Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 1268 Forgery

Chapter 1268 Forgery (8)
"It was my husband's voice. As soon as I heard that he was going to commit suicide, I immediately cried and asked him where he was? I immediately went to dissuade him. But he hung up the phone quickly. We only talked for 52 seconds. I asked my husband My friends and colleagues asked where he was? But no one knew. I could only call the police and ask the police to help locate his mobile phone. The police said that they had to apply to the leader to locate the citizen’s mobile phone... If the police at the police station would help locate his mobile phone , I can find him quickly, he listens to me very much, and will never commit suicide after seeing me." She said sadly.

"Cheng Cheng may not have committed suicide. He may have been murdered."

"Murder? How is it possible? My husband is just and generous, and he has a broad mind. He will not offend anyone. Who would regard him as an enemy?"

"Perhaps it is because he is very righteous that he is being pursued by evil forces... Think about it carefully, is there anything unusual about Cheng Cheng talking to you on the phone?"

Her face became as pale as snow, her expression was extremely angry, and at the same time she was shocked. She never thought that someone would murder her husband: "Captain Jiang, I am very confused right now... No, if my husband is murdered by someone, Murder, why would he call me and say he was going to commit suicide? Isn't this inconsistent?"

"If the murderer held a gun to his head and forced him to call you to tell you his last words, I believe Cheng Cheng would definitely beat him. So, please think about whether Cheng Cheng's words go against common sense."

"Oh, after you reminded me like this, I remembered that he called me Shaohong as soon as he opened his mouth, but he usually called me Xiaohong and never called me Shaohong. The title of Xiaohong has been with me since the day I met him. I still call it Xiaohong because my family has called me Xiaohong since I was little."

"Are there any other abnormalities?" When Jiang Yiming heard this, he immediately realized that Cheng Cheng was a homicide, and the murderer was most likely the person who killed Ruan Longxiong, because the method he used to kill Cheng Cheng was the same as the one who killed Ruan Longxiong, and they both called the wrong Huo Still the same nickname as Pei Shaohong.

"I can't remember. As soon as I heard that he was going to commit suicide, my mind went blank. I can't remember what he said at all." She raised her hands and pressed her temples, rubbing them vigorously, as if she was trying hard to recall that time. The content of the call between Cheng Cheng and her.

Jiang Yiming had already determined that Cheng Cheng's death was homicide, but this murderer was so powerful that he even accurately calculated the point where Cheng Cheng jumped from the building, which interfered with their judgment.He handed Pei Shaohong a business card and told her to call him if she thought of anything suspicious.

After Jiang Yiming returned to the team, he came to the office area and asked Lu Yingying: "Yingying, is there any software on the market that can imitate other people's voices?"

"I have just heard that there is a software called Universal Voice that can imitate anyone's voice. However, the voice of the person being imitated must be collected in advance and combined seamlessly to imitate the voice of others. However, this The technology is not yet mature.”

"Is the principle of developing this kind of software complicated?"

"It's not very complicated, but because the market prospects are not broad, the investment cost is relatively high, and the voices of the imitators need to be collected in advance, so companies with strong capital will not develop this kind of software, just like our moon landing plan. , few countries are willing to do it. Captain Jiang, do you think the murderer used similar software to call Huo Yiran and Pei Shaohong?"

"Yes, because they both said that the two deceased people called them by the wrong name. Ruan Longxiong would only call Huo Yiran, and Cheng Cheng would only call Pei Shaohong Xiaohong. Only people with close relationships know this. Nickname."

"If that's the case, the murderer must be someone close to Ruan Longxiong and Cheng Cheng. Only he can collect their voices. I believe the murderer will be exposed soon." Lu Yingying said with a smile. She seemed to be in a particularly good mood today. .

"Because this software is not smart enough, the phone call between the murderer and Huo Yiran and Pei Shaohong was only brief. The murderer was afraid that if he talked too much, he would reveal his flaws."

After Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke returned to the team, they came to Jiang Yiming's office and reported the investigation situation to him.Jiang Yiming first explained his and Zhou Ting's investigation results to them, saying that the murderer was most likely to use universal voice software to deceive Huo Yiran and Pei Shaohong.Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke both felt that Jiang Yiming's inference was reasonable.

"Tell me about your investigation." Jiang Yiming said to Wu Jiang.

"We didn't find any valuable clues, but according to Cheng Cheng's colleagues, Cheng Cheng never speculated in stocks. He opposed all means of making money through financial investment. First, financial investment risks are very high, and most people are big fish eating small ones. Fish, small fish eat shrimps; secondly, financial investment is something you get for nothing, and only by doing industry can the country become stronger. Cheng Cheng is very righteous. He once fought with a thief and was stabbed by a thief. His small intestine was pierced. Fortunately, he was rescued in time. The Jiangnan District Government also awarded him the 'Courage Award'."

"Huo Yiran also said that Ruan Longxiong has a very strong sense of justice. In Ruan Longxiong's eyes, the world is either white or black, with no gray or colored areas, so he believed that Huo Yiran was framed. He got closer to her because he sympathized with Huo Yiran. Yes, there are very few such pure warriors now, so the capitalists cannot tolerate him."

"Justice must be served for such warriors, no matter how great the resistance is, I am not afraid of it." Xiao Ke looked at Jiang Yiming and said, his eyes full of justice. "You continue to track down the senior executives of Huaxing Network Company. Zhou Ting and I will check Cheng Cheng's account to see if he has misappropriated 600 million yuan of Huaxing Network Company's public funds." Jiang Yiming said.

The next day, Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting went to investigate Cheng Cheng's account and found that there were indeed 12 remittances of more than 50 yuan transferred to his account from his Industrial and Commercial Bank of China account, totaling 580 million yuan, and then purchased in 5 separate installments. five stocks.Although some stocks fell by 15% to 30%, not all of them lost money. One of the stocks even made a 5% profit, with a total loss of only 150 million yuan.And the stock hasn't been sold yet.

After Jiang Yiming returned to the team, Luo Jin came to his office and handed him Cheng Cheng's autopsy report and said: "Captain Jiang, Cheng Cheng died of a comminuted fracture of the skull, fractures in both hands, a fracture in the left leg, and bleeding in all the five internal organs. Falling to death does not mean dumping the body after death. There were no toxins, alcohol, hallucinogens, or pharmaceutical ingredients in his body, and pathological analysis is still in progress."

"Are there any external injuries?" Jiang Yiming thought for a moment and asked. He believed that if Cheng Cheng was pushed downstairs, Cheng Cheng might have resisted or struggled, and scars would have been left.

"Except for the collision injuries caused by the impact of Cheng Cheng's body and the ground, no other external injuries were found. If Cheng Cheng was pushed downstairs unprepared, it would be impossible to leave any scars because people's The contact surface between the palm and Cheng Cheng's body was too large to cause trauma."

"I have read the on-site investigation report from Mi Lai and the others. Cheng Cheng was wearing a white T-shirt before he fell to death. Did you find any fingerprints on his back?"

"There were only 5 fingerprints on the back of his T-shirt, but they belonged to a woman. Angkor said the fingerprints belonged to a woman, most likely Pei Shaohong. A woman wanted to push a man weighing 70 kilograms downstairs, and she was 3.8 meters away from the foot of the wall. It's almost impossible. If you don't believe it, you can simulate it. However, you still have to go find Pei Shaohong to see if it's her fingerprints."

"We have determined that Cheng Cheng committed suicide, so who tricked him into going to the rooftop of Brilliance Building?" Jiang Yiming also likes to discuss the case with Luo Jin.Because Luo Jin has profound medical knowledge, he looks at the case from a different perspective than others.

"It must be someone who has a close relationship with Cheng Cheng, such as friends and colleagues."

At this time, Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke returned to the team for lunch, and they came to Jiang Yiming's office.Wu Jiang said: "Team Jiang, Cheng Cheng's office is on the 18th floor. To go to his office, you have to pass through the office area. There are surveillance cameras in the office area and the corridor on the 18th floor. We initially checked the surveillance video. Cheng Cheng was working overtime in the office at that time. He walked onto the rooftop alone at 8:25 on August 00, and then fell to his death at 20:00."

"Did anyone go to the rooftop before Cheng Cheng fell to his death?"

"A security guard named Gao Feng went to the rooftop at 8:25 on August 00, walked off the rooftop at 01:00, and then returned to the duty room for duty. We asked Gao Feng what he was doing on the rooftop at that time? He said He went up to the rooftop to smoke a cigarette, and after finishing it, he went back to the elevator on the 15th floor to be on duty. He didn't see Cheng Cheng going up to the rooftop, so he has an alibi."

"What Gao Feng said is unreasonable. It was raining. How could he run from the 17th floor to the rooftop to smoke? Huaxing Network Company is a high-tech company. They should have a way to tamper with the time stamp of the surveillance video. The surveillance video is from Huaxing Network." Was it filmed by the company’s surveillance camera, or was it filmed by the surveillance camera in Brilliance Building?”

"It was taken by the surveillance camera of Brilliance Building. The possibility of forgery is relatively small. We have copied the surveillance video back. I will hand it over to Yingying for identification later to see if it is a forgery." Wu Jiang said.

"Brother Ang, you guys talk first. I'll give the surveillance video to Yingying and ask her to identify it." Xiao Ke walked out of the office after saying that.

"Is the rooftop door of Brilliance Building locked? Can anyone go there?"

"It's not locked. Anyone can get in. I've taken 30 photos and brought them back. You can take a look." Wu Jiang took out his mobile phone and sent the original photos to Jiang Yiming's mobile phone.Wu Jiang originally wanted to re-examine the rooftop, but Mi Lai heard that all traces of the rooftop had been destroyed by onlookers, and the shoe prints and fingerprints left behind were worthless. This was the case in an open site. At that time, Mi Lai asked Cheng Cheng It's a pity that it was treated as suicide.

Jiang Yiming looked at the 30 photos and found no clues, so he asked: "Old Wu, have you checked the call records from August 8th to 24th before his death?"

(End of this chapter)

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