Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 465 Death of the Escaper

Chapter 465 Death of the Escaper (13)
"I refuse to answer this. He immigrated overseas two years ago and you can't find him."

"Did he teach you how to kill, how to counter-investigate, and how to invade other people's computer networks?"

"I refuse to answer anything about my mentor."

"Okay, then tell me how you killed Xiao Shishun."

"I also learned about his evil deeds on, and then learned about him from the author. The author used to be his friend, but later they fell out. The author gave me his detailed information. I know that Xiao Shishun is a He is a lustful man who often takes prostitutes to Dome Mountain to have sex, always by the observation deck. I also know this from his WeChat chat with Tian Xiaotian.

"Therefore, I lurked early every day in the woods behind the Dome Mountain Observation Deck to wait for him. I waited for a week in a row, enduring the wind, rain, and long loneliness. Finally, I waited for him late at night on November 11, when he came When I just finished my prostitution with Tian Xiaotian, I stabbed him to death with a fruit knife. I specifically chose to stab the person in the lungs because he would not be able to cry out for help." He said calmly, as if he had nothing to do with what he said. Irrelevant story.

"Then let's talk about how to kill Jiang during his visit to China."

"Didn't I say that? After I saw his evil deeds on the Justice Network, I hacked into the surveillance video system of the People's Hospital and saw the thief disguised as a doctor and entered Bai Yiyi's ward. I took a screenshot of his face, and then Use Fortoso software to process the screenshots clearly, and then use restoration software to restore his face. Therefore, a complete face was obtained.

"A thief would steal the life-saving money of a leukemia patient. He must be in great financial distress. I thought of someone who had just been released from prison. So, I hacked into the computer of Urata Prison and found that Jiang's visit to China and the screenshots were restored. The people after that were exactly the same.

"After it was confirmed that he was the one who did it, I started planning to kill him. I knew that he liked to live in Green Villa because his theft skills in prison were no longer familiar. He often practiced his techniques in the room of Green Villa. This is what I did behind the scenes in Green Villa. seen with a telescope on the mountain.

"I think this is the best opportunity, because he stays alone in his room almost every time and occasionally surfs the Internet. As soon as he goes online, I invade the computer he uses, put a worm into his computer, and watch him surf the Internet. What? It turned out that he was learning more advanced spending and stealing techniques from people online.

"I also put the worm into the computer of Luyin Villa to keep track of Jiang's stay in China. He finally checked into Building 2016 of Luyin Villa on the evening of December 12, 16. Because it was very cold and drizzling that day, I I think this is the best opportunity.

"So, I climbed up from the south side of Fulai Mountain, and then walked from the top to the back of Luyin Villa. It was about 8 o'clock in the evening. I sat on the mountain and used a night vision telescope to observe the situation in Building 5, and found that Jiang Fanghua was alone. While surfing the Internet, he drank red wine. After drinking half a bottle of red wine, he went to bed. "He closed the curtains before going to bed, so I couldn't see clearly what was going on inside, but he had turned off the lights, so I could He must have fallen asleep, and I planned to let him sleep deeper before taking action. I waited until one o'clock in the morning on the 18th. I felt that he had fallen into a deep sleep, so I walked down the mountainside and quietly touched the window of Building 5.

"I used a 21-centimeter Swiss Army knife to pry open the latch of the window door and open the window. However, the window door made a friction sound with the curtain when I opened it. As a result, Jiang Fanghua woke up from his sleep. After he turned on the desk lamp, he shouted loudly. Asked: 'Who?' By this time I had jumped into his room.

"After he saw me, he suddenly stood up from the bed and rushed towards me. I dodged and stretched out my left foot to stumble. He fell solidly to the ground. He was very agile and got up from the ground. But my knife was faster than his, and before he could stand up straight, I stabbed his Swiss Army knife into his right lung, and he fell down again and never got up."

"Why are there no fingerprints or shoe prints of yours at the scene?"

"I wear gloves, gloves, a hat and tights every time I do an assassination. However, there is no way to avoid sweating at the scene, because my martial arts is not very good. If the opponent resists, I will sweat nervously. Therefore, it is fate that you can find my DNA sample at the scene. I know that there is no perfect crime, just like there are death cases and unsolved cases in the world, but in order to do justice for God, I have already put my life aside."

After he finished speaking, he asked for a drink of water. Xiao Ke handed him a bottle of mineral water. After taking a deep sip, he remained silent, waiting for Jiang Yiming's two questions.

"Tell me how you killed Wu Liang."

"You all know this very well, so why bother saying more?" His facial features are sharp and angular, his temperament is resolute and strong, and his eyes are bright and lively. He has become a prisoner and can still be so calm. He is indeed a tough guy. Jiang Yiming suddenly remembered the story of Jing Ke's assassination of the King of Qin. , that kind of heroic spirit that is gone and never comes back is admirable, but it is a pity that Lin Zhongshi was used in the wrong place and will become a condemned prisoner.

"Okay, if you don't want to say it, let me simply ask some key questions. In which factory were your silicone masks ordered? How many were ordered in total?"

"Ever since I made up my mind to eliminate harm for the people, I have thought up a brilliant strategy. I have carefully studied every detail. If I want to eliminate harm for the people for the rest of my life, I must have multiple masks and multiple killing tools. , in case you find patterns in the killing tools.

(End of this chapter)

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