Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 251 Emotional Cult

Chapter 251 Emotional Cult (3)
Two days later, Lu Wei handed over the plan to murder Tang Ming to Liu Shaoqiang. After carefully reading the details of the operation, Liu Shaoqiang felt relaxed. He felt that Lu Wei was really a murder genius, because Tang Ming was bound to die, so he He readily agreed to Lu Wei's plan.

Jiang Yiming knew that Liu Shaoqiang was very energetic. He was afraid that something might happen to Tang Ming, so he told Director Li of the detention center that everything Tang Ming eats and uses must be strictly inspected before being handed over to him.Director Li put Tang Ming in solitary confinement in a 5-square-meter cell. The food he was fed had to be inspected by a doctor to see if it was poisonous. Even the clothes he wore had to be inspected. He was also allowed to have some free time one day. 10 minutes to be foolproof.

It was raining heavily that day. A plain-looking woman in her late 30s came to the detention center and asked Director Li to visit Tang Ming.She said her name was Ina and she was Tang Ming's girlfriend. They had been in love for three years. She had just come back from Shanghai to see him, hoping to see him one last time.

Director Li said: "Sorry, until the prisoner is convicted, no relatives or friends are allowed to visit except for lawyers."

"Director, I beg you, just let me take a look at him."

"No, Tang Ming is a special prisoner, absolutely not."

Ina looked at Director Li pitifully, tears crawling out of her eyes like countless bugs, but Director Li remained unmoved.

Seeing Director Li's resolute refusal, Ina knew that she would never see Tang Ming again in her life. She turned her head away from the window and looked at the continuous rain in a daze...

Director Li advised her to go back quickly, otherwise the prison guards would be asked to drive her away.Ina turned around and begged: "Director Li, I may never see him again in this life. Can I please return the love token he gave me? This is my last wish. ..." After saying that, she took out an exquisite box from her bag and handed it to Director Li.

Director Li sympathized with her, so he took the box and opened it. Lying quietly in the box was a huge antique men's watch. Judging from its shape and luster, it was at least 100 years old. It was a radar machine made in Switzerland. The numbers one to twenty on the watch are all set with diamonds.

"Is this watch expensive?" Director Li asked.

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't have to give it back to him."

"how much is it?"

"At least 30 yuan... Director Li, please." She bowed deeply to Director Li, then opened her umbrella and walked out of the door slowly.

Director Li watched her disappear into the rain, then looked away and looked at his watch. Suddenly he felt a little strange: Why did Tang Ming give his girlfriend a men's watch?Was it given to her for collection?If you give it to her for collection, you should give it a women's watch.

Director Li put the watch on the table and called Jiang Yiming to explain the situation.Jiang Yiming asked Director Li to send the watch to the Criminal Police Team and let him have a look.

So Director Li drove to the Criminal Police Team in the rain, knocked on the door of Jiang Yiming's office, and handed the watch to Jiang Yiming.

Jiang Yiming took a look and felt something was wrong, because the second hand of the watch would not move, and the stainless steel on the back of the watch had rusted. It stands to reason that such an expensive watch would not rust, because collectors often apply engine oil to the watch to maintain it.

Jiang Yiming took out the watch and shook it, then put the watch to his ear and listened, but he did not hear the sound of the second hand moving. This was even more strange. He felt that there should be some secret hidden in the watch and wanted to use a tool to open it. At that time, Luo Jin happened to come in, and Jiang Yiming told Luo Jin the situation.

Luo Jin thought for a while and said: "Captain Jiang, there may be a mechanism inside this watch. I'm going to get the gas mask." Jiang Yiming: Why didn't I think of that?What if there is a poisonous needle inside and it shoots at him after he opens it?
Luo Jin came soon. He put on latex gloves and took the watch.He said to Jiang Yiming: "Captain Jiang, I'll do it." Then he put on a gas mask and waved to tell Jiang Yiming and Director Li to stay away from him.Jiang Yiming's office is about 25 square meters and rectangular. The two of them walked from one end to the other, more than 4 meters away from Luo Jin.

Luo Jin used pliers to clamp the watch cover on the back of the watch, slowly unscrewed the watch cover, and then opened the watch cover. He heard a slight tearing sound, and for a moment there was a hint of bitter almond smell floating in the air...

Luo Jin quickly ran to the window and opened the closed glass window, then ran to the door and opened the office door to let in fresh air.

Five minutes later, Luo Jin took off his gas mask, pointed at his watch and said, "Captain Jiang, look, my guess is correct. There is indeed a mechanism inside the watch. The person who delivered the watch hid hydrogen cyanide inside, so we heard that There was a bitter almond smell. She carefully made a small chamber out of film, then poured hydrogen cyanide into the small chamber, put it into the empty watch, and then fixed the small chamber with glue. The person who gave the watch knew Tang Ming knows how to repair watches. When he received the watch and saw that the second hand was not moving, he would definitely open the watch cover to repair it. Once he opened the watch cover, the film adhering to the watch cover would rupture and hydrogen cyanide would be emitted. Tang Ming in the narrow cell must have died of poisoning, because this is purified hydrogen cyanide, and if a person inhales just 5 milligram, he will definitely die."

Jiang Yiming was shocked. Fortunately, Director Li always maintained a high degree of vigilance, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.It seems that Liu Shaoqiang has begun a crazy counterattack.

"Director Li, who is the person delivering the watch?"

"She said she was Tang Ming's girlfriend, named Ina. She said she wanted to return the valuable token of love to Tang Ming. I didn't think Tang Ming would give his girlfriend a men's watch, so I reported to you."

"Because men's watches have a large capacity and can hold more hydrogen cyanide." Luo Jin said.

"Is she gone?"

"Let's go. She handed the watch to me and left."

"We must find her!" Jiang Yiming said.

Ina must be found in the shortest possible time, because she is likely to flee the provincial capital quickly and go out to avoid the limelight.She probably wasn't the mastermind and could have been taken advantage of.Then, the person who took advantage of her should be Liu Shaoqiang.Ina may not have known that the watch contained hydrogen cyanide, otherwise she would not have been the scapegoat.

Wu Jiang took the watch for fingerprint signature, trying to find the suspect's fingerprints.As a result, he only extracted two types of fingerprints. After comparison, one of the fingerprints was that of Director Li; the other was that of Jiang Yiming.This puzzled Jiang Yiming: "Director Li, did Ina wear gloves when she handed the watch to you?"

"No." Director Li replied affirmatively. "That's strange. Why are there no female fingerprints on the watch?"

"This is not difficult to do. As long as Ina puts transparent nail polish on ten fingers, the fingerprints can be covered, so no fingerprints will be left. We also arrested a suspect with 'no fingerprints' before. She Just use this method." Wu Jiang said.

"It means Ina knew what was going on, otherwise she wouldn't have put nail polish on her fingers."

"Not necessarily, she is just the mastermind's puppet. She will do whatever the mastermind tells her to do, otherwise she won't get the commission."

"You mean she was hired by Liu Shaoqiang?"

"That should be the case, but she may be a disciple of Liu Shaoqiang, and she obeys the leader's instructions, so she is willing to take the risk and come to deliver the watch."

Jiang Yiming took Lu Yingying and Wu Jiang to the Hedong Detention Center and pulled out the surveillance video of the gate, corridor, and interview room for review.Because it was a rainy day, and Ina walked in quickly holding an umbrella, the video at the door and corridor was not clear, but the video in the interview room was very clear.

Lu Yingying took screenshots of the video, cut off Ina's front and side faces, enlarged them, processed them for clarity, printed 100 photos of her with a laser printer, and faxed them to various airports, train stations, bus stations, docks, and highways. police station, requesting assistance in the investigation.

At 20:12 p.m., the police from the Southern Long-distance Bus Station Police Station called the city bureau duty room, saying that they had found Ina and detained her at the police station, asking them to go and identify her.After Jiang Yiming received the call from the police in the duty room, he called Director Li and Lu Yingying and rushed to the bus station.

Ina was discovered by the conductor when she bought a ticket to go to Kunming at the window. Because Ina was wearing big sunglasses at night, it aroused the conductor's suspicion. Ina looked very similar to the suspect on the investigation notice. The conductor signaled calmly. The policeman standing nearby took a look and knew that Ina was the person the criminal police team was looking for. He quickly rushed out and caught Ina.

In the detention room of the bus station police station, they met a lonely Ina.Director Li confirmed that she was the one who gave him the watch.Jiang Yiming asked Lu Yingying to handcuff her and take her back to the criminal police team for interrogation.

"What's your name?" Jiang Yiming asked.

"It's on my ID card," she said in a panic.

"Your ID card is fake, tell the truth."

"My name is Yi Xiaolian."


"Jiangxia Village, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan."

"Birth date?"

"April 1983, 6."

Lu Yingying opened the public security intranet and entered Yi Xiaolian's information to search. The result was that she was indeed a real person, and the photos in the information database matched her. This was her true identity.

"Why did you give the watch to Tang Ming? Did you know that the watch contains highly toxic substances? We can accuse you of attempted murder. Fortunately, your poison plan did not succeed, otherwise you will be sentenced to death!" Jiang Yiming stared at her sternly.

"No, no, no, it's not me... I didn't know there was poison in the watch..."

"Who gave you the watch?"

"I don't know either."

"Why would you listen to a stranger?"

"He gave me 2 yuan and asked me to give the watch to Tang Ming. I thought the money was easy to earn, so I obeyed him."

"Twenty thousand can make you kill someone? Do you value money more than your life?"

"That's not the case. I didn't want to do it originally, but then he said that Tang Ming was arrested by the police. Now he takes Tang Ming's place... I have to listen to him."

"Are you a member of the Emotional Cult?"

(End of this chapter)

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