Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 364 The insulted old man

Chapter 364 The insulted old man (8)
After Luo Jin moved in, he came to the criminal police team and asked Zheng Zuhua to show him the autopsy report and autopsy records.Autopsy records include audiovisual and written materials.Audio and video materials are the most intuitive, because a professional cameraman was filming the autopsy process, and the whole process took about three or four hours.

After Luo Jin read all the materials, it was already time for dinner. Everyone had dinner together in the canteen of the Public Security Bureau. Zheng Zuhua also accompanied Luo Jin to eat.

Although Zheng Zuhua has been engaged in forensic work for more than 20 years, his skills are definitely not as good as those of Luo Jin, who is not yet married, because Luo Jin has a higher starting point and works in the provincial criminal police team as the chief forensic physician. In addition, he has various advanced instruments and anatomy. Having lived through the experience of thousands of corpses, my vision is more original and my thinking is more agile.

Luo Jin was thinking about problems while eating. This was a habit he had developed over the years. He could think freely in a noisy environment with almost no interference from the environment. He combed through Zheng Zuhua's autopsy process from beginning to end and felt that there was one omission: that is Wang Lili’s mouth.

"Brother Zheng, I have a question for you: Why didn't Wang Lili's mouth be checked?" Luo Jin called him brother to express his respect for Zheng Zuhua.

"I checked her mouth with a flashlight. Apart from the normal strangulation phenomenon, there were no foreign objects or abnormalities." Zheng Zuhua was a little confused, why did he ask this question?

"We have to extract DNA samples from the deceased's mouth during autopsy for DNA comparison."

"Teacher Luo, is this necessary?" Zheng Zuhua felt incredible: If DNA samples had to be taken from every place and compared, how much energy and time would it take?

For example: the anus, urethra, mouth, nostrils, vagina, intestines, stomach, etc. DNA must be compared in so many places. Not only is the workload huge, but it is also completely unnecessary. Few forensic doctors will do this.

"When a case reaches a dead end, you might as well give it a try. It may open up a new direction of investigation and take a shortcut in investigation."

Zheng Zuhua felt that Luo Jin's words made sense. After all, he was a forensic doctor in the provincial capital: "Teacher Luo, can you find physical evidence from Wang Lili's mouth?"

"Not necessarily, I just imagine this: If the murderer's motive was to sexually assault Wang Lili, how do you think the murderer could complete this process?"

"The 78-year-old man's vagina is dry, narrow, and even atretic. It is almost impossible for the murderer to complete the rape, even with lubricant..." Zheng Zuhua stopped to think.

"But there is a way: oral sex. This is the best way. Of course, this is just my guess. How it works will require another autopsy."

"Performing oral sex on a 78-year-old man? Isn't this too outrageous, perverted and unbelievable?" Zheng Zuhua used three words in a row. Luo Jin's idea really shocked him. He has been a forensic doctor for more than 20 years and has dissected hundreds of corpses. , but I have never heard of a criminal performing oral sex on an old man.

"There are many perverted people. They need to get pleasure from humiliating the weak. Oral sex may only be physical pleasure, but what is truly satisfied is the humiliation, and psychological happiness is lasting. Many perverted criminals often lie in bed over and over again. When I think back to the process of humiliating women, I get very excited when I think about it, so the psychological pleasure is greater than the physical pleasure."

"If that's the case, we're not far away from solving the case. I'll go to the funeral home right away to thaw Wang Lili's body. We can check Wang Lili's mouth tomorrow morning. If we can extract the DNA sample of the murderer, that would be great! Thank you !" Zheng Zuhua suddenly stood up and gave Luo a standard military salute to express his deep admiration for him.

"Brother Zheng, don't thank me yet. This is just a guess on my part. That may not be the case."

"No matter what the result will be tomorrow, in short, you deserve my admiration for having this kind of thinking!" After saying that, he put down the bowls and chopsticks and ran out of the cafeteria in small steps.

"Brother Zheng, you haven't finished your meal yet."

"I won't eat..." he said as he ran, disappearing from Luo Jin's sight in an instant.

The next day, Luo Jin and Zheng Zuhua indeed extracted the suspicious liquid from Wang Lili's mouth. They used multi-band light sources to illuminate it and saw that it was human semen. This made them overjoyed because the county bureau did not have the equipment to detect DNA, so they could only Send it to the Nanping Municipal Bureau DNA laboratory for testing.

Nanping City is only 150 kilometers away from Songyin County. Since the expressway was opened in 2013, it only takes more than an hour's drive. Che Xiaolin took Zheng Zuhua to send the DNA samples and asked the inspectors to work overtime for testing in order to make it as soon as possible. , Zheng Zuhua cooperates with the inspector.

In the evening, they produced DNA. The DNA showed that it was male semen. With this conclusion and report, they could identify the murderer, which was also ironclad evidence.After comparison, the semen was not Yang Xiong's, so Yang Xiong could be ruled out as a suspect.The hypothesis that Yang Xiong encouraged Wu Lin to steal the Xuande stove can also be ruled out. The only possibility is that Wu Lin knew that Wang Lili had a Xuande stove in her home, and Wu Lin killed Wang Lili in revenge for Yang Xiong firing him.

Everyone is sitting in the conference room for a meeting.

Wu Jiang said: "The murderer is very familiar with Wang Lili's family. He has been lusting after Wang Lili for many years, but he could not make up his mind. On August 8, Wang Lili happened to be alone at home. The murderer took advantage of the situation and forced Wang Lili to perform oral sex. However, Wang Lili refused to give in and resisted. The murderer became so angry that he raped and strangled Wang Lili's neck. He did not let go until the rape was completed. Unexpectedly, Wang Lili was old and frail and could not withstand the torture, and died within two or three minutes. The murderer knew that he had caused a big trouble, so he , he took out the screwdriver he carried with him, pried open three drawers in Wang Lili's bedroom, and took away gold jewelry and cash, creating the illusion that Wang Lili died for financial reasons and disrupted the police's sight."

"So this was an impromptu murder?"

"Not necessarily, because the murderer did not leave fingerprints on the neck of the deceased, so he must have committed the crime while wearing gloves. It should have been a premeditated act. It's just that he didn't want to kill at the beginning, but he also expected that something unimaginable might happen. In order to avoid being caught by us, he took precautions in advance."

"Since Wang Lili resisted, why didn't she have any resistance injuries?" Zhu Gang asked.

"In fact, it shouldn't be called resistance. She was not able to resist at all. It can only be said to be struggling, just like a chicken being held by an eagle in its mouth. The chicken has no strength to resist at all, so there will be no resistance injuries."

"Although Wang Lili did not have the strength to resist the powerful murderer, she should have the ability to always scratch the murderer, right? Why was there no blood or skin flakes left between Wang Lili's fingernails?" Zheng Zuhua asked.

"The murderer should have worn long-sleeved clothes and buttoned the sleeves tightly, so he would not leave these exclusive physical evidence." Xiao Ke said for Wu Jiang.

"Who would button their shirt in that heat? Is it intentional?"

"Maybe the murderer is a person in a special occupation, such as a worker in a food processing workshop." Che Xiaolin said.

"No, I just said that the murderer had been planning for a long time, so he must be afraid of being scratched by Wang Lili, so he deliberately put on long sleeves and buttoned the cuffs." Wu Jiang said.

"Did the murderer choose Wang Lili to attack because she had no ability to resist?" Chen Li, who has always been reticent, asked.

"With this factor, there may also be deeper reasons. Maybe he found Wang Lili very beautiful when he was a child and has always admired her. But because the age difference is too small, this secret love cannot be reciprocated at all, but he will keep it in his heart all his life. His lust for her finally ignited the powerful desire in his heart on August 8, which erupted uncontrollably like a volcanic eruption, with no regard for ethics." Lu Yingying looked at the problem from a psychological perspective.

"If what Yingying said is correct, then the murderer should be someone from Kaoshan Village, and he is a young man. Because he is very strong, we will draw blood from all the young men in the village and conduct DNA comparisons. The murderer will be exposed for what he is," Zhu Gang said.

"This is a stupid way. There are at least 400 young and middle-aged people in the village. If we do DNA comparison one by one, it will take several months. It will be too time-consuming and labor-intensive. We can first look for the suspects and see if we can find the murderer. I I believe the murderer is still in Kaoshan Village because he felt that he wore gloves to commit the crime, and the shoe prints at the scene were destroyed, and we may not have asked him so far, so he is very confident that I can't find him," Wu Jiang said.

"But we have interviewed 11 suspects, and they all have various alibis. It is difficult to find any more suspects now," Che Xiaolin said.

"In the past, there was a problem with our investigation direction. We treated Wang Lili's death as a vendetta or financial murder. Now we can confirm that it was a murder of love. Therefore, the suspects are different. I believe that it won't take many days for the murderer to be revealed. ."

Wu Jiang took a sip of water and continued: "The murderer is a young man from a mountain village. He has the habit of getting up early. He may live alone, divorced, or widowed. He has not had sex for many years. He has a twisted or even perverted mentality. He likes to bully the weak... Yes. With these conditions, this person should be found quickly.”

"I agree with Angkor's profile of the murderer. We will immediately go to Kaoshan Village to conduct an in-depth investigation. Once such a person exists, we will immediately control him. Xiao Ke and Yingying and I are in a group, and Angkor is with Che Xiaolin and Chen Li. Team, let’s go!” Zhu Gang exaggeratedly waved his fist, as excited as if he had captured the murderer.

(End of this chapter)

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