Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 620 Reappearance of Skeletons

Chapter 620 Reappearance of Skeletons (4)
"In the early morning of the day of the incident, a man named Luo Qian passed by He Wendong's body and stole the three diamonds. However, Luo Qian was followed by Fang Dalin. He followed Luo Qian home and saw Luo Qian taking the diamonds. Put it in the safe.

"So, he designed to bite Luo Qian to death with a poisonous snake, opened the safe, and took the diamonds to Hong Kong for sale, but we were caught. Strangely, a male skeleton appeared where He Wendong dug diamonds. Before that, , a man named Chi Ye was also killed in Minghuang Valley.

"The strangest thing is: Chiye and He Wendong are accomplices, and Chiye also went to Minghuang Valley to dig diamonds - this is our speculation, but there is no evidence. Chiye's diamonds were also dug out from a wild grave, and there were also A female skeleton. So, we think these people all died because of diamonds."

"It's really weird. How could such a thing happen? Why did He Wendong and Chi Ye go to Minghuang Valley to dig diamonds 20 years later?" Kong Rongqing's eyes became confused.

"So, I wanted to understand what the situation was like."

"At 1997 o'clock in the morning on July 7, 1, we received a call from the exhibition hall saying that their zodiac diamonds had been stolen. We organized six criminal police officers and rushed to the exhibition hall 5 minutes later. We saw There were three security guards lying on the ground, and it was the one who woke up first who called us.

"We sealed off the scene and began to investigate. The thief committed the crime wearing shoe covers and gloves. The thief used a special diamond cutting machine to cut a crack in the anti-theft glass cabinet. A lot of liquid nitrogen was sprayed around the crack. Only liquid nitrogen Cooperate with the cutting machine to cut the glass cabinet.

"The lower right corner of the glass cabinet is the most vulnerable place in the entire cabinet. Only by cutting from here can the diamond be stolen. This anti-theft glass cabinet was imported from Japan and is said to be resistant to any cutting machine. However, after investigation, , this glass cabinet is a defective product and was used by the Japanese to deceive the Shenyang State-owned Gemstone Development Company.

"The thieves must have known that the glass cabinet was a defective product, and the person who knew that it was a defective product must have been an insider. We started investigating from everyone who had come into contact with the glass cabinet, and found nothing after several months. The thieves also used a diamond cutting machine to cut the roof. In the glass, at first they just cut a hole as big as the mouth of a bowl, then shot the security guard with a tranquilizer gun, and then expanded the hole.

"Originally, four security guards guarded the diamond together. Later, they thought it was their last night, so the four people took turns sitting next to the glass cabinet to sleep, each sleeping for an hour. As a result, the security guard who did not sleep was the first one to be anesthetized. The second, third, and fourth were shot with tranquilizer guns in their sleep.

"After the thief anesthetized four security guards, he slipped down from the roof with a rope. We extracted 29 and three types of footprints without shoe marks at the scene. This shows that at least three thieves slipped down to steal diamonds at that time, and later on the roof Another footprint was extracted on the site, so we believe at least four thieves were involved.

"The roof of the exhibition hall is 35 meters high, as high as ten stories. The outside is a smooth glass wall, just like a pear. Almost no one can climb to the roof without the help of climbing tools. We are very interested in the circular exhibition hall. The outer wall was carefully inspected, and no signs of climbing were found. The four thieves seemed to be aliens falling from the sky.

"We inferred that the thief landed on the exhibition hall in a hot air balloon from the rooftop of the Golden Bowl Building, or it was another aircraft. The investigation results made us feel tremendous pressure, because this was definitely not done by ordinary petty thieves, but by big-time thieves. , and may even be thieves invited from abroad.

"I was 55 years old at the time and was about to step down. However, in order to solve this case, I asked to be the leader of the task force and lead everyone to solve the case. In order to solve the case, I sent people to the prison undercover, and even took a famous thief Release them from prison and ask them to serve their crimes, but in the end, it has no effect.

"Judging from the size and gait of the footprints without shoe marks, one of them is a woman. She is petite and agile. She may be a habitual thief. Two of the three men wear size 42 shoes, and the other A man is thin and wears size 40 shoes. He is also as light as a swallow and as agile as an ape.

"A robber who was serving his sentence in prison said: He once heard about a couple in the city who were robbers. They were low-key and very mysterious. Not many people knew about their existence. They were not priceless things. They never Take action. People call them: Yuanyang Thieves.

"I spent the last five years of my retirement looking for the mandarin duck robbers, but the result was like a stone sinking into the sea, with no news. This is the most regretful thing in my life. I didn't expect that 20 years later, these three diamonds would appear in a wild grave. I once thought that they might have died or used plastic surgery to change their appearance. It seems that my guess was right, at least half of it."

Kong Rongqing said excitedly, but because his tone was heavy and even a little sad, he seemed to be remembering a sad past event.

"Team Kong, thank you, we know. We dug up two skeletons of a man and a woman in a wild grave in Minghuang Valley. They may be the mandarin duck thieves you call. After computer calculations, the height of the male skeleton is about 172 centimeters. The female skeleton was approximately 162 centimeters tall."

"The heights of these two people correspond to one of them, a man and a woman, and the diamond was found on them, so I agree with you."

"Team Kong, did you collect the thief's hair, body fluids, skin flakes, etc. at the scene?"

"Some body fluids were extracted, but there was no hair or dander. We had not yet used DNA detection technology in the summer of 1997, so we did not do DNA at that time. We stored the body fluid samples and did not use them for DNA comparison until the spring of 2000. , there is no match in the result database.”

"Are you sure these bodily fluids were left by thieves?" "We mentioned it on the glass cabinet and compared it with the DNA of four security guards. It's not theirs. So, I think it was the thieves who were cutting or smashing it." The sweat shed when destroying the glass cabinet, because the sweat has not evaporated yet, it is left within 5 hours.”

"Is the suspect's DNA test report still available?"

"Well, all information is stored in files in the archives."

"Okay, I've delayed you. We will come to ask you for advice at any time." Jiang Yiming shook hands with Kong Rongqing and said goodbye. Kong Rongqing took them to the gate of the community before going back, with admiration and envy for the younger generation in his eyes, and for the police career. of reluctance.

After Jiang Yiming returned to the team, Luo Jin came to his office and reported the situation to him: "Captain Jiang, the good news you have been thinking about day and night is here..." Luo Jin stopped mid-sentence on purpose. He wanted to talk about it and mess up the atmosphere. Gotta take it easy.

"Oh? Say it quickly!" Jiang Yiming lowered his face and said seriously. He was also responding to Luo Jin's humor.

"Forget it, I'm scared of you, I confess... I used Y-DNA technology to enter the DNA of male skeletons into the database for comparison. As a result, God opened my eyes and I matched him. This person's name is Yang Chunming. , 35 years old, was once detained by our people for taking drugs, so his DNA information remains in the database."

"Great! Does that mean he is one of the family members of the male skeleton?"

"Yes, we know that surname testing includes direct surname testing and indirect surname testing. Direct testing is to draw a surname conclusion relatively directly through the comparison of genetic samples that have a clear genetic relationship with the sample being tested. For example, a man is committing a crime. Hair, blood, nails, skin scrapings and other genetic materials were left at the scene, but the suspect had fled. At this time, relatives with the same Y-DNA origin as the suspect can be found, such as ancestors, fathers, sons, uncles, nephews, etc. For close relatives or distant relatives, perform homologous comparison of Y-STR to directly determine (or exclude) the suspect’s surname.”

"Don't show off your rich DNA knowledge to me. I've got a big head these days and I can't hold anything else in my head." In fact, Jiang Yiming already understood this common sense, so there was no need to say it again, but Luo Jin just didn't understand the style. Maybe this is his professional habit.

"Captain Jiang, you can't hit me. I'll say it a few more times so that you can remember it firmly so that you can use it in actual combat more quickly."

"Have you ever been in contact with Yang Chunming?"

"How dare I contact him? You should contact him. Finding bad people is not my strong point."

"where does he live?"

"Building 702, Golden Harbor, Room [-]. Unmarried, from this city, he opened a condiment shop in the Jiangxi District farmer's market. However, his wife took care of the condiment shop. He was idle all day, eating and drinking outside with a bunch of friends. Just having fun, I don’t even want to take my children to school.”

"Luo Jin, good job!" Jiang Yiming smiled. In fact, as soon as he heard the news, he wanted to praise Luo Jin. However, he liked to suppress his desire first, because it was Luo Jin who provoked him, so he accompanied him acting.

Jiang Yiming called the Hedong Detention Center and asked them to pass Yang Chunming's information to the Interpol Team. Deputy Director Guan Shanhe promised to call someone to do it immediately. Jiang Yiming had a good relationship with Guan Shanhe. He admired Guan Shanhe's wit and personality. He The two of us once went to the countryside together, eight years ago.

After a while, the detention center faxed Yang Chunming's information to Jiang Yiming's fax machine. He looked at Yang Chunming's information and found out that he was the son of Yang Ping, the retired vice chairman of the Jiangxi District CPPCC.

Jiang Yiming called Yang Chunming and asked where he was?He said he was sleeping at home.Jiang Yiming told him not to leave, they were going to visit him.He promised to wait for them at home.It is now 10 o'clock in the morning, and Yang Chunming is still up.

(End of this chapter)

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