Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 628 Reappearance of Skeletons

Chapter 628 Reappearance of Skeletons (12)
"So, they could only buy my house at a high price. I hid the note left by my son and daughter-in-law in an empty wine box in the cellar. On the third day, they started calling two close friends to help demolish the house. , He Wendong and Chi Ye were also involved. After the house was demolished, they left. I went to the cellar to look, and found that the note had been taken away. I knew the fish was hooked.

"He Wendong and Chi Ye agreed that Chi Ye would take a shovel to dig my daughter-in-law's grave on the night of May 5, because it was Chi Ye who killed my daughter-in-law and buried her, and only he knew where she was buried. As a result, Chi Ye quickly I found my daughter-in-law’s grave, and after only two hours of digging, I found the diamond..."

"Wait a minute, did you follow Chi Ye and kill him with a dagger after you found out that he found the diamond?" Jiang Yiming interrupted her.He didn't believe she had that much strength, so he stabbed the dagger into Chi Ye's body and took away three diamonds.

"Captain Jiang, don't worry, listen to me slowly. How can I, an old and frail old woman, have the strength to stick a dagger into his body? I didn't kill Chi Ye, even though I really wanted to kill him with my own hands.

"After 5 pm on May 29, I saw Chi Ye moving towards Minghuang Valley in front of the computer. I knew he must be looking for diamonds, so I controlled the drone to take off and flew towards Minghuang Valley. I was studying As a motor professional, I bought a high-quality drone. After a year of modification, I installed an electronic eye with night vision function and a crossbow arrow on the drone.

"Of course, I started doing this work before I confirmed Chi Ye and He Wendong. Once I find the murderer, I will use the drone to fire poisonous arrows and kill them from a distance. When my drone flies over When we reached Devil's Peak, I found He Wendong following Chi Ye like a mantis. The two were less than 40 meters apart.

"I immediately realized that He Wendong would kill Chi Ye without me killing him because he wanted to take away the three diamonds from Chi Ye. So, my drone was a bystander. Of course, if He Wendong hadn't killed him I still have many chances to kill him, because his whereabouts are completely under my control, and he will die under my poisonous arrow sooner or later.

"As a result, I saw He Wendong quietly approaching Chi Ye and stabbing him in the back. Chi Ye was stunned for a moment. When he turned around and saw it was He Wendong, his eyes nearly flew out of his sockets and he was so angry. However, he was struck by He Wendong. Pushing, he fell face down and fell to the ground. He Wendong found a bag from his pocket. After opening it, he looked up to the sky and laughed: God shouldn't have killed me.

"I was snickering in front of the computer at home. In a few days, you will also report to the Lord of Hell like Chiye. Don't be too happy. I saw He Wendong get on a motorcycle after leaving Minghuang Valley and go back to him At home, I recalled the drone and slept soundly for 12 hours. I have never had such a good sleep since the death of my son and daughter-in-law.

"Because He Wendong is the murderer who killed and buried my son, only he knows the exact burial place, and Chi Ye does not. Of course, He Wendong does not know the place where Chi Ye buried my daughter-in-law, so they have to act separately.

"On the evening of June 6, I noticed that He Wendong's mobile phone was moving in the direction of Minghuang Valley. I knew that he must have gone to Minghuang Valley to dig diamonds, so I took off the drone and landed above Minghuang Valley to observe He Wendong's every move. A move.

"He took a strong flashlight and searched for only half an hour before he identified the place where my son was buried. I saw him digging up my son's bones piece by piece and placing them next to him. He finally searched for diamonds under my son's ribs. , because he knew that the diamond was swallowed by my son.

"This time he didn't find the diamonds as quickly as Chiye. He started digging at 24pm on the 10th and didn't find the diamonds until 25am on the 1th. He held the three diamonds tightly to his chest, raised his head and murmured to the sky After praying for a while, he put the diamond into the pocket of his sweatpants.

"After praying, he walked towards the White Water Falls. I flew the drone towards him. His ears were very sensitive. He noticed it before it even flew in front of him. He realized that something was very wrong, so he spread the word Spreading his legs and flying forward, you think, how can he outrun the drone?
“NASA’s X-43A drone was tested at Mach 10 supersonic speed at the Dryden Flight Research Center in California, USA. The results fully achieved the predicted results. It can support any corner of the earth within one hour. The drone I modified has a speed of 500 kilometers per hour, because I once considered that the murderer would escape or even drive away. Therefore, I had to replace the original engine and use my homemade engine.

"He was overtaken by my drone before he ran 100 meters. About 30 meters away from him, I pressed the remote control that fired the crossbow. The poisonous arrow accurately shot into his back, and he reached out to pull it out. He dropped the poisonous arrow on his back, but he fell down before he could finish it. Potassium cyanide truly deserves the reputation of the 'Lightning Death'."

Wu Mingxia's tone was calm from beginning to end, and her expression was calm, as if she was telling someone else's story. After finishing speaking, she seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and wait for Jiang Yiming's interrogation.

“Where did you buy the drone?”

"I bought it online for 12000 yuan. Money is of no use to a person who is about to die."

“Where does potassium cyanide come from?”

"There is a lot of potassium cyanide in the laboratory of our institute. I am the deputy director. Isn't it easy to get some potassium cyanide?" "What was the approximate height of the drone when it shot He Wendong?"

"It's about two meters. It's too high to aim, and too low to be pulled down by He Wendong."

"You are a Communist Party member and a May [-]st Medal winner. Why do you know the law and break it?"

"If I don't avenge my son and daughter-in-law, can you make the truth known to the world? If I don't cooperate with you, run to the beach, jump into the sea, and die in the belly of a fish, can you solve this case? This has nothing to do with whether I am a party member or not. , and has nothing to do with morality or law. In fact, I am doing a just cause that the law cannot help. Please don't talk to me about the law and send me to where I should go." Wu Mingxia stood up and waited for them to make a decision.

Jiang Yiming reported the situation to Fang Lihua and asked him what should be done?Fang Lihua said: When a prince breaks the law, he is as guilty as the common people.Take her to identify the scene and find the drone.

After Jiang Yiming hung up the phone, he put handcuffs on Wu Mingxia, took her to identify the scene, and salvaged the drone from the Tianjing Reservoir (the place where Qu Li lay flat on a bamboo raft and drifted to death in "Eye of the Devil") , after Wu Mingxia killed He Wendong that night, she flew the plane into the Tianjing Reservoir. She said this was called Niao Jin Gong Zang.

Then he went to her residence at No. 17 Huanglong Street, Yinhe Township, and moved the computer she used to the criminal police team.Lu Yingying checked the computer and all the data was recorded in the computer. Wu Mingxia did not deliberately destroy the data because she knew that one day the police would find her and she was willing to accept legal sanctions.

Jiang Yiming took the search warrant and led the No. 1 Crime Team to search He Wendong's home and company, and found three diamonds he had stolen from Chi Ye in his study safe.Jiang Yiming explained to Judy the process of He Wendong killing Chi Ye and stealing the diamond. When she found out, she covered her face and cried, almost not believing it was true.

Therefore, this complicated and confusing serial murder case was finally solved by the No. 1 Crime Team.However, Xiao Ke was not very happy: "Captain Jiang, if Wu Mingxia had not come to surrender, we might not be able to solve the case. I think this is not perfect."

"Nothing is perfect in the world. Don't get too entangled. Wu Mingxia has noticed that I have listed her as a suspect. If we hadn't been investigating day and night, how could we have regarded her as a suspect? Therefore, it is inevitable to solve this case. It has nothing to do with Wu Mingxia's surrender. Yingying, what do you think?"

"This case gave me the idea that people should not be too greedy, otherwise they will die. Secondly, they must educate their children well, otherwise, they will suffer for a lifetime."

"Then you hurry up and have a child, and raise the child to grow up and become a useful person to the country."

"Ask him -" Lu Yingying pointed at Xiao Ke with her right hand, covered her mouth with her left hand and laughed.

"How can you blame me for this? I do it all the time." Xiao Ke replied aggrievedly.

"I hate it, how dare you say such a thing in front of everyone." Lu Yingying swung her pink fist at Xiao Ke, and Xiao Ke quickly dodged. Everyone was fascinated by their cuteness, and laughter filled the entire conference room.They hadn't laughed so easily and happily for a long time.

Jiang Yiming fell into deep thought: Although Wu Mingxia killed He Wendong for revenge and would be severely punished by the law, without her, the six diamonds and the truth would be buried underground forever. Indirectly, she saved 6000 million for the country. It is a pity that the other six diamonds of horses, sheep, monkeys, chickens, dogs, and pigs have strayed overseas. I wonder when and what month will they be able to return to the embrace of the motherland?
The first draft was published in the village on June 2017, 9.

Revised in the village on June 2017, 9.

(End of this chapter)

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