Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 471 Who Is the Oriole

Chapter 471 Who Is the Oriole (5)
Jiang Yiming got out of the car, opened the door for her, let her sit in the car, and he closed the door.At this time, he smelled the faint smell of perfume on her body. It was an extremely elegant perfume that could hardly be smelled if one's nose was not sensitive.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"What do you think?" She tilted her head, a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, like the smile of Mona Lisa. This was a very test question of IQ, and he didn't know how to answer it.

He suddenly remembered that "the mountains are high and the moon is small, and the water will reveal the rocks." These eight words, the place Sandu Bay jumped out of his mind, which is the most suitable for this artistic conception. The Sandu in Sandu Bay actually refers to three hills, forming a half-moon shape. It faces a bay, so it is called Sandu Bay.

"How about going to Sandu Bay? The air there is the quietest and the beach is the purest." He said with a smile.

"As expected of the captain of the criminal police, you can answer such a highly intelligent question, which is exactly what I want." She originally wanted to say that it made sense, but she felt that this was too intimate, so she changed her mind.

"Actually, you can give me a hard time, because this is an ambiguous question. Let me tell you a folk story: Once upon a time, an emperor visited a small town in the south of the Yangtze River incognito. It started raining heavily in the evening, and the emperor took shelter under the eaves. There was the sound of reading loudly, and the emperor casually recited: "The sound of wind and rain can be heard by the sound of reading." The scholar in the room said: "Everything in the family, state, and world matters."

"The emperor was shocked. How did the scholar know that I was the emperor? The emperor went to meet the scholar and wanted to test his IQ: 'Scholar, should I go in or go out?'

"The scholar saw that the emperor had his feet both inside and outside the threshold. This was an unsolvable problem, but it did not trouble the scholar: Sir, should I come to pick you up or not? The emperor was so shocked that he transferred him to the imperial court. Be an official."

After hearing this, Song Wanqing smiled lightly: "No, this couplet was written by Gu Xiancheng of the Ming Dynasty and was written at Donglin Academy in Wuxi. It was not for the emperor and the scholar. You are piracy, or plagiarism."

"So, what I said beforehand is folklore, so it can't be as rigorous as you academics."

While they were talking, they had already arrived at Sandu Bay.

The three mountains of Sandu Bay are not high, but they stand one nautical mile away from the shore, hugging Sandu Bay tightly in their arms. In this way, the mountains appear tall and majestic. At this moment, the moon is shining brightly. Slowly rising from the sea, the moon is very round, crawling slowly between Yidu Mountain and Erdu Mountain. It is not bright, exuding a faint light, as beautiful as a hazy poem.

The seaside is as quiet as the world of deaf-mute people. Only the waves gently lap on the beach, making small sounds like whispers between lovers. Shili Beach is deserted, which is very suitable for Song Wanqing's taste. She often dreams of one day being with her. A handsome man walks on this quiet beach, especially on a moonlit night.

Of course, she wanted this person to be her beloved, and it was best to be the kind of man who is "full of water and speechless". At this moment, she got it, so she was very excited, but she should not be overly happy. It is better to come slowly, as slow and hazy as the rising moon.

They walked on the beach, leaving a series of footprints on the beach. The breeze blew her long hair, and her hair brushed from his face from time to time. He smelled the fragrance of her hair. He didn't know how. Breaking the silence, maybe Song Wanqing liked to walk without saying anything, so how could he dare to speak first?

"Want to hear our story?" Song Wanqing broke the silence first.

"Your story? Who is your story? Your ex-boyfriend?"

"Disappointing!" She glanced at him coquettishly, "Where are you thinking? This is the story of me and Li Yan."

"I'm sorry, I was wrong. Just tell me, it was my dream."

"Li Yan and I are actually biological sisters. She is five years older than me, so we are very similar. My biological parents gave birth to Li Yan... No, I still used to call my sister Sun Lanxiang. After they gave birth to my sister, I really want to give birth to a boy to continue the incense of the Sun family.

"It turned out that my mother got pregnant. After that, my mother went into hiding because she didn't have a job. My father was the director of a paper mill, and his salary was enough to support the family. After my mother gave birth to me, she found out that I was a girl. She I don't dare to go home because if my employer finds out, I will be fired.

"So, my father suggested that my mother give me to someone else to raise me, so that I could keep my position as a national cadre. So, my father gave me to my current adoptive father. My adoptive father is a comrade of my biological father. My adoptive mother cannot have children, and my adoptive father My adoptive mother raised me as her own daughter and gave me endless love, which enabled me to thrive. Under their careful education, I was admitted to the Provincial College of Liberal Arts.

"After graduation, because of my excellent grades, I was retained as a teaching assistant and later as a lecturer. Eight years ago, my sister was beaten to death by Dewey in order to protect you. My adoptive parents felt that my biological parents were pitiful, so they told me about my life experience. He told me and asked me to go to Guangzhou to visit my biological father and mother. "My adoptive father and mother are both people who understand righteousness. I am very grateful to them, so I went to Guangzhou to visit my biological father and mother. After they saw me, they hugged me and cried bitterly. She shed tears and said that she shouldn't have given me to others at that time. Even if she lost her job and went to pick garbage, she still had to raise my sister and me.

"I also hugged them and cried bitterly, but to be honest, I was not as heartbroken as they were. I know very well that 'a biological mother is not as good as an adoptive mother.' If my biological parents had not lost my sister, they would not have regretted it so much. I asked for leave. I stayed with them for half a month and then returned to Yangtze University.

"Before leaving, they hugged me and cried and repented. I could only try my best to persuade them, saying that I would visit them every year. I suggested that they return to the Yangtze River, but they refused because they did not want to go back to the place where they were sad. They asked me to try my best to visit my sister at the cemetery during festive seasons, saying that my sister loved the yellow clivia the most.

"I promised them that I would visit my sister at least three times a year, usually during Qingming Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival. The third time would be in the winter when it rains coldly. Of course, there would be four or even five times, depending on my mood. I know My sister is most afraid of winter, especially the rainy winter. After returning home from Guangzhou, I began to search for information about the love and hatred between you, my sister and Dewey.

"I learned from this that you are a hero worthy of the admiration of all women. It was because you were injured that day and couldn't react that my sister took the bullet for you. However, I blame you, why did you hurt yourself? If you didn't If she was injured, she would definitely be able to dodge Dewey's bullets, and my sister would not die. There was no way Dewey could hurt my sister.

"In the past eight years or so, I have visited my sister's grave 35 times, but I have never met you. Therefore, I blame you for this. You are so ruthless. Later I learned that you have never forgotten my sister, and You keep yourself safe for my sister and refuse to fall in love, so I look at you differently.

"Since the day I met you, I no longer blame you, because you focus on the cause of justice and eliminate harm for the people to the point of forgetting to eat and sleep. Especially after you solved the serial murder case, you suddenly became taller in my mind. Yes, I am a woman with traditional ideas, and I long for a hero who rides back to his hometown..." She spoke in a passionate voice, with tears in her eyes, which was a sign of the deep love between sisters.

"I blame myself very much for Sun Lanxiang's death, but this is definitely not the result I want. I just want to put her in jail, stop crazy revenge on others, and bring peace to the world. I don't know why God is teasing us like this. , pushing two beloved people to the opposite side, I have no choice!" His eyes were moist.

"Okay, everything is over, let's start again, don't dwell on the past, don't be afraid of the future, live in the present, this is what we have to do, come and laugh..." She smiled at him, as charming as a diamond Brilliant.

He laughed along: "Sing me a song, maybe it will make me happy."

"But I can't sing, let alone pop songs. Let me sing you a song that my mother loved to sing when she was young. Can you guess what song my mother liked at that time?"

"This tested my IQ even more. I think people of that era loved singing revolutionary songs, such as "Golden Mountain in Beijing" and "Our Life is Full of Sunshine"."

"Almost. My mother loves to sing the theme song of "Junior", "What a Wonderful Youth." When my mother sings this song, I think she is the most beautiful woman in the world."

"Really? I've never heard this song before. Can you sing it?"

"Of course I can. I admired my mother the most when I was a child. She is my goddess! I sang: 'Life, life, how lovely, how lovely, like the fragrant and colorful buds of spring, the flowers everywhere tomorrow, the flowers everywhere Oh, I have to rely on today's sweat to irrigate my youth. Youth, how beautiful, how beautiful. My heart is sometimes like the burning morning glow, sometimes like the sea under the moonlight. Thinking of the better future, I want to sing from the bottom of my heart. Come out, I want to sing it from the bottom of my heart...'"

Her singing voice is beautiful, as melodious as a lark, as sweet as a clear spring, as pure as dewdrops, and a road covered with flowers seems to unfold before her eyes...

Jiang Yiming was fascinated by what he heard. He hadn't heard such a beautiful song for a long time. It was a pity that Song Wanqing didn't become a singer. He wanted to praise her, but he didn't know how to use words. He felt that all words were pale at this moment. Powerless.

"This song should only exist in heaven, and can only be heard several times in the world." He suddenly remembered this poem.

"Thank you!" She looked at him quietly. Through the moonlight, she saw tears still shining in his eyes. These were tears moved by her singing, not sad tears.

The wind picked up, the waves roared, and the wind picked up her windbreaker. She shivered and folded her arms tightly. He asked gently: "Can I hold you?"

(End of this chapter)

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