Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 615 The treasure hunter dies again

Chapter 615 The treasure hunter dies again (27)
Wu Jiang took the shoe over and looked at it, and found that it was exactly the same as the shoe print on the mud outside the cabin. Judging from the wear and tear of the shoe, it was worn by splayed feet. This added another piece of evidence to Fang Dalin.

"Captain Jiang, with this shoe we can go to Hong Kong and arrest him." Wu Jiang said confidently.

"I checked from the mobile company and found out that Fang Dalin was on the phone with a Hong Kong person. The call was made from this city. This person's name is Zhu Waner. She is the general manager of Hong Kong Jiuyuan Jewelry Company. The company's address is No. 5 Queen's Road Central, Central, Hong Kong. On the 37th floor of Hengyi Building." Lu Yingying showed a victorious smile.

"Yingying, you are awesome! Hurry up and book a flight." Jiang Yiming returned her approving smile.

Lu Yingying booked the air tickets that day. Jiang Yiming, Xiao Ke, and Zhou Ting took a flight to Hong Kong on the evening of July 7. When the plane slowly landed at the Hong Kong International Airport, it was the time when day and night alternated, and the lights of Victoria Harbor were starting to turn on. Thousands of lights are on, and the lights of high-rise buildings are reflected on the sea, forming a psychedelic and beautiful unique scenery.

They didn't have time to appreciate the beautiful scenery. After getting off the plane, Assistant Commissioner Lu Dongliang of the Hong Kong Police Force came to the airport to greet them.Lu Dongliang is an assistant who has just taken office. He is only 35 years old this year. However, he has rich experience, agile style, and is familiar with police reception in various countries.He knew Jiang Yiming, and they had met at the Beijing Police Forum meeting five years ago.

After five years of separation, the two were extremely cordial and hugged each other enthusiastically. Later, Lu Dongliang shook hands with Xiao Ke and Zhou Ting and exchanged greetings. Then he invited them to get in the car. Lu Dongliang took them to Repulse Bay for dinner.

Repulse Bay is located in the south of Hong Kong Island. It has a gentle slope and a long beach. It has calm waves, clear water and fine sand. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. The water temperature ranges from 16 degrees Celsius to 27 degrees Celsius. It has always been a popular resort for Hong Kong people to spend time in summer and enjoy the tide. It is also a popular place for tourists. A must-visit famous scenic spot and one of the eight scenic spots in Hong Kong.

While they were eating, they admired the night view of Repulse Bay. However, Jiang Yiming seemed to have no intention of admiring the splendid scenery or eating the delicious delicacies. What he was thinking about was where was Fang Dalin at this time?Will he abscond abroad?
Lu Dongliang saw Jiang Yiming's thoughts: "Captain Jiang, don't worry, our people have put Fang Dalin under surveillance. He can't fly out of our hands. You should eat well."

"Where is Fang Dalin now?" Jiang Yiming asked.

"In the Kaidu Hotel, he is having fun with a young lady in the room. However, he will not be having fun for a long time. We just wait for your order and we will arrest him immediately."

"We currently have no concrete evidence to prove that he committed murder, so we still have to investigate, but it is okay to ask him. Fang Dalin has contacted Zhu Waner, the general manager of Jiuyuan Jewelry Company, and we want to find Zhu Waner to find out the situation. Then arrest people." "We have already conducted a preliminary investigation. Zhu Waner is an honest and law-abiding jeweler. She should not cover up Fang Dalin. I have already contacted Zhu Waner and she promised us to meet at her company at 8 o'clock tonight. .”

"Thank you so much. The Hong Kong police are much more efficient than us!" Xiao Ke sincerely praised him. Xiao Ke is an impatient man and he likes this style of acting.

"Excellent! Excellent! I admire my colleagues in the mainland even more. The Hong Kong police had no choice but to lure Zhang Ziqiang to the mainland. As a result, he surrendered to the mainland police obediently and was eventually sentenced to death. If he was arrested in Hong Kong , he should still be enjoying life in prison now, he has plenty of money anyway." Lu Dongliang also praised them.

"This is a legal issue, not an efficiency issue. After all, it is a different system. Because Hong Kong does not have the death penalty, the Hong Kong police had no choice but to arrange for Zhang Ziqiang to go to the mainland. This is called playing hard to get. I heard that Li Ka-shing even reported it to the central leadership."

"So the Hong Kong police are smart. This is called the devil's height and the road's height. It also reflects the superiority and complementarity of one country, two systems." Jiang Yiming said while looking at his watch, "Officer Lu, it's almost 8 o'clock. Let's eat." Now that we are full, let’s go see Zhu Waner, shall we?”

"Okay." Lu Dongliang stood up and went to the bar to pay the bill. After paying, he walked out of Wanghailou Restaurant with everyone. The driver took them to the entrance of Hengyi Building on Queen's Road Central. Lu Dongliang and everyone walked into the lobby and took the elevator. Go outside room 37A12.

This is the location of Jiuyuan Jewelry Company. The door of the company was open. Lu Dongliang walked in. A beautiful girl came up and asked them if they were policemen from Yangtze City?Lu Dongliang said yes, she nodded and led them to Zhu Waner's office.

Zhu Waner has been in her fifties in recent years, but she is still beautiful. She maintains a slender figure, snow-white skin, and the aura of a lady. She has a mature, stable, and capable temperament. Especially her eyes are particularly clear, like a virgin. It can be seen that she is a woman both internally and externally. Entrepreneur who repairs.

(End of this chapter)

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