortcuts" and is not sincere; this is real speculation, so we lose money.

When Soros bought, he bought when others were not optimistic about it and when there was risk, so he was not speculating, he was sincere, and he won.

Moreover, in the 93s, not a hundred million-yuan households were made by setting up stalls. There were some who were cheated by selling pig medicine. In the s, few of the millionaires were made by stock trading. In our county, On the contrary, a millionaire has emerged. She also opened an underground bank and deceived many officials. Her name is Yu Wanzhen. She is a second-year elementary school student. She capsized in and was sentenced to prison.

In our county in the 1990s, there were people who were engaged in transportation, real estate, illegal factories, and handbag companies. They hung up their bags to engage in trade. There were also some agency agencies that pretended to introduce jobs, cheated and robbed, and earned tens of thousands a month. There are all of them, human traffickers sell for several thousand a piece, scalpers at the station earn several thousand a month, and there are also a handful of MLM scammers who make a lot of money...buying stocks? No matter how much you lose, the working people will never die of hunger... In China in the 1990s, people were not evil and wanted to get rich?

It’s just that these have nothing to do with He Yuzhu. You must know that He Yuzhu has assets. He can get access to the original stocks. Others cannot make a fortune, but He Yuzhu can.

Because others don't know how to acquire original shares, but He Yuzhu can.

Many people don't know what original shares are. In fact, original shares are stocks issued by their own factories, and only their own employees can buy them.

And they are employees of state-owned enterprises.

For example, the first stock issuance in Chongqing was by the "old three": Chongqing Titanium Dioxide, Southwest Pharmaceutical and Chongqing Development. The original price was one yuan per share.

The salary at that time was very low. It was 99 yuan per month in the first year, and only 135 yuan per month after becoming a regular employee in the second year. There was no extra savings at all. At that time, the quota was still down, and you had to subscribe. Many people needed it. Borrow money, subscribe, draw lots, and get original shares!

I remember that I bought it through the window of China Construction Bank. I paid with one hand and delivered it with the other hand - the bank issued a stock passbook with the amount of the stock written on it and stamped with the bank's red seal.

You have to know that many people didn't have money at that time and they didn't want to subscribe. So at this time, He Yuzhu could use some channels to sell the original shares to himself at double or even triple the price.

At that time, there was no online trading system, and stock buying and selling were manual operations. It was a bit like a vegetable market, and both buyers and sellers gathered in an open space in Jiefangbei.

The seller shakes the stock passbook in his hand and shouts to sell, while the buyer holds the cash and observes. When the price is agreed upon, they go to the bank where the account is opened and complete the transaction at the window. Then the buyer hands the cash to the seller.

It's that simple.

(End of this chapter)

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