Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 689: Murderous Ghost Car

Chapter 689: Murderous Ghost Car (4)
Lei Ming accompanied her to review the surveillance video of November 11. The video showed that at 10:11 on November 10, Zeng Chunhui walked toward home along Yixian Road, and at 22:10:22, a white BMW appeared. The car automatically started and drove forward. Zeng Chunhui heard the friction between the wheels and the road. He looked back and was so frightened that he quickly ran away. The BMW passed him...

If he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have been knocked down, and he would have been killed or injured.In the end, the BMW hit a willow tree 50 meters away. Because both sides of Yixian Road are covered with tall willow trees, the BMW did not hit the house next to it.

After Lei Ming watched the video, he also felt a little strange. The two incidents that happened to Zeng Chunhui were unbelievable. The cars involved in both incidents were BMW X5s. The first time was white and the second time was black.The owner of the white BMW is named Ji Congjun and he also lives in the small town of Wolong.

"Captain Lei, how can such a coincidence happen in the world? It's as incredible as a meteorite killing someone." She looked at him expectantly.

"This kind of thing also happens. For example, when a vehicle is crossing the railway, it suddenly stalls, and the driver has no time to escape, and is hit and killed by the train; there are also people who are hit and fly into trees and their bodies are not found. In short, I have seen many strange traffic accidents. ." Although Lei Ming knew that the probability of the two slips happening to Zeng Chunhui was extremely small, he wanted to dispel the idea of ​​Feng Yu's murder theory.

"Impossible! Captain Lei, it's okay if you don't help me. After all, you have a heavy workload, but I will go to the criminal police team to handle it. When the time comes, don't blame me for disrupting your work, overturning your verdict, and refuting Your face." She still hoped that he would investigate again.

"This is a matter of right and wrong in work. The question we ask the people is 'if there is something, correct it, if there is nothing, encourage it.' There is no face to be said, just like I still caught my brother for drunk driving."

Feng Yu walked out of Lei Ming's office in despair. She called Feng Jun and told him her thoughts. He said that she could go to the Municipal Bureau's Criminal Police Team to find Jiang Yiming.Feng Yu received Feng Jun's support, her confidence doubled, and she felt better. Only then did she realize that she was hungry and hurried home to cook.

The next day, Feng Yu came to Jiang Yiming's office, explained the situation to him in detail, and asked them to open a case for investigation.Jiang Yiming thought for a while and said: "This matter is suspicious, but we cannot file a case without any evidence. I will contact Lei Ming first and see what he says."

"He will definitely not dig his own ground. I have already said that he does not agree to re-investigate, so I am here to beg you." Feng Yu was a little disdainful.

"I came to him to check their original information, on-site investigation and the vehicle involved in the accident, not to ask for his opinion. Because our perspectives are different, the judgment results will be different." Jiang Yiming has a way to prove that this is A traffic accident or a murder.

The traffic police do not think as deeply as they do, and they do not have as many methods as they do. It is difficult to detect hidden murders in traffic accidents, especially the traffic police. Even if someone suspects it, they have no better method.

"Thank you! Captain Jiang, with your words, I feel at ease. You are really..." She was so excited that her hands were shaking and she was speechless, just like her savior.

"It is our bounden duty to restore the truth. Every life is priceless. Even if a dying centenarian is killed, we will do our best to arrest the murderer. However, don't be too excited. If the investigation results Just like the traffic police, don't be disappointed." Jiang Yiming saw the deep sadness in her eyes and felt pity, so his tone was particularly gentle.

"I believe you. As long as you go and investigate, I will be convinced. The No. 1 Major Crime Team is recognized by the people of the city as the elite."

After Feng Yu left, Jiang Yiming called Lei Ming and asked him to send over the traffic accident file on Yixian Road in the early morning of November 11. Lei Ming promised to send someone to send it immediately.An hour later, Jiang Yiming received the dossier.The information in the file is standardized and complete, including copied surveillance videos.

After Jiang Yiming spent a morning reading the file, he carefully sorted out every detail and felt that there was no problem with the traffic police team's judgment and that there was no issue of favoritism. However, the only suspicious thing was that both sliding incidents happened to Zeng Chunhui.Since there are doubts, we must pay attention to it. Life is extremely precious and cannot be desecrated!

Jiang Yiming called everyone to a meeting, explained the situation to everyone, and asked them if they found anything strange?
"This could have been a masterstroke of murder."


"Needless to say? How could it be possible that the two landslides happened to the deceased?" Xiao Ke answered Zhou Ting.

"I also think this is a small probability event, indicating that the murderer came for Zeng Chunhui, and both times were on his way home from get off work. Both times he was in a BMW, which has to be suspicious." Wu Jiang said.

"Yingying, tell me, if Zeng Chunhui was murdered, how did the murderer do it?" Jiang Yiming saw Lu Yingying sitting there indifferently and didn't want to talk, so he asked her.

"First of all, the murderer knew that Zeng Chunhui passed by Yixian Road every day. Then, he remotely invaded the microcomputer system of the BMW car, released the handbrake, then started the car, rushed towards Zeng Chunhui, knocked him down, and ran him over to death. Of course, this murderer is a Level [-] hacker, which is no small matter."

“What skills do Level [-] hackers possess?”

“Those who can find vulnerabilities, find 0days by themselves, and write exploits to exploit vulnerabilities; do protocol testing on the system to discover vulnerabilities… There are less than 1000 such people in the country. They are very powerful hackers and can invade the firewalls of government departments at will. "Then what level of hacker are you?" Zhou Ting asked curiously.

"I am not a hacker, I am a hacker. I serve the country and the people. Calling me a hacker is an insult to me. I seriously protest!" she replied with a smile.

"What about Wen Xiaorou?" Zhou Ting asked.

"Are you attracted to her and want her to take my job?"

"Stop! It's a meeting now. We won't talk about personal issues. I surrender first." Zhou Ting quickly raised his hands. He knew how powerful she was, and he was no match for her in a verbal spat.

Jiang Yiming smiled when he saw the two bickering: "How can we prove that this is a murder case?"

"If the BMW is controlled by a hacker and the car is heading towards Zeng Chunhui, then the car's driving route will be changed, that is, the remote control steering wheel. As long as we bring the accident vehicle to the scene for testing, we will see if it works under normal circumstances. Is the slope route the same as the route that killed Zeng Chunhui? If it is the same, it is not murder, otherwise, it must be murder." Lu Yingying said with confidence.

"Yingying is still smart. I haven't come up with this solution after thinking for a long time. You can solve the problem in a few seconds." Jiang Yiming gave her a thumbs up. "We started taking action. Unfortunately, Zeng Chunhui's body has been cremated. Otherwise, Luo Jin could prove whether Zeng Chunhui drank alcohol or took drugs, so it would be impossible to know why he did not respond to the sound of the car."

"Captain Jiang, there was a typhoon that day." Wu Jiang reminded him.

"But the sound of a vehicle moving is different from the sound of the wind."

"Whether you drink alcohol or take drugs can be investigated," Wu Jiang said.

Jiang Yiming nodded, called everyone to adjourn, and walked out of the conference room with everyone.

Wu Jiang, Xiao Ke and Lu Yingying first went to the traffic police team to inspect the car. Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting went to the Provincial Wind Energy Research Institute to borrow an electric fan. Since there were very few electric fans that could produce level 10 winds, they had no choice but to borrow them.

After the director learned about the situation, he supported them and asked the workers to lend them an electric fan with a diameter of 2 meters and a weight of 300 kilograms.

This electric fan is divided into three gears, the first gear of the blades is 4000 rpm; the second gear is 6000 rpm; the third gear is 8000 rpm.It can simulate strong winds of level 8 to level 10, and they also have electric fans that can simulate winds of level 11 to level 13. However, we didn’t borrow them because we couldn’t use them.

The workers loaded the electric fan onto a pickup truck and transported it to the accident site on Yixian Road. They then moved the fan out of the truck and fixed it in place.Jiang Yiming went to find a power source nearby. Because the electric fan has a power of 5000 watts, some people's wires may not be able to bear it.

Jiang Yiming found a power source in a small restaurant. When the boss heard that they were from the criminal police team of the city bureau, he was very enthusiastic and came to help pull the power cord. He did not charge them for the electricity bill and also brought them mineral water.

Lei Ming personally drove a tow truck and towed Wu Yixiong's BMW to the spot where it was parked at that time, accurate to decimeters. Because the traffic police took photos and videos of the parking space during the inspection, it was possible to achieve such accuracy. The more accurate it is, the more precise it is. The more scientific it is.Lei Ming has this attitude, which shows that he is an open-minded person.

After parking the car, Jiang Yiming asked the workers of the Wind Energy Research Institute to turn on the electric fan, adjust it to the third gear, and blow air at the rear of the BMW. Five minutes later, the BMW slowly started and began to drive forward, speeding up. It was coming faster and faster, and when it was 5 meters away from the original spot, the car hit a willow tree on the left.

In order to make a more scientific judgment, they pulled the car back to the original position and continued to use an electric fan to blow air on the rear of the car. As a result, the car still hit a 20-meter willow tree.In this way, they tested it five times in a row, and the car hit the same willow tree all the time, which proved that Lu Yingying's conclusion was valid.

Zeng Chunhui died of murder!Therefore, the No. 1 Serious Crime Team launched an investigation into the traffic accident.

Jiang Yiming asked Lei Ming to pull the car to the municipal bureau's evidence warehouse and wait for investigation.When Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting went to the Wind Energy Research Institute to borrow an electric fan, Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke inspected the car and found no suspicious traces in the cab.

(End of this chapter)

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