Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 661 Corpses floating on the sea

Chapter 661 Corpses floating on the sea (2)
This day was chosen by Jiang Yiming's mother, Xiang Chengying. She specially spent 500 yuan to hire a Feng Shui master to tell the Feng Shui master the birth dates of Jiang Yiming and Song Wanqing, and asked him to choose an auspicious day.Feng Shui calculated their birthdays and believed that August 2017 of the lunar calendar in 8 was the most suitable day for an engagement. With the consent of both parents, they held an engagement ceremony in the Peony Hall of the Weimei Hotel on the evening of October 24, 2017. Banquet.

Neither Jiang Yiming nor Song Wanqing likes to be high-profile. The two parties together invited only 20 people. Jiang Yiming invited everyone from the No. 1 Major Crime Team, as well as Fang Lihua and Xi Qiandu, including himself, a total of 9 people.Song Wanqing invited two best friends, one was Gu Feifei, the other was Liang Linhong, and the other two were the principal of her school and female colleagues.

Song Wanqing's father Song Xiaobo and mother Li Weihong are indispensable. They have long urged Song Wanqing to get married as soon as possible, and they can't wait to handle their engagement and wedding.Jiang Yiming's father Jiang Shan and mother Xiang Chengying must also be present, as well as Jiang Yiming's uncle and second uncle.

Jiang Shan was originally a worker at the city's fertilizer factory. Later, the fertilizer factory moved to the remote town of Wuqi. He did not follow the factory to Wuqi Town, but opened a fertilizer store in the suburbs of Jiangbei District. It turned out to be a sales department of the fertilizer factory. , later the fertilizer factory was converted into private ownership, and the fertilizer store he opened was also converted into private ownership.

Since 1991, he has been running a fertilizer store until last year, when he transferred the store to others because he is 62 years old this year. After Xiang Chengying got married, he and Jiang Shan guarded the fertilizer store together and retired this year. Although it seems that The days at the store were long and boring, but risk-free.

Ordinary days, stable income, and frugal life allowed them to save two to three million yuan. They originally planned to buy Jiang Yiming a wedding house, but Jiang Yiming didn't want their money because he also saved millions of yuan. It was enough for him to pay the down payment for a house in the city. After getting married, he and Song Wanqing's salary was enough to pay the monthly payment.

What Jiang Shan and Xiang Chengying are most proud of is raising a son who is a criminal police captain. Jiang Yiming is a hero in the hearts of the citizens, and Jiang Shan and Xiang Chengying have become the parents of heroes. Therefore, their sense of accomplishment is like a sailing ship in the wind. Especially when Jiang Yiming was able to marry the daughter of the city prosecutor, he felt like he was about to fly.

The only thing that made them feel inadequate was that Jiang Yiming was too busy at work and rarely went home to reunite with them. He also delayed getting married and having children, missing a lot of family happiness. If Jiang Yiming and Song Wanqing had children early, they were prepared to raise their grandchildren together. Grow up and send your grandson to the best school.Therefore, as soon as they met Jiang Yiming, they asked him when he would get married and when he would have children. They waited until the flowers withered.

This engagement banquet was very enjoyable. Everyone drank a lot of wine. The men became passionate, the women became charming, the elders were extremely loving, and the atmosphere was unprecedentedly beautiful and harmonious.Jiang Shan and Xiang Chengying bought a diamond necklace worth 68888 yuan for Song Wanqing as an engagement gift, and put it around her neck.She smiled from ear to ear when she saw Song Wanqing's appearance, extraordinary temperament, and gentle and elegant personality.

The engagement banquet ended at 9pm, and the elders all went home. Xiaoke shouted to Jiang Yiming to invite them to karaoke, and Jiang Yiming immediately agreed.They haven't sung for half a year, and their voices are rusty.Wu Jiang said he was going home to teach his daughter homework and left first.

So, Jiang Yiming, Xiao Ke, Zhou Ting, Luo Jin, Lu Yingying, Song Wanqing, Gu Feifei, and Liang Linhong, a total of four men and four women, went to the singing hall on the fifth floor of the Weimei Hotel to sing.This is a carnival night. Everyone drinks, sings and laughs to their heart's content. The atmosphere is more lively than the Chinese New Year.The night was already fading, but the music and singing were still going on. The handsome men and women sang until one o'clock in the morning before going home.

Jiang Yiming and Song Wanqing went to sleep in her bachelor's apartment at the university.This was the first time he came to sleep in her boudoir. He was drunk by everyone, his eyes were blurred, and he was in a daze. He didn't know what her boudoir was like. As soon as he arrived in her boudoir, he fell down and fell asleep. .

Song Wanqing's personality is gentle and reserved, and she is not as bold and upright as Jiang Yiming. Therefore, when others offer her a drink, she always orders it with the excuse of poor drinking capacity. Although it is rare to have such a carnival in life, both of them cannot get drunk, otherwise Who helps whom?In fact, her drinking capacity is no worse than Jiang Yiming's. She plays chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, and wine. This is the standard for a talented woman. How can she drink less?

Song Wanqing brought hot water, washed Jiang Yiming's face and feet while he was sleeping, took off his clothes and pants, folded them neatly, and placed them on the coffee table. Then she went to take a shower. After washing, a deep sleepiness came over her. , so he took off his clothes, lay down next to Jiang Yiming and fell asleep.

The next day, Jiang Yiming woke up and saw Song Wanqing dressing up in the mirror. Her thin and transparent pajamas revealed her curvy figure. The morning light shone on her face through the screen window, coating her with a layer of golden light, as if she was in the holy light. fairy.

Jiang Yiming got up, couldn't help but walked behind her, gently wrapped his hands around her waist, and then moved up... She felt his hot body throbbing. She half-closed her eyes and said, "Mr. Have you forgotten what we are going to do today?”

"No, we agreed to go to Jindao today."

"So, I want to save some energy to swim and climb mountains..." Jiang Yiming understood what she wanted to say, so he turned her head and kissed her pink lips. After a few seconds, he moved away and then went While taking a bath, the sound of rushing water came from the bathroom. This was the first time she heard such sound of water in the boudoir, and she felt a different feeling and throbbing in her heart.

Jindao is located in the northeast of the city, 50 kilometers away from the urban area.At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the British discovered gold mines on the island, so they hired a large number of local farmers to pan for gold. It took them five years to dig out all the gold mines on the island. It is said that 11 tons of gold mines were dug out and shipped. Going to Britain, the Qing government was corrupt and incompetent, and no one dared to stand up to stop this crazy plunder.

The most outrageous thing is that because of the poor conditions at that time, the British regarded Chinese lives as nothing. During the gold panning process, 159 people were killed due to accidents or beatings. The local people organized themselves and prepared to discuss explanations with the British. , as a result, because the government was afraid of offending the British, the leaders of the masses who were preparing to cause trouble were arrested and imprisoned.

That happened between 1860 and 1864, just after the Second Opium War, when the Qing government was at its most decadent and corrupt. Apart from ceding land everywhere to pay compensation, it had no ability or will to resist.After liberation, in order not to forget the shame of the year, the government built a gold mining museum on Jindao. The museum displayed labor scenes of the laborers' suffering and black-and-white photos of dead workers.

Jindao has a total area of ​​5.2 square kilometers, and 101 tunnels have been dug into the island. Before 2000, there were still some people who illegally mined gold in the tunnels with very low content, and 19 thieves were caught by the city bureau. After 2000, the Provincial Tourism Bureau began to develop the island's tourism resources and publicly invited bids from the public. A company named Yuelu won the bid.

Yuelu Tourism Development Company cooperated with Hong Kong's Mingyue Tourism Company and invested 5 million yuan to develop Jindao and utilize all 101 lanes. 50 of them were built into standard guest rooms, with a total of 600 rooms, because the lanes are warm in winter and warm in summer. The coolness has attracted many citizens who are unwilling to travel far to come for sightseeing and accommodation.

Jiang Yiming and Song Wanqing have never been to Jindao. Song Wanqing likes the sea more than the mountains, so when she talks about traveling, she first thinks of rivers and lakes, not famous mountains and rivers. Confucius said: The benevolent enjoys mountains, and the wise enjoy water.I don’t know whether Song Wanqing is a benevolent person or a wise person, maybe she is both.

They took the ferry to Jindao and checked in at the reception center.After registering, the waiter took the two to room 05 of the "Golden Turtle Cave".The cave is very large, about 12 meters wide and more than 100 meters deep. The lights inside are bright, like daylight, and the decoration is very gorgeous, just like a subway station. If you don't come in through the entrance of the cave, you won't know you are in the cave.

The 50 caves are all connected and radiate outward in a fan shape. The Golden Turtle Cave is just one of them. The bottom of the fan is a small shopping mall with all kinds of goods. There is no air conditioning in the cave because the sea breeze passes through each cave entrance, bringing... Infinitely refreshing.

Song Wanqing liked this place very much. She opened the room with the key card and saw a waterfall flowing down from the glass wall and then into the sea through the sewer. The small waterfall pumped water from the sea into the room, which made the room cooler and more dynamic. .

Song Wanqing couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "The waterfall is halfway up the sky, flying and falling to the world. Don't say that this pool is small, shaking Kuanglu Mountain."

Jiang Yiming had never heard of this poem and didn't know who wrote it, but he was naturally very pleased to see her happy and excited: "Seeing you being surprised by a small waterfall like a little girl, I feel even more responsible to protect you. lifetime."

"Ms. sir, I not only want you to protect me for the rest of my life, but I also want you to love me for the rest of my life, okay?" After that, she walked towards him gracefully, almost in front of him, suddenly jumped on her feet, opened her hands, like a little girl It flew into his chest like a bird, and wrapped its limbs tightly around him. He fell down on the bed, and the two of them rolled on the bed...

Early the next morning, the door to their room was knocked open by a waiter. Because the manager of the reception center knew Jiang Yiming and knew that he was from the city's criminal police team, he sent a waiter to knock on the door.Jiang Yiming felt strange. Why did the waiter knock on the door before check-out time?

(End of this chapter)

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