Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 495 Unknown Male Corpse

Chapter 495 Unknown Male Corpse (13)
"You go about your business, we can just go up there ourselves." After Jiang Yiming finished speaking, he walked towards the elevator entrance, with Wu Yiya following closely behind.After a while, they arrived at the control room, where two security guards were drinking tea and chatting.

"Sorry, outsiders are not allowed to enter here!" A young security guard stood up and said angrily when he saw them breaking in.

"Don't get me wrong, we are from the criminal police team of the city bureau. We are performing official duties and have the right to enter any place that needs to be investigated." Jiang Yiming went to get his police ID card.

Another older security guard hurriedly came up and shook hands with Jiang Yiming: "Captain Jiang, I know you. I am the security manager here. If you have any questions, just ask us and we will take care of it right away." He glanced at the young security guard and seemed to blame him. He was blind, and the young security guard quickly lowered his head.

"Please bring up the surveillance video from the 14th floor and the hospital gate for us to check. We are looking for an important witness."

"What date and time?"

"After 8 o'clock this morning."

"Okay, let's adjust it right away." He said to the young security guard, "Xiao Qiu, you adjust the door, and I'll adjust the one on the 14th floor." After he said that, he sat down and went to adjust the surveillance video they needed.After a while, the call came out. Jiang Yiming checked the one on the 14th floor, and Zhou Ting checked the door.

Wu Yiya sat next to Jiang Yiming, and Jiang Yiming said to her: "I don't know Xu Risheng. If you see him in the video, point it out immediately."

"Okay, thank you Captain Jiang!" After she finished speaking, she stared at the screen on the wall with all her concentration.All monitoring screens in the hospital are on the half-moon-shaped wall. There are 82 screens in total, which means there are 82 monitors and almost no monitoring blind spots.

When the video played to 8:10, a man about 177 centimeters tall walked out of Room 1409, and Wu Yiya shouted: "He is my husband."

I saw Xu Risheng walking out wearing a gray jacket with a solemn expression. He looked around and found that no one saw him, so he took courage and walked calmly to the elevator.After the elevator door opened, he walked in and then climbed up the elevator door.

Jiang Yiming also asked the security manager to review the surveillance video in the elevator.The video shows: Xu Risheng took the elevator to the first floor. When the elevator door closed, his figure disappeared.

After Zhou Ting saw Xu Risheng coming out of the elevator, he walked towards the lobby of the hospital, then walked toward the door, his steps slow, as if he was carrying a heavy load on his shoulders, and finally disappeared at the door of the hospital, walked into Huangshi Road, and walked north Go and disappear into the vast sea of ​​people.

If you want to continue tracking the rising sun’s whereabouts, you can only check the traffic electronic eye.Jiang Yiming asked Wu Yiya: "The rising sun is heading north of Huangshi Road. Where do you think he will go?"

"I don't know. He doesn't seem to have any relatives or friends in the north. Where is he going? Captain Jiang, something might have happened to my husband. Please find a way to find him." She looked at Jiang Yiming pitifully.

"Don't worry, we have a way to find him." Jiang Yiming comforted her, took out his mobile phone and called Lu Yingying, "Yingying, are you in the office?"

"Here, I'm leading the visual investigation team to check the video. What are your instructions?" Lu Yingying asked mischievously.She likes to use her humorous tone to relieve everyone's stress.

"A patient is missing from the Second People's Hospital. The video shows him walking to the north of Huangshi Road. Please help me check the electronic eye on Huangshi Road to see where he went. I'm waiting for your reply."

"Okay, you can send his photo to my mobile phone and I will check it immediately."

Jiang Yiming asked: "Ms. Wu, do you have a photo of the rising sun on your phone? It's best to have a full-length photo."

"Yes, I'll send it to you." Wu Yiya called up two photos of Rising Sun from the gallery on her phone, one was a full-body photo, and the other was a half-length photo.After Jiang Yiming received the photo, he sent it to Lu Yingying.A few seconds later, Lu Yingying replied: Got it.

They came to the office of Zhou Zhiqiang, the chief physician of Xurisheng.Jiang Yiming asked Zhou Zhiqiang if he had any blood samples from Xurisheng. They needed to use the blood samples to make DNA.Zhou Zhiqiang said yes and asked them to sit down while he went to take blood samples.

Although there is no need to make Rising Sun's DNA at the moment, Jiang Yiming thought of this in advance to prepare for future needs.While waiting for the results, Jiang Yiming always thinks more than others. This is the gap between excellent criminal police officers and ordinary criminal police officers.

After a while, Zhou Zhiqiang brought a test tube containing one-third of the blood and handed it to Jiang Yiming.It has a Rising Sun label on it.

Jiang Yiming took out a cotton swab from his handbag, opened the lid of the test tube, put the cotton swab into the test tube, dipped it in a little blood, then put the cotton swab into the evidence bag, and returned the test tube to Zhou Zhiqiang.

At this time, Lu Yingying called and said that after walking half a mile on Huangshi Road, Xu Risheng got into a Hongwei Taxi Company car and drove towards Binhai Road.The taxi license plate is: Chang A18620.Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting rushed to Hongwei Taxi Company and recalled the owner of Chang A18620 operating outside the company to the company.Jiang Yiming handed him the photo of Rising Sun. He looked at it for a while and said: This guest got off the bus at the pier of Sansha Island. He should have gone to Sansha Island for fun.

Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting rushed to Sansha Island again.Because you need to take a boat to go to Sansha Island, the helmsman of the ferry should know whether Xurisheng has gone to Sansha Island.The ferry to Sansha Island is not big and can only seat 30 people at most. There is no charge for taking the ferry. It is provided by Sansha Island Tourism Company for free.

When Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting arrived at the ferry, the ferry had just left the shore. It took half an hour to wait for the ferry to turn back, because it was raining continuously, the bay was confused, and Sansha Island was not visible.

After the ferry came back, Jiang Yiming went to the cab to find the helmsman. There was no waiter in the ferry, and only the helmsman controlled the ferry.When Jiang Yiming handed him the photo of Rising Sun, the helmsman said he didn't know because he couldn't take care of so many passengers by himself.

It is impossible for the helmsman to pay attention to every passenger who gets on the boat, because there are more than 400 passengers on Sansha Island today, and he is 55 years old and has a bad memory.Jiang Yiming understood what he said. He believed that Xuri Sheng should have gone to Sansha Island.

Jiang Yiming decided to go to Sansha Island to investigate.

The scenery of Sansha Island is not beautiful on a rainy day, and there is a vast white mist in front of you. However, because Sansha Island is not accessible to traffic, tourists who like tranquility will come to Sansha Island to stay for a few days.Is Rising Sun going to live on Sansha Island?Where did he get the money to stay in a hotel?A night's stay in a Sansha Island hotel costs at least 180 yuan, and including meals, it's less than 300 yuan.

If the rising sun rises over Sansha Island, then he must go to meet someone very important, otherwise, he will not drag his illness and leave without saying goodbye.

The Bihai Hotel on Sansha Island is built on the highest point of Sansha Island with a total of 12 floors. It was rated as a three-star hotel in 2014.The second and third floors of the hotel are restaurants. Jiang Yiming and Song Wanqing ate in this restaurant for the first time last year. That time he met Wu Xiaoyu. Later, Wu Xiaoyu made great contributions to them in finding Zhou Shougui and Chen Wangchong.

Most tourists would go to Bihai Hotel to eat or stay, so Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting went to the hotel's customer department to check, but found that there was no accommodation registration for Xurisheng.So, will Xurisheng ever go to a restaurant to eat?
It was already 4:30 in the afternoon, and the waiters had already gone to work. They were preparing for dinner. Jiang Yiming asked the lobby manager about the situation.

The manager is a young woman named Zhong Tianjiao. She is wearing a black woolen business suit. She is of medium height, but because she is slim and wears high heels, she looks taller.Her lips were thick and small, very sexy.

After Jiang Yiming introduced himself, he opened the photo of Rising Sun on his phone, handed it to Zhong Tianjiao and said, "Manager Zhong, please take a closer look. Has this guest been to the restaurant for lunch?"

She took the photo and looked at it for a moment and said, "I'm sorry, today is Saturday, there are many customers, and I didn't see the person you were looking for. How about calling the waiters together and showing them the photo. Maybe they have seen this person?" "She handed the phone to Jiang Yiming.

"This is more troublesome. It would be faster for us to go to your security manager and check the surveillance video."

"Okay, our control room is on the 9th floor. The security manager's name is Wu Dasheng. I'll call and explain. He will cooperate with your work." She was very enthusiastic, definitely not the kind of enthusiasm for guests, but for Jiang Yiming and The enthusiasm generated by Zhou Ting's admiration.Since ancient times, beauties love heroes, and Zhou Ting enjoys her gaze.

There is only one security guard watching the surveillance in the control room on the 9th floor.He saw Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting walking in, stood up and asked, "Who are you looking for?" The security guard's name was Wang Haifeng. He was 48 years old. His face was full of weather-beaten wrinkles, which was far from his age.

"We are from the Criminal Police Team of the Municipal Bureau. My name is Jiang Yiming and his name is Zhou Ting. We would like to access the surveillance video after 9 a.m. today. Please cooperate." Jiang Yiming took out his police officer ID card and handed it to him.

"No, I know you are from the No. 1 Major Crime Team, you have repeatedly solved strange and major cases, and you are our heroes!" He gave them a thumbs up, then turned to make tea, but was stopped by Jiang Yiming.

"We want to find the suspect as quickly as possible. Please help us retrieve the surveillance video of the Bihai Hotel gate first."

"Okay." He sat down, prepared to work, thought about it, and asked curiously: "Captain Jiang, can you let me see the suspect's photo?"

"Okay." Jiang Yiming handed him the phone to look at.

He only took one look and said, "I saw this man before. He walked into the hotel around 10:30 this morning, then sat in the lobby for about an hour, and finally went to the restaurant on the second floor."

"Oh? Does he have any friends coming with him?"

(End of this chapter)

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