Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 621 Reappearance of Skeletons

Chapter 621 Reappearance of Skeletons (5)
They arrived at Yang Chunming's house, and Yang Chunming was waiting outside the door.Yang Chunming is of medium height and weighs about 160 kilograms. He looks very fat. He breathes loudly. Jiang Yiming even suspected that he had asthma.

He warmly invited them in, sat down and said.Then he opened the refrigerator, poured two glasses of ice water, brought it to them and said: "This is authentic honey water, drink some to relieve the heat."

"Thank you! We are here to understand the situation from you. You must tell the truth, otherwise you will be legally responsible." Jiang Yiming first sounded the alarm to him.

"Captain Jiang, I have given up drugs. Look, I am 30 pounds heavier than before. I don't look like a drug addict, right?"

"We are not here to investigate whether you are taking drugs. If you can quit taking drugs, that would be the best."

"Then you..." He looked at the two of them doubtfully.

"We are investigating a murder case, so we need your cooperation... Is there any male in-law in your Yang family who died or disappeared 20 years ago, that is, in the summer of 1997?"

"This... doesn't seem to exist? 20 years ago, I was only 10 years old. I don't remember those things."

"No, the memory is already relatively developed at the age of 10. Think about it carefully. This is very important to us."

He lowered his head and held his chin with his hands, frowning and thinking hard. After thinking for a long time, he still shook his head and said he couldn't remember.

"Why don't you go ask my dad. He is playing chess with others downstairs. If he knew you were here to learn about the situation, he would definitely cooperate. He is a member of the Communist Party." His voice was rough and loud.

"Okay, you call Chairman Yang and tell us to come find him."

Yang Chunming took out his mobile phone and dialed Yang Ping's number. The call was quickly connected. Yang Chunming explained the situation to him and he promised to go home immediately. Five minutes later, the sound of "dong dong dong" footsteps could be heard on the stairs.Yang Ping saw them and came in to shake hands with them warmly.

Yang Ping took out a cigarette and gave it to the two of them to smoke. Zhou Ting took the cigarette and lit it for Yang Ping. After all, he was an old man and a deputy department-level cadre, so he must be respected.

"Chairman Yang, we are from the Criminal Police Team of the Municipal Bureau."

"Oh, I know each of your names. Jiang Yiming, Ke Kai, Zhou Ting, as well as Luo Jin, Wu Jiang and Lu Yingying are the core forces of the No. 1 Serious Case Team. I am also a soldier and I like the police career very much. Therefore, I am paying attention to you all the time!" Yang Ping's voice was clear and resonant, his tone was gentle, and he was full of energy.

"Thank you, Chairman Yang, for your compliment! We are investigating a serial murder case, and one of the deceased is related to a member of your Yang family. This was found through scientific and technological comparisons, and it is very accurate, so I came to visit you today."

"As long as I know, I will tell you the truth."

"Did any of your family members disappear or die in the summer of 1997? He was about 24 to 25 years old when he died."

"Could it be...could it be my nephew?" He frowned and was stunned for a moment, a feeling of sadness welling up in his heart.

"Your nephew? What is his name?"

"My name is Yang Chunfa. He was born in the late spring of 1972. When he was born, my brother and sister-in-law and I were extremely happy. We invited many relatives and friends to our house to drink full-moon wine. I was extremely drunk that day. I was not married at that time, and my brother gave birth to a child. It’s like giving birth to a baby myself.”

"The woman who died at the same time as Yang Chunfa was about the same age as Yang Chunfa. Do you know her identity?"

"Oh? It should be Yang Chunfa's wife Li Xiaoxin. They both disappeared in the summer of 1997. They were idle all day long and never went to work. They wanted to make a fortune and were often criticized by me. Later, they left their only son far away. We thought they had made a fortune outside and didn't want to go home, but we didn't expect them to die..."

There were glistening tears in Yang Ping's eyes, as if he didn't quite believe this cruel reality.

"We found their skeletons in the Minghuang Valley at the foot of Devil's Mountain. They were buried there 20 years ago. The male was about 172 centimeters tall and the female was about 162 centimeters tall. If you spent time with them day and night, you should know them. Height?"

"Yes, they were about the same height as you said. Why were they killed? Has the murderer been caught?" Yang Ping took out a few pieces of tissue paper from the paper box on the coffee table and wiped away his tears. "The murderer has not been caught yet, so it is impossible to know the murderer's motive, but the cause of their death must be related to the zodiac diamond."

"Twelve zodiac diamonds? Is it the zodiac diamond theft case that shocked the whole province?" Yang Ping was the office director of the Economic and Trade Bureau at the time. He understood the ins and outs of the case. He participated in the claim against Japan's Sanno Safe Company. , because Sanye Safe Company sold defective glass safes to Shenyang State-owned Gemstone Development Company.He knew Japanese and had been to Japan several times, so the Shenyang State-owned Gemstone Development Company invited him to participate.

"Is Yang Chunfa's son still in this city?"

"Here, his name is Yang Wanjun. His parents disappeared when he was 5 years old. He was later raised by his grandparents, my brother and sister-in-law."

"We want to ask Yang Wanjun or your brother to do a DNA test. Only in this way can we confirm whether the deceased is Yang Chunfa."

"I'm sorry, my brother passed away in the winter of 2000. He died of liver cancer. He was only 58 years old when he passed away. He was born in April 1942. He shouldn't have died young..." Yang Ping's eyes returned. He was red, but he tried hard not to let the tears fall.

"I'm sorry to remind you of the sad past, but I have to do this in order to catch the murderer."

"It doesn't matter. You are defending the dignity of the law and at the same time defending the justice of my nephew and nephew-in-law. We have to thank you!"

"Thank you for your cooperation. What kind of work does Yang Wanjun do? Where does he live? Only by comparing his DNA sample with the DNA of the male skeleton can we confirm whether the deceased is Yang Chunfa."

"He works as the vice president of Hongye Securities Company and lives in Room 1809, East Tower, New Century Building. His mobile phone number is 18020951010. He is a good boy. Please don't embarrass him. I treat him as my biological son. Before his death, my brother told me that I must train him to become a talented person and contribute to the country."

"Okay, I promise you, but if he breaks the law, we can't treat him outside the law." Jiang Yiming felt that Yang Wanjun was suspected of murder. He studied in the Department of Finance of Peking University and graduated with outstanding results. This kind of A person's IQ cannot be lower than 120.

"In short, you should try your best to take care of him. If he is a murderer, God will not be able to save him." Yang Ping's face became dark, and he even regretted telling all the secrets frankly. However, he changed his mind and thought again. He felt that even if he didn't tell them, they would find out the truth one day, so his heart calmed down a little.

The New Century Building is located at No. 126 Jiangdong Avenue Middle. It is divided into two buildings, the east and the west, both of which are 38 floors. Behind the building is the New Century Garden Community, where tens of thousands of citizens live. As the name suggests, the New Century Building was completed in 2000. Standing on the high-rise You can see the East China Sea 8 kilometers away.

The east tower of the New Century Building was originally an office building, and the west tower was a hotel. However, due to poor management of the office building, the company put the east tower up for sale. That was in the spring of 2010, and the selling price per square meter was only 9800 yuan. Now it has increased to 39800 yuan. In seven years The time has increased 4 times.

Yang Wanjun bought House 1809 with a mortgage, and the down payment was only 35, so he is now a millionaire.Jiang Yiming called Yang Wanjun and he promised Jiang Yiming to receive him after lunch today because he was very busy and had to process information from the securities market at any time.

Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting came to Yang Wanjun's home. Room 1809 faced the East China Sea, far away from the noisy Jiangdong Avenue. Standing in the living room of his house, they could see the rippling blue waves of the East China Sea, the dots of white sails, the sound of whistles, and the long coast. It was so beautiful. Scenery!
Walking into the living room, the two parties shook hands and exchanged greetings, then sat down and talked.

Yang Wanjun is nearly 180 centimeters tall, with a slender and well-proportioned figure. His chest and abdominal muscles are bulging in lumps under his tight clothes. His facial features are very handsome, and his skin is slightly darker, which may be caused by frequent outdoor exercise.His eyes are particularly expressive, and there are shallow forehead lines on his forehead. He looks mature and steady, and he is a standard handsome man.

His monthly salary is nearly 3 yuan, not including bonuses. He is a diamond king that everyone loves. However, he is only 25 years old this year because after graduating from elementary school, he skipped three grades to the first grade of high school and did not go to school. After junior high school, all the junior high school texts were taught by my grandpa and grandma, and he was called a genius boy. Graduated from college at the age of 19.He was quickly hired, and at the beginning of this year, he became the vice president of the securities branch.

He hasn't been in love yet.He believes that love is something that can be encountered but cannot be sought. He has his own unique way of thinking and living standards.Did he choose to be single because of his unavenged revenge on his parents?Jiang Yiming couldn't help but think so.

The purpose of Jiang Yiming's visit today was not to regard him as a suspect, but to obtain a DNA sample from him to prove whether the deceased were Yang Chunfa and Li Xiaoxin.

"Mr. Yang, we are here today to tell you some sad news." Jiang Yiming wanted to pave the way to cushion Yang Wanjun's sadness.

"Captain Jiang, I have been indifferent to the joys and sorrows of life and death. I have enough strength to bear all sorrows. Please tell me." His eyes were calm and composed, as if he was a commander commanding thousands of troops.

"Do you remember your parents?"

(End of this chapter)

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