Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 265 1 Carbon oxide poisoning

Chapter 265 Carbon monoxide poisoning (8)
"The chimney of your boiler was just installed, right?"

"Yes, I pretended the day before yesterday."

"Where did the smoke from your boiler go?"

"Oh, it used to be discharged into the sewer. A few days ago, people from the property management and environmental protection bureau came and asked me to build a new chimney, otherwise my license would be revoked. Oh, this is obviously making things difficult for me. Over the years, many people have bought The business of water heaters is becoming increasingly difficult, and building a chimney cost me more than 2 yuan, which is half a year's operating income." Wu Dasheng looked regretful.

"Okay, I won't disturb your business." Wu Jiang signaled Jiang Yiming to come out. Jiang Yiming followed Wu Jiang out of the bathhouse. Wu Jiang said: "Captain Jiang, I suspect that carbon monoxide is emitted from Wu Dasheng's boiler."

"Oh, is this possible? He has been running a bathhouse here for nearly 10 years. Why didn't something happen sooner rather than later? Why did it happen now?"

"Carbon monoxide is produced when fuels such as coal and carbon are not completely burned. Wu Dasheng's boiler burns coal, and there is a powerful blower blowing all day long, so that the carbon monoxide can be continuously discharged. It is transported into the sewers, and the sewers are connected to the kitchens and bathrooms of each household. If the concentration of carbon monoxide is sufficient, it can cause poisoning and death."

"Old Wu, you have the right idea. Next, we only need to find out whether carbon monoxide can enter Liu Liushan's kitchen, and we can find the culprit!"

Wu Jiang nodded, and Jiang Yiming smiled happily.

Jiang Yiming walked into Liu Lushan's death scene, called Luo Jin out, and explained to him what he saw.Luo Jin said this is easy to handle. I will go back to the team to get the gas detector and test it to find out.

Because it was relatively close to the criminal police team, Luo Jin returned to Linjiang Community half an hour later. He, Jiang Yiming, and Wu Jiang climbed to the top of Building 16 and came to the chimney to check. The chimney of the bathhouse stood against the wall, and the chimney mouth was higher than the rooftop. At about 1.8 meters, the chimney was spewing thick smoke into the sky.

Luo Jin climbed up the guardrail of the rooftop, took out the ADVICS gas detector, and reached it into the chimney mouth for testing. The detector showed that the carbon monoxide content of the gas emitted from the chimney was as high as 0.40%, which exceeded the lethal dose for humans.

Luo Jin said: "The content of carbon monoxide in the air reaching 0.32% can cause death. Once poisoned, you cannot save yourself because it is silent. Carbon monoxide is known as the silent death."

"Is it certain that the carbon monoxide emitted from the bathhouse caused Liu Laoshan's death?" Jiang Yiming asked.

"Not necessarily. If Wu Dasheng discharges carbon monoxide into the sewer, the carbon monoxide will be diluted because the sewer space is relatively large. If the ventilation is better, it will not poison Liu Shushan. Because the sewer is nearly 20 meters away from Liu Shushan's kitchen, carbon monoxide can easily be absorbed by the air. To dilute it, of course, as long as Wu Dasheng changes the exhaust duct back to its original shape and tests it in Liu Liushan's kitchen, if the carbon monoxide concentration test result reaches more than 0.32%, then it can be judged that the smoke in the bathhouse is the culprit." Luo Jin answered.

"Okay, let's go find Wu Dasheng now." After Jiang Yiming said that, he walked down the rooftop, and the three of them went to the bathhouse to find Wu Dasheng.

Wu Dasheng is not in the bathhouse, but a middle-aged woman is helping Wu Dasheng take care of the bathhouse.Jiang Yiming asked: "Are you Wu Dasheng's helper?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"Where is Wu Dasheng?"

"He's gone home." "You call him and tell him to come back immediately. Tell him that people from the criminal police team of the city bureau are looking for him and he must come back immediately."

Seeing that Jiang Yiming was very dignified, she did not dare to neglect him and called Wu Dasheng. Wu Dasheng said he would be back soon.A moment later, Wu Dasheng came back.

Jiang Yiming said: "Boss Wu, we suspect that the poisonous smoke emitted from your bathhouse caused Liu Lushan's death. Now you must change the chimney back to its original appearance and let us test whether the smoke emitted from your bathhouse is the source of carbon monoxide."

"Officer, it's easy for you to say, let me change the chimney back, and then change it back again. It will cost at least several thousand yuan, and the business will be closed for a few days. Who is responsible for my losses?" Wu Dasheng said with a dark face. explain.

"If the test results are not your bathhouse's responsibility, we will pay for the expenses; if it is your responsibility, you will be responsible for compensating Liu Shushan's family a huge amount of money, and may even be held criminally liable. In that case, the bathhouse will definitely be closed down by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. We We will not bear your financial losses."

"No, I won't do it! You can do whatever you want." Wu Dasheng shook Lai off.

"We suspect that you have committed the felony of murdering Liu Lushan. Please come with us to the Municipal Bureau's Criminal Police Team." Jiang Yiming and Wu Jiang took a step forward at the same time. Wu Dasheng felt tremendous pressure and took a step back to stand firm. He thought for a while Said: "The three police officers have discussed it carefully. Why do they need to pin the murder charge on me? Do you think I look like a murderer?"

"Do you recognize the murderer? You immediately call someone to dismantle the chimney and change the exhaust pipe back to its original appearance."

"Okay, okay, I'll do it right away."

Wu Dasheng called the workers who had helped him build the chimney and offered them a high price to call a few more people to help.After a while, four workers came with tools to dismantle the lower section of the chimney, and then installed the old exhaust pipe that had been placed aside so that the exhaust pipe could lead to the sewer.After doing this, it was already evening.

Jiang Yiming asked Wu Dasheng to start installing coal to burn the boiler again.Wu Dasheng was confident that the carbon monoxide emitted by the boiler could not kill Liu Laoshan, because he had run a bathhouse here for nearly ten years and had never heard of carbon monoxide poisoning among residents before.So he started to light a fire, and after the coals burned, he turned on the blower and fired the boiler as usual.

Half an hour later, Jiang Yiming asked Wu Jiang to supervise Wu Dasheng. He and Luo Jin entered the scene wearing gas masks, closed Liu Xishan's kitchen door and windows, and began to test the carbon monoxide content in the room.Luo Jin first placed the detector on the dining table, because Liu Xishan died of poisoning at the dining table.

Ten minutes later, the detector indeed detected carbon monoxide, which indicated that carbon monoxide was emitted from the boiler in the bathhouse, because when workers renovated the chimney in the afternoon, Wu Dasheng stopped burning the boiler. Luo Jin took the opportunity to test Liu Liushan's kitchen. There was no carbon monoxide. At this time, half an hour after Wu Dasheng started burning the boiler, carbon monoxide was detected at the scene.

However, the detector showed that the indoor carbon monoxide concentration was only 0.25%, which was less than the lethal amount.Luo Jin took the detector to the floor drain, left it there for 10 minutes and took a look. The result was that the concentration was only 0.26%.Luo Jin put the detector back on the dining table and signaled Jiang Yiming to go out. Luo Jin walked out first.

After the two of them took off their gas masks, Luo Jin said: "Captain Jiang, the current concentration of carbon monoxide will not reach the lethal dose because the boiler has just been boiled. We cannot make premature conclusions. The results will only be known after a long period of testing."

"How much time?"

(End of this chapter)

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