Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 616 The treasure hunter dies again

Chapter 616 The treasure hunter dies again (28)
Zhu Waner shook hands with everyone one by one. After the two parties introduced each other, she took out her mobile phone, called up a photo from the photo library and said: "These are the three diamonds that Fang Dalin showed me. I took pictures of them all. He wanted to Sell ​​me the diamond, but because there is no invoice and appraisal certificate, I dare not buy it." After that, she handed the mobile phone to Jiang Yiming to look at.

Jiang Yiming took the phone and looked at it for a while, but he was not an expert, so he asked: "How much are these three diamonds worth?"

"As far as I know, this is a set of diamonds produced in Wafangdian, Liaoning. Each diamond weighs 20 carats and is graded FL. FL means flawless. It means that when professionals observe it under 10 times magnification, there is no trace of anything inside or outside. Among all clarity grades, this is the rarest and most precious. I value each piece at 1000 million yuan."

"Ah? It's so expensive, no wonder so many people died for it." Xiao Ke was very surprised and couldn't help blurting out.

"Yes, there are twelve zodiac signs engraved on its surface. This should be a set of diamonds. There are twelve in total, not just one. Everyone knows that diamonds are one of the hardest substances in the world, and it takes ten years to carve them. The two zodiac signs require master craftsmen to spend a lot of time to complete.”

"So, is the total value of this set of twelve zodiac animals 1.2 million yuan?"

"Yes, it would be more valuable if there was an appraisal from a famous teacher." Zhu Waner looked at Jiang Yiming and said.

"Did Fang Dalin leave any samples to you?"

"No, how could he give me tens of millions of yuan in diamonds? What if I trade a civet cat for a prince, what can he do to me?" She laughed mockingly to herself.

"Is he the only one who comes to your company?"

"Yes, he repeatedly told me not to spread the word, otherwise his life would be in danger. However, it is really dangerous for him to go around looking for buyers with sky-high price diamonds without invoices and appraisals. He asked me to help sell them. He offered me a 10% commission, and I was a little tempted at the time, but after thinking about it later, I felt that the origin of the diamond was unknown, so I only verbally agreed to help him, but I haven't taken any actual action yet because I'm afraid of getting involved in a lawsuit."

"Are you sure those diamonds are real?"

"I used a professional gem microscope to carefully identify it, and it is absolutely true."

"Thank you! Mr. Zhu, you have helped us a lot." Jiang Yiming stood up and shook hands with Zhu Waner to say goodbye. He was in a hurry to find Fang Dalin and had no intention of asking any more, because Fang Dalin was selling diamonds at sky-high prices everywhere, and he was always worried. Danger to life.

Jiang Yiming asked Lu Dongliang to cooperate with them to arrest people.Lu Dongliang agreed.

They drove straight to the Kaidu Hotel. Lu Dongliang asked Miss Lin at the front desk which room Fang Dalin lived in.She said she still lives in room 1807.Lu Dongliang asked her to cooperate and trick Fang Dalin into opening the door, and she agreed.So she came to room 1807 with everyone.Lu Dongliang asked her to call the door first, and they would hide nearby and rush in at any time, telling her not to be afraid.She nodded, calmly walked to the door, and pressed the doorbell. After a few rings, the door opened. When Xiao Ke saw Fang Dalin, he rushed up at lightning speed and pushed the thin Fang Dalin down. on the ground.

"What's your name?" Xiao Ke asked loudly.

"I...I, my name is Fang Dalin..." He was trembling all over and answered incoherently.

Zhou Ting also rushed forward, held Fang Dalin's left hand tightly with both hands, lifted him up, took out the handcuffs, and cuffed his hands.Fang Dalin's face was pale, as if he was facing a disaster, and he asked with a pair of frightened eyes: "Are you... the Hong Kong police?"

"We are from the Criminal Police Team of the Yangtze River City Bureau, not the Hong Kong police. Do you want to commit suicide in Hong Kong? You are not so lucky this time. Tell me, where did you put those three diamonds?" Jiang Yiming stared at him and said.

"Put it in... ice... in the refrigerator..." he said, pointing to the refrigerator next to him.

Jiang Yiming walked to the refrigerator and opened the double-door refrigerator. There was nothing inside.

"I put diamonds and ice cubes together to prevent them from being stolen, because diamonds and ice cubes have the same color and are not easy to be found by thieves..."

Jiang Yiming squatted down and opened the lower door of the refrigerator. He saw a plastic frame in the middle of the freezer, which was used for making ice cubes. It had exactly three compartments.Fang Dalin said that the three diamonds were placed in three grids.Jiang Yiming took it out and poured it all into a large glass, then poured boiling water in and let the ice cubes slowly melt.

After 10 minutes, all the ice cubes turned into water, and three crystal clear diamonds sparkled in the glass. Jiang Yiming poured out the water, poured the diamonds into the evidence bag, and observed them under the light. They looked exactly like Zhu Waner's photo. Jiang Yiming felt relieved now.

Jiang Yiming was worried that it was a fake diamond, so he asked Lu Dongliang to call Zhu Waner and ask her to come to Kaidu Hotel to help with the appraisal. Zhu Waner said that she was walking nearby and would arrive soon.

Five minutes later, Zhu Waner came and sat on the sofa in the hotel lobby. She took out a magnifying glass and observed it carefully. After looking at it for a while, she said that the three diamonds were genuine. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and felt like Lift off a thousand pounds of burden and reveal a long-lost smile.

(End of this chapter)

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