Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 374 The Death of the Most Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 374 The Death of the Most Beautiful Teacher (7)
"So, after my friend and I finished singing in the karaoke hall, around 10:[-], I drove to Gaogang Village Primary School, climbed over the primary school wall, came to Fang Mindong's door, put on a hood and gloves, and zipped up my sportswear. , took out the prepared bone scraper, and quietly opened Fang Mindong's door with the key Bai Wan gave me.

"After opening the door, I took out a miniature flashlight and shone it. What surprised me was that Fang Mindong was already lying in a pool of blood. Someone had stabbed him in the naked chest. All the blood had drained out. I boldly stepped forward and touched his nose. , but not breathing at all, and his face is cold, he must have been dead for a long time..."

"What happened next? What did you do afterwards?" Wu Jiang didn't believe that such a coincidence existed in the world.

“After I calmed down, I felt that the scene should be cleaned up, because my shoe prints were left on the scene, and the police could find out that it was me who did it. So I went to the kitchen to get a bucket of water to the scene, and put my shoes I rinsed it off and drove home."

"Jiang Zhiming, you are really good at making up stories. If you become a writer, the books you write will definitely sell well."

"No, no, no, I'm not making up stories. All of this is true. If you don't believe me, you can take a lie detector test on me..." Jiang Zhiming's eyes showed fear, he was extremely afraid of such a result.

"Polygraph detection is not a panacea. Before the case is solved, you must live in a detention center for a period of time. Even if the facts are as you said, you can still be convicted of premeditated attempted murder." Wu Jiang said seriously that the National People's Congress representative actually premeditated the murder. Killing people, he was very disgusted with this kind of wolf in sheep's clothing.

"No, no, no, I am a deputy to the National People's Congress. The Standing Committee's resolution only allows you to summon me, not to detain me. I am not convinced!" Jiang Zhiming shouted, desperate and angry.

At this time, the legal advisor of Jiang Zhiming's company went to the county bureau to negotiate with Director Zeng. Director Zeng showed Jiang Zhiming's confession to Lawyer Huang. After reading it, Lawyer Huang said: "This can only be regarded as criminal premeditation or the termination of the crime. Please ask Zeng The Bureau is showing mercy outside the law and allows my client to go home. You can use surveillance methods to control Jiang Zhiming. After all, he is a deputy to the National People's Congress and earns hundreds of thousands in profits and taxes every year. He is a person who has contributed to society."

"This is not the termination of a crime, but an attempted crime. The two results are completely different. The former can be considered exempt from punishment, while the latter will definitely be punished, and Jiang Zhiming is [-]% the latter." Director Zeng disagreed with Lawyer Huang's statement .

Lawyer Huang argued hard and cited many cases to prove that Jiang Zhiming's crime was terminated. However, Director Zeng insisted on his opinion and sent Jiang Zhiming to the detention center to be imprisoned. He also called the director to inform the director of their decision. During the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, all members of the Standing Committee unanimously approved that as long as Jiang Zhiming is suspected of committing a crime, any compulsory measures can be implemented against him, not to mention that he is very likely to be a murderer. Once he is allowed to go back, he will be a fish in the sea and never look back.

Lawyer Huang had no choice but to blame Jiang Zhiming for being stupid and admitting that he wanted to kill Fang Mindong that night. If he had gone to visit him or negotiated with Fang Mindong on Bai Wan's order, he would not have been imprisoned.However, on the other hand: if Jiang Zhiming killed Fang Mindong, and he confessed like this, it was a smart move, because he felt that it was impossible for the police to find evidence that he killed Fang Mindong.

Although Jiang Zhiming was suspected of murder, there was no evidence to prove that he committed murder. After multiple visits and investigations, there was no result and the case reached a deadlock.The only way now is to return to the site and continue digging for gold, because they have only surveyed the site once and will definitely miss something.The site is a golden beach. As long as you keep searching, you will always find gold.

Everyone came to Gaogang Village Primary School. Zhu Gang and Che Xiaolin continued to investigate in the living room where Fang Mindong died. Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke investigated in Fang Mindong's bedroom. The bedroom was not investigated last time because it was not a crime scene.

Fang Mindong's bedroom is very simple. A bed takes up a quarter of the space. There is a rectangular table under the window facing the mountain. The table is filled with various primary school textbooks, student homework, test papers, extracurricular readings, etc. The bed There is a bedside table with a lamp on it.

The bed was covered with a mahjong bamboo mat. The bamboo mat was black and it seemed that it had been used for many years. Under the bamboo mat was a spring mattress with no bedspread in the middle. The bamboo mat was laid directly on the mattress. This shows that Fang Mindong does not pay attention to refinement. life.

Wu Jiang opened the bamboo mat, put it on the ground, and went to check the mattress. There were many dirty things scattered on the mattress: rice, dander, hair, dust, etc. The outside of the mattress was wrapped with chemical fiber cloth, with the words " The yellow and white rice waves have a thin layer of sponge inside, both of which are highly absorbent substances.

Wu Jiang closed the heavy curtains and the room instantly became dark. He illuminated the mattress with a multi-band light source and found that there were many semen, blood stains, skin flakes, sweat stains and other things on the mattress.

It is not surprising that a man's mattress has these things, but Bai Wan said that she had never slept in Fang Mindong's room, and had not even been to Gaogang Village Primary School for many years. These blood stains were definitely not Bai Wan's.

The blood stains have been washed away and cannot be seen with the naked eye. However, because the mattress is difficult to wash, the blood stains are still attached to it. It can be seen by shining it with a multi-band light source.Wu Jiang took out Luminol and sprayed it on the mattress. The blood stains became more obvious. They were distributed in different areas, but mainly in the center of the mattress. There were five spots in total.

Wu Jiang took out cotton swabs to extract five blood stains. After the extraction was completed, he placed them in five different evidence bags. Whose blood stains could these belong to?Could it be Fang Mindong's own?Or is it Tian Lili’s?If it belongs to Tian Lili, then Tian Lili may have an affair with Fang Mindong.

After extracting the blood stains, Wu Jiang extracted semen, hair, dander and other things. Xiao Ke asked Wu Jiang what are these things for?Because Xiao Ke believed that the blood and semen did not belong to the murderer.Wu Jiang said that perhaps these physical evidences might allow us to open another investigation path.Wu Jiang analyzed that the semen on the mattress should be Fang Mindong's, and the blood stains might be Tian Lili's, because Wang Shuiwang said that unless Fang Mindong got closer to Tian Lili, no woman would be close to him. Fang Mindong paid great attention to his image and never had sex with Gao Min. Women in Gangcun interact closely with each other. Although some young women express their affection for Fang Mindong, they are all treated coldly by Fang Mindong.

Wu Jiang and Che Xiaolin came to Tian Lili's house again and asked her if she often went to Fang Mindong's bedroom to chat?Tian Lili was slightly surprised: "Why do you ask this question? Have you heard any rumors?" She is extremely sensitive. Maybe people who have been abandoned by their husbands have sensitive nerves, right?

"No, we have only heard good things about you and Fang Mindong being brothers and sisters. However, we found a lot of blood stains on Fang Mindong's mattress. If you often sit on his bed and chat, and you happen to be menstruating, side leakage will occur. On his bed..."

"Hahaha, this is impossible. Not to mention that I rarely sit on his bed and chat. Even if I often sit on his bed, it is impossible for me to leak on his bed because I am infertile because I rarely menstruate. And I already had menopause the year my ex-husband and I divorced, so my ex-husband wants to divorce me. If you don’t believe me, you can go to the County Maternity and Children’s Hospital to check my medical records... Oh, I’ll show you my previous medical records.”

She stood up and walked to the bedroom. After a while, she took out a large stack of medical records and handed them to Wu Jiang.

Tian Lili asked Wu Jiang to look at the medical records from 1991, because that was the year she went through menopause.Wu Jiang read Tian Lili's medical records from three different hospitals that year, all of which proved that Tian Lili was menopausal and could no longer have children. These three pictures were like death sentences, making Tian Lili completely despair. Of course, after despair, she chose to be strong and divorce. She didn't want to Drag her husband down.

Wu Jiang believes that these three medical records are genuine. Judging from the yellowing degree of the medical records and the age of the handwriting, they cannot be fake.However, Wu Jiang still followed the procedure and extracted Tian Lili's DNA sample to prepare for DNA comparison.

"Teacher Tian, ​​we want to hear the truth from you. Is there any woman Fang Mindong has an affair with?"

"No, absolutely not. He is a highly respected teacher, and he is afraid of women, because Bai Wan made him completely disappointed in women. His heart for love is as old as an ancient well, and cannot bear any ripples."

"You go to Gaogang Village Primary School to teach on Monday mornings and return to the county town on Thursday mornings. You only spend half the time with your colleagues. Can you really guarantee that you know him very well?"

"Of course, in fact, because he and I have both experienced failure in marriage, we have more in common. Of course I know what he is thinking. Although he doesn't like to tell me much, his sigh and frown , I even know how to cry at night.”

"Did you hear him cry?"

"Yes, I occasionally hear him crying late at night, especially when he is drunk. Although he is a grown man, he is more fragile than me."

Wu Jiang felt that he had asked enough questions and said goodbye to Tian Lili.

Zheng Zuhua took Tian Lili's DNA sample and the blood stains and semen extracted from Fang Mindong's bedroom to the city bureau DNA laboratory for comparison. The results proved that the semen was Fang Mindong's, and the blood stains belonged to four different women, but not Tian Lili's. It wasn't Fang Mindong's either. This result surprised everyone.

Everyone has a meeting to analyze.

"Did four different women stay in Fang Mindong's bed? And they left menstrual blood at the same time?" Zhu Gang said.

"This is impossible. What woman would come to Fang Mindong's bed when she was my aunt? It's too unreasonable, unless Fang Mindong is sick." Lu Yingying objected first.

(End of this chapter)

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