This immortal is a little crazy

Chapter 376 Hunter and Prey

Chapter 376 Hunter and Prey

Without all civilization and reason, there is no longer any need for reasons and principles, let alone morality and family affection. There is only the most primitive selfishness. The battle lasts longer than anyone imagined beforehand. With the continuous transformation of consciousness, All emotions, theories, civilizations, primitives, the universe, the earth, humans, beasts, gods and demons, etc., are also displayed like a revolving lantern.


Uprooting everything, humans, who claim to be the primates of all things, use wisdom as power to rule, kill, and conquer. Standing at the absolute top of the food chain, they have exterminated countless species, and even transcended the human species. Identity, as a superman who transcends everything, steps down the gods and demons, and creates all rules of order more arrogantly than destroying all rules of order.


The huge shadow that destroys all wisdom, civilization, and reason. Only power is supreme. It is an irresistible force that can tear apart all bonds and achieve complete freedom and dictatorship. Absolute freedom is absolute. dictatorship.

The world is cruel and realistic, only the strong can survive, and only the strong can stand out in this fiercely competitive world!

Wisdom is just a tool used by the weak to defeat the strong who are stronger than themselves.

Wisdom is the only thing that the weak can rely on, but this is not the case for powerful monsters like Shi Tiankong, who attribute all their power to themselves. Everything that can be obtained with wisdom can be easily obtained with brute force. Everything can be obtained with brute force. What cannot be obtained cannot be obtained with wisdom.

There is no good and no evil, just like the concept followed by the mirror in the past, there is only evolution, only different paths of evolution!

The ferocious and terrifying dark pupils were full of wantonness, the rapid and crazy offensive and the huge body, each blow was filled with boundless power, Shi Tian bit Li Luo's body, and a flick of the tail directly penetrated Li Luo's body. A huge hole penetrated the chest and abdomen.

The different definitions of power resulted in a battle between the two primitive beasts.

“Weak, weak, weak, weak, weak, weak, weak, weak!!!!”

Li Luo roared loudly. His body was extremely huge, no smaller than Shi Tiantian. The blades on his arms chopped the terrifying monster into several pieces.

There are no longer any hunters or prey, only two primitive ferocious beasts wreaking havoc.

"Happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy!!!!"

No matter how crazy they are, no matter how wise they are, no matter how naive and stupid they are, these immortal and strong men can still live arrogantly, ignoring all kinds of order and legal constraints, but the weak and weak will never be able to. After tens of millions of years, The weak are dead, but the strong and immortal can still live in the world.

However, there is wisdom in the world, and we practice because of wisdom. We practice because we are weak, and we use small things to surpass all great existences.

Use all the power of civilization to realize an absolute and unique will, cut off the shackles of society and groups on wisdom, and release the greatest creativity of life. "I am the weak one who steps on the horse, so I can kill you, this arrogant monster!" Li Luo roared, he has never forgotten, never forgotten his own weakness.

Full of fear, fear of being killed, fear of being insulted, deeply aware of his own weaknesses, and constantly eliminating his weaknesses.

Can a tall tree that grows proudly upward be protected from the storm?
Can adverse factors and resistance from outside be avoided?
Can all kinds of hatred, envy, prejudice, suspicion, cruelty, greed and violence - without which great development in the moral field is almost impossible - be excluded from a favorable environment for growth?

Poison can lead to destruction for the weak, but for the strong, it is nothing more than an enhancer, and the strong will never call it poison.

"Hahahaha. You are obviously a beast, but you are pretending that you are not a monster in the name of a human?" Shi Tiankong laughed wantonly, and the wild laughter resounded through the boundless chaos, and the ferociousness appeared in the pair of dark and crazy eyes.

It completely entangled Li Luo. Something so huge that it could not be further entangled tightly wrapped around the giant. He threw away all wisdom and strangled it with the purest brute force. The power and pressure made Li Luo feel suffocated and restrained. The bones and The internal organs creaked and suffered severe compression and squeezing, causing severe pain.

Emotions of despair and helplessness, unable to resist, escape, control, and save oneself, a long period of pain and despair, until the final power of life is exhausted and death occurs.

"Wisdom, where is your wisdom? Dead monkey! Use your wisdom and knowledge to escape death!! Hahaha, hahaha."

Deeply arrogant and arrogant, he completely concealed his emotions. He no longer had the indifference and condescension of the past. There was only a deep morbid ferocity left in his excited voice.

Only by hunting down enemies like Li Luo can Shikong fully reveal the madness and ferocity in his nature.

Faced with such a desperate situation, what would Li Luo do? How to escape from danger!

Striving for stability has always been Li Luo's style of acting. Under the seemingly crazy appearance, Li Luo actually has the same character as Luan Gu Emperor. They never believe in anything except their own so-called destiny and miracles.

Those talented people will burst out with so-called miracles and inspiration at the critical moment, but as a weakling, living at the bottom of Darwin society, Li Luo, who has just crossed a class with extremely difficult circumstances, has no such illusions.

"What kind of courage does it have to ride a horse? What kind of courage and glory do humans have to ride a horse? You stupid dog, what do you think of me, Li Luo?" Li Luo never believed in those illusory things. He only believed in himself and only believed in what the naked eye could do. See and only believe in what can truly be achieved.

The skin on his body was torn apart from this heavy pressure, red blood was spilled, and his whole body looked like a bloody man. But the next moment, Shi Tiankong felt it, and felt an unprecedented power expanding in his body.

The round crystals are transparent and bright, as calm as the surface of a lake. They are the eyes of the sky. The huge pupils rotate slowly, like a huge unfathomable abyss, dragging all the light into it, dragging all the bright, some bright, bright, bright, bright
By capturing the greedy monsters that are constantly devouring information in the chaos, one can see the beauty and complexity of other worlds, but the perception they rely on for survival also produces misunderstandings and distortions of the world.

And now, this arrogant monster has to pay the price. Superman, who shines with wisdom, has fallen into the animal trap!
(End of this chapter)

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