Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 470 Who Is the Oriole

Chapter 470 Who Is the Oriole (4)
"We have conducted in-depth analysis and discussion on Lin Zhongshi's serial murder case. The manipulator behind the scenes you mentioned does not exist." Although Jiang Yiming said this, he was not sure in his heart. In many cases within a case, it is difficult to reveal the truth until the last moment.

"I suggest you concentrate on sorting out the case. You may be able to find out why my husband was killed. The most important thing is Lin Zhongshi's motive for killing. You can retry Lin Zhongshi to see if his motive for killing is sufficient."

Jiang Yiming suddenly felt that her vision had become extremely sharp, as if she was an expert with clear insights, guiding the crime team to solve the case and correct the mistakes they made. Jiang Yiming felt cold in his heart: How does this look like a woman who is a clerk?With her keen insight, she can become the director of the Public Security Bureau.

"Listening to your words is worth ten years of reading. We will definitely consider what you say. However, I do not agree with you investigating the cause of You Zhi's death and Lin Zhongshi's murder motive alone. You are a weak woman and should not Take on such a difficult task or it could endanger your life."

"Captain Jiang, do you agree with my idea?"

"Yes, maybe you are right. I will report the situation to the Bureau and restart the investigation. As long as you stay at home and don't investigate everywhere, we will definitely give you an explanation!" Jiang Yiming looked at her sincerely.

"Who wants to play with life? I just had a premonition that my husband died unjustly, so I had to take this step. However, I have something to say. If the police don't agree to re-investigate, I would rather risk my life to avenge my husband!" "She said through gritted teeth, looking like a revolutionary heading to the execution ground, and a feeling of admiration arose from the bottom of Jiang Yiming's heart.

Jiang Yiming reported the situation to Fang Lihua and expressed his thoughts. Fang Lihua pondered for a while and said: "There is currently no evidence to prove that Lin Zhongshi's motive for killing Youzhi is insufficient. It is just Liu Yiying's wishful thinking. Moreover, we have closed the case and restarted the investigation. The procedure is tantamount to a slap in the face, and I don’t agree with it.”

"It is the principle of us Communists that mistakes must be corrected. We cannot cover up the truth just to save face. If there is no re-investigation, You Zhi may be wronged."

"The problem is that there is no evidence. If there is evidence, I can consider restarting the investigation process. This is not the first time this has happened. For this reason, we are often criticized by the public, saying that we are eager for quick success and hastily closed the case."

"Follow your own path and let others have their say. It's hard to agree with others, and even the greatest chefs are criticized. What I'm worried about is that Liu Yiying will investigate alone. If so, she may be silenced by the mastermind behind the scenes."

"It's not as serious as you think, is it? The serial murder case is already very complete, and I don't want to add anything to it. Unless, of course, there is new evidence."

Jiang Yiming knew that he could not convince Fang Lihua and would cause trouble for himself if he did not become a leader. He understood Fang Lihua's thoughts, but Fang Lihua did not understand his thoughts. Therefore, Jiang Yiming's mood was cast into a haze and he was a little depressed.

He walked out of Fang Lihua's office in despair, came to his own office, sat on a chair and pondered: How can we find new evidence to prove that Lin Zhongshi's murder motive is insufficient?If no evidence is found, the looming mastermind will remain at large forever.

Not all truths can be revealed to the world, not all seeds can bear fruit, and many unjust cases will be deeply buried over time. However, since there are doubts, we must look for the truth without hesitation.

He was uneasy because he could not fulfill his promise to Liu Yiying. He was afraid that Liu Yiying would do something stupid and investigate by himself, endangering her life, because if there was really a mastermind behind the scenes, he must be a very powerful person, otherwise he would not be able to make Lin Yiying do something stupid. A fighter like Zhongshi surrendered and could even influence Fang Lihua's thoughts... Thinking of this, a chill ran down his spine.

At this time, his cell phone rang. It was Liu Yiying. He hesitated for a few seconds and pressed the answer button: "Hello, what can I do for you?"

"Captain Jiang, have you reported my situation to the director?" Her tone was a little urgent.

"Not yet. Director Fang is not here today. He went to the provincial department for a meeting. I will report to him when he comes back."

"Can't you report to him on the phone?"

"This matter is complicated and difficult to explain clearly at the moment, so I have to wait for him to come back and explain the situation to him carefully. Don't worry, I will definitely get it done."

"When will he come back?"

"It's coming soon, just these two days." Jiang Yiming felt that he had deceived himself. He suddenly hated himself like this. When did he learn to deal with the crowd?

"Well, I'm waiting for your good news. You must not let me down!" "Absolutely not." After Jiang Yiming hung up the phone, he felt that something was blocking his heart. He was a little annoyed, but he didn't know how to deal with it. The troubled thoughts were driven away... He suddenly thought of Song Wanqing.

He opened WeChat and wanted to say something to Song Wanqing, but he didn't know how to say it. After thinking about it for a long time, he gave up and locked his phone again.

Ever since he met Song Wanqing in front of Li Yan's grave, Song Wanqing would pop up in his mind whenever he was free. Her smiles, words and deeds, and even her thoughtful look, all appeared one by one. She was the one who appeared the most. She has a slender back, but the clearest thing is her facial features, which are exactly the same as Li Yan!

Especially in the dead of night, his heart seemed to be attracted by a kind of magic, always yearning for Yangtze University where she lived.This unknown university had become of great significance to him since he met her. In the past, when he drove by, he had ignored Yangtze University, the kind of indifference that turned a blind eye to it, because he was focused on handling the case without any distractions.

Now Yangtze University is as important as the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. He doesn't know why he has this magical feeling. Is it because there is a beautiful woman on the other side of the water?Most psychological causes are caused by external factors, and he is no exception. His heart tells him: because Song Wanqing lives there!
Although he has never been to her dormitory and does not know where she lives, it is a place he is fascinated by. It is the grassland of the soul and the back garden of the spirit. He always wants to grow wings and fly to Jingjing Campus. The only reason is that it is the habitat of Song Wanqing's soul and body.

He suddenly had an urge to write poetry. He had not had this urge for many years. However, he thought that Song Wanqing was a lecturer in classical literature, and his interest in poetry had been wiped out. If he wrote a poem and sent it to her, wouldn't it be a trick?If not, she will laugh at her secretly.Therefore, I had no choice but to remain silent.

He thought of Bian Zhilin's "Fragmented Chapter". He opened Baidu and searched for "Fragmented Chapter", clicked copy, and then pasted it into the WeChat dialog box, and sent it to her: "You stand on the bridge and look at the scenery, and the people watching the scenery are watching upstairs. You, the bright moon decorates your windows, you decorate other people’s dreams.”

He didn't understand the meaning of this poem very deeply, but he was indeed the one standing upstairs looking at her. Even if the flowers fell deliberately and the water flowed ruthlessly, he had to express his heart's longing to her in this way, otherwise, he would sleep and eat. Uneasy.

Why this impulse?Could it be that you have been alone for too many years?Maybe it has nothing to do with loneliness, not to mention that he is not lonely. He has endless cases to finish, endless things to do, and a pure heart to support justice and comrades who share life and death. He is by no means lonely!

His WeChat message buzzed, and Song Wanqing replied: "I hope I can stand on the bridge with you and watch the scenery, instead of leaving me upstairs!"

After watching it, he was as excited as if he had seen a mirage, almost like a child. He thought this was the most beautiful love story in the world!There are no gorgeous words, no pledges of eternal love, and no sweet words. There are only gentle expectations and poetic answers.

He thought for a moment and replied to her: "I can accompany you to see the scenery tonight. Are you free? We can also have dinner together." He no longer used the word you. He felt that the distance between him and her had suddenly become closer. Words are really magical. , like a chemical reaction, can bring two hearts closer instantly.

"I don't have time for dinner. It's time for vacation. I want to get together with the students and give them a farewell. After dinner, we can go to the beach to watch the moonrise together. Although it is already the [-]th day of the lunar calendar, people say that the [-]th day of the lunar month is the [-]th day of the moon. Six Circles is worth seeing.”

"Okay, I'll go with you. Where can you watch the moonrise?"

"I like to go to the beach and listen to the sound of the ebb and flow of the tide. The image of 'the mountains are high and the moon is small, and the water falls and the rocks are revealed' is deeply engraved in my girlish feelings."

"But the wind is too strong at the beach. I'm afraid you might catch a cold."

"I'm not a weakling in the greenhouse. I won't ask you to compensate me if I catch a cold, so don't worry."

"Okay, I look forward to death. Why should I be afraid of the cold weather and strong wind?"

"This is what a hero is like!" She sent him three likes. Jiang Yiming just looked forward to getting off work as soon as possible, having a quick meal, and then going to an appointment. He hadn't gone for a walk on the beach under the moonlight for a long time, probably more than a dozen times. Years old?He couldn't remember clearly.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, he sent her a message and asked her if it was over?She said it was over, and he used Didi Taxi to book a taxi to pick up Song Wanqing.When the car arrived at the gate of the university, he had already seen Song Wanqing standing there. She was wearing a green windbreaker and carrying a small satchel, looking calmly ahead. He suddenly remembered the idiom "Yushu Linfeng".

Jiang Yiming asked the driver to stop the car in front of her. She was not surprised or happy. She knew he was coming without looking. Even if he hadn't arrived, she would not be disappointed because her heart was calm enough. This is A woman inspired by classical literature.

(End of this chapter)

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