Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 466 Death of the Escaper

Chapter 466 Death of the Escaper (14)
"I never send death notices to targets. That is a plot that only exists in novels. Only mentally retarded killers would do stupid things. I copied 20 photos of mature men in other people's QQ albums, and the age must be the same. I'm similar, because you can definitely tell my age.

"Then I selected people with a similar figure to me from 20 photos and copied the photos to a USB flash drive. In order to prevent you from finding out, I took the photos to Shanghai and found a company called Jinzhi Silicone Products Factory. Already read online about their company's ability to make beautiful silicone masks.

"I talked to my boss, and he said he could fully meet my requirements. However, because I wanted to make high-fidelity masks, he said each mask would cost 9800 yuan. I said no problem, so I ordered ten masks in total. Keep it ready and use it slowly. If you run out, continue customizing, but I was arrested by you after only using three masks. Alas, it's up to people to make things happen, but it's up to God..." He sighed regretfully.

"When you went to kill Youzhi that day, why didn't you wear a mask instead of dressing up as an old man picking up garbage?"

"First, I'm afraid that my mask will be torn by branches when I go up Hengyuan Mountain; second, I'm afraid that sweating while climbing will affect the adhesion of the glue and cause the mask to fall off; third, the mask will affect the accuracy of my archery, so I can only I used make-up instead of a mask, but I didn’t expect that one mistake would lead to eternal regret.”

"People are doing it, God is watching, sooner or later you will fall into the law."

"I know this deeply, but I have eliminated five evil people for the people. I have no regrets. If there is an afterlife, I will continue to be the spokesperson of the force of justice and clean up this dirty world. People Live better.”

"The righteous power and justice you talk about are just your excuses. Your hands are stained with blood. You are the filthiest villain! Only law can represent justice in this world. You are standing on the opposite side of justice! I doubt it. You are a psychopath and kill people for fun." Jiang Yiming's voice became louder.

"No, no, no, I'm not a pervert. If you don't believe me, you can send me to the hospital for diagnosis. Everything I do is in pursuit of lofty ideals. I never kill innocent people indiscriminately, and I will never kill people for fun. That's too much. You have belittled my worth and personality!" He also shouted loudly.

"Calm down, one more question: why did you kill Youzhi?"

"It's very simple, because you are pressing me harder and harder. I didn't intend to kill him originally. The people I killed were evil people who were punished by the vast majority of people on the Justice Network. Later, I found that someone used the IP of the Criminal Police Team to access the Internet. , I realized you were staring at me closely.

"So, for the sake of my longer-term great cause, I chose to kill Youzhi, because he is also a user of the Justice Network, and he scolds evil people the most. I wanted to know what kind of person he was, so I invaded his computer. But I found that while he was sanctimonious on the outside, he was very dark inside.

"In the encrypted files on his computer, there were actually many videos and photos of him having sex with women. I was very angry and continued to investigate him, and found that he used his power and insider information to disclose land bidding information to real estate developer Petino. target.

"After Petino won the bid, he wired 10 US dollars from a Swiss bank to Youzhi. In return, I hated the scum who looked well-dressed on the outside but was a thief of men and prostitutes on the inside. So, I planted a Trojan horse in his WeChat account to keep track of him at any time. "That day he made an appointment with a man named Liu Li to go fishing there. I thought this was a very good opportunity, so I climbed into Jingshui from the north of Hengyuan Mountain on the morning of January 1, 8. I arrived at the farm at 7:10. I saw Youzhi fishing there, which made me very excited.

"I hid under a banyan tree, about 30 meters away from him. I had originally shot him to death, but because the fog was so thick at the time, I could hardly see his back. It wasn't until 8 o'clock that the fog slowed down. Slowly dispersing, I took out the crossbow, pointed the arrow at him, and fully pulled the bow. With my anger, the arrow flew out with a whoosh and accurately shot into his right back.

"After he received the arrow, he trembled and threw himself forward. He lay on the ground and twitched a few times and did not get up again. After I waited for 10 minutes and saw that no one came to save him, I stopped after I was sure that he was dead. He raised his crossbow and left Jingshui Farm calmly.

"This is how I punished the five evil people. I have confessed now. I will chop you up or kill you. I will die early and be reincarnated. 20 years later, I will be a good man again!"

"Where is your murder weapon?"

"There is a cellar under my villa. The door of the cellar is covered with marble and carpet. Under the coffee table, in order to commemorate how many people I have killed, I never throw away the murder weapons because they are my trophies, so I put three Knives, crossbows, hallucinogens and silicone masks were all hidden in the cellar."

There is no doubt that Lin Zhongshi is a serial killer. It is impossible for others to know these details. In order to confirm the case, he asked Lin Zhongshi some more details, and Lin Zhongshi answered them one by one.

After the interrogation, the crime team took Lin Zhongshi to 82 villas to find the murder weapons. After opening the cellar, all the murder weapons were neatly listed in the collection cabinet. After Luo Jin's testing, the three knives had DNA samples from the three deceased people. The ingredients of hallucinogens are exactly the same as those in Wu Liang’s body.

After having this evidence, they took Lin Zhongshi to identify the scene and even simulated Lin Zhongshi's actions of killing the five victims.Walk through every scene.

Therefore, this case has become a solid case.The entire city bureau breathed a sigh of relief, because they invested thousands of police forces, interviewed more than 5000 people, and recorded nearly 50 words, which were stacked half a meter high.This is the result of the concerted efforts of the entire city bureau. The crime squad has invested the most police force in this case in its history.

(End of this chapter)

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