Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 264 1 Carbon oxide poisoning

Chapter 264 Carbon monoxide poisoning (7)
"Later, I saw my younger brother falling in love with a girl, Pei Shaofang. I silently wished my younger brother could get married and have children with Pei Shaofang, and grow old together. Later, I heard that my younger brother had gotten back together with his original girlfriend. I felt that my younger brother's behavior was very strange. It's unethical. But I can't accuse him in person, I can only criticize him in an email.

"He actually said that Pei Shaofang was not suitable for him and was more suitable for me. He asked me to pursue Pei Shaofang. How could I be worthy of a white-collar beauty in the city? But for some reason, Pei Shaofang's beautiful image often appeared in my mind, becoming more frequent and unforgettable day by day. .

"I finally couldn't bear to come to the provincial capital and went downstairs to her company every day to peek at her. I often waited from morning until evening when she got off work. Even if I could just look at her, I would be satisfied... It was around 10 a.m. on October 31. , she ran out of Guangming Building in despair and stopped a bus bound for Songyin. I quickly asked a motorcycle to catch up. After chasing for a kilometer, I caught up with the bus.

"I saw Pei Shaofang sitting in the second seat from the left with her head buried in silence. I didn't know what happened to her that made her so sad. I sat in the last row of seats to see where she was going. She turned out to be in Songyin Bus After getting off at Xiangxi Station, she bought a ticket to Xiangxi. After arriving at Xiangxi, she asked the villagers how to get to Baima Mountain. After getting confirmation, she climbed up to the Matchmaker Rock on Baima Mountain and wanted to commit suicide by jumping off the cliff. I can't just watch my sweetheart die...that's what happened from the beginning to the end. I'm not telling any lies. If you don't believe me, you can check it out."

"Liu Xishan is dead, did you know?"

"Dead? My brother is dead? How could this happen?" He looked at Wu Jiang in disbelief, with an expression of shock, sadness and confusion.

Wu Jiang nodded: "Yes, carbon monoxide poisoning may be an accident or homicide, so we have to investigate everyone who is close to Liu Xishan. We will investigate what you said. You are not allowed to do anything until it is confirmed. Leave Jinfeng Hotel so that we can find you at any time."

You Cailiang sat there blankly, without any reaction, staring blankly at the wall in front of him, as if he had lost his soul. He was immersed in the grief of his brother's death. Wu Jiang patted him on the shoulder and walked out of the room with Zhou Ting. .

Wu Jiang and Zhou Ting went to the long-distance bus station to investigate, and the police from the station police station cooperated with their work.There are two buses to Songyin County from the provincial capital every day. One in the morning departs at 09:30 and one in the afternoon departs at 14:30. The provincial capital is 350 kilometers away from Songyin County. Under normal circumstances, it takes 4 hours to arrive at the station.The two buses from Songyin to the provincial capital are also at 09:30 in the morning and 14:30 in the afternoon.

The police found two drivers of the bus bound for Songyin County on the morning of October 10, one was Master Li and the other was Master Wang.Wu Jiang took out photos of Pei Shaofang and You Cailiang for him to identify, and asked them if they knew each other.Master Li said he didn’t recognize it.The younger Master Wang said that he seemed to have seen it before, but he couldn't remember it.Wu Jiang reminded: "These two people stopped your car on the road on the morning of October 31 and took it to Songyin County."

"Oh, by the way, I remembered. The woman was very beautiful, and the man was tall and thick, and looked honest and honest. The woman got on the bus at the entrance of Guangming Building, and the man got on the bus at the No. 109 bus stop of No. 8 Road." Li The master suddenly remembered.

Wu Jiang didn't believe their memory, because the driver of the bus had seen countless people and had only taken their bus once, so he might not remember: "There should be surveillance video on your bus, right?"

"Yes, the company requires us to install it, otherwise it will not be allowed on the road."

"We want to check the surveillance video from the morning of the 31st."

"Okay, get in the car with us."

They and Master Li came to a Yutong bus. Master Li opened the door and walked on, followed by Wu Jiang and Zhou Ting.This is a new bus with 50 seats, and the car smells like leather.

Master Li called up the video on the morning of October 10. Because he knew the time range, he quickly found the video.The video shows that Pei Shaofang got on the bus at 31:09:55. She got on the bus and sat in the aisle seat in the second row on the left.She looked dull and lonely. After buying the ticket, she covered her face with her hands and buried her head on her knees, as if she was sobbing.An old man sat next to her, looking at her doubtfully from time to time, then turning to look out the window, admiring the scenery.

You Cailiang got on the bus at 10:02:02. After getting on the bus, he saw Pei Shaofang burying his head and standing beside her hesitating for a long time, as if he wanted to strike up a conversation with her, but she never looked up. At this time, the conductor urged him to find a seat and sit down. , he had no choice but to walk to the back of the car and sit on the empty seat in the last row.

Wu Jiang was worried that this was an illusion. What if You Cailiang or Pei Shaofang got off the bus and returned to Linjiang Community to commit murder?Wu Jiang asked Master Li to fast forward the video to the time when he entered Songyin Station.

The video showed that the bus arrived at the station at 13:09 pm. After arriving at the station, Pei Shaofang got off the bus in a daze. You Cailiang got off the bus immediately behind her, seemingly worried about Pei Shaofang's safety. After getting off the bus, the two of them disappeared. disappeared from the surveillance video.

Although the video can prove that You Cailiang and Pei Shaofang got off the bus, their suspicion cannot be ruled out because they can take the bus back to the Yangtze River that afternoon; or take a taxi back to the Yangtze River. If they or one of them rents a car to go back to the provincial capital, It is entirely possible to rush to the scene to commit the crime.Because it only takes more than 3 hours to rent a car and go back to the site.

How can we prove that it is impossible for them to return to the scene?The only way is to go to Songyin Bus Station to investigate.According to Wu Jiang’s understanding, Xiangxi is a mountain village 50 kilometers away from the county seat and is also the seat of the township government. It would be great if there were monitors at Xiangxi Bus Station.

Wu Jiang called his colleagues at the Songyin County Public Security Bureau and asked them to help check whether there were monitors installed at Xiangxi Township Bus Station. If so, Wu Jiang planned to go to Xiangxi himself.

After a while, the other party called Wujiang and said that monitors were installed at Xiangxi Bus Station.After receiving the call, Wu Jiang called Jiang Yiming and said that he and Zhou Ting were going to Songyin County to investigate.Jiang Yiming wished them both good luck.

Zhou Ting drove the car onto the Changsong Expressway. There were relatively few cars on this expressway. Zhou Ting maintained a speed of 130 yards per hour. He arrived at Songyin County in less than three hours, and then headed towards Xiangxi Township. 50 minutes later, They arrived at Xiangxi Bus Station, and with the cooperation of the local police station, they checked the surveillance video of the time. The results proved that You Cailiang and Pei Shaofang were not lying.

This shows that You Cailiang and Pei Shaofang could not have arrived at the scene before Liu Shushan died, no matter what kind of transportation they used. Because they got off at Xiangxi Bus Station at 15:10 in the afternoon, their suspicions were eliminated.The director of Xiangxi Police Station made sure to stay with Wu Jiang and Zhou Ting for dinner, saying that it was rare to meet a police officer from a provincial capital.Wu Jiang couldn't resist their enthusiasm and had to stay for dinner.After dinner, they drove back to the provincial capital.It was already 23:50 late at night when we got home.

The No. 1 Crime Team spent half a month visiting 52 relatives and friends of Liu Laoshan, but to no avail.There was no suspect and no obvious motive for the murder. The two women's shoe prints left at the scene found their owners, and both owners were not at the scene when the crime occurred.Except for the three shoe prints of Gu Guohua, Song Jiajiang and Pei Shaofang, no other person had been there.

After discussion, the crime team concluded that the kitchen was the first scene, and there was no possibility of moving the body from the first scene to the second scene, so the case was closed as an accidental death of Liu Xishan.

However, Jiang Yiming still felt uneasy because he didn't know where the carbon monoxide came from. He didn't find out clearly. I'm sorry for the deceased and his family.

When a case reaches a deadlock, the only option is to return to the scene and conduct another reconnaissance of the scene. At the scene of major and difficult cases, this kind of spirit of digging for gold in the sand is needed to find out things that ordinary people cannot see and unexpectedly find out from the seemingly pale and traceless space. The clues are the difference between masters and mediocre people.

Jiang Yiming led the crime team to investigate the scene.

Jiang Yiming and Wu Jiang slowly observed around the perimeter of the scene. Wu Jiang looked at the outer walls of the 16 three-row houses in the community and suddenly found an iron chimney shining dazzlingly in the morning light. The tail of the chimney was emitting thick smoke into the sky. ...Wu Jiang said to himself: "Hey, why is there a chimney here?"

"What's wrong? What's wrong with the chimney?" Jiang Yiming asked doubtfully.

"I remember that when I came to inspect the site several times before, there was no such chimney."

"This chimney should be newly built, so you couldn't see it a few days ago."

"The question is why would such a big chimney be erected here?"

"Oh, you mean chimneys can emit carbon monoxide?"

"Yes, let's go and see."

Jiang Yiming came to the bottom of the chimney and found that the chimney was connected to a large boiler. The large boiler was built in the bungalow on the left side of Building 16.There is a wooden sign saying "Warm Bathhouse" hanging above the door. It turns out that this is a bathhouse.It is small in scale, covering an area of ​​less than 80 square meters.

They walked into the house, and a middle-aged man with a big belly walked up and asked: "You two are distinguished guests from afar, do you want to take a bath?"

"I'm sorry, we are from the criminal police team of the city bureau." Wu Jiang took out his police card and showed it to him.He took the policeman and looked at it for a while, with a calm expression on his face. Then he returned the ID to Wu Jiang and fell silent.Wu Jiang found it strange that ordinary citizens would not have this attitude when they heard that he was from the criminal police team of the city bureau.

"Boss, what's your name?"

"Minggui, my surname is Wu, my name is Dasheng, and I am from the same family as you."

"How many years has your bathhouse been open?" Wu Jiang asked.

"Almost ten years."

"Is business good?"

"It's not bad. There are a lot of migrant workers here, and they like to come here to take a bath when the weather is cold. I charge cheap fees, and the water from the faucet is large. You can bathe or take a bath."

(End of this chapter)

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