Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 106 Murdering Yourself

Chapter 106 Murdering Yourself (10)
Zuo Li started to drink one cup after another, seemingly more violent and crazier than before. Maybe Tang Yuan was here, so she could drink with confidence. At least when she was drunk, the flower protector would take her home, and she would never take advantage of it. Take advantage of her.Tang Yuan told her not to drink like that and to taste it slowly, but Zuo Li didn't listen and asked him: "Are you afraid that I will waste your money?" There was something coquettish about her words, which made Zuo Li herself I was also shocked: Do I have the right to act coquettishly in front of him?
Tang Yuan smiled and said, "Am I a miser? I'm afraid you'll hurt your health when you're drunk."

"I just want to get drunk today." She drank it all in one gulp.

"You've never been like this, why today?"

"Why? Look at it -" She took out the "Decision on Zuo Li's Suspension and Reflection" from her bag and handed it to Tang Yuan to read. He read it for a while and said, "Is this worth getting drunk? No one is a saint. , how can you have no faults? Wouldn’t it be great if you deeply reflect on yourself and then write a sincere self-reflection? "

"Easier said than done. I will make this mistake again in the future..."

"How is it possible? You are so rational, how can you make repeated mistakes?"

"Why is it impossible? Even gods violate heaven's rules and come to earth." Zuo Li wanted to say that she made such a mistake because she missed him, but she didn't say it.

"For love?" he asked, looking at her.

Zuo Li nodded and looked elsewhere.

Tang Yuan asked again: "Which man is so outstanding that he can make you wander around in your imagination?"

Zuo Li looked back at Tang Yuan, but as soon as she touched Tang Yuan's fiery gaze, she moved her eyes away, then shook her head, bit her lips, and looked at the paintings on the wall sadly.In fact, as soon as Zuo Li saw Tang Yuan's eyes so intense, she already knew that Tang Yuan was encouraging her to speak out. Tang Yuan also knew that that person was most likely himself. Although Zuo Li didn't say it out loud, he had already understood it. The look in her eyes.The silence speaks.

"Otherwise, you should just resign and come to my company. You know the Internet well. I will give you a position as assistant to the general manager with a monthly salary of [-] yuan. There will also be a bonus at the end of the year, no less than [-] yuan. The annual salary is three years higher than what you are in the criminal police team. If you do more work in the future, I will promote you to be the vice president, what do you think?"

"But I don't want to leave the criminal police team. I like my job. Even though it's tiring and stressful, I...Okay, let's not talk about this now. Come, drink and laugh drunkenly with me for three thousand times. I'll think about you again. Then the tempting assistant to the general manager..." After Zuo Li said this, she laughed and waved her hands in the air. It was obvious that she was already a little drunk.

Zuo Li was accompanied by Tang Yuan every day, eating, drinking and having fun everywhere, like a bird out of its cage, flying freely in the blue paradise. She ate almost all the delicacies of the Yangtze River, played in all the entertainment venues, and visited After visiting all the high-end shopping malls, she deeply realized how satisfying it is to spend money in life. Just like a martial arts warrior who punished evildoers one after another, she even felt that all her previous days were in vain. Of course, this idea of ​​wasting her years and wasting her youth only occurred when she was half drunk and half awake. Once the night was quiet, she felt that the days spent busy with detective work were very fulfilling; she felt a sense of accomplishment when she captured a bad guy; Be proud when rewarded.These two ideas were in conflict in her mind. As time went by, she still couldn't think of which one was more convincing. She was confused and at a loss, and she couldn't find her former self.But she is convinced that she loves Tang Yuan, so if she had to choose between being a detective and Tang Yuan, she would definitely choose the latter. Maybe most girls would choose this way, not to mention that Tang Yuan is so handsome, rich and wealthy. connotation.Her only prayer is that there must be no conflict between the two...

Zuo Li's favorite thing is to spend time quietly with Tang Yuan in the Laoshu Cafe. She still likes to drink red wine, no, it should be said to be wine tasting. She slowly tastes Bordeaux red wine while listening to Tang Yuan. The magnetic voice whispered in her ears, which was the most beautiful enjoyment. Although they spent most of the time together in silence, just listening to music and smelling the fragrance of wine, this did not make her feel embarrassed. As long as Tang Yuan was around, her heart felt as warm as being blown by the spring breeze, but there was a faint uneasiness in her heart. Why, she couldn't explain it herself, although she had thought a lot about why.But still no answer.Later, she simply stopped thinking about it. She made up her mind to cherish the time she spent with Tang Yuan. The boat would be straight when it reached the bridge. What was the use of thinking so much?

The good times always go by in a hurry, and the 15 days of suspension and reflection passed quickly. At 16 a.m. on the 10th day, Jiang Yiming called Zuo Li and asked her how her self-reflection was going.Zuo Li hesitated and said, "I'm sorry, Captain Jiang, I didn't write it well."

"You haven't written it yet? What have you been doing for the past 15 days?" Captain Jiang's tone was a bit harsh, which made Zuo Li a little unhappy. She wanted to refute, but immediately realized that she couldn't do this. No matter how Jiang Yiming criticized her before, she didn't have it in her heart. She wanted to refute the idea, but now she actually had this urge. Could it be that her consciousness had begun to leave the police track?Thinking of this, she was startled and quickly said to him: "Oh, I'm very busy these days. I go shopping and eat every day..."

"Are you the boss of a big company? Xiaoli, it's wrong for you to be like this. Don't you have any feelings for the police career? Where are you who once despised pleasure? Have you really changed that fast? The bureau party committee criticized it, yes I want you to be nice, and I want you to avoid detours in the future. You can't hold it in your heart. Come back to work." Jiang Yiming's tone changed from hard to soft, and in the end even became a little gentle and nice. This made Zuo Li's heart move, but only for a moment. , she changed her mind: "I'm sorry, I don't want to go to work right now. I want to take 15 days off." "No, you are unorganized and undisciplined."

"I have important things to deal with, Captain Jiang, just let me go."

"Xiao Li, what are you hiding? Tell me and I will help you solve it."

"The unspeakable secret is that I have to take 15 days off."

"No, Liu Chaocong's case has not been solved yet, and the superiors have repeatedly urged us. We are under great pressure and our manpower is very tight. You must return to the team as soon as possible, otherwise you will be punished more severely."

"Then I will resign to you now."

" did you become so fast? It's unbelievable!" Jiang Yiming hung up the phone with a bang. Zuo Li was stunned for a moment, and drove the Honda Accord that Tang Yuan lent her to the city's criminal police team.She has made up her mind to resign to Director Xi.

When she walked to the criminal police team, her colleagues greeted her friendly, their eyes full of concern, as if she were a lost child returning home.Zuo Li felt a little sad, but she had not wavered in her determination to resign. She walked into Director Xi's office, and Jiang Yiming happened to be there. She put her resignation letter on Director Xi's desk, and Director Xi just glanced at it with his eyes. At one glance, he had already seen the content clearly. He said nothing and looked at Zuo Li with some regret. Zuo Li also looked at him, as if there was some tacit understanding between them. Director Xi said without hesitation Write "Agree to resign" on the resignation letter, then hand it to Jiang Yiming and say: "Go and complete Zuo Li's handover procedures."

Jiang Yiming looked at Director Xi in confusion, meaning: Why don't you do Zuo Li's ideological work?Why did you let her go like this?Director Xi had already understood what he meant and said: "What can be done if it rains? What's the use of keeping people but not your heart? Maybe she has a better future, we don't want to be a stumbling block for her." Jiang Yiming also What he wanted to say, Director Xi said: "What are you doing? Why don't you go and do it?" Jiang Yiming had no choice but to walk out with Zuo Li, walking in the long corridor. Jiang Yiming asked: "Zuo Li, I didn't expect you to leave so soon. , I am not prepared at all, do you really have a good job?"

"Yes, Mr. Tang of Alibaba Networks hired me to be his assistant, but I have not yet decided whether to go, but this is a high-tech job, which is also in line with my major, and is very tempting to me." Zuo Li said lightly.

"Congratulations to you. You will be prosperous in the future. Don't forget me as your eldest brother." He wanted to persuade her again, but when she told her that she was the assistant general manager of the largest Internet company in the city, he stopped trying. From another perspective, it is also serving the people and paying large taxes for the country, but it is different from being a criminal police officer.

"Captain Jiang, how could I forget you as my big brother? Besides, I once loved you! Maybe in the future..." At this point, she suddenly stopped, as if she realized that she shouldn't say so much.

Zuo Li handed over several sets of police uniforms, police hats, keys to office drawers, various documents and other items to Jiang Yiming one by one. She also recommended a junior girl in the police academy to Jiang Yiming, saying that the junior girl's network skills On par with her, he is a very dedicated student.Jiang Yiming said: I have no personnel rights. We will discuss this matter later. I will keep your things safe and look forward to coming back one day...

"It's impossible. If I walk out of this door, I won't come back again..." Zuo Li was a little sad, as if she was parting with her close friend. After saying this, she turned around and left.

When she walked outside the city bureau, she immediately called Tang Yuan and said, "Brother Tang, I resign."

(End of this chapter)

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