This immortal is a little crazy

Chapter 377 Brute Force and Wisdom

Chapter 377 Brute Force and Wisdom

The burst of light from the pupils fell on the giant's body, evaporating all the skin into a bloody existence. The squeezed body under the squeeze of the monster, blood spattered, and the flesh and blood was crushed into countless pieces. Blood foam reveals white bones.

A greedy monster, a violent monster, a ferocious monster.

An immortal monster, an eternal monster, a monster beyond common sense.

"You are not strong, you just have brute force. When someone has the same brute force as you, your defeat is already doomed." Even though he was scarred, as if he was about to lose the next moment, Li Luo was already on the ground. on the road to victory.

He will win and knock this monster down because————

"The one who stepped on the horse gave birth to a baby snake, you greedy snake, hahaha"

"Equality punch for all living beings!"

After punching the monster's body with a fierce punch, Li Luo's powerful power promoted the monster's evolution.

When all things are equal, movement will stop and the world will no longer change. That is the final silence and the ultimate reality.

"Powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless!!!!"

But when everything reaches perfection, practice will be meaningless. That is the final state, and that is the last hope.

Shi Tianmei's melodious body stretched out, its body was bigger than anything Li Luo had ever seen, and its purple vertical pupils were filled with unprecedented madness, bursting out with unprecedented anger.

"Weak, weak, weak, weak, weak, weak, weak, weak."

Completely strangle the enemy, completely tear this superman to pieces, tear all common sense into pieces, and the scattered energy will be swallowed by chaos.

Every particle that makes up the monster is breaking away from its own shackles. Everything is breaking away from the shackles of powerful will and is about to completely disintegrate. The differentiated particles form countless similar monsters. They are all full of tyrannical will and obey the most primitive The instinct is to bite each other, and it is impossible to cooperate.

Every wound torn by the superman continuously spawned a new individual. The monster let out a high-pitched roar, and its dark purple scales exploded. Countless huge beams of light burst out from its body, destroying all attempts to destroy it. All the scattered will in his body was shattered, leaving only the most basic energy.

In the pupils that burst out with infinite light crazily, the destructive death light penetrated Luo Li's body. All rules surrendered to the unparalleled power, tearing apart all common sense and the rules created by Superman. Unendingly venting his power.

A monster is something that is contrary to common sense. A certain force is stirring in its body. That powerful and powerful force forms a millstone that crushes everything, its body continues to expand, and it roars hysterically.

What is a monster?

All similar monsters born in the chaos were defeated. Only that monster occupied endless space and endless time, condensing all changes into one body.

The will of the sky is roaring, controlling the most terrifying power to tear the enemy into pieces. It is obvious that the already huge thing is already extremely huge, but it is still spreading.

"Then come on, I'm so excited right now that I'm pulling the flag, come on! Come on!! Come on!!! Dirty thing!!!" Li Luo laughed, and every muscle in his body was beating crazily.

No hesitation! No fear! ! Imagine that the whole world around you is coming to kill you, but you face this 'challenge' with a smile. Isn't this loving your life? ? ? ! ! ! Love life so much, love your own life so much, love life itself so much.

The Great Avenue of Yuanshi spreads, the scattered energy reunites, the tree of the Great Avenue is formed, and penetrates deeply into the entire chaos. The power of creation and destruction forms an unprecedented chaos catastrophe.

Destruction brings violent force bombardment, obliterates all the will of the monster, turns it into chaos, and prevents the monster from swallowing up everything and leaving only its only self.

Creation, countless material particles in the body are changing suddenly. No matter which of these particles changes slightly, it will create a possibility in the future, and the changes in the basic material form will evolve into the most powerful treasure technique belonging to Li Luo.

"Are you surprised? Are you scared? Stupid snake, material is not easy to change and magical powers are not all I have. I am constantly learning and improving! Hahaha, if you can die due to my supreme wisdom, you will never be unjust."

"Now, you can enjoy the last meal I have prepared for you——"

"The Fifth Innate God of War, the Fifth Level God of War!"

The Five Xiantian Tais were born. They were five different Li Luos jumping out of the void, Taiyi, Taichu, Taishi, Taisu, and Taiji. However, this was not the end. Taiji gave birth to Daluo, the sect of the Tao, in an instant. The sparks bloom like flowers, and the gushing energy shapes those diffuse thoughts.

Every material particle has countless changes. Countless material particles have countless possibilities in the future, and countless Li Luos will emerge.

"Yuanshi Daluo·Endless God of War!"

Exploded with a bang, every particle reached its extreme, and every possibility was manifested, condensed into the form of Tao fruits. There were a total of 36,000 Tao fruits, each emitting a different light, evolving into 30,000 Tao fruits. Six thousand Li Luo, working together to bully Shi Tiankong, will completely kill Shi Tiankong!

The dark and silent universe, the gorgeous nebulae, and the countless stars are all reflected on the smooth surface of the huge pupil, as if the entire universe is in its pupil, and the plots and plans begin to manifest in its pupil. , the infinitely complex multi-causal combination spread throughout the monster's body began to entangle into supreme wisdom.

The instinct to swallow everything, continue to grow, and dominate everything. Just relying on this brute force is enough to dominate everything and digest everything completely.

The arrival of Superman forces the monsters to use their wits to deal with their enemies.

Civilization is growing, rationality is growing, and wisdom is sprouting
On the monster's body, countless heads grew. Those heads had all kinds of strange faces, some were human heads, some were eagle heads, some were tiger heads, or some were bull heads. The billions of heads were all sharing the same body at this moment.

And those billions of heads are melting, melting into the same face, and evolving into a powerful force.

Unspeakable anger and violence filled the monster's body. The powerful twisting force turned countless Li Luo into dust in the sky. Almost all Li Luo exploded and turned into the purest primitive energy.

However, after the evolution of the five great masters, the five incarnations controlled the changes in energy. In an instant, the infinite war god spread again, endlessly, and various exquisite and exquisite supernatural powers of the original Tao realm exploded, blasting towards the time and sky.

"Powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless, powerless!!!!"

The terrifying waves caused by the collision hit, and the violent throbbing shattered time and space. Everything in the time and sky turned into powder.

(End of this chapter)

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