Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 690: Murderous Ghost Car

Chapter 690: Murderous Ghost Car (5)
Due to time issues, Lu Yingying did not check the BMW's microcomputer. When the BMW was pulled to the municipal bureau's evidence warehouse, she took out her laptop and checked the car's microcomputer, and found that the microcomputer had been hacked.

Lu Yingying used a signal tracker to track who had hacked into the car's microcomputer. However, she tracked it for a long time and could not find the hacker's IP address because the hacker's IP address was encrypted. If she wanted to crack its password, she would have to use the best super computer at the moment. Computer calculations will take a year, not to mention that after cracking, the hacker may not be found because he can use public wireless networks to commit crimes, so this approach is not feasible.

Lu Yingying expected this result. If she wanted to invade other people's computers, although she could leave traces, it would be absolutely impossible for the other party to find her IP address, just like former US Secretary of State Hillary's email was hacked. , the intruding hacker has not yet been found.The United States' network technology is the most powerful in the world. They can't find the hacker's IP address, let alone Lu Yingying?
The only way is to find out who has the motive to kill, because the hacker may not be the murderer, but may just be an accomplice. As long as you have money, there is no problem in hiring a hacker to hack into the car's microcomputer.If the hacker is hired from abroad, after completing the task, collecting the money, and then escaping back to the country, it will be difficult to find him. Therefore, the best way is to find out who has the motive to kill.

Lu Yingying checked the surveillance video through the route Zeng Chunhui walked and found that he came out of the back door of Lin'an Hotel.Lu Yingying reported the situation to Jiang Yiming. Jiang Yiming asked Xiao Ke and Wu Jiang to go to Lin'an Hotel to check who Zeng Chunhui had contacted before his death. The murderer might have followed Zeng Chunhui. Only then did he know the time and route he went home at that time, and then call him again. Phone hacker, tell him to do it.

Wu Jiang and Xiaoke came to the lobby of Lin'an Hotel and asked the manager on duty to check the surveillance video after midnight on November 11. The manager took them to the monitoring room and explained the situation to the administrator. The administrator said that the monitor in the lobby It broke on November 17. He called the technicians at the computer store to repair it. They said that the employees were on vacation, but they waited until November 11 to repair it. Therefore, there is no surveillance video of the lobby at that time.

How could it be such a coincidence?Could it be done by hackers again?It can hack into the microcomputer of a BMW, and of course it can also hack into the monitoring system in the hotel lobby. Therefore, they judged that this should be the reason why the hackers started in advance.

But this was not a problem for them, because in addition to the lobby, the hotel also had 75 surveillance cameras, so Wu Jiang asked the administrator to pull up the surveillance video of the parking lot and watch it.

The administrator pulled up the video from the parking lot and let Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke watch it. The video showed that at 11:16:22 on November 01, Zeng Chunhui walked into the Lin'an Hotel and never came out again. For more than two hours, Where did Zeng Chunhui go?

Wu Jiang asked the administrator to check the elevator video and found that he, two waiters and a man walked into the Jinshui Restaurant on the second floor.He walked out of the restaurant again at 17:00:05 on the 05th, which meant that Zeng Chunhui and the others went to the restaurant for supper.There was no surveillance video of Jinshui Restaurant in the monitoring room. Wu Jiang and Xiaoke walked out of the monitoring room and came to Jinshui Restaurant.

They reviewed the surveillance video of Jinshui Restaurant and found that Zeng Chunhui was drinking with two waiters and Tang Dazong. The two men each drank a bottle of 53% liquor. Wu Jiang truly admired Zeng Chunhui's drinking capacity.

However, it may have been drinking that killed Zeng Chunhui, because alcohol numbs the mind and dulls the senses, so it is impossible to distinguish between the sound of the car and the sound of the wind.Judging from the surveillance video of the first slide, Zeng Chunhui's reaction was very sensitive, worthy of being a security captain, so he escaped.But the second time he slipped down the slope, he was too slow to react.

The waiter said it was Tang Dazong's treat, and the two waiters and Zeng Chunhui were just accompanying the guests. They often ate and drank at Jinshui Restaurant, and almost drank a bottle of liquor every time.Wu Jiang felt that Tang Dazong was suspicious, because if he did not invite Zeng Chunhui to drink, the car might not be able to kill Zeng Chunhui.

Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke came to the manager's office of the housekeeping department again. Tang Dazong knew that they were from the criminal police team of the city bureau and was a little confused: "Two police officers, are you looking for me?" he asked while asking them to sit down.

"Yes, we are here for Zeng Chunhui's case."

"Case? Isn't the case closed? Is it something extraneous?"

"Yes, this is not a simple traffic accident, but a man-made murder. Therefore, we are here to understand the situation from you, and you must tell the truth."

"That's for sure. I know some legal knowledge." His voice was loud and his attitude was sincere.

"Excuse me, why did you invite Zeng Chunhui to drink on the night of November 11?"

"Well, we often invite each other here and there. He and I both like drinking and chatting, so there is no special reason." He spoke slowly, as if thinking about how to prevent them from seeing the flaw.

"Where did you go after you drank?"

"I...I took a taxi home after drinking that day. I live in Lishui Community."

"You are telling a big lie. Who do you think we are? Let me tell you, we have checked the surveillance video and saw that after you paid the bill, you went to the parking lot to pick up the car and then left with two waitresses. Why did you lie? "Wu Jiang was a little angry.

"I'm sorry, I... I was afraid that I would be detained or fined for drunk driving, so I could only lie." He lowered his head and looked at the floor, looking very sorry.

"We are not traffic police, we are not here to investigate drunk driving, we are here to investigate homicide cases. You clearly know that there is a big difference in the division of labor between criminal police and traffic police. Why are you still lying? Where did you drive? I warn you, don't do this this time Lie again, there are surveillance cameras everywhere you pass." "To be honest, it's like this. I drove Ali to get off at Qingshan Community, and then took Ahong to Linjiang Hotel to check out a room, and slept until the third day. I didn't wake up until 10 o'clock the next morning. It wasn't until that night that I learned that my good friend Zeng Chunhui was hit by a car and died... Alas, I didn't expect that his life would be so short. If I had known this, I would never invite him to drink. My good intentions were struck by lightning. I was so worried that Feng Yu would hold me accountable. I didn't even dare to attend Zeng Chunhui's funeral. I'm sorry for him..." His eyes turned red.

"What's the point of pursuing financial responsibility? I'm afraid that if you are held criminally responsible, you can just wait to be summoned by the court. What are the names of Ali and Ahong?" Wu Jiang did not like him, a drunkard and pervert who harmed others. He was so polite that he took his waiters to book a room and ruined other people's families.

"The names are Du Xiaoli and Li Xiuhong. They are still at work. If you don't believe me, you can ask them. I really didn't do anything illegal, let alone murder my friend Zeng Chunhui." His eyes were full of anxiety.

"We are definitely going to investigate. What they said may not count, because they may perjure themselves for you."

"No way, they are all honest people, how dare they perjure themselves for me?"

Wu Jiang did not answer him, stood up and walked out of his office with Xiao Ke, and went to the 8th floor to find Du Xiaoli.She didn't work at the bar. I don't know where she went.Wu Jiang just wanted to call her cell phone, but she came out of the toilet in the duty room.

"Boss, which room would you like to stay in? How can I help you?" Her voice was very thin and sharp, which sounded a bit harsh and very distinctive.

"I'm sorry, we are from the criminal police team of the city bureau, here to investigate the case. After midnight on November 11th, did you take Tang Dazong's car to go home?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"Nothing, where are you sitting?"

"Sit in the back seat near the right door."

"Did you see Tang Dazong calling someone else?"

"No, it was so late. He wouldn't call anyone else because Li Xiuhong was afraid that Tang Dazong's wife would call, so she turned off his cell phone."

"So, you also know about the ambiguous relationship between him and Li Xiuhong?"

"Of course, Li Xiuhong and I are best friends, best friends who talk about everything."

"What time did you get off the bus and go home?"

"It was 12:25. When I got off the car, I looked at my watch. Because Manager Tang drank a lot of wine, he was afraid that the traffic police would check the car, so he drove the car very slowly. After I got off the car, I saw him and Li Xiuhong going to Linlin. I drove towards Jiang Hotel, and after watching them go away, I went home because I was worried that something would happen to them."

Wu Jiang felt that she was not lying.If this is the case, at least Tang Dazong has no chance to call hackers, and there is no way to invade the microcomputer of the car involved in the accident. Therefore, Tang Dazong can basically rule out suspicion.Of course, they had to go back to the team and ask Lu Yingying to check Tang Dazong's route to prevent them from perjuring him.

Cases of different natures require different investigation methods. Because the Zeng Chunhui case was committed by remote control, and the murderer probably hired a hacker, it is not the best way to find the suspect from Zeng Chunhui’s mobile phone call records, because the person who called the most frequently is not the best method. Must be the murderer.Therefore, we can only find out who had the greatest motive for killing Zeng Chunhui through the words of his relatives and friends.

Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting came to Building 16 of Guilin Community and knocked on Room 402. Before coming, Jiang Yiming had already called Feng Yu, so Feng Yu quickly opened the door and invited them in, telling them not to take off their clothes. Shoes, her eyes filled with gratitude.

"Ms. Feng, we did a scene restoration and found that Zeng Chunhui was murdered, so we came to ask you about the situation..."

(End of this chapter)

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