Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 627 Reappearance of Skeletons

Chapter 627 Reappearance of Skeletons (11)
"Just like this, I waited year after year, but finally I saw that they didn't come home. I had to work hard to raise Jun'er and let him go to the best university and live the best life. But, I My wife and I could never let go of the fact that our son and daughter-in-law were missing, and we spent our days in a haze.

"We can only forget the pain of losing a child by working hard. In the fifth year after they disappeared, I occasionally went to the cellar to check if there was still wine, and found a piece of paper in the box of the most expensive bottle of wine. The note is signed by both my son and my daughter-in-law.

"There are two lines written on it: Mom and Dad, we and two other friends stole the zodiac diamonds. Each of us got three diamonds. We are worried that someone will not be able to withstand the police interrogation and will escape to another place tonight. After the news has passed, we will come back to reunite with you. Jun'er will leave it to you. If we can't come back, we must have been killed by our accomplices. You can go look for diamonds where we are buried. We will put the diamonds in It was in the condom and swallowed in the stomach.

"The date was the early morning of July 1997, 7. I almost fainted when I saw it, because I had a premonition that they would never come back. I read every word on the note over and over again, and those words were deeply embedded in my mind. Imprinted on my mind.

"Those words told me: [-]. They have a mole and the four robbers are working together; [-]. The other two robbers are cruel and scheming people, and my son and daughter-in-law are in great danger; [-]. The two robbers are very likely to steal from the exhibition. The policeman came directly to my house, and then they worked together and finally decided to run away. When they ran away, my son and daughter-in-law left a suicide note.

"I showed the note to my wife, and he fainted on the spot. So I decided to act alone and look for the other two thieves. I began to use my spare time to buy and read all the famous detective novels from all over the world, both ancient and modern, and read some of them. Several times, I tried to figure out the murderer of my son and daughter-in-law.

"After months of hard thinking, I finally figured out a way: If my son and daughter-in-law are killed, the two thieves may change their appearance and return to life in Yangtze City, such as plastic surgery and changing their identities. You are the police, understand the police force There are also black sheep. If you give them tens of thousands of yuan, it will not be difficult to change your household registration. Besides, the police work 20 years ago was not very standardized.

"I listed the house for sale at a high price because the thieves who killed my son and daughter-in-law could not have imagined that they would swallow diamonds and hide them at home. Several times my wife and I went on business trips. When I got home, I found that the house had been searched and all my things were in order. Of course they didn't know I had this habit.

"Even the safe was opened and then closed again, but they did not expect that my house had a cellar. So, even though the thieves searched my house for a long time, they did not get anything. So, if they want to search my house thoroughly, I can only buy the house.

"As long as the person willing to pay a high price to buy the house must be the murderer of my son and daughter-in-law, or one of them, I have been hoping that someone will buy my house as soon as possible, but more than ten years have passed, and no one has Fancy it.

"In 2003, my husband suffered from liver cancer because his son and daughter-in-law were killed or disappeared. He died of depression. Before his death, he told me that I must avenge my son and daughter-in-law. Otherwise, he would not be able to live in peace. I promised him with tears in my eyes. : I will definitely avenge them, otherwise I will never be a human being!

"In 2000, I was 55 years old and retired. Apart from reading and planting flowers, I spent almost all my time thinking about revenge. The first thing I did when I got up every day was to pray in front of the shrine so that I could avenge myself as soon as possible and then go to heaven with my wife. get together.

"After waiting for 20 years, on April 4 this year, someone finally took an interest in my house. I was extremely surprised. After hanging up the call from Zhou Guohua, I cried with joy, and then laughed loudly. Fortunately, no outsiders saw it. Otherwise, you must think I am a madman.

"After I saw Chi Ye and He Wendong, looking at their eyes and temperament, my sixth sense told me: they are the murderers of my son and daughter-in-law. Of course, relying on the sixth sense is useless, otherwise it will kill innocent people indiscriminately. , so I asked them to give me cash.

"Why do you want cash? Because I need time to install locators and bugs on their mobile phones. Only in this way can I confirm whether they are the real murderers. As a result, when they went to my study to count the cash, they put the mobile phones in my empty living room on the coffee table.

"It took half an hour to count 60 yuan, which bought me time. I installed micro-locators and eavesdroppers on their two mobile phones. For me, who works in motors, this was too easy. After they handed over the cash The next day, I moved to Huanglong Street, Yinhe Township. I didn’t want to live with my grandson, and I didn’t want to harm him. "After Chiye and He Wendong left my house, I started eavesdropping on their conversations. This eavesdropping method The device can not only hear the voice during the call, but can also hear the content of their conversation even if there is no call. They were carried away and told the whole process of killing my son and daughter-in-law.

"It turned out that they were going to flee on foot from Mingcun to Xiyan City, and then to Yunnan. They were going to take the diamonds to Thailand for sale. Then they had to pass through the Minghuang Valley. This was before they stole the diamonds. It was designed that because only my son and daughter-in-law can open the anti-theft glass cabinet where the diamonds are hidden, they must share the diamonds with my son and daughter-in-law.

"They asked my son and daughter-in-law to take the diamonds with them and run away together, because after they stole the diamonds, they divided the twelve diamonds into four parts, three for each person, and took them with them. My son and daughter-in-law told them that they had already They had the diamond with them, and they saw my son and daughter-in-law putting the diamond in their pockets. However, when they said they wanted to write a message to my wife and me, they went to the cellar and swallowed the diamond.

"They knew they were dancing with wolves, which was very dangerous. However, they didn't want to be arrested by the police and spend half their lives in prison. They had no choice but to go over Devil's Mountain with them to Mashan Town in Xiyan City, and then take a bus. Flee to Yunnan.

"Chiye and He Wendong, no, they definitely didn't have that name at the time. After they sold the diamonds, they had plastic surgery in Thailand and then sneaked back to Yangtze City. They used money to bribe the household registration police and the director. They used the names of Chiye and He Wendong to go up. The household registration police suggested that they buy a house, because as long as they bought a house in the Yangtze River, they could obtain the household registration. The two sold six diamonds for 60 US dollars, equivalent to 600 million yuan at the time.

"They each took out 10 US dollars and bought the best house in the city. Chiye used the remaining 20 US dollars to make loan sharks. He Wendong used it to set up a real estate company. As a result, He Wendong's business became more and more prosperous, and He Wendong's business became more and more prosperous. Chi Ye also made a lot of money because he knew how to bribe officials.

"I don't know their original names. I didn't eavesdrop. However, that is not important to me. What is important to me is that I confirmed that they were the murderers. More importantly, they killed my son and daughter-in-law. Afterwards, no diamonds were found from either of them.

"Twenty years ago, He Wendong was the boss of Chiye, and Chiye was He Wendong's most capable assistant. They had already dragged my son and daughter-in-law into the water, and were preparing for a big fight. As a result, my brainless son and daughter-in-law hit it off with them, and they never did. The thought of pushing myself into a place of eternal destruction.

"In the past two years, due to the national economic downturn, corporate transformation, and monetary tightening, many real estate companies have closed down. Therefore, He Wendong's company has had negative assets of more than 2000 million. Chiye's financial company lent most of the money to real estate developers and was also implicated. , he owed more than 1000 million, so they dreamed of finding another six diamonds every day.

"As long as they find these six diamonds, they can turn around. Otherwise, their company will declare bankruptcy and all their property will be auctioned by the bank. How can they be willing to fall to the bottom of society and live in poverty if they are used to living a wealthy life? day?

"In the end, he thought that the only way to turn things over was to find six more diamonds. They judged that the diamonds must be hidden somewhere in my house, so they hired a lockpicking master and Chiye took him to my house to look for it three times. As a result, No diamonds were found either.

"Of course, we were not at home these three times. Obviously, I was followed by them. They did not dare to threaten me or kill me. If they killed me, their diamonds would never be found, and the police could still find them. them, send them to the guillotine.

(End of this chapter)

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