Chapter 207 A big scam

Xu Damao and Liu Haizhong laughed happily. They thought they had found a good business to make a fortune, but they had no idea how ridiculous their business actually was.

At the same time, at He Yuzhu's house, like Xu Damao and Liu Haizhong, He Yuzhu was also laughing.

He Yuyu sat in front of him with a frown on his face. Looking at his elder brother laughing, He Yuyu shouted again with certainty: "Brother, it's true, it's absolutely true. This is what I saw in the newspaper. , that professor will come to Sijiu City soon, and as long as we can seize this opportunity, we can make a fortune."


He Yuzhu couldn't help but laughed again.

It turns out that what He Yuzhu was talking about was what Xu Damao and Liu Haizhong just said, a technology that can turn water into oil. Others didn't know about it. In fact, He Yuzhu knew about it.

Because this incident was very famous in the past, it was a big farce in the entire academic history of our country! He has been cheating for more than 10 years and made 4 million yuan!

That was 400 million in the 1980s and 1990s, which is now tens of billions.

Therefore, this incident has a high reputation. He Yuzhu knew it very clearly. He was originally thinking about when this incident would come out, but he did not expect that the liar actually came to Sijiu City.

In the 80s, Wang Hongcheng, a bus driver who had not graduated from elementary school, fooled the people of the country for more than 10 years by relying on the trick of "turning water into oil" and made a crazy fortune of 4 million yuan.

Even people from all walks of life call its "water-to-oil technology" our "fifth great invention", which is simply ridiculous.

Wang Hongcheng was born in an ordinary family in Harbin, Heilongjiang. In his early years, his parents always hoped that he could get ahead by studying, but unfortunately Wang Hongcheng was a person who didn't like to study. He didn't listen carefully in class and chose to cheat in exams in order to get high scores. He was caught by the teacher many times.

When he reached fourth grade, he dropped out of school. First, he really doesn't like studying. He suffers every day in school and often skips classes. Second, because the family had no money for him to study, his parents simply refused to let him go.

After he stopped going to school, Wang Hongcheng began to help his parents with work. Feeding pigs, cattle and sheep became something he had to do every day. Later, he learned to be a carpenter from the villagers, but he couldn't settle down and finally gave up halfway.

As an adult, Wang Hongcheng encountered an opportunity. The local bus company was recruiting, and the benefits were very good. Wang Hongcheng was immediately tempted. However, this recruitment is conditional, and applicants must have a junior high school degree or above. Obviously, Wang Hongcheng did not meet the requirements.

However, this did not trouble him. In order to successfully become a bus driver, he bought several kilograms of pork to bribe a middle school teacher, and finally obtained a junior high school diploma.

At that time, there were not many cars in our country, and driving was a very embarrassing thing. After Wang Hongcheng became a driver, he showed off his power all day long. He felt that he was great and often looked down on people who were not as good as him at work.

The job of a bus driver not only brought Wang Hongcheng fame, but also affected his subsequent life trajectory.

Because he interacts with cars every day, Wang Hongcheng became curious about the working principles of vehicles. He had an idea, "Can water be turned into oil?"

Wang Hongcheng didn't go to school much and knew nothing about physics and chemistry. He believed that oil was obtained by mixing water with some substance, and he firmly believed in his belief.

I have to admit that Wang Hongcheng's curiosity is still very strong. After having this idea, he began to learn some physical and chemical knowledge by himself and also conducted experiments on his own.

However, he had only a partial understanding of all the principles, and it was more of his own "imagination". A series of his experiments ended in failure, and he himself was even injured while doing the experiments.

But Wang Hongcheng did not abandon the idea of ​​"water turns into oil". At the same time, he began to have evil thoughts.

Since "water turns into oil" cannot be realized, then we should resort to fraud and take the opportunity to make a fortune.

Around 1984, Wang Hongcheng began to publicize to people around him that he had invented a "water-based fuel" that could turn water into oil by simply adding a small amount of this high-tech fuel to the water.

Not only that, he also said that adding the "oil" generated by "water-based fuel" greatly improves the combustion efficiency, is more durable than ordinary diesel, and the gases emitted are environmentally friendly and pollution-free.

The most important thing is that the "water-based fuel" he invented and produced is low-cost and highly efficient, and will be particularly cost-effective when used on a large scale.

Wang Hongcheng's propaganda was overwhelming, but few people believed it, and some even laughed at him for daydreaming.

In order to gain the public's trust, he decided to conduct experiments in a crowd of people himself.

Wang Hongcheng first performed for neighbors and friends in front of his home.

I saw him pouring a little "water-based fuel" into a bottle of water he had prepared in advance, and then pressing the lighter against the liquid, and the "water" was instantly ignited. As the fire burned, the "water" in the bottle gradually decreased until it was completely burned out.

Neighbors were shocked and applauded by his experiment. This is exactly what Wang Hongcheng wants. He wants to take the opportunity to expand the influence of his "water-based fuel".

Immediately afterwards, Wang Hongcheng began to perform on a larger scale. Not only did he perform in Harbin, he also went to other cities and even toured the country. Everyone who has seen his performance is deeply impressed. Wang Hongcheng's fame is getting bigger and bigger, and he himself is getting more and more proud.

Once, he directly added "water" to the fuel tank of a car, and then poured in the "water-based fuel" he developed. After starting the car, it really started driving. The viewers were deeply shocked by his series of magical operations and admired him.

Another time, he was conducting experiments in a large artificially constructed pool. Wang Hongcheng filled the pool with water, then poured in a small bottle of "water-based fuel" and ignited it, which instantly ignited a fire.

The viewers clapped their hands and applauded, feeling that a god had appeared. But some people questioned it and said they wanted to check the inside of the pool, but Wang Hongcheng firmly disagreed. He said this was a distrust of science.

What is going on? Did Wang Hongcheng really develop the so-called "water-based fuel"?

Some people questioned Wang Hongcheng's experiment, but because the mainstream voices at the time were affirming Wang Hongcheng's invention, objections and doubts were quickly drowned out.

Wang Hongcheng suddenly became a famous "scientist" in the country. Various media came to interview him one after another. People began to call his "water-based fuel" China's "fifth greatest invention". He himself was even hailed as a once-in-a-century of "wizards".

In addition to ordinary people watching Wang Hongcheng's performances, some entrepreneurs and senior officials also invited him to conduct experiments. Some places even invited him to give lectures and publicly talk about his journey of inventing "water-based fuel". It is really unheard of for Wang Hongcheng, a person who has not even graduated from elementary school, to receive so much attention.

However, he doesn't just want to be a celebrity, he also wants to make money from his fame.

Soon, a company wanted to buy Wang Hongcheng's invention patent and offered a high price of millions.

However, Wang Hongcheng was not tempted by this "petty profit". On the surface, he claimed that he was determined not to sell his "invention," but in fact, he had a guilty conscience. He knew exactly how "water turned into oil" came about.

Wang Hongcheng does not want to make money by selling patents because the risk is too great and his lies are too easy to expose. So, he thought of a trick, which was to set up his own factory to manufacture "water-based fuel" and sell these to other companies, so that he could always make money.

Wang Hongcheng began to attract investment and defrauded more than 300 companies and more than 4 million yuan in money. At that time, these companies really thought they had bought "high technology", but little did they know that they were being deceived.

At that time, the bus company where Wang Hongcheng worked was proud of Wang Hongcheng and decided to purchase his exclusive invention. Wang Hongcheng did not refuse. He even sold his newly invented "expanded fuel" to Harbin's bus company.

Wang Hongcheng himself said that this new type of "expanded fuel" is more powerful, more efficient and more practical than the previous "water-based fuel".

When the leader of the bus company heard this, he was instantly overjoyed. He even praised Wang Hongcheng for thinking about "our own people" whenever he got good things. He even called Wang Hongcheng brothers.

Subsequently, Harbin Public Transport Company decided to use Wang Hongcheng's "expanded fuel" in all buses in the city, and even held a ribbon-cutting ceremony specifically for this purpose.

However, something happened not long after that made Harbin Bus Company dumbfounded.

Not long after running, Harbin's buses encountered a large number of problems. After professional identification, these failed buses have a common problem, that is, the engine is corroded, and this damage is permanent and cannot be undone at all.

The leader of the bus company suddenly became anxious. He immediately went to find Wang Hongcheng, but he could no longer contact him.

Soon, the media exposed the matter. Immediately afterwards, more and more victimized companies were revealed across the country, and everyone complained that since using Wang Hongcheng's invention, equipment and machines have failed one after another, causing great economic losses.

At this time, Wang Hongcheng had already gone into hiding, leaving only the victimized companies to worry.

This matter quickly spread throughout society. Some scientific researchers began to pay attention to this matter, and more and more people opposed and questioned Wang Hongcheng.

The victim companies sent the "high-tech fuel" they bought from Wang Hongcheng to a scientific research institute for identification, and only then did they discover the shocking secret behind it.

The "puffed fuel" invented by Wang Hongcheng is actually a liquid mixed with soap, emulsifier, and spinach water. It has no technical content at all.

It is understood that long-term exposure of the engine to emulsifiers will lead to poor heat dissipation performance, which will eventually cause the engine to fail to work properly and cause permanent damage.

Now that the inside story of "expanded fuel" is clear, what about the "water-based fuel" that first became popular all over the country?

In 1995, an academician named He and more than 10 professors in the scientific community proposed a serious investigation into Wang Hongcheng's "water-to-oil" incident.

Soon after, the Tsinghua University research team conducted a chemical analysis of Wang Hongcheng's "water-based fuel", and soon the truth became clear.

It turns out that "water-based fuel" is not a new thing at all. It is a mixture of water and oil. The oil floats on the water and catches fire at a little bit. As the oil burns, the water in the cup will evaporate little by little.

When Wang Hongcheng did experiments in the past, every time he claimed that what he put in the bottle was pure water, it was actually a mixture of water and oil. The public was blinded by his "trick".

So what happened when Wang Hongcheng did experiments in the big pond before? A small bottle of "water-based fuel" is not enough to burn the entire pool of water?

In fact, he had already built a container at the bottom of the pool to store oil. When doing experiments, quietly open it, pour in "water-based fuel" and continue to stir the water in the pool to let the oil underneath float to the surface. Since the oil is less dense than water, it quickly floats on the water. Then he ignites it with an open flame, and the liquid burns directly.

Such a simple scam has deceived the public for more than 10 years, which is really ridiculous.

The current time is exactly when Wang Hongcheng is traveling around, performing on tour, and deceiving everyone. It will take many years before he is exposed. He Yuzhu has actually thought about it, why does such a poor deception deceive so many people?

Later, someone told He Yuzhu that, first of all, the experiments he conducted were for the general public. At that time, the per capita education level in our country was very low. Many people were illiterate and could not read a single big character, let alone simple knowledge of physics and chemistry.

Wang Hongcheng just caught the curiosity of the general public, and after simply mastering some physical and chemical knowledge, he began to cheat everywhere.

Secondly, Wang Hongcheng forged a series of authoritative documents, which confused even people with a little knowledge.

When Wang Hongcheng first became famous, in order to gain the trust of all walks of life in the "water-based fuel" he invented, he took the initiative to go to the Chinese Academy of Sciences to seek expert appraisal.

But at the critical moment of appraisal, he broke the contract and quit. Later, he sneaked into an office of the Academy of Sciences and stole a blank letterhead with the letterhead and official seal of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

So, he took the letterhead, filled it with text content, and forged it into an appraisal certificate from an authoritative organization. Later, he also forged identification documents from other institutions.

From this case, we can also see how important it is to improve the scientific literacy of the public. Such a simple scam as "water turns into oil" actually confused the whole society, which is enough to show the lack of scientific and cultural level of the people at that time.

Nowadays, people's years of education are increasing year by year, and college students are everywhere. The "water turns to oil" incident seems to have become a "joke" today, but the lessons it left to the world will not be eclipsed by the passage of time. .

Of course, since He Yuzhu already knows that this is a ridiculous thing, He Yuzhu will definitely not let this matter be delayed until 95 like in the previous life.

Now that Wang Hongcheng has come to Sijiu City this time, don't even think about leaving. He Yuzhu will expose Wang Hongcheng's lies in advance and will never let Mr. Wang continue to cheat money in Driver City.

However, what made He Yuzhu a little speechless was that just when he was about to report Wang Hongcheng, he was tripped up by something. We will wait and see what it was.

(End of this chapter)

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