Siheyuan: He Yuzhu’s Sunshine Farm

Chapter 206 The Story of Clivia

Chapter 206 The Story of Clivia

After lunch, Zhou Qiang went to work again, He Yuzhu took Yu Haitang to rest, Zhou Guoan went back to his room to study, and Zhou Guoping followed Yu Haitang and He Yuzhu to their room, probably to accompany them. Watch the video together.

Grandma Li is a bit old now and always feels sleepy. She needs to take a nap after lunch.

The spring breeze blew through the courtyard of the courtyard, causing a feeling of tenderness. But today, Liu Haizhong and Xu Damao encountered their biggest crisis.

Xu Damao walked into Liu Haizhong's house in the backyard with a hint of excitement. At this time, Liu Haizhong was drinking at home. His three sons were accompanying him and saw Xu Damao entering the house.

Liu Haizhong quickly smiled: "Da Mao is here, come on. Let's have a drink together."

At this time, Liu Haizhong and Xu Damao were the closest comrades. They were now running businesses together. Xu Damao relied on Director Li from the former Red Star Steel Rolling Plant. Director Li was also very powerful. He had been fired from the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant. After that, he went directly to the sea to start a business. He has his father-in-law behind him. The business is getting better and better. Now everyone who meets him calls him Mr. Li.

However, the business that Mr. Li does is all a blank slate business. It's okay if it doesn't explode. If it does, it will be over immediately.

"Hey, the second uncle is really leisurely. The three young masters are accompanying you, so I'll have a drink too." Xu Damao came to Liu Haizhong's side with a smile.

The second aunt quickly brought Xu Damao bowls, chopsticks and wine glasses, and followed Liu Guangtian to pour Xu Damao a glass of wine. There was a table of home-cooked side dishes on the table.

"Come and go.!"

Liu Haizhong smiled and clinked a glass with Xu Damao, and the two drank the wine in one gulp.

After the glass of wine was finished, Liu Haizhong said hehely: "How is Damao? Have you got the Clivia?"

The Clivia in Liu Haizhong's mouth is a kind of orchid. Did you know that the Clivia has gone crazy now? It is also called Green Gold Bar. However, it is still crazy in Changchun.

If you want to make money, it's too easy. As long as you go to the east end of the Clivia market to buy seedlings and then sell them to the west end, you will be rich.

What exactly is the situation? In fact, the thing is like this. Since the 1980s, several major Clivia markets in Changchun have been located near Changchun Station, Chaoyang Park, Laoquanlou, Guangfu Road, Yongchun Road, Hongqi Street, Wanbao Street, Qinghua Road, etc. There are many people in the market holding cash to buy Clivia.

At this time, the opening up began and the attitude of the people in Changchun became more and more clear: they supported the masses to make a fortune from Clivia, and each household should plant at least 3 to 5 plants.

On October 10, Clivia became the city flower of CC. Subsequently, Changchun authorities held a press conference to cancel all original "price limit orders." The city's grand vision is to use Clivia to develop the economy and earn foreign exchange.

Finally, a bright political spring has arrived for Clivia, which is so popular in the market.

Soon after the publication of "Changchun Clivia Weekly", the front page headline quoted Chen Muhua, the then State Councilor: Vigorously develop the flower industry.

With the recognition from the hungry authorities, various Clivia economic entities have opened one after another, and rumors of sky-high price Clivia are endless.

The highest price someone has ever sold for a clivia is 5 yuan, and some of my friends have sold it for more than yuan a pot.

A figure that can be used as a reference is that the price of buildings in Changchun at that time was about 280 yuan per square meter.

It's completely crazy now: because some people lost their heads for Clivia

During this period, Clivia was known as "green gold".

Someone once carefully compared the two and found that the price of the best Clivia has exceeded the price of gold.

The city is going crazy. People from the Forty-Nine Cities will come to the Periwinkle Exhibition in person; many people from above point to the great prospects of getting rich by raising Clivia; TV programs use Clivia in the title sequence; 13 pages of the calendar cover are full of color photos of Clivia; cigarettes, soaps, clothing , furniture and other products are all hurriedly marked with Clivia patterns or words.

Capital went crazy. In just a few dozen days, ten major companies and 40 flower and tree shops appeared in Changchun, and countless branches and subsidiaries expanded to other provinces and cities. At the peak, more than 5000 people went to various places to hold Clivia exhibitions, going back and forth. All by plane!

Companies are going crazy. The Changchun Machinery Factory called on its employees to take the Clivia road to get rich, and more than 1700 employees in the factory started raising their own food. The Changchun Washing Machine Factory invested hundreds of thousands of yuan and built a 600-square-meter sky greenhouse on the roof of the office building!

Art is crazy. Singers Wang Jieshi and Xie Lisi showed off their voices for Clivia; painter Fan Zeng painted for Clivia; writer Wan Yixuan wrote poems for Clivia; calligrapher Qi Gong wrote inscriptions for Clivia; master Hou Baolin said cross talk for Clivia.

Other places are going crazy. A positive example is that a TV station in Xiangjiang provided free advertising for Clivia in Changchun. The island country requested that Changchun hold another Clivia exhibition and let them participate.

Society went crazy. According to statistics from the Changchun Industrial and Commercial Department at the time, as many as 40 people walked into Changchun's Clivia markets every day, accounting for one-fifth of the city's population. This did not include people who were operating in the streets without a license.

In the market, Cantonese, Hokkien, Hunanese, and Shanghainese are spoken!

The family went crazy. A technician from the Jilin Provincial Agricultural Machinery Department had two pots of orchids at home. When his brother came to snatch them, he killed the hostess!

More ordinary citizens spent their meager salaries and great enthusiasm to enjoy the magnificence of those years.

Behind the madness lies the incalculable turnover of the Changchun Clivia market in a year.

Official statistics put it at 1700 million yuan per year, but this figure, based on total tax payments, may be far lower than the actual figure.

Of course, Liu Haizhong and Xu Damao knew about such a good opportunity to make money. The entire Forty-Nine City was also very enthusiastic about Clivia. Xu Damao was running this matter, but when Xu Damao was speechless, this Clivia was really not good. alley.

Not even Director Li can do anything about it.

"Second uncle, it is really impossible to get Clivia. I don't know if you have heard of it. Last time, a person from a certain place went to Changchun with a few submachine guns to buy Clivia. That's it. None of these people have it. Get the clivia.”

"So difficult?" Liu Guangfu was surprised.

"Everyone knows that it will make money, and it will make a lot of money, so no one will let it go, so we can't touch this Clivia." Xu Damao sighed one after another.

"Then let's go to the video parlor. You don't know, not to mention Silly Pillar, even the video parlor that is awesome makes a lot of money in a day. It's packed with people.

We can also copy it directly. A video recorder is not much money. As long as Brother Damao can get a video tape with Xiangjiang, then the business will definitely be good. Liu Guangtian said hehey.

"Yes, yes, my wife and I sell tickets for our family. All you need is a salary of a few hundred yuan a month." Liu Guangfu said quickly. "Hey, I'm talking about Guangfu, are you interesting? You and your wife are cutting off the things I brought up. Isn't this very interesting to you?" After saying that, Liu Guangtian looked at his father and said, "Dad, I brought up this matter. Yes, so the ticket sellers must be me and my wife, not Guangfu and his family."

"Liu Guangtian, stop being shameless. Do you need to raise it? Dad, don't you know how to read it? Who are you? If you raise it, it must be you and your husband. Go away." Liu Guangfu immediately retorted.

"Boy, are you looking for death?" Looking at Liu Guangfu, Liu Guangtian immediately became unhappy.

"Why, you still want to hit me, come on, come on." Liu Guangfu also acted like a bachelor.

"Okay, stop arguing. Damao is still here. What are you doing to make people laugh?" Liu Haizhong cursed loudly.

At this time, Xu Damao laughed heartily: "Guangtianguangfu, you two are too short-sighted. You are greedy when you see Banggeng opening a video parlor and making a little money. That is only earned by disabled people." We are not disabled people when we need food money, so we have to make more money than them and be better than them."

"Oh." Liu Haizhong knew Xu Damao very well. He knew that as long as Xu Damao said this, he must have found some good business, so Liu Haizhong quickly asked: "Da Mao, do you have any good business?"

"Haha...!" Xu Damao smiled slightly: "I have a technology business, I wonder if the second uncle is interested."

"Technology business?" Liu Haizhong asked in surprise, "What technology?"

"Water-to-oil technology." Xu Damao said calmly.

"Water turns into oil?" As soon as these words came out, the Liu family was collectively horrified.

In the 1950s and 1960s, ours was still an "oil-poor country." Because the production of gasoline is insufficient, most of the buses in Sijiucheng have been converted into "gas buses."

Later, we had the Daqing Oilfield, and the label of being an oil-poor country was removed. The buses in the four and nine cities no longer had gas buses, but we were still an oil-deficient country until the mid-1990s.

Someone took a bus to Jiangbei, Chongqing for business.

When passing the Hongqihegou bus station, we happened to catch up with the traffic jam.

At that time, there happened to be a long-distance bus parked next to the bus that everyone was riding. The passengers on the bus were bored, so they stretched their necks curiously and talked about the "big bag" on the roof of the opposite bus.

What do you think it does? It is said to be used for long-distance passengers to store their luggage, but this "big bag" looks soft, and the stuff inside does not look like luggage, but like some kind of gas.

At this time, a passenger from the north said that I had seen this kind of car with a "big head" in BJ when I was a child. The "big bag" on the roof of the car is a big black bag containing "gas".

At this time, another person said: That big black bag contains "natural gas".

Everyone laughed and thought they were talking nonsense. Nowadays, gas tanks are used for cooking at home, and they often explode!

If a bus carries such a big bag, how many times the amount of gas stored in it should be that of a household gas tank? The degree of danger and "terrible" can be imagined.

However, after this kind of passenger bus has been around for decades, it seems that there has never been a serious explosion accident.

So, how could there be dangerous gases in there?

In fact, those cars with "bags on their heads" actually have "bags" filled with "dangerous gases", including "coal gas" and "natural gas".

The two "gas cars" are very similar on the surface, the only difference is that they are in different eras.

We have mentioned a question before, that is: Now that we have the Daqing Oilfield, we seem to have no shortage of oil. Why did we have to use this kind of gas-fired vehicles again in the 90s?

That's because oil is a very precious, non-renewable energy source, and every point used equals one point lost. Especially after opening up, the country has vigorously developed its economy and oil is used in many places.

It has been reported a long time ago that the current crude oil in the world is only enough for us to use until 2035.

Once oil resources are exhausted, our planes, ships and cars will no longer be able to run.

In order to save energy, research and promotion of "natural gas vehicles" began in the mid-1980s. The main pilot areas are Sichuan and Chongqing where I am located.

The Sichuan Basin is a place with very rich natural gas reserves. As a person from the Sichuan and Chongqing regions, the cars with big bags on the top that I saw when I was a child were naturally natural gas cars.

If there is a technological method that can turn water into oil, then you don’t have to think about it. This will definitely make a fortune. So when the Liu family and his son heard about the technology of turning water into oil, they were really excited. One light.

"Da Mao, please explain the matter clearly. What is the technology of turning water into oil?" Liu Haizhong looked at Xu Damao impatiently.

Xu Damao replied with a 'hmm': "This is what Director Li told me. He said that a professor in Harbin developed the "water-to-oil technology" which is called China's "fifth greatest invention". Now this professor is working around The touring performance will arrive in Sijiu City in a few days.

He invented a "water-based fuel" that can turn water into oil by simply adding a small amount of this high-tech fuel to the water.

Not only that, adding the "oil" generated by "water-based fuel" greatly improves the combustion efficiency, is more durable than ordinary diesel, and the gases emitted are environmentally friendly and pollution-free.

The most important thing is that the "water-based fuel" he invented and produced is low-cost and highly efficient, and will be particularly cost-effective when used on a large scale. "

"Is this possible?" After Xu Damao finished speaking, the fourth father and son of the Liu family showed unbelievable expressions. At this time, Xu Damao also laughed and said: "I don't believe it either, but he will come to Sijiucheng to perform. Director Li has already obtained the tickets for us, we won’t know if they are genuine or not until we see them with our own eyes.”

"Yes, we will find out if we see it ourselves. If it is true and we can get hold of this technology, we will definitely make a fortune." Liu Haizhong made a decision.

Xu Damao also nodded: "Director Li has already said that as long as it is true that the three of us will form a partnership, he will contribute 60% of the money, I will contribute 30%, and your family will contribute 10%. The three of us will directly contribute Once this technology was purchased, it would be difficult for the three of us to make a fortune at that time.”

(End of this chapter)

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