Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 660 Corpses floating on the sea

Chapter 660 Corpses floating on the sea (1)
After the golden holiday, citizens began to go to work normally. Lin Lihua was discharged from the hospital. Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting came to her home again. Cheng Xianguang went to work, and she was the only one at home.Her spirit is much better than last time. Maybe after escaping from death, she feels that life is better than before, so she should cherish it and live well.

She was very enthusiastic towards Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting. As soon as she saw them, she immediately took their hands and asked them to come into the house quickly.After they sat down, he went to the refrigerator to get honey to make tea for them to drink, and turned on the headlights that were rarely turned on to make the room brighter.

After finishing her work, she sat across from them with a smile and asked: "The two police officers I respect the most must have something to do when they came to my house today, right? My husband and I originally wanted to go to the Criminal Police Team to visit you, but we made The pennant is still finished, so we have to delay going for a few days.”

"You don't have to spend money. This is all our responsibility. We don't need the masses to sing praises. We don't like that too much."

"Yes, yes, must. You are my reborn parents and great benefactors. We husband and wife cannot make money, so we can only spend a small amount of money to make pennants to express our respect. Otherwise, I will be an ignorant person." A villain who knows how to repay kindness."

"Okay, it's up to you. We have something to ask you today, and you have to tell the truth."

"Oh, do you need to remind me? I am [-]% honest." Jiang Yiming felt that she was more eloquent than last time.

"You once said that you braked because you saw a snake crossing the road. However, after I checked the surveillance video of the road where the incident occurred, there was no snake crossing the road. Because the surveillance video was blurry, we also invited a police officer from Shandong Province. Experts have seen it and can say with absolute certainty: there was no snake crossing the road before you braked. Can you explain why you lied?"

"No, I didn't lie. I really saw a long and big snake crossing the road, so I braked." She felt very wronged and aggrieved.

"The expert we hired is called an eagle-eyed detective. He can tell not to mention a big snake crossing the road, but also an eel crossing the road." Jiang Yiming's tone became stern.

Lin Lihua was stunned for a moment, lowered his head and thought for a while and said: "Maybe... maybe my illness has recurred. Recently, I often have hallucinations in front of my eyes, and many ghosts and ghosts come to catch me... I often have nightmares at night, dreaming that I am being raped by demons. Throw him into a pond of snakes and be eaten by poisonous snakes bite by bite.”

"What's wrong with you?"

"The doctor said it was mild depression."

"Depression? I don't think you look like..." At this point, Jiang Yiming stopped, because he was not a psychiatrist, and he had no right to judge whether she seemed to have depression.

If she is really depressed, she will have hallucinations.The reasons for hallucinations in depression are as follows: First, hallucinations, depersonalization, derealization, obsessive-compulsive and phobic symptoms can occur during the attack.Caused by significant slowness in thinking and association and decline in memory.Second, there are many reasons for hallucinations, including central neuropathy, emotional influence, suggestion, amblyopia and hard of hearing, sensory deprivation, etc.

"If you don't believe me, I'll show you the medical record." After saying that, he stood up and walked to the bedroom. After a while, he handed a medical record to Jiang Yiming's hand.

Jiang Yiming couldn't understand the garbled text on the medical record. He could only understand that the medical record was from the Department of Psychiatry of the Second Provincial People's Hospital and the date of the medical record.

"We want to take this medical record with us, is it okay?"

"Okay, I don't think I need medical records anymore, because I am much happier than before." She replied with a smile. When she saw them preparing to leave, she stood up and walked them to the gate of the community to see them. After getting in the car, I turned around and went home.

Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting brought Lin Lihua's medical records to the Second Provincial Psychiatric Hospital and found Liao Jiangsheng, the outpatient doctor who treated Lin Lihua. Liao Jiangsheng was an old doctor who was about to retire. However, in order to stand at the last post, he worked every day They all go to work on time, patiently ask about the patient's condition, and formulate the best treatment plan for the patient.

Jiang Yiming knew Liao Jiangsheng because he and Wu Jiang often visited here.At this moment, there were no patients in the outpatient department, so Liao Jiangsheng asked them to sit down and talk.He moved the executive chair across from the simple sofa and asked Jiang Yiming what happened.

"Dr. Liao, we have a suspect who has been treated by you. Her name is Lin Lihua. Here is her medical record." Jiang Yiming handed him the medical record. "I want to know if she really has depression. ?Did you help her treat it?"

Liao Jiangsheng took the medical record and looked at it and said: "Yes, this is the patient I am treating. She has mild depression. I prescribed her medicines, such as fluoxetine, sertraline, Bolexin, etc., and called her You must face life positively and have an optimistic attitude. It is best to find a place of faith and hang out with positive people." "How long has she been suffering from depression?"

"It has been about half a year, but she only came to see me in early July. I asked her why she came to see a doctor so late. She said that her family had no money and she was not sure that she was sick. One day she suddenly became very irritable and even wanted to jump off the building. She committed suicide, but was discovered by her husband, who came with her for treatment."

“Does depression cause hallucinations?”

"Definitely. I often have hallucinations and auditory hallucinations. The main manifestations are depression, distress and sadness, and lack of interest. I feel pessimistic and hopeless, in unbearable pain, and feel that life is worse than death. Typical people have depression, with heavy day and light night. Often It coexists with anxiety. Secondly, the process of thinking and association is inhibited, and the reaction is slow, which is manifested as a reduction in active speech, a significant slowdown in speech speed, and laborious thinking. Under the influence of depression, self-evaluation is low, low self-esteem, and a sense of uselessness and worthlessness. , feeling that life is meaningless, pessimistic and world-weary, planning to commit suicide, etc.”

"What caused her depression?"

"This is the patient's privacy and cannot be leaked. However, you are the police and I must fulfill my duty as a citizen." She said that by chance half a year ago, passing by the Yuanhang Hotel, she found her husband going to the hotel with a young and beautiful girl. Girls book a room.

"An hour later, her husband came out with a happy smile on his face. She was extremely angry at the time and wanted to ask her husband who the girl was? However, she was afraid of divorce and even more afraid of losing her daughter, so she endured Zhu did not show her cards to her husband.

"Later, she stalked her husband whenever she had free time, and found out that he often interacted with this girl. They were intimate with each other and talked wildly. She really wanted to run up to the girl and slap the girl hard, but she didn't. I didn’t have the courage to take that step, so I kept all my troubles and anguish in my heart, and slowly, it finally developed into depression.”

"Does her husband know the cause of her illness now?"

"I don't know. I persuaded her several times to tell her husband frankly and honestly, but she didn't listen because once she said it, it would mean divorce. She is a person with low self-esteem and is afraid that no one will marry her after the divorce. She couldn’t bear to leave her daughter even more.”

"Doesn't her illness require hospitalization?"

"No need, I gave her medicine and took her to see a psychiatrist. Her condition is improving. If there is no painful thing to stimulate her, she will be cured after taking the medicine for another two months. Of course, she cannot be stimulated. Otherwise you will get sick again.”

"Who is her psychiatrist?"

"This is Dr. Wu Jian from our psychological consultation department. They are on the 18th floor. You can see it when you walk up. There is a patient coming to see a doctor. I have to go for consultation. I'm sorry, two police officers." He stood up and said to him Both apologized.

They left the outpatient department and went to the 18th floor to find Wu Jian. Wu Jian was treating patients. After seeing them, he asked them to wait in the office outside for a while, and he would finish soon.His office is a suite with a treatment room inside and an office outside.He is the vice president and the chief physician of the psychological counseling department, so he enjoys the office treatment of a suite.

A quarter of an hour later, Wu Jian and a female patient came out. After sending the patient away, he asked Jiang Yiming what he wanted from him.Jiang Yiming told Lin Lihua's situation and asked him if Lin Lihua really suffered from depression?Wu Jiang told him with certainty that Lin Lihua suffered from depression, and it was moderate depression, but after their treatment, he was almost cured.

Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting walked out of Wu Jian's office with confidence. Then, the snake Lin Lihua saw at that time must have been an illusion. Therefore, this traffic accident suspected of murder was over, just because Zhan Mei and Zhang Wen Zhang Wen will be sentenced to more than ten years in prison due to his paranoia, which is regrettable.

Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke also visited Xiang Xiaoyang. Her statement was completely consistent with Ding Qun's statement. At that time, Ding Qun did invite Xiang Xiaoyang to dinner and delivered a box of perfume to her store.She also has a crush on Ding Qun. Her only regret is that Ding Qun is not tall enough. Otherwise, she would have thrown herself into his arms without hesitation.

Because of Zhan Mei's unfounded actions, everyone was delayed during the National Day holiday. Fang Lihua specially approved a holiday for all the No. 1 Major Crime Team to make up for one week's holiday. Everyone was naturally happy, but they couldn't go far away for fear of what might happen. I can't come back if I have a case.

It turned out that Jiang Yiming and Song Wanqing planned to hold an engagement banquet on October 10st, and treat their parents and brothers from the crime team to a meal. However, the 1 case was delayed, so they planned to hold it on October 9th. Engagement wine.

(End of this chapter)

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