Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 496 Unknown Male Corpse

Chapter 496 Unknown Male Corpse (14)
"No, he was sitting alone on the sofa in the lobby in a daze. He sighed heavily from time to time. He seemed to be holding a photo in his hand and looked at it dreamily. While looking at it, he shed tears. He didn't know whether he was excited or sad. In short, it was very It was strange, so I couldn’t help but observe him for a while.”

Could it be that Xu Risheng came here to meet his relatives?Otherwise, why would you cry?Whose picture is he holding?Could it be that Xu Risheng had an illegitimate child before marrying Wu Yiya?Or have a wife?

Jiang Yiming felt that he had to watch the surveillance video to find the problem.He asked Wang Haifeng to pull up the video from the restaurant on the second floor and check it.Wang Haifeng quickly found the surveillance video of the time and saw the rising sun in the video.

After Xu Risheng walked into the restaurant, he said a few words to the waiter No. 09, and the waiter led him to sit down at a small square table.He ordered three dishes, one of cauliflower, one of twice-cooked pork, one of meaty eggplant stew, and a half-pound bottle of Beijing Erguotou.

What was he mumbling while drinking and eating?What is he doing?People with uremia will never dare to drink alcohol, especially hard liquor.His expression was sad and solemn.He ate for a full hour. After eating, he walked down the stairs and came to the lobby on the first floor.

Jiang Yiming asked Wang Haifeng to call up the surveillance video in the lobby to see where Xu Risheng was going.

It turned out that after the rising sun came downstairs, I came to the lobby and stood at the door for five minutes, staring at the gray sky in a daze. It was still raining, as if Meng Jiangnu's tears would never run out.Then, he walked into the rain curtain without hesitation.

The surveillance video outside the gate captured the back of Xu Risheng. He walked slowly towards the seaside regardless of the rain. However, because the distance captured by the surveillance camera was only 100 meters and the visibility at the time was only 50 meters, his specific direction was not seen. where.

Except for three hotels on Sansha Island, there are no surveillance cameras installed on the roads. If there are no witnesses, there is no way to know where the sun has gone.

Will he abscond in fear of crime?If he is the murderer's accomplice and the murderer asks him to abscond, he will definitely listen to the murderer because the murderer can give him money to save his life.In order not to be tracked by the police, he chose to escape from the sea. The murderer could sail to Sansha Island to pick him up and escape. However, he was reluctant to leave his wife and daughter, so he would cry while looking at their family photos?
There is another possibility: Xuri Sheng was afraid of implicating the mastermind behind the scenes, so he chose to commit suicide on Sansha Island!Because he had no money to save his life, he would die sooner or later, and the long-term pain was worse than the short-term pain. In order for his wife and daughter not to bear more debts, he chose to commit suicide.

However, this is not very reasonable. If he wants to commit suicide, why should he sacrifice the near and seek the far away?If he committed suicide by jumping from the top floor of the hospital, the hospital, in its humanitarian spirit, might compensate his wife tens of thousands of yuan. After all, what they need most right now is money.

Jiang Yiming couldn't understand this question.What he is most worried about is that Xu Risheng commits suicide or is tricked by the murderer into being silenced at sea, thus cutting off the clues.But how did he know the police were looking for him?Could it be that he was sacrificing his car to protect his commander?

Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting searched around the main island of Sansha Island, especially on the coast. However, because the rain was getting heavier and the visibility was getting smaller and smaller, and it was getting dark, they gave up. Look for.

Jiang Yiming believed that regardless of whether Xu Risheng was dead or alive, it should be gone forever, otherwise, he would not sit in the lobby of Bihai Hotel with a family photo and cry silently.

He and Zhou Ting returned to the Criminal Police Team from Sansha Island.

"Team Jiang, assuming that Xu Risheng was picked up by boat, you should be able to go to the dock to check the surveillance video and find the suspicious ship, right?"

"Where can we find hundreds of large and small piers along the city's coast and Qianjiang River? Moreover, our province's coastline is more than 3000 kilometers and there are thousands of piers. How many years will it take to find out? What's more, we don't know which one is the suspected ship. , It’s just a headless fly, this method won’t work.”

"Most fishing boats now have voyage recorders. If we check the boats that have been berthed at Sansha Island, we may be able to identify the suspect boat."

"If the murderer intended to do this, he could turn off the flight recorder. Our opponent is very intelligent and he would not have thought of this."

"Oh, I remembered the low-orbit satellite, which is only 300 kilometers above the ground. It can take high-definition pictures. It can take a panoramic view of Sansha Island. If you go to the army to check, you may find that the suspected ship docked at Sansha Island. .”

Low-orbit satellites are mainly used for military target detection. They are used to obtain high-resolution images of targets. They are also used for mobile phone communications and map shooting.The satellite's orbital altitude is low, resulting in short transmission delay and small path loss.A communication system composed of multiple satellites can achieve global coverage and more effective frequency reuse. It is the most promising satellite mobile communication system.

"Zhou Ting, you have a good idea, but you forgot that it is raining today, and there is a white fog on the sea. Low-orbit satellites cannot take pictures of ships shipping on the sea. Besides, we are not sure whether Xu Risheng is absconding or is Suicide is not clear and there is no point in doing this work.”

"Captain Jiang, you are right. I was only looking for clues and completely forgot about the weather. Captain Jiang is still very thoughtful!" After Zhou Ting finished speaking, he lowered his head and pondered, wondering if there was any other way to find Xu Risheng.By the time they finished their discussion, the car had already arrived at the door of the criminal police team.

Lu Yingying and the people from the visual investigation team were still checking the surveillance videos but found no clues.Jiang Yiming informed everyone of the situation.After Wu Jiang heard this, he thought that Xu Risheng might have been silenced.Xiao Ke thought he had absconded.

After everyone discussed for a while, there was no unified opinion, but they all thought that Xuri Sheng was a good clue and they must find a way to find him.Lu Yingying said that if she wanted to find Rising Sun, posting a reward notice online would be the best way. This method has been tried and tested.

Jiang Yiming believed that Xu Risheng had been missing for less than 24 hours, so there was no need to issue a reward notice prematurely. He said that he was not necessarily in a bad mood and went outside to relax. What if he suddenly returned home after thinking about it?It happens that people come back from the dead, not to mention that it is not confirmed that he is missing.

On the third day, the weather suddenly became sunny, the dense fog was swept away by the sun, and the warm spring breeze blew open people's hearts. The faces of the citizens who were about to become moldy were full of smiles, and they were in a particularly good mood, and everything was growing to its fullest.

Wan Jiashui is a fisherman. Because the government subsidies for fishermen have increased a lot in recent years, he spends almost three days fishing and two days drying the net.He bought a 50-ton fishing boat and often went fishing near the Diaoyu Islands, openly challenging the Japanese Coast Guard. Therefore, he received special support from the government.

Today, he called three workers to get on the boat and prepare to go fishing.His fishing boat was passing by Sansha Island. When it was approaching Sansha Island, he saw a white dot flashing on the sea in the distance. He initially thought it might be a dead pig. However, as the fishing boat got closer and closer, he saw a white dot flashing on the sea. I found that it was not a dead pig, but a human being.

He continued to drive forward, and when he came to the suspicious floating object, he took a look and found that it was a man floating on his back on the water. He quickly called three workers to look at it together. The workers also thought it was a dead person. Has thick black hair.

Wan Jiashui quickly called 110 to call the police. After the police officers asked about their location, they told them not to leave and to find a way to keep the body in its original state and not to touch it.

The 110 command center called Jiang Yiming's office, explained the situation, and asked him to send someone to investigate.When Jiang Yiming heard this, he realized that the deceased was most likely Xuri Sheng.He called everyone back and drove two police cars to Sansha Island.

They parked the police car at Dongfang Pier 1 and asked the Fishery Administration's boat to take them to the scene. The Fishery Administration's administrator Lu Qing at the pier cooperated with them.After hearing what Jiang Yiming said, Lu Qing called two fishermen to go with him, because these two fishermen knew how to salvage corpses.

After they boarded the fishery administration boat, they quickly rushed to the scene.A quarter of an hour later they arrived.The Wanjiashui fishing boat was still docked there, and he and the workers did not salvage the body. He thought it was unlucky, which was exactly what the two fishermen hired by Lu Qing wanted.

The fishery boat slowly approached the body and stopped nearly two meters away from the body. Xiao Ke took out his Canon SLR camera and took photos of the body from multiple angles before asking two fishermen to salvage the body.

The fishermen threw the fishing net towards the body and slowly pulled the net back. When it was pulled to the side of the boat, the two of them worked together to lift the body and put it on the deck.The corpse was not wearing any clothes. The chest and abdominal cavity of the corpse were swollen. There was a large amount of drowning fluid in the stomach, which had doubled in size.

The face of the corpse has also nearly doubled in swelling, and its facial features have been deformed, but it can vaguely be seen that it looks like a rising sun.Luo Jin has never examined the bodies of "sea drifters", but he has examined drowned bodies.The corpse had begun to decay, emitting a stench that penetrated everyone's nostrils through the thick masks.

Luo Jin knelt down to examine the body, looked at it for a while and said: "The deceased's nails were blue and purple, there was foam near the mouth and nose, and there was petechial bleeding in the palpebral conjunctiva, mucous membrane, and serosa. The skin was pale, and the spots on the corpse were light and the position of the spots was not fixed. , rigor mortis appeared early, so it can be determined that the deceased died of drowning."

"Time of death?" Jiang Yiming asked. He was also wearing a mask and his voice was not clear.

"I can't tell the specific time. It was about three days ago, but it couldn't be more than 72 hours, that is, the afternoon of February 2. I won't know the specific time until after the autopsy."

"Could he have killed him?"

"I'm not sure about this. There were no external injuries on the deceased's body, so it probably wasn't homicide."

(End of this chapter)

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