Serious Crime Unit 1

Chapter 105 Murdering Yourself

Chapter 105 Murdering Yourself (9)
Jiang Yiming decided to subpoena Xiao Bing. However, when the task force arrived at the Ziluolan employee dormitory, Xiao Bing was not in the dormitory or Ziluolan. His mobile phone was turned off.Everyone in the task force was shocked. Because it was a secret investigation, the task force required all subjects of the investigation to be kept strictly confidential. Why couldn't Xiao Bing be found?A few days passed, but there was still no news about Xiao Bing. It was like he had disappeared from the world. The task force had a premonition that Xiao Bing might have escaped.

In order to prove this point, Jiang Yiming and Wu Jiang rushed to Chen Siyue's house in person. The person who opened the door was a stranger. He asked Jiang Yiming what happened?Jiang Yiming said to find Chen Siyue.The stranger said: Chen Siyue has sold the house to him. I heard she said she was going to Brazil to start a business, and she may be in Brazil now.

Jiang Yiming sent people to the airport to check the exit records, but found no trace of Chen Siyue going abroad. Chen Siyue and Xiao Bing disappeared from the Yangtze River at the same time. It is certain that they had premeditated and made all the plans flawlessly, so they were removed from the task force's eyes. Sneak away underneath.This brings great trouble to the work of the task force...

In view of the escape of criminal suspects Xiao Bing and Chen Siyue, the investigation work reached a deadlock. Deputy Director Xi personally convened a meeting of more than 20 criminal police officers from the task force. The key officers sat around the oval conference table. The atmosphere was serious and tense. Some listened intently. During the meeting, some quietly flipped through their notebooks to answer Director Xi's questions at any time. As soon as Director Xi stopped talking, the conference room became silent.

Zuo Li's mind was not here. Her seat was relatively close to the table. She held a pen in one hand and pressed it on her notebook with the other. She lowered her head slightly, pretending to be attentive, but her mind was full of Tang Yuan. In the shadow, Tang Yuan sometimes wore a white sportswear and swung his club gracefully on the green golf course, sometimes drove a BMW on the seaside kilometers, and sometimes stood by the window and drank red wine like a tree in the wind.

Xi Bureau continued to speak, and his tone became more and more serious: "Xiao Bing's escape this time shows that our work has not been done properly. It is our biggest mistake, which has brought serious consequences to our work, and caused a negative impact in the eyes of the public. It has a very bad influence and may make this murder case an unsolved case..." Then he changed the topic and said: "Let's talk about Zuo Li's problem again: Zuo Li drove a police car to visit a tobacco and alcohol store during working hours. Over the past month, I have been buying high-end red wine from time to time. Is this within the spending capacity of a police officer? Also, someone who has nothing to do with the subject of investigation has appeared on the interrogation transcript. Do you still want to do it? You put the criminal police team What does it mean? After research and decision by the bureau’s party committee: Zuo Li will be given a notice of criticism, suspended for inspection, and now let her express her attitude, Zuo Li..."

Zuo Li was still completely immersed in her thoughts about Tang Yuan and didn't even hear what the bureau said. Xiao Ke, who was sitting next to her, saw that she was still distracted and quickly touched her with his foot and said, "The bureau asked you to express your position. Woolen cloth."

Zuo Li then woke up from a dream, stood up quickly, looked at Xi Ju and said: "Xi Ju's words are on point. The logic is very rigorous, the analysis is extremely thorough, and the work arrangements are in place. I completely agree with Xi Ju's work. deploy……"

Before Zuo Li finished speaking, most of them laughed coaxingly. She immediately realized that what she said was wrong, so she had to look at the table apologetically and sat down awkwardly.

Xi Ju said angrily: "That's ridiculous! Zuo Li and Captain Jiang stayed while the others dismissed the meeting."

The conference room suddenly became quiet, and Xi Ju's face slowly turned cloudy, but his eyes were still sharp, as if they were X-rays that could penetrate the internal organs. Zuo Li saw Xi Ju staring at her and quickly lowered her head.The chairman of the bureau signaled Jiang Yiming to hand Zuo Li the "Decision on Suspension and Reflection on Zuo Li". Zuo Li looked at it and it said that she was criticized by the bureau party committee, suspended for half a month for reflection, half a month's salary suspended, and ordered to I felt hesitant to write a profound review and decision, but then I put the pistol, driving license, police officer ID and other items on the table.

Xi Bureau collected these things one by one, put them into a briefcase, and handed them to Jiang Yiming.Jiang Yiming took the briefcase handed over by Xi Bureau and looked at Zuo Li. Zuo Li's face was calm and she didn't feel dishonored by this. This look made Jiang Yiming feel incredible. No wonder some people say that women are the craziest when they are in love. The most retarded.He originally wanted to comfort her, advise her not to make such mistakes again in the future, and encourage her to start a new journey again, but it seemed that all this was unnecessary.

Zuo Li walked out of the gate of the Municipal Public Security Bureau and looked back at the Public Security Building, as if she would never come back after leaving. She looked reluctant, even infinitely sentimental, but after only looking for a while, she decided to look back. , walking towards the bustling street, the pace is slow and heavy. The France on the street has turned from tender green to thick emerald green. The wind blows gently through the leaves, making a slight rustling sound. Pedestrians stroll leisurely on the street, and there are few cars. , has passed the office, the sun's light has become much softer, especially in the evening, it seems to deliberately create a peaceful atmosphere.But this atmosphere and time suddenly made Zuo Li feel a faint sadness, which became stronger and stronger, as if it was an infectious disease, infecting every cell in her body. She suddenly had the urge to drink, yes, To drink, it would be better to go to a bar and drink enough. As soon as this thought flashed in her mind, it grabbed her tightly. Without even thinking about it, she stopped a taxi and asked the best Tang in the city. Run towards the bar.

This is a bar with a classical decoration style. Various classical musical instruments are hung on the wall. Many wooden carved screens divide the hall into countless small rooms in a semi-open style. The bar is divided into two floors, upstairs and downstairs. It is very spacious. It covers an area of ​​more than 2000 square meters. The bar is very quiet in the evening and there are not many customers. This is exactly what Zuo Li wants. She doesn't want to make too much noise and wants to be alone to sort out her mood.She chose to sit down at a seat by the window. The slowly setting sun shone in through the blinds, blending with the dim indoor lights, making it look a bit ambiguous. This was exactly the effect the bar owner wanted. The ambiguous lights could Stimulating people to volatilize more hormones can also stimulate customers' desire to consume.

A young and handsome male waiter came forward, his voice was very soft and thin, and he asked Zuo Li as gently as water, what did she need?The look in her eyes was professional and respectful, and even had an indescribable ambiguity. This made Zuo Li a little angry, but she didn't show it. Maybe she needed this kind of look to comfort her at this time.Zuo Li asked for a bottle of 1995 Bordeaux Treasure Long Red wine produced by Chateau Vuitton. The waiter took her 2000 yuan and left.

The background music was the classic guzheng "Eighteen Beats of Hujia". The slow spring-like melody, the spacious and distant artistic conception, and the sad and sad voice made her feel like she had returned to the war-torn Three Kingdoms, and she experienced Cai Wenji's homesickness and sadness. Hearing Haoran's resentment, Zuo Li was so moved that she actually shed tears. In this kind of opportunity and atmosphere, she drank one glass after another, and her tears fell one by one. Unknowingly, it was already the time when the neon lights started to shine.

The number of people in the bar gradually increased, as if the bar was a safe haven, and people from the street were pouring in to take shelter from the wind. The handsome men and beautiful women were all dressed up in jewelry, with ambiguous and excited expressions. The music was also changed to a slow rocker. A night full of desire begins. Strange bodies are twisting each other, and tentative eyes are intertwining. At this moment, men and women are sucking hard and enjoying each other's hormonal smell. The dim light shapes the men and women who are drinking and going crazy. He turned into an evil devil, with bloodshot eyes flashing with elusiveness, staring coldly at the chaotic and indistinguishable bodies. Perhaps every man or woman is the prey of each other, and what is on his mind most is Have a wonderful affair.

Under the influence of alcohol and atmosphere, Zuo Li also had an urge to dance all night, but she was a police officer after all and tried her best to control her desires. She had never danced on such an occasion, although she wanted to imagine it. They indulge themselves like that.

A bottle of red wine had been drained, and she ordered another bottle of the same red wine. A waitress brought a bottle of Bordeaux Petrus Petit King produced in 1990 and said: "This is a gift from a gentleman." ,Please enjoy."

"What the hell, sir, can't I afford this wine?" Zuo Li had never cursed anyone before, but she did it today.

"Miss, this wine costs 1 yuan a bottle." The waiter lowered her head and whispered, meaning to ask her to know the goods. Zuo Li was irritated by the waiter, raised the bottle and wanted to throw it, but was stopped by a voice: " Xiaoli, it’s a gift from me, don’t you dislike it?” She took a closer look and saw that Tang Yuan was standing in front of her. She put down the wine bottle in her hand and asked in disbelief: “Brother Tang, why are you here?”

"I came to play with some clients, and I happened to see you drinking, so I took it upon myself to buy a bottle of wine for you." Tang Yuan's deep eyes looked at her resolutely under the light. As soon as she caught his gaze, she seemed to As if he was melted by it immediately, he softly put down the red wine in his hand and slowly sat back in his seat.

Because the hall was too noisy, Tang Yuan suggested changing to a private room for drinking. Zuo Li said nothing and followed Tang Yuan into a private room with excellent sound insulation. The private room was not big and could seat four people, but the decoration was very elegant. The walls They were all imitations of ancient poems and paintings, mostly about the love between men and women. There was an erotic painting that made Zuo Lier's heart beat hotly.

(End of this chapter)

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