Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 250 Emotional Cult

Chapter 250 Emotional Cult (2)
"Jin Shuai, I judge based on my rich experience: even if you are not sentenced to death, you will have to live without a life sentence. If you have performed meritorious service, we can plead for you with the judge. The judge attaches great importance to our opinion. Do you want to make meritorious service?" Wu Jiang asked.

"Of course I do. I'm not old yet. If I get out of prison as soon as possible, I might have a wonderful old age. But I have no merit."

"Of course, otherwise why would we come to you?"

"I will try my best to cooperate with you." Jin Shuai showed a hint of joy.

"Very good! Let's start now. Do you know Zhen Dawei, Qian Tong and Tang Ming?"

Jin Shuai was startled, with a panicked expression on his face. He seemed to be thinking about how to answer. After hesitating for a few seconds, he said, "I...I don't know them..."

"You think about it before you speak. By concealing the truth, you will add to the crime!" Wu Jiang stared at him sternly.

"I only know Tang Ming, not Zhen Dawei or Qian Tong."

"You finally told the truth. What is your relationship with Tang Ming?"

"He and I..." Jin Shuai hesitated, as if thinking about whether he should say it or not.

"Confessing everything is your only way out. We are the first to interrogate you to give you a chance. I hope you will be reborn in prison and continue to engage in academics, publish papers, and benefit mankind. Tell me, you Don’t have any worries, no organization can compete with the powerful people’s government.”

"Tang Ming and I have a superior-subordinate relationship. He is the backbone of the Emotional Cult. I am his subordinate. It was he who instigated me to induce Gaofen and Cheng Qian to commit suicide. I regret it very much. I often have nightmares. Two students came to claim my life. Gaofen and Cheng Qian grabbed me from the left and the right, pressed me under the coffin, and then put two boulders on top of me. I struggled hard, but couldn't push the boulders away. I cried and screamed. Help, I woke up and realized I had a nightmare..."

"Tell me about the nature of emotional teaching." Wu Jiang didn't want to hear him describe the dream.

"The Emotional Cult is a branch of the Almighty Cult. It specializes in instigating emotionally frustrated people to take extreme paths, such as killing lovers who have abandoned them, or instigating lovers to commit suicide. I know this is a cult, but in order to get rid of the threats to me As a person with a bright future, I couldn’t help but join the Emotional Cult and became their believer.”

"Tang Ming is your superior. Do you know his superior?"

"I don't know. Our division of labor is very clear and the system is very strict. If anyone betrays his superiors or fellow believers, not only him, but also his relatives will be severely punished. Therefore, this is the reason why I dare not betray Tang Ming. I firmly believe that the power of the Emotional Cult is extremely powerful. It is very easy to kill someone. They even openly beat a young girl to death in McDonald’s. They are proud of their shame. They are a group of lunatics and can do anything.”

"Do you know the names of the other believers?"

"I don't know. Unless I develop followers myself, Tang Ming will not introduce other believers to me."

"How did Tang Ming convince you to join the religion?"

"I met him at a friend's party. He said that he admired my talent and insisted that I give him a business card. I gave him my business card without even thinking about it. Later, he invited me to have dinner with him. He said he had known me for a long time and knew everything about me. I didn’t believe it. Then he told me about Cheng Qian and Gaofen. I was very surprised and asked him how he knew all this? He said that the believers of the Emotional Sect are Gods. God told him. Of course I didn’t believe it. He gave me two books and a USB flash drive, which was full of videos. He told me to take a good look, and I would definitely gain something. I started reading, One is "On Emotional Religion"; the other is "Rebirth of Emotional Cult", both of which talk about how glorious, how beautiful, and how to live forever by joining Emotional Religion. I also watched many videos of Emotional Religion. I don’t know why. As if possessed by a ghost, I actually believed that the Sect of Emotion is a beautiful and great sect... Later, I joined the Sect of Emotion, and later, I followed Tang Ming's words and tempted Gaofen and Cheng Qian to commit suicide... How could I do this? Ignorant? You're just like an idiot!" He lowered his head, covered his eyes with his hands, and sobbed.

They interrogated Zhen Dawei and Qian Tong again. Their statements were exactly the same as Jin Shuai's, with almost no difference. They didn't know each other, but they both knew Tang Ming and said that Tang Ming was their superior.

However, when interrogating Tang Ming, Tang Ming never admitted it. He said that he only knew Jin Shuai, Zhen Dawei, and Qian Tong. As for them all committing murder, it was a complete coincidence.

Of course, the crime team didn't believe Tang Ming's lies.

At this time, Lu Yingying happened to come back from Beijing, and her teacher restored all the data that Tang Ming had destroyed.The documents inside are all the original manuscripts, videos, pictures, contacts, accounts, etc. of the emotional education brochure.

In the face of the hard facts, Tang Ming had to admit that he was the backbone of the Emotional Cult, and revealed that Liu Shaoqiang, the president of Paradise Network Company, was his direct leader.Tang Ming is responsible for developing believers in the Yangtze River. Currently, he has 101 believers, all of whom are men and women who have been deeply emotionally hurt. These believers are all in his QQ address book.

Jiang Yiming plans to send Crime Team No. 2, 3, 4, and 5 to investigate these 101 believers to see if they have broken the law. If they have broken the law, they will be arrested immediately. Those who have not broken the law must be ordered to withdraw from the emotional religion. Those who are disobedient can be restricted. their personal freedom, otherwise they would cause great harm to society.

In order not to alert the enemy, Jiang Yiming asked each group to investigate secretly. After finding evidence about Liu Shaoqiang, he would be arrested and then conducted a public investigation.

Liu Shaoqiang holds a passport from Country M. The investigation of him must be cautious. Conclusive evidence of his cult preaching in China must be seized before he can be arrested. Otherwise, it may cause international disputes.Jiang Yiming reported the situation to Deputy Director Xi and Director Fang, and the two directors agreed with Jiang Yiming's plan.

After Tang Ming's case of killing Feng Ling and He Xiaoya was exposed by the media, everyone in the city knew about it.The facts of the case were disclosed to the media by the Propaganda Section of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, but the process of solving the case was exaggerated by reporters, which made Liu Shaoqiang very uneasy. However, one thing can be confirmed: Crime Team No. 1 has not discovered that Tang Ming is the backbone of the Emotional Cult, otherwise , will bring a devastating blow to the emotional religion.

Liu Shaoqiang is from M country. He is 51 years old. He is of medium height, slightly fat, with a big belly. He wears high-end suits and speaks fluent English and Chinese. He looks like a businessman.He graduated from the famous computer management college in country M. As an investor, he invested 2000 million in the Yangtze River and registered a company called Paradise Network Development Co., Ltd.The company operates software development, games, advertising, and video production. Because he began investing in China in 1998 after the Internet became available, the company has grown rapidly and currently has assets of more than one billion.

However, he is not a real businessman. His stable and elegant appearance is covered with an evil heart. Half of him was officially entrusted by the M country; half of it was due to the evil in his heart. Harmful men and women join the religion, because such people are the most vulnerable and most likely to fall into their trap.

Once they become believers, they must act according to canon rules. The most important one is to order believers to find ways to kill lovers who betray their feelings, thus causing turmoil in Chinese society and panic among the people; inciting believers across the country to strike, march, attack the government, and abuse the government. Killing innocent people in an attempt to subvert state power.Of course, Liu Shaoqiang does not yet have the energy to do this. He is just accumulating strength and waiting for the opportunity to deliver a fatal blow to the party and the government.

Tang Ming's arrest was a dangerous signal for Liu Shaoqiang. He knew the power of Crime Unit No. 1. If Tang Ming betrayed him, he would face endless prison terms or even death... Therefore, he Restless.

"Lu Wei, what should we do?" After Liu Shaoqiang finished speaking, he picked up the coffee on the coffee table and took a sip.Lu Wei is his senior adviser. He has a super smart mind and is good at completing tasks that are difficult for ordinary people to complete. He is the senior adviser assigned to Liu Shaoqiang by the government of Country M.Liu Shaoqiang had to ask him for advice on many difficult-to-decided matters.

"The Chinese criminal police's methods of interrogating prisoners are extremely powerful. Once Tang Ming's flaws are discovered by the police, Tang Ming will definitely betray our organization. We must use the No. 1 Crime Team to kill him before interrogating him, otherwise there will be endless trouble!" Lu Wei's figure Short and sharp, over sixty years old, cunning and ruthless.He has stayed in several hostile countries of Country M, traveled almost all over the world, met countless people, and experienced many things. He is a scary character. Even Liu Shaoqiang is afraid of him.

"Tang Ming is locked up alone in a tightly guarded detention center. It will be difficult to kill him." Liu Shaoqiang said with a frown.

"As long as I know where he is, I have the ability to kill him!" Lu Wei was very confident.

"It's up to people to plan things, and it's up to heaven to make things happen. What if God doesn't favor us and we lose the rice without losing the chicken?"

"God will take care of us, otherwise I will go against heaven. Don't worry, Mr. Liu, I will use a series of tricks, and Tang Ming will definitely die!"

"Are you really sure?"

"Mr. Liu, don't you believe in my ability as a 'Senior Zhuge'?"

"I'm just afraid of what might happen." Liu Shaoqiang was still worried.

"Give me two days, I will write up the plan for you to review, and wait until you agree before taking action. Otherwise, we will abscond and return to the country now." There was a hint of sarcasm in the corner of Lu Wei's mouth.

"No, I am definitely not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. The poisonous oath I made in front of the leader is still ringing in my ears. I will never run away! I cannot abandon thousands of believers in China."

"Mr. Liu's words put me at ease. I'm going to do something." Lu Wei stood up from the sofa, drank all the coffee in the cup, turned around and walked out of the spacious office.

(End of this chapter)

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