Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 355 The destroyed little flower

Chapter 355 The destroyed little flower (11)
The sun was shining brightly on the end of summer, and the sky was as blue as a sapphire, without any white clouds. The cicadas chirped impatiently in the forest, the dogs squatted in the corner and stretched out their tongues and yawned. The sun made everything weak, and the fields were dry. Daoyang lowered his head and was sulking.

Although the case occurred in Songyin County, half of the members of Changjiang City’s No. 1 Crime Team and half of the county’s Criminal Police Team, Director Zeng still used the name of No. 1 Crime Team, firstly to express respect for the No. 1 Crime Team ; Second, it sounds more impressive. After all, people across the province know the name of the No. 1 Serious Crime Team.

The crime team escorted Qian's car to the identification scene in Shuimen Village. In order to prevent the villagers from inciting public anger and injuring or even killing Qian's car, they drove a civilian minibus and entered Shuimen Village with 10 police officers. They didn't handcuff the money car.

They were confident that an overweight old man would never be able to escape from their grasp, and they did not notify Men Deqing or the village party secretary to prevent the news from leaking.

The car drove directly to the door of Li Xiang's house and stopped. Zhu Gang was walking in front, Qian was walking in the middle, Xiao Ke and Wu Jiang were walking behind. They walked to the firewood pile and stopped. Wu Jiang asked: "Did you throw the used condoms in?" where?"

"I was very nervous at the time. I just remember that when I walked out of the gate, I flicked the condom to the right with my right hand. I thought it was probably in this pile of firewood." Qian Chezi pointed at the pile of firewood with his fat head hanging down.

This pile of firewood is about 1.5 meters high and nearly four meters long. The firewood is about 80 centimeters long. It is piled under the eaves. Because the eaves protrude 1.2 meters from the earthen wall, the firewood pile will not be wetted by the rain. These firewood are all from Li Tongtian. Cut back from the mountain.

In order to find condoms, the eight criminal policemen began to move firewood and searched carefully. They moved the firewood piled against the wall to the roadside. Because condoms are eye-catching things, as long as the firewood is moved from top to bottom, they will definitely be picked up. I found it, but before I moved it halfway, a condom was exposed between the wall and the pile of firewood. Because the rain couldn't get through it, the condom was still in its original appearance when it was thrown away, but it changed from white to light yellow.

Wu Jiang put on gloves, took out tweezers, picked up the condom and looked at it. He found that there was still semen inside. With this condom, there was another important link in the chain of evidence against Qian Chezi, because Li Xiang's DNA could definitely be found on it. sample.

Then, they entered Li Xiang's bedroom, hoping to find the 50-yuan note that the car had given to Li Xiang.Wu Jiang looked around and found that there were only three kinds of furniture in the room: a small square table, a bed, and an old style chest of drawers.

There was a row of books on the chest of drawers, most of which were fairy tales and fantasy novels. Xiao Ke counted 51 books in total. He flipped through the 51 books as quickly as counting banknotes, and found no letters or RMB. thing.

However, many places where the scenery is described in the book were marked by Li Xiang with pencil, which shows how seriously she reads.The chest of drawers is divided into two halves. The right side is the wardrobe. There are less than 10 pieces of cold and summer clothes in it, and they are all old clothes, very shabby.

Xiao Ke took out all his clothes and looked for them, but didn't find what he wanted.On the left are five drawers, all unlocked from top to bottom.The first drawer contains socks and shoes; the second and third drawers contain old textbooks; the fourth drawer contains pencil cases and colorful stones, and the fifth drawer contains some inferior snacks. .

Wu Jiang and Zhu Gang checked the bed and square table, but did not find the 50 yuan.Zhu Gang suspected that Qian Chezi had stolen the money, so he interrogated Qian Chezi with a dark face. He firmly denied taking Li Xiang's money. Zhu Gang saw that Qian Chezi didn't look like he was lying and stopped asking.

At this time, Xiao Ke discovered that when the fifth drawer was closed, it could not be closed completely like the other drawers. This was probably not a carpenter's error, but something blocking the space between the drawer and the back baffle.Xiao Ke pulled out all the drawers and put them on the ground. He knelt down and looked inside, and sure enough he saw a diary.

Xiao Ke reached out and took out the diary and opened it. It was filled with 5 yuan, 10 yuan, 20 yuan, 50 yuan and 100 yuan banknotes, a total of 680 yuan, of which there was only one 50 yuan note. Xiao Ke took the money He put it into the evidence bag and gave it to Wu Jiang, ready to take it back for fingerprint extraction. It was a hot and humid summer, and fingerprints were more likely to remain on banknotes.

The diary is full of words. The writing is not very beautiful and a bit rigid, but the strokes are very soft. The fonts are long and narrow and slanted. It can be seen that Li Xiang has a weak and gentle personality. He has no time to read the contents. , handed the diary to Lu Yingying, because Lu Yingying’s writing skills were much better than Xiao Ke’s, so Xiao Ke let her read it.

Lu Yingying sat in the last row of the car and started reading her diary:

July 2013, 7.Saturday.sunny.

Today is the first time I started writing a diary. I am 8 years old. I have finished first grade and know a lot of words. Teacher Chen gave us extracurricular homework and asked us to read "Andersen's Fairy Tales" and "Grimm's Fairy Tales" during the summer vacation. If you don’t know a word, read the pinyin. If you don’t understand an assignment, you can call him and ask him.Unfortunately, our family didn't have a phone, and my grandfather didn't use a mobile phone. I had no choice but to work hard on my own. I scored 96 in the Chinese language test and 98 in the math test at the end of the semester, ranking second in the class overall.Teacher Chen especially praised me and said that as long as I study hard in the future, I will definitely be admitted to a key university. I was a little embarrassed by Teacher Chen's praise.

I really wanted to call my parents and tell them that I got second place in the class, but I didn’t have a phone. What should I do? I wanted to write to my parents, but I didn’t have their address. I asked my grandpa for one yuan. Go to the grocery store and call dad.

It has been 4 years since my father went out to work. I can no longer remember his appearance. I only know that he is tall and thin and has a nice voice.I can’t remember what my mother looked like. I just thought she was very beautiful. Her hands were gentle and she felt very comfortable when touching my face.

I called my dad. He recognized my voice and was a little impatient. He said he was at work and his boss would deduct his salary for answering the phone. He asked me to wait for the call at Xiaoling's house at 7pm and he would call on time. .

Before I could talk about the test results, my father had already hung up the phone. I wanted to call my mother, but her phone was turned off. Maybe my mother was at work too?I'm so disappointed. Why doesn't Dad listen to me more?Is going to work really that important?
I paid the boss one yuan, but he didn't take my money and told me to just go to his store to buy daily necessities in the future.I am so grateful to him. I would be so happy if I had such a good father.

In the evening, after having dinner early, I ran to Xiaoling's house to wait for a call from my father. Xiaoling's mother had a mobile phone. My father did not disappoint me. He called me on time. I said excitedly: "Dad, Chinese and mathematics." The average score was second in the class.”

"Good daughter, daddy congratulates you. How many classmates are in your class?"

"There are 11 classmates in total."

"...Oh, that's it...I thought there were more than 50 classmates in your class."

Dad didn't seem very happy after hearing this. Maybe Dad felt that it was not something to be proud of to get No. 11 among only 2 classmates: "Dad, where is your home?"

"Isn't my home your home? What's wrong with your kid? Are you going around the corner and scolding dad?" Dad's tone became stern, as if he was unhappy.

"Then dad, why don't you always come home?"

"You are not young and sensible now. When you grow up, you will understand that your parents have no choice but to leave you. By then, you will understand your parents."

"But you only took my brother away, why not take me away too? I heard that the place where my father works is very close to Shenzhen. I really want to visit."

"After mom and dad earn more money and build our house, we will take you to Dongguan... Xiangxiang, dad has to work overtime tonight, let's stop talking here." I haven't said anything yet. The next sentence, Dad hung up the phone.

Mom and Dad, I hope day and night that you will make a lot of money quickly and go home to see my grandpa and me as soon as possible.

August 2014, 8.Wednesday.sunny.

(End of this chapter)

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