Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 1267 Forgery

Chapter 1267 Forgery (7)
"No! No! No! I don't know him well. I'm a small security guard and he is the leader. I can't reach higher. My monthly salary is only 4000 yuan. Just based on this, I feel inferior enough." He said Turned around and left.Mi Lai wanted to stop him, but after thinking about it for a moment, he gave up the idea.

The next morning, Wu Jiang saw the text message from the public security intranet that Mi Lai led the police out, and then he learned that Cheng Cheng committed suicide by jumping off the building. Although it was only 66 words long, it set off huge waves in Wu Jiang's heart for a long time. Only then did he calm down.He felt strange: Why was one of the middle-level leaders of Huaxing Network Company killed and another committed suicide?This was definitely not an accident, it was most likely murder.

Wu Jiang explained the situation to Xiao Ke, who also thought it was strange: "Brother Ang, do you think Cheng Cheng is the mysterious man who called you with a voice changer? If so, we can be sure that it was a homicide."

"Your brain reacts too quickly. I didn't think of this. Alas, I'm really old... Cheng Cheng may know the secrets of the senior leaders of Huaxing Network Company, and he may also know who killed Ruan Longxiong. Therefore, the mastermind wants to He killed him and silenced him. Let's go to Milai's office first and check the records of the investigation site to see if there are any flaws."

Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke drove to the Jiangnan District Public Security Brigade to look for Mi Lai.Milai is a captain who has just been in office for half a year. He was promoted from deputy captain to captain. He is only 35 years old this year. He is a top student who graduated from the Provincial Police Academy. He is tall, strong and handsome, with a cheerful, majestic and rugged personality. Unlike He is a college graduate, more like a police officer who has climbed up from the grassroots level.

"Team Mi, we saw on the intranet that you led a team to the Huachen Building around 1 a.m. this morning to deal with a case of jumping off a building, right?" Wu Jiang was familiar with him, so he didn't need to foreshadow his words, just get straight to the point.

"Yes, the person who committed suicide by jumping from the building was Cheng Cheng, the sales manager of Huaxing Network Company. We checked and found that he committed suicide by jumping from the rooftop of Brilliance Building. I did not go to the rooftop. Guan Yixiong and Qu Liu went to survey the rooftop. Yes, I was responsible for the investigation of the deceased's fall point and the surrounding area, and found nothing suspicious. Did you find any problems?" Milai admired Wu Jiang. Although he was the captain of the branch's security brigade, his police rank was not as high as Wu Jiang's.

"I have not seen your investigation records, so I dare not say that there is any doubt. However, we are investigating a murder case. The deceased is Ruan Longxiong, the leader of the R&D team of Huaxing Network Company. Now the sales manager of Huaxing Network Company has jumped off the building. Don’t attract our attention. Bring us the survey records.”

"Okay, we thought this was a suicide case, so we only did a simple investigation of the scene. We are not as professional as you." He said apologetically, then opened the drawer of his desk and took out a scene investigation. Report.

The report is very simple. Judging from the distance between the deceased's falling point and the foot of the wall, it does not look like he was pushed down the stairs, but that he jumped voluntarily.If this is a murder case, then the murderer must have strong anti-investigation capabilities, because when he pushes, he must control the strength and not use too much force. If the force is too strong, the falling point of the deceased will be more than 4 meters from the foot of the wall.

If the force is too small, the deceased's falling point will be less than 2.5 meters from the foot of the wall. If it is within 2.5 meters, it can be considered that he was pushed down. However, the falling point of the deceased is 3.8 meters from the foot of the wall, indicating that the murderer's dominant arm strength is too strong. people.Generally, a person who commits suicide by jumping from a building will stand on the railing, push his feet hard, and his body will fly forward. Therefore, the suicide point will be more than 3 meters. The higher the floor, the further away from the foot of the wall.

Considering that there was a Category 6 typhoon early this morning and he jumped from the height of the 18th floor, it is normal for the deceased to fall 3.8 meters away from the foot of the wall.

Guan Yixiong and Quliu took 20 photos of shoe prints, but because of the rain, the shoe prints were destroyed by the rain. All shoe prints were a quarter larger than normal shoe prints, and only blurred footprints could be seen. There is no trace of the shoe print, so it is of no value because the height and weight of the suspect cannot be determined from the shoe print.

Wu Jiang wanted to go to the rooftop of Brilliance Building to investigate the scene again, but when he saw that it was still raining continuously outside, and the rain was heavier than when the crime occurred, he gave up the idea.

Wu Jiang asked to take the investigation site report back to the city bureau's criminal police team for closer inspection, and Mi Lai readily agreed.They said goodbye to Mi Lai. Wu Jiang felt that Mi Lai's investigation of the scene was a bit simple, but he did not say it out loud. After all, he was a security policeman, not a criminal policeman. Why did the Ministry of Public Security have so many police types?It’s because there are specialties in the art industry.

"Brother Angkor, I have a way to tell whether the person who called you with a voice changer is Cheng Cheng. If it is proven that he is Cheng Cheng, then he is most likely to have committed suicide." Xiao Ke said while driving.

"What way? Tell me."

"We used the big data of the government's epidemic prevention to check Cheng Cheng's whereabouts at that time, and then asked China Unicom to help us find out which base station the mysterious man's call came from. If there is overlap between the two at the same time, then we can It was determined that the mysterious man was Cheng Cheng."

"Well, this is a great idea. Let's go find Manager Xiang." Wu Jiang looked worried at the rain falling heavier and heavier outside the car window. The detective hates rainy days because rain is the culprit of destroying evidence, and the opposite is true.Wu Jiang learned from Mi Lai's survey report that Cheng Cheng's mobile phone number was also the number of China Unicom.Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke came to Xiang Shan's office again and explained the situation to him.He said there was no problem and he would do it right away.

Half an hour later, Xiang Shan told them: The call made by the mysterious man to Wujiang at 8:24:08 on August 35 was made from TAI35 base station, and the signal of Cheng Cheng's mobile phone appeared near this base station.However, a base station covers approximately 1009 square kilometer, and the specific location cannot be determined.

One square kilometer is a very small area for a city. The Yangtze River City covers an area of ​​4110 square kilometers, which is about two-thirds of Shanghai.Cheng Cheng's mobile phone signal overlaps with the signal dialed by the mysterious person. There is a high probability that the mysterious person can be identified as Cheng Cheng.In other words: Cheng Cheng committed suicide.This is consistent with what Wu Jiang thought when he first saw the Cheng Cheng jumping incident on the intranet.

After Wu Jiang returned to the team, he went to Jiang Yiming's office and explained the situation to him.Jiang Yiming said: "It seems that the water of Huaxing Network Company is really deep. We must conduct an in-depth investigation of Huaxing Network Company. I don't believe that they can do it seamlessly."

"In order to further confirm that Cheng Cheng died of murder, we divided our forces into two groups. You and Zhou Ting went to ask Cheng Cheng's wife Pei Shaohong, while Xiao Ke and I went to investigate who had the motive for the murder. Of course, we also investigated whether Cheng Cheng had the motive for suicide. "Wu Jiang said.

"Okay, let's go and persuade Pei Shaohong to perform an autopsy on Cheng Cheng and ask her who has the motive for the murder. Send Pei Shaohong's mobile phone number to my mobile phone and I'll call and ask where she is." For some reason, Jiang Yiming felt in his heart A kind of pressure, because so far, no murderer can disguise his murder as suicide, which shows that the opponent is really clever.

Jiang Yiming and Zhou Ting rang the doorbell of Pei Shaohong's house. It rang for a long time before someone opened the door.A young woman stretched out her head and looked at them doubtfully.She was about 35 years old. Jiang Yiming had already checked Pei Shaohong's photo in the household registration system and knew that the person who opened the door was Pei Shaohong.

"Hello, we are from the Criminal Police Team of the Municipal Bureau. My name is Zhou Ting. This is our Team Jiang. Can you please open the door?" Zhou Ting handed her the police officer's ID card.She took the certificate, looked at it, nodded, returned it to Zhou Ting, and opened the door to let them in.

After the two parties sat down, Jiang Yiming took a look at her. She was a beautiful woman with a small face, a small mouth, a tall nose, and small and bright eyes, but there were two dark circles under her eyes, which should have been caused by crying for a long time.She looked at Jiang Yiming, as if asking him what he wanted from her.

"Ms. Pei, please forgive me. People cannot be resurrected after death, and it is useless to be sad. Maybe God calls him back and has better things for him to do." Jiang Yiming is an atheist, but recently he read a book called The book "Thiaoohua Prophecy" actually somewhat believes in the existence of a seventh-level civilization.

"Well... why is it so unfair for God to call my husband back?" Her voice was hoarse, and it was almost impossible to hear what she was saying. This was caused by excessive grief.

"Did Cheng Cheng commit suicide and leave a suicide note?"

"No, but before he committed suicide, he called me and said that he misappropriated public funds to speculate in stocks and lost 600 million yuan. He could not afford to pay back, and the company forced him to pay back the public funds within three days, otherwise the company boss would call the police. Instead of spending the rest of his life in jail, it would be better to end it as soon as possible and say sorry to me and my daughter..." She sobbed softly.

"Do you know about Cheng Cheng's stock trading?"

"I don't know. He has never told me that he trades in stocks. My husband is a mature, stable and upright man. How could he trade in stocks? I absolutely don't believe it."

"Are you sure it's Cheng Cheng's voice?" Jiang Yiming felt strange. According to the investigation of Wu Jiang and Xiao Ke, he learned that Cheng Cheng and Pei Shaohong had a deep relationship, and it was unlikely that Cheng Cheng could conceal Pei Shaohong's misappropriation of public funds for stock speculation.

(End of this chapter)

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