Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 363 The insulted old man

Chapter 363 The insulted old man (7)
Lu Yingying kept painting Wu Lin's portrait until Huang Changlei applauded it.After the painting was completed, Lu Yingying uploaded his portrait to the Songyin County Bureau's official Weibo and WeChat. In order to search for Wu Lin on a wider scale, Lu Yingying called the Municipal Bureau and asked them to forward the county bureau's Weibo and WeChat.

Soon someone called Lu Yingying. He said that he knew Wu Lin. Lu Yingying asked him to come to the criminal police team to explain clearly. If it was true, he could receive a reward. Although the money was not much, he could leave a record in the county bureau for helping to solve the case. , you can get help from the county bureau if you have anything in the future.

He said he didn't want money and didn't come to the county bureau because he was working in Shanghai and couldn't get leave.Lu Yingying asked him Wu Lin’s identity and address.He said that Wu Lin was an employee of Yang Xiong and that they were co-workers in the past, but he did not know where Wu Lin was from.

Lu Yingying conveyed his words to Zhu Gang.After Zhu Gang heard this, he was a little surprised: Why did Yang Xiong do this?Why is he always involved in this case?

Zhu Gang and Wu Jiang went to Yang Xiong's company, and Che Xiaolin drove.

"Brother Ang, it seems that Yang Xiong is in deep water. Could it be that he murdered Wang Lili?" Zhu Gang took out a cigarette and handed it to Wu Jiang. He lit the cigarette for him and leaned his head on the backrest.

"Yes, Yang Xiong is suspected. If he really asked Wu Lin to do it, the case would be very complicated. After all, he has a very high IQ and is not as mentally retarded as Qian Chezi. However, according to the results of our current investigation Look, Yang Xiong has no motive for killing, unless it is an invisible motive that blinds everyone." Wu Jiang blew out a white smoke from his mouth, turned his head and looked at Zhu Gang who was sitting in the back seat.

"Yes, all the villagers in Kaoshan Village think that Yang Xiong is relatively filial, but he is too busy and has no time to go home to visit Wang Lili. Do you think it is possible that Wu Lin followed Yang Xiong's order and asked Huang Changlei to steal the Xuande stove? "

"Nine times out of ten, Yang Xiong asked Wu Lin to do it."

"Why did Yang Xiong do this?"

"We dare not draw conclusions prematurely at the moment. We will first listen to what Yang Xiong has to say before making a decision."

While talking, they came to Yang Xiong's Xiangrui Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd., which is located in the southern suburbs of the county, 1.5 kilometers away from the city center. The company's land area is very large, nearly 200 acres. If it can be converted into commercial land, it will be worth at least hundreds of millions of yuan. This is the epitome of the land enclosure movement in the early 90s. How could a company with an annual output value of less than 1000 million use such a large piece of land?

Before coming, they had already called Yang Xiong. Yang Xiong was waiting for them in the office on the 8th floor. The 8th floor was the top floor. They took the elevator up. After reaching the 8th floor, they saw a different scene. In front of them were clear pine trees. On the Yin River, there is a Buddha Light Pagoda on the top of the mountain. Its tall figure is reflected on the river, swaying in the sparkling waves, as beautiful as a dream.But they were not interested in admiring the scenery of the river and mountains, and walked directly into Yang Xiong's office.

The office is hundreds of square meters, and two walls are covered with books. It's like walking into a professor's home. Many businessmen look down on scholars at heart, but they are very elegant on the surface. It's really contradictory.

Yang Xiong sat behind an oversized root-carved coffee table, greeted them politely, and then handed them the brewed tea. After Zhu Gang drank a cup of tea, he asked: "Mr. Yang, do you know Wu Lin?"

"Wu Lin? I seem to have heard of this name. But I can't remember who he is." Yang Xiong replied calmly.

"He is your employee, why can't you remember him?"

"I have been running this company for more than 20 years, and there are countless employees who have come and gone. How can I remember them all? What's more, I don't manage the employees. I'll call the HR manager and ask." Yang Xiong picked up the hanging Dial the phone on the wall and the call is connected quickly: "Manager Jiang, is there an employee named Wu Lin in our company?"

"Oh, yes, but he resigned half a month ago and said he was going to work in Chongqing."

"Send his information to my mobile phone." Yang Xiong said to Zhu Gang after hanging up the phone, "Wu Lin resigned."

"Why is it such a coincidence? You didn't resign earlier and you resign later, but you resigned before your mother was killed?"

"Is he suspected of murder?" At this time, Yang Xiong's cell phone dinged. He opened it and said, "This is Wu Lin's detailed information. Take a look." After that, he handed the phone to Zhu Gang.

Zhu Gang took the phone and saw the following information: Wu Lin, male, from Yuanyuan Village, Xiaoyang Township, Songyin County, born on August 1989, 8, unmarried.There is also Wu Lin's mobile phone number on it.Zhu Gang entered the mobile phone number into his mobile phone and dialed it out. A message came from the system: The mobile phone you dialed has been shut down...

Wu Jiang thinks Yang Xiong has hidden Wu Lin.In fact, it's not that they can't be found, it's just that there is currently no evidence to prove that Wu Lin is suspected of murder, and a large number of police forces will not be used to find it. Maybe Yang Xiong is catching their weakness, or he is very familiar with the police's methods of handling cases.

"Where were you from 8 to 23 o'clock in the morning on August 5?" Zhu Gang didn't want to go around the bush, and at the same time he didn't want to give him face. In the face of a case where human life is at stake, even a member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference is nothing.This is Zhu Gang's character. "You...what do you mean? Do you suspect me as the murderer? You are so incompetent that you can't find a suspect and you doubt me, a filial son?" Yang Xiong became angry and his face was deformed.

"Until the case is investigated, everyone is a suspect." Zhu Gang responded tit for tat and showed no sign of weakness.

"Then you, the detective captain, are also a suspect?"

"No, I was on duty in the criminal police team when the crime occurred. There is surveillance video to prove it. Otherwise, I might be considered a suspect."

"Mr. Yang, calm down! We are here to help you remove suspicion, so please cooperate. At the same time, we are also working to find the murderer as soon as possible. Please understand and cooperate." Wu Jiang said softly.

Only then did Yang Xiong calm down. He was also annoyed by his gaffe just now: Why am I so unable to calm down?This is not like me who has been in the mall for 20 years.

Yang Xiong said: "I was holding a business meeting in Nanping City that day. The meeting was hosted by the Municipal Economic and Trade Bureau. Outstanding entrepreneurs from various counties and cities were invited. A total of 361 people stayed at the Jinshan Hotel. The hotel has all the facilities. There are all-round, high-pixel monitors that you can check out.

"I received a call from Wu Derong in the afternoon, saying that my mother died in the kitchen of my home, so I hurriedly drove home. Before I arrived at the county seat, Wu Derong called me again and said that the criminal police team had removed my mother's body. After leaving, I had no choice but to go to the county funeral home to see my mother, but the people at the funeral home told me not to let her see her unless she told me, otherwise it would contaminate the evidence, so I had to go back to the company."

"Thank you, Mr. Yang, for your cooperation. We will go check it out. If there is any information about Wu Lin's whereabouts, please call us immediately." After Wu Jiang finished speaking, he motioned Zhu Gang to leave. Zhu Gang said sorry to Yang Xiong and walked out of his room. office.

Zhu Gang and Che Xiaolin came to Jinshan Hotel in Nanping City. This is a four-star hotel with complete facilities. They checked the surveillance video on the morning of August 8. The results proved that Yang Xiong He entered room 23 at 8:22:22 and did not come out until 15:21:1108 on the 23rd. In other words, if Yang Xiong had the ability to leave through the window on the 7th floor to kill people in Kaoshan Village, he would not be able to do so within two hours. Return to room 10.Therefore, he was eliminated as a suspect.

One week passed, and the crime team visited 251 villagers and 11 suspects, but there was no progress in the case, and no one witnessed the murderer entering the crime scene.

There are many reasons why the case is deadlocked. First, something was missed during the investigation of the scene; second, the invisible suspect could not be found; third, something was overlooked during the autopsy.In fact, it was a completely destroyed scene. It was difficult to find the suspect's shoe prints, fingerprints, and DNA samples. They had returned to the scene three times to investigate.Each review is the same as the previous two.

It stands to reason that after visiting so many villagers, we should know who is suspected of murder, because Wang Lili is a typical "home girl" who rarely leaves the village. Yang Xiong persuaded her several times to go to the city to live with him, but she said that the city was too busy. It's too noisy and I'm not used to living there. In fact, Yang Xiong built a villa inside the factory, which is very quiet.

Wang Lili has another reason: the old house has the smell of her husband Yang Shanjing, which can bring her many beautiful memories.

In fact, the real reason is that Wang Lili and Yang Xiong's wife Deng Mingming can't get along. She can't get used to Deng Mingming's character of playing mahjong every day and not taking care of his children. Her eldest daughter is 15 years old and her youngest son is 12 years old, and their academic performance cannot improve. , Deng Mingming either beat or scolded her, did not accompany her children to study at all, and even asked her younger sister to take her place during parent-teacher meetings.

It is unlikely that the autopsy overlooked anything. It is very certain that Wang Lili was strangled to death and was not sexually assaulted... Thinking of this, Wu Jiang's mind suddenly flashed, and he felt that something was reminding him, but it was just a flash. And passed by, disappearing without a trace in an instant.

Wu Jiang tried his best to recall, but he just couldn't remember. Alas, time is not forgiving. How come his memory has deteriorated so much?
Wu Jiang just thought about the autopsy. Although he couldn't remember it, he could call Luo Jin and ask him. Maybe he could open a bright window.

Wu Jiang took out his phone and dialed Luo Jin's number: "Luo Jin, are you free? If you are free, I would like to invite you to Songyin County..." He explained the 8 ​​case in detail to him on the phone. Luo Jin listened.

"Okay, I'll come down and take a look."

"I'll ask Che Xiaolin to pick you up."

"Well, I still have some finishing work on hand, which can be completed in exactly two or three hours."

At 02:30 in the afternoon, Che Xiaolin took Luo Jin to the county bureau, and Zhu Gang arranged for Luo Jin to go to the county bureau hotel.

(End of this chapter)

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