Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 373 The Death of the Most Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 373 The Death of the Most Beautiful Teacher (6)
Wu Jiang explained the situation to Zhu Gang, who said he would issue a subpoena and summon Jiang Zhiming to the criminal police team for interrogation. Wu Jiang said this was inappropriate because summoning deputies to the National People's Congress required procedures.

Zhu Gang said: What procedure?I have never heard that the National People's Congress just raises hands, and the CPPCC just claps hands. A National People's Congress representative who has committed a crime is more shameful than an ordinary prisoner in front of me!
Zhu Gang's character was as strong as his name, resolute and resolute, and he did what he said. He found a summons from the drawer and asked Che Xiaolin and Chen Li to go with him to Baima Villa to take people.Wu Jiang wanted to stop him, but then he thought about it and thought it would be better to let Zhu Gang go. Maybe this way he would not miss the opportunity to fight.

They came to the reception center of Baima Villa. The reception center has a total of five floors. The second, third and fourth floors are conference rooms, and the fifth floor is VIP suites. Ordinary tourists live in farmers' homes around the reception center. All facilities are the same as those of county hotels. The same, providing food and accommodation for travelers.

Zhu Gang found the manager and asked if Jiang Zhiming lived here?The manager knew Zhu Gang. He did not dare to hide it and asked the account manager to check the whereabouts of Jiang Zhiming. After checking the accommodation registration on the computer, the account manager said to Zhu Gang: Jiang Zhiming lives in Room 502 on the fifth floor of the reception center. This Jiang Zhiming is addicted to Room 502 for some reason, and Bai Wan must be there too.

Zhu Gang came to Room 502 and knocked on the door. The door opened. Jiang Zhiming was about to curse when he saw Zhu Gang and the others and asked, "Why are you again?" He looked very unhappy and had no intention of letting them in. However, Zhu Gang smelled something for a while. From the smell of perfume, he knew it must be Bai Wan inside because the suite was closed.

"Mr. Jiang, why don't you let us come in and sit down?" Zhu Gang walked into the living room without waiting for his answer, and sat on the soft sofa as guests.Jiang Zhiming had no choice but to follow in, walked to the inner room, took off his pajamas, changed into a set of sportswear, came out, and sat across from them.

"Excuse me, what do you want from me?" He asked casually, as if he didn't take them to heart.

"This is still about you and Bai Wan's husband Fang Mindong. At 9pm on September 17th, did you drive the car Nan H11 rented from Tiantian Car Dealership to Gaogang Village?"

"I refuse to answer your question." Jiang Zhiming had a very tough attitude and did not take their words seriously at all.

"I'm sorry, then we have to summon you to the criminal police team to cooperate with our investigation. This is the summons, please sign it." Zhu Gang thought: This guy will not be fined for toasting.

Jiang Zhiming took the subpoena handed over by Zhu Gang without even looking at it. He tore it off, raised it casually, and threw it into the air. More than a dozen pieces of paper flew in the air like white butterflies, and then slowly fell: "You guys Are you legally illiterate? Article 32 of the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Representatives to the National People's Congress and Local People's Congresses at All Levels" stipulates that when public security organs summon, detain, or arrest deputies to the People's Congress, they must report to the presidium of the People's Congress or the People's Congress at the corresponding level. It can only be implemented after approval. In order to simplify the procedure, it must be decided by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress before it can be implemented. Please go through the procedures before coming back, okay?"

" are too arrogant..." Zhu Gang did not expect that a small county people's congress representative would ridicule him like this. He stood up and wanted to pull Jiang Zhiming away.

Seeing this, Che Xiaolin persuaded Zhu Gang to stop: "Captain Zhu, impulsiveness is the devil. We are law enforcers and cannot break the law without knowing it. We just follow the procedures. I believe that the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress will not condone the suspect. As long as he breaks the law, he is Even if he got into the cracks in the ground, we, China’s 190 million policemen, would dig three feet into the ground to pull him out.”

Zhu Gang realized that he was too impulsive: Why can't he always control his emotions?In fact, Zhu Gang also knew that summoning deputies to the People's Congress required the approval of the County People's Congress Standing Committee, but he thought that was too cumbersome and time-consuming.

Because it is not easy to convene the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, he wanted to summon Jiang Zhiming first and ask him if he went to Gaogang Village that day. If he didn't go, it would be best, but he would have to explain who he gave the car to. When the next work was carried out, Jiang Zhiming did not expect to cooperate at all, and even ridiculed him for being legally illiterate, so Zhu Gang was angry.

Zhu Gang did not have the ability to persuade the County People's Congress Director to convene the Standing Committee for a Standing Committee meeting, but he could negotiate with the County Party Committee Secretary through Director Zeng. Director Zeng was a member of the County Party Committee's Standing Committee, and he could communicate more quickly with the County Party Committee Secretary and the People's Congress Director.

Zhu Gang came to Director Zeng's office, reported the situation to him, and asked the director of the National People's Congress to convene a standing committee meeting to allow Jiang Zhiming to be summoned.

"What evidence do you have to prove that Jiang Zhiming drove to Gaogang Village?" Director Zeng asked.

"Lu Yingying took a screenshot of the video and processed it clearly. It can be seen clearly that the driver was wearing a peaked cap sold by a Nike store, because there is a Nike logo about 16 centimeters long on the visor. There is only one Nike store in our county. Through the review From the surveillance video, it can be clearly seen that the hat was bought by Jiang Zhiming at 9:17 pm on September 6. Only five hats with a black cover and white edges were sold, and the other four have not yet been sold. In addition, , Lan Ling said that he helped Jiang Zhiming rent a car with the license plate of Nan H15 on the morning of September 9. Various evidence shows that Jiang Zhiming is suspected of murder," Zhu Gang said.

"It would be great if it could be proven that the driver was Jiang Zhiming."

"Jiang Zhiming is cunning and cunning. He read the weather forecast and knew that there was heavy fog in Xiaoyang Township at that time, so he decided to take the best time to kill. It is precisely because of this that he is so arrogant and arrogant."

"We can't say he is arrogant. We can only blame us because we don't have conclusive evidence. If there is, we can still arrest even the county party secretary...Okay, I will call the director immediately to coordinate this matter. In the meantime, The investigation work cannot be relaxed, maybe Jiang Zhiming has difficulties and cannot disclose his whereabouts that night." Director Zeng both supported and encouraged their work.

Two days later, the director of the National People's Congress convened a meeting of the Standing Committee. The Standing Committee members could not unanimously agree to allow the criminal police team to summon Jiang Zhiming. This result was both speedy and emboldened Zhu Gang. He wanted to interrogate Jiang Zhiming in person, but Director Zeng refused to let him participate. , because I am afraid that he will be affected by his personal emotions.

Director Zeng asked Wu Jiang to be the chief news officer. In Director Zeng's mind, Wu Jiang was better than Zhu Gang in every aspect. Of course, he also admired Zhu Gang's distinctive style of not fearing the powerful.

Wu Jiang brought Che Xiaolin to Jinxin Lending Company again and showed Jiang Zhiming the meeting decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and then showed him the summons.Jiang Zhiming thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll go with you. But, I have to call my lawyer."

"You go ahead and fight. I believe the lawyer will persuade you to tell the truth."

Jiang Zhiming called Lawyer Huang to explain the situation. Lawyer Huang told him to cooperate with their investigation first. When the summons time came, if he was not released, he would go to the county bureau to negotiate.Jiang Zhiming felt relieved now. It seemed that he was very worried that he would never return and become a prisoner.

Wu Jiang saw Jiang Zhiming's worries, which showed that Jiang Zhiming might really be a murderer.Jiang Zhiming went downstairs and took a police car to the criminal police team. Che Xiaolin took him to the interrogation room. The interrogation room and the interrogation room were different. The interrogation room was filled with suspects, while the interrogation room was with people with evidence. He is a criminal.

Wu Jiang poured a glass of water and handed it to Jiang Zhiming, suggesting that he relax. He nodded gratefully, and Che Xiaolin acted as the recorder.

"Excuse me, did you ask Lan Ling to help you rent the car Nan H9 on September 17?"

"Yes, but I rented it for my friend Ouyang Qiang..." He felt a little guilty.

"Mr. Jiang, you are a sensible person, and we are not stupid. If you don't tell the truth, we will prosecute you for interfering with the police investigation. By then, you may not be able to escape jail. You are used to being pampered. I'm afraid You can't bear that pain." Wu Jiang could tell at a glance that he was lying.

"It's true, how dare I deceive you?"

"Well, you call Ouyang Qiang now and let me ask him if it is true."

Jiang Zhiming hesitated, not knowing what to do, because Ouyang Qiang had already left for Shanghai on a business trip that day.There are electronic eyes everywhere in Shanghai, and a quick check can prove that Jiang Zhiming is lying.

"Even if you killed Fang Mindong on impulse, if you are willing to confess, you will not be punished with death..."

"No, no, no, I didn't kill anyone...Okay, I said, I said..." Before Wu Jiang could finish his words, he shouted, "I wanted to murder Fang Mindong because China's economic downturn has affected small counties. In the city's real estate industry, most of our company's money was lent to real estate developers. They went bankrupt one after another. We were greatly implicated, and more than half of the money will not be returned.

"However, I have to pay interest to banks and creditors, so the company has lost millions. Because we did not pay interest to creditors in time, they refused to lend us any more money. The only way was to borrow money from Bai Wan , however, Bai Wan asked me to marry her, so she would definitely lend me money. However, Fang Mindong agreed to the divorce, but he had to divide half of Bai Wan's property. In this way, half of Bai Wan's shares would be divided by Fang Mindong, and she would not have the right to own it. Chairman, therefore, there is no way to lend Chimelong Company’s money to me.

"This is a dead knot. The only way to break it is to kill Fang Mindong. Bai Wan said that this is the only way to allow me to continue to have fun. So, we discussed how to kill Fang Mindong without leaving any traces. Finally, we decided to choose a foggy place. On the night of September 9, I went to Gaogang Village Primary School to kill Fang Mindong. The weather forecast from the county TV station said that there would be heavy fog in Xiaoyang Township on the night of September 17, with visibility less than 5 meters. I felt that the opportunity had come.

(End of this chapter)

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