Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 354 The destroyed little flower

Chapter 354 The destroyed little flower (10)
"What's your name?" This is the first thing the criminal police must ask when arresting someone, because they are afraid of arresting the wrong person.

"Money and car." He replied shakily.

"Where are you from?" This is also a must-ask question. The police are afraid of people with the same name.

"From Lingxia Village, Xiaoyang Township, Songyin County."

"What year were you born?"


"It's you. We didn't arrest the wrong person." Wu Jiang said.They escorted him to a police car parked at the intersection.Zhu Gang drove all the way to Songyin County.

In the car, Wu Jiang called Xiao Ke and told them to take the team back to the county town because Qian's car had already arrived.

Qian's car weighs at least 200 kilograms. His butt occupied half of the back seat where three people were sitting. Che Xiaolin sat next to him and Wu Jiang sat in the passenger seat. Che Xiaolin thought about the pain that Li Xiang, who weighed less than 50 kilograms, had to endure. Qian Chezi's torture suddenly made her feel sad.

It was already 8pm when they arrived in Songyin County. After everyone had a hurried dinner, Wu Jiang, Zhu Gang and Che Xiaolin interrogated Qian Chezi.Zhu Gang asked Wu Jiang to be the chief interrogator because Wu Jiang had more experience and better interrogation skills. Wu Jiang was not polite. This was not a dinner treat, so of course he was not polite.

"Qian Chezi, do you know what you have done?" Wu Jiang looked directly at Qian Chezi. His face was as big as a basin, his chin was bloated and saggy, and his black and white beard was very thick. It might have been a week old. No more shaving, at least 1cm long.

"I am a law-abiding retired cadre who has never broken the law." His eyes were dull and lifeless, which showed that the past few days on the run were not easy.

"You are a retired cadre with some culture. You naturally know our country's policies. Confessing the facts of the crime is your best way out."

"I didn't commit a crime, how can I start talking about it?" His voice was louder, as if he had been wronged, but he lacked confidence.

"Since you don't cherish the opportunity we gave you, you have to let the facts speak for themselves. Where were you between 8:15 and 0:1 in the morning on August [-]th?"

"It's so late, I must be sleeping at home."

"Do you have any relatives or friends in Watergate Village?"


"Have you been to Watergate Village?"

"I've been there before, but not in the past few months."

"Do you know Li Xiang?"

"Who is Li Xiang? Is she a woman or a man? I have never heard of this person!"

"Li Xiang is Li Zhengfei's daughter. She is 11 years old. She was killed. We found your fingerprints and shoe prints at the death scene. How do you explain it?"

"No, no, no, it's impossible! I've never been there." He shouted loudly.

"Shut up! The pattern and size of the shoe prints are exactly the same as the leather shoes you hid in the rice vat at your house, and the fingerprints are exactly the same as yours. Even if you fight to the end, with these two irrefutable evidences, the judge will convict you of murder." If you commit murder as a child, you will be shot." Zhu Gang stared at him fiercely.

"I... I didn't kill people..."

"You not only kill people, but you also rape corpses. You are 68 years old, why do you still do such unscrupulous crimes? You keep saying that you are a state cadre, but I think you are not even a human being, you are a beast! What a shame. You mean, the beast that is reviled by thousands of people!" Zhu Gang got angry.

"I...didn't rape a corpse, she did it voluntarily...I'm not who you said."

"What are the facts? If you explain the process clearly, maybe you will not be punished to death." Wu Jiang asked softly.

Qian Chezi lowered his head, holding his thin hair tightly with both hands and thinking for a while. Suddenly he raised his head, patted his left chest hard with his right hand and said, "I deserve to die, I shouldn't have that kind of greed..." He Choked and unable to speak, it seemed that he regretted it very much. "Stop patting his chest." Wu Jiang was afraid that he had a heart disease. Regret and patting his chest could induce cardiac arrest. After all, he was not young and could not withstand the torture. Chen Li, who was standing next to the interrogation chair, grabbed his hand and said, Tell him not to move.

"Go on, tell us the truth. Only by confessing can you gain the understanding of the judge and public opinion. Maybe your conscience will feel better, if you still have a conscience."

"One day, Song Hanqiang came to my house to play. I knew he was a good drinker, so I bought two bottles of Fu Mao Baijiu. He usually drinks low-quality wine that costs less than 10 yuan a pound. He can drink 70 yuan of wine, so he is naturally greedy. We drank slowly and chatted. I am a lonely person. Although my daughter and son-in-law live in the same village, I rarely see them in half a month. Therefore, when we met Song Hanqiang, we had endless things to talk about.

"While we were talking, we talked about women. I said I hadn't touched a woman in several years. He asked why I didn't touch a woman. I said the price of chicken in the city had risen to 150 yuan a time, and I couldn't bear to spend that money. He said that there was a 'Tender Chicken' in his village that you could play with for only 10 yuan. Of course I didn't believe it, and he said he could take me there.

"I am a state cadre. I know that prostitution of minors is illegal and will lead to several years in prison. If I want to go whoring, I must not let anyone know about it. So, I asked him where Li Xiang lived. He told me that it was in the north of Shuimen Village. In the last house, her bedroom is on the right side of the house and her grandfather's bedroom is on the left.

"I don't know why, after sending Song Hanqiang away, my heart felt very itchy as if it was bitten by a bug. In those days, that evil thought was like a ghost possessing me, always lingering in my mind. If I didn't go to whoring her once, This ghost can't be driven away.

"At 8:14 pm on August 11, I made up my mind to go to Li Xiang's house to give it a try, so I rode my bicycle and rode the faint moonlight to Li Xiang's window. I knocked on her window door. , but she might have been sleeping and didn’t hear it, so I intensified the knocking on the window because her grandfather was hard of hearing and the nearest house to her house was 50 meters away, so I wasn’t worried.

"Later, she was finally woken up by me. I explained my purpose, and she asked me to give money first. I gave her 50 yuan, which was four times more than others. This was to gain her favor in the future. After she took my money, I opened the door and walked into her bedroom. When she saw how tall I was, she was startled and seemed reluctant to do it.

"I was not willing to go home like this, so I started to coax her slowly, saying that I would give her more money in the future, etc. Finally, she took off her clothes and agreed to sleep with me... I was very excited and made a sound, and she told me not to She was afraid that grandpa would beat her to death if she spoke out, so I could only listen to her.

"After playing with her for a while, I ejaculated. I didn't get up in time. I wanted to enjoy her for a while longer, just for a while. Really, I only lay there for a while. When I got up, I found that she didn't speak. I tested her. Nose, she was not breathing, and her heart stopped beating. I was stunned and quickly pinched her, but she never woke up.

"I didn't know what to do. I sat by the bed and thought for a long time. I decided to run away because no one knew that I came to see her. So, I took the condoms away and returned home at night.

"The next day, the news of Li Xiang's death spread throughout the village. I heard that police from the county and province came to Li Xiang's house to investigate the scene. Some people also said that Li Xiang was murdered. After hearing this, I felt restless and panicked. I can't stand it all day long and don't know what to do.

"I thought about it over and over for a long time, and finally felt that taking advantage of the situation was the best strategy, so I went to seek refuge with my niece... This is how the process went. I didn't mean to kill Li Xiang. This was purely an unprovoked death... You must believe it. I...I'm not afraid of risking my life. It's right to use my 68-year-old life to risk Li Xiang's 11-year-old life. What I said is the truth. I didn't know her before and I have no grievances with her. How could I possibly Kill her..." Qian Chezi said with a sad face.

"When you pressed on Li Xiang, she couldn't breathe. Didn't she resist?" Wu Jiang felt that he was not telling the truth. It stands to reason that even a little chicken would struggle.

If Li Xiang resists, there must be blood or dander from the car on her nails. Most girls or women resist by scratching the other person's body with their hands. They rarely hit each other with fists like men do. However, Zheng Zuhua said during the autopsy , no blood or skin flakes from Qian’s car were found on Li Xiang’s nails.

"No, she is very well-behaved. I don't know why? Maybe she doesn't want to offend me, a customer who pays a high price."

"Where did you throw the used condoms?" Wu Jiang asked.

"When I walked out of the door of her house, I threw it on the pile of firewood on the right, and then hurriedly rode home."

"Did you give her 50 yuan as a whole sheet or in separate sheets?"

"It's the whole piece."

"Did you see where she put the money?"

"No, she promised to open the door, but hesitated in the house for a few minutes before opening the door."

Wu Jiang asked him some more questions, and Qian Chezi's answers were all reasonable. So, everyone ended the interrogation and walked out. Zhu Gang asked: "Brother Ang, is it possible that Li Xiang won't resist?"

"It's possible that because she didn't want to offend this 'rich' big client, she chose to endure it when Qian Che's heavy body pressed on her mouth and nose. However, by the time she couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to struggle, her brain was already starved of oxygen. , unable to struggle. I have solved cases similar to her death process before. Qian Chezi may have threatened Li Xiang and told her not to scream or spread the news, so she could only endure it," Wu Jiang said.

"Will Qian Chezi lie?"

"Probably not. The minimum sentence for raping a young girl and causing death is more than 10 years, or even life. He has almost no chance of getting out of prison. There is no need to lie. Next we have to find condoms and 50 yuan notes. If all the evidence can corroborate each other , can prove whether he is telling the truth."

Zhu Gang nodded. He had handled many murder cases, and he had never felt so heavy before.

(End of this chapter)

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