Chapter 269 Debate
The day after the Penguin shareholders meeting, Wan Qingshan received a call from Ma Huateng.

Then he flew to Pengcheng and signed a new company contract with Ma Huateng.

Huaxia Quanzhi Company has an initial investment of one billion!
Wan Qingshan accounts for 20%, Zhang Zhidong accounts for 10%, and Ma Huateng accounts for 70%.

At Ma Huateng's strong request, Wan Qingshan was appointed as the vice president of Quanzhi Company!

Of course, he was the vice president in name only. He had to manage Qingshan Media Company and make movies, so how could he have time to work at Quanzhi Company.

Generally, you don’t come to the company. You only need to come when there are important meetings!

20%, [-] million. Wan Qingshan doesn't have [-] million now. All his money was used to buy stocks before, so he could only get the money from Chen Yumo.

As soon as the contract was signed, Wan Qingshan transferred the money and prepared to work on the script of "Fair and Just".

Sun Yao had already revised the script yesterday.

Now that the script is ready, it’s time to review it!
It would definitely not work if this script was sent directly for review.

The law and the police system have all become a rebellion, and the protagonist is still the murderer of a serial case, but he is not dead in the end. This script may not have been approved in the past, let alone now that the review has changed.

Wan Qingshan was going to take the script and go to Han Sanping first to see if there was anything Han Sanping could do. If not, he would go to Tang Jianli.

When Wan Qingshan was about to take out his phone and call Han Sanping, his phone rang first.

After taking a look, there was no number in the address book, so Wan Qingshan answered the call with some confusion.

"Hello. Who is this!"

"Hello, Mr. Wan, I'm Ma Yun!"

Wan Qingshan was stunned for a moment. Ma Yun called him?It's not like you're here to cause trouble for him.

Now, the online discussion about big data and Taobao has gradually disappeared.

The matter has passed, but the consequences of the matter are still ongoing. Now the reputation of Alibaba and Taobao is not very good, and Taobao's daily active users have dropped a lot!

"Mr. Ma, I'm sorry, because I don't have your mobile phone number, so I don't know who you are."

"Haha, Mr. Wan, I am also looking for Mr. Wang from Huayi to call you. It's normal that you don't know it's me."

Before Wan Qingshan could say anything, Ma Yun talked about business on the phone.

"Mr. Wan, three days later, Alibaba will hold an Internet exchange meeting in Lin'an.
At the meeting, I will address the three questions you asked earlier.

But I think that after the answers are given, you may have new questions, so I hope you can come to the exchange meeting, and we can communicate openly by then. "

Ma Yun's words were very polite, but her tone was like "Three days later, we will go to the ring and you and I will decide the winner!" 'a feeling of.

Wan Qingshan knew clearly that Ma Yun dared to hold an Internet exchange meeting at this time and invited him to go. He must have been fully prepared. If he went, Ma Yun might take advantage of him.

Although it was a trap, Ma Yun's tone made him not care so much.

"Okay, Mr. Ma, I will definitely be there, and we will communicate then."

"Director Han, can you help me read this script?"

Although the original arrangement was disrupted by Ma Yun's invitation, the exchange meeting was held only three days later.

It was just a 'communication' with Ma Yun, but it wasn't enough. He had to stay in seclusion for three days to study the Internet. Wan Qingshan thought he should do whatever he wanted, and he would just find out when the time came.

Anyway, even if Ma Yun wins, he has nothing to lose.He doesn't do the Internet or big data, but he remains invincible no matter what he does!

After talking to Ma Yun on the phone, he called Han Sanping. After learning that Han Sanping was at China Film, he immediately rushed to China Film.

Han Sanping took the script in surprise and said, "You are looking for me just to let me read the script?"

After receiving a call from Wan Qingshan, Han Sanping had been thinking about what Wan Qingshan wanted to do with him. He had thought about cooperation, movie peripherals, theaters, and even whether Wan Qingshan was like Zhang Weiping, who wanted to join forces to improve The movie was split, but I never expected that he would just be asked to read the script.

"Yes, I don't have enough experience, so I can't grasp some aspects. I would like to ask Director Han for help." Wan Qingshan smiled.

Han Sanping definitely didn't believe Wan Qingshan's words.

"If you are inexperienced, there won't be many people in the industry who have experience."

After Han Sanping finished speaking, he started to read the script.

In less than 2 minutes, Han Sanping put down the script before he even finished reading it.

"You asked me to read the script because you wanted me to find connections and pass the review, right?"

"Haha, Director Han, I still can't hide my little thoughts from you."

"Don't pretend to be here, don't tell me, you don't know that this script can't be passed at all.

Although I didn't finish reading the script, I knew halfway through it that there was no point in looking for me. The script was too dark and I couldn't help. "

Wan Qingshan thought for a while and said in a low voice, "Director Han, if I take this movie to participate in the Cannes Film Festival, can you make some exceptions?"

Wan Qingshan thought that with the films submitted to the three major European film festivals, and his current status in the director circle, he should be given some preferential treatment!

Han Sanping was amused by Wan Qingshan's idea.

"Qingshan, if you said a few years ago that this movie would be submitted to the Oscars, you might have made an exception.

But now, haha, you have helped Chinese-language films win an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. Now it is useless even if you say you want to take it to the Oscars, let alone Cannes. "

Wan Qingshan was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that he was blocking his own way.

If this is the case, then there is no point in looking for Tang Jianli!

After Wan Qingshan's thoughts whirled for a few seconds, he said, "Director Han, now that we have the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, we don't care anymore.

Then if I make a foreign film, if I accidentally win an international film festival award, there should be no problem. "

Han Sanping couldn't help it, and he said angrily, "Qingshan, the previous movie "Parasite" has made many people dissatisfied with you.

You actually want to do it again, what on earth are you thinking!
You are a major international director. You make foreign films one after another and help the film and television industries of other countries win awards at international film festivals. How do you make the public feel?How do you want foreign entertainment media to report it?

Do you want the public to think you have a crooked butt, or do you want foreign entertainment media to report that China cannot tolerate your movie? "

"Director Han, this won't work, that won't work either, so how can I make a movie? There must be a way for me to survive!"

Wan Qingshan is a little irritable and can't even make a movie!

"Why didn't I give you a way to survive? If you want to make "Huo Qubing" or a movie like "The True Meaning of Love", I can guarantee that the review will definitely give you a green light. If you submit the script, it will be passed in less than two days."

"I don't want to make movies like that right now. Now I just want to make movies that I want to make."

Han Sanping was very surprised, "Qingshan, I didn't expect that you actually have a literary heart like Jia Zhangke and others!"

"This is not a question of literature and art. This script is not a literary film. It is just a feature film. Once it is filmed, it will also have box office."

"Whether your script is an art film or a drama, it's too dark and it won't work.

And you also write about the legal and police systems, what do you want to do?ah!
This script, let me tell you, unless some people speak out, it will be useless for you to ask anyone! "

Wan Qingshan sighed helplessly, and then said helplessly, "Then if I make it into an online movie, it will be no problem!"

Wan Qingshan had thought before that if it didn't work out, it would be an online movie.

Nowadays, the review of online movies is not strict, and the review of scripts does not require clear writing. Just write more than 1000 words and submit it.

The finished film does not need to be sent for review, it is directly submitted to the video playback platform for review. The video playback platform generally sees that there are no excessive shots, and no matter what the theme of the movie is, it will be approved!

Han Sanping was stunned for a moment and said in shock, "You make online movies!
You, a great international director, are not afraid to make online movies, but Feng Xiaogang and the others are laughing at you in private? "

Nowadays, online movies represent the low end. Let alone a director who has made theatrical movies, he will not make online movies. Even TV drama directors will not make online movies because they all think it is too embarrassing to make online movies.

"It's just a joke. There's nothing I can do about it. I can't pass the review. If I don't make online movies, I won't be able to survive."

"There is a road for you to take, but if you don't take it, you will end up in a dead end. You have no way to survive. That is your own fault." Han Sanping said angrily.

Wan Qingshan curled his lips inwardly and did not refute.

After leaving China Film, Wan Qingshan returned to the company and randomly wrote a script of more than 1000 words. He made it clear that it was an online movie and sent it for review.

Wan Qingshan sent a script, it’s an online movie!

This makes the reviewers feel like they are in a dream!

They were unsure, so they sent the script to Cai Fuchao.

Cai Fuchao couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth when he looked at this ridiculous script.

"Okay, just follow the normal review standards."

Cai Fuchao knew that after the film was released, it would definitely not be like this, and it would definitely be extraordinary, otherwise Wan Qingshan would not have taken the online movie channel.

But knowing that he knows, he has to pretend that he doesn't know. One more thing is worse than one less thing. He can't force Wan Qingshan not to make online movies.

After Cai Fuchao spoke, the reviewers followed the normal review process and passed it on the same day.

After the script was passed, Wan Qingshan asked the Finance Department of Qingshan Media to calculate the budget.

Then, Wan Qingshan contacted Hillier, who also served as the president of Columbia Asia.

"Chiril, I'm going to make a movie, and here's the script."

In the office of Qingshan Media Chairman, Wan Qingshan handed over the script of "Fairness, Justice".

Hillier didn’t read the script, so he smiled and said, “Evan, you don’t need to read the script for your movie.

Evan, just tell me if this is a commercial film or an artistic film. "

Wan Qingshan took back the script and said with a smile, "Xilier, this script is a feature film, like "Ati", which focuses on plot. Is Colombia interested in investing?"

Like "Ati", Hillier's eyes suddenly lit up in embarrassment.

"Of course I'm interested, Evan. If I refuse investment in a movie like "Ati", the headquarters will definitely tell me to get out."

Wan Qingshan smiled, and then said with a serious expression, "Xilier, there is something I need to say up front.

This script couldn't pass the review of a theatrical movie, so I could only shoot it as an online movie.

Online movies do not need to be reviewed, but if they are to be released globally, I am afraid that Colombia will have to spend a lot of effort to get through the review.

I don’t want to be criticized if the film fails to pass the review and is released overseas. This will lead to me being criticized. "

When making online movies, Wan Qingshan also knows that it is difficult to recover the costs just from the income from the video playback platform, let alone making a profit.

If you want to make money, you have to release it globally, and Colombia has to step in.

With Colombia's energy and the fact that it will not be released in theaters in China, the film should be able to pass the review and be released globally.

Wan Qingshan has already thought about it. If this approach works, then scripts that cannot pass the review will be filmed as online movies, and then let Columbia handle the global release, so that they can avoid review.

Hillier thought for a moment and said, "No problem, Evan, Colombia is responsible for this."

"OK, after the budget comes out, we will discuss the specific contract.

Hillier, I can tell you the main conditions first. Colombia accounts for 30% of the investment. I need global box office profits, not just overseas copyright fees.

Can you accept this condition? "

Hillier replied without thinking, "OK, no problem, I can accept it."

After Wan Qingshan returned to China, the Colombian headquarters told Hillier to strengthen cooperation with Wan Qingshan.If he wants a share of the global box office for his movies, it doesn't matter if the investment share is smaller.

Colombia offers such conditions because all Chinese actors in "Ati" can have a global box office of US$14 billion. In addition, the global box office of "Huo Qubing" is also not low, which shows that Wan Qingshan's film does not need to consider actors. There is money to be made.As long as there is money to be made, the conditions can be lowered!

"OK, Hillier, first I wish us a happy cooperation!"

When Wanqingshan reached an agreement with Hillier, the news that he was going to make an online movie also spread.

Then, the stock price fell by 8% instantly, causing many investors to curse in confusion!

Capital also didn’t expect that Wan Qingshan’s first movie would be an online movie after he took charge of Qingshan Media.

Can Wan Qingshan recoup the costs of making online movies?

How much revenue can it bring?No one knows, but the previous record for the highest revenue from an online movie was just over 2000 million.

The risk is too great, so hurry up!

When people in the circle heard the news, they were all confused. Online movies, what is Wan Qingshan doing?

The next day, the media also received the news and began to report it.

'After Wan Qingshan retires from Hollywood, his first film will be an online movie! '

'Wanqingshan will shoot an online movie! '

'Are online movies promising? '

'Wanqingshan's new movie will abandon theaters and go directly to the video playback platform. '

While the media was talking about it, Wan Qingshan had already boarded a plane to Lin'an to 'communicate' with Ma Yun!
The Internet exchange meeting held by Alibaba was said to be an exchange meeting, but more like a press conference, with media reporters and a very large audience. The hall of thousands of people was full.

Very few people from other Internet companies come.

They are not stupid. Ali must have wanted to restore its reputation by suddenly holding an Internet exchange meeting at this time.

They didn't want to get together, lest they were accidentally taken advantage of by Ma Yun.

If Ma Yun asks them what they think about big data, they can't say that big data means privacy!

"Good afternoon everyone, this exchange meeting mainly talks about big data!
I know that during this period, the public has great doubts about big data, Taobao, Alibaba, and even the entire Internet!
I hope this exchange meeting can help you answer your questions! "

As soon as the meeting started, Ma Yun went on stage to talk.

“I think the most common questions everyone has are about big data!

This is good because people are paying attention to the core.

All questions come from big data. Once big data is explained clearly, other questions will naturally have answers!
I won’t talk about what big data is, but I’ll talk about it later.

Let me first tell you how many problems Alibaba has solved for many companies through big data.

You can look at the screen behind me. The records on it are all about Alibaba using big data to help companies solve problems that could not be solved in the past. "

Ma Yun is very eloquent and tells stories about big data solving problems in other industries.

When Wan Qingshan heard Ma Yun say how many problems big data had solved for enterprises, he roughly guessed Ma Yun's operation.

Exaggerate the help of big data to the economy and social development, and then admit that big data will invade personal privacy.

Next, if you use morality to suppress people, your privacy helps the development of society, then you should dedicate your privacy, otherwise you are too selfish and you don't love China!

What Ma Yun said on stage in the next half hour proved that Wan Qingshan was right.

Ma Yun directly admitted that big data will infringe on personal privacy in some aspects, but Alibaba will never use public privacy to harm others. It will only use big data to help companies solve problems and promote social development.

Ma Yun exaggerated the changes that the public would bring to society by dedicating their privacy, and that the public were the most selfless people. In any case, she used words to praise the public.

Ma Yun's words were very useful to the audience.

When Ma Yun reached the end of her story, many audience members applauded proudly.

After Ma Yun praised the public and expressed what Ali would do next and what things he would do that would be beneficial to society, Ma Yun looked at Wanqing Mountain in the first row of the audience.

"Mr. Wan, I don't know if what I just said can answer the three questions you asked before?
If you can't answer it, I can explain it again.

If the answer is given, but Mr. Wan, you have new questions, Mr. Wan, please come on stage and let us communicate face to face. "

Wan Qingshan stood up on stage, took the microphone handed over by the staff, and said with a smile,

"Mr. Ma, what you just said completely cleared up my doubts and also gave me a deep understanding of Internet big data.

However, just like what you just said, Mr. Ma, I have new doubts.

Mr. Ma, according to what you just said, you believe that the group is greater than the individual, and sometimes the individual should be sacrificed for the group.

So Mr. Ma, I would like to ask, does Ali belong to an individual or a group? "

Some people in the audience saw through Ma Yun's previous sophistry and smiled in their eyes.

The rest of the people were a little confused. Although they didn't understand Wan Qingshan's question, they could tell from the postures of these two people that something was wrong with them!
Ma Yun understood the trap of Wan Qingshan's words, so he jumped directly.

"Mr. Wan, in my concept, Ali is neither an individual nor a group, but a medium that brings together individuals and helps the group."

"Media, this word is quite good, but Mr. Ma, Ali, as a medium, seems to be seeking profit!"

"Mr. Wan, any company must make a profit, otherwise the company will not continue to operate.

Could it be that, Mr. Wan, your Qingshan Media can not make a profit? "

“Of course Qingshan Media must make a profit, and I agree with what you just said, Mr. Ma, that any company must make a profit.

But if this profit is based on selfless dedication of individuals, then it is worse than capitalists who drink human blood.

While letting the public contribute selflessly, at the same time, we can gain profits through the public’s contribution.

Capitalists only want profits, and this means they also want reputation and profits, and what’s even more abominable is that they use morality to oppress the public. "

"Mr. Wan, I, Ali, am definitely not who you say I am!

Without Alibaba, how could Volkswagen help companies solve problems and contribute to social development?

Although Alibaba is a media, it is also a transformation. Without the concerted efforts of tens of thousands of people at Alibaba, the energy of the public will not be transformed into answers to help countless companies solve problems. "

“Mr. Ma, I don’t deny Ali’s contribution.

But the problem is that the public also takes credit. The public paid for privacy but got nothing.

But the media Alibaba has made huge profits.

If I remember correctly, Alibaba should have made nearly [-] billion in profits last year. "

"Mr. Wan, you also run a company. You should know that you can't calculate like this. If you calculate like this, you won't be able to do business in the world.

This is like a wood factory making stools. Each stool sells for 20 yuan, but Mr. Wan said that the wood is not valuable and cannot be sold for 20 yuan. It should be free. "

"Mr. Ma, I also run a company, so of course I know how to do the math.

As for Mr. Ma’s analogy of using a stool, I think Mr. Ma is completely changing the concept.

The stool sells for 20 yuan, but I don't think it should be free.

The stool costs 20 yuan. Let’s not mention the workers’ salary. In terms of materials alone, the wood factory used money to purchase the raw materials.

Where did the raw materials come from? Someone contracted the land to plant trees!
If you pursue it deeply, no link will be selfless.

But Mr. Ma, you ask the public to selflessly dedicate their privacy. This is like opening a wood factory and asking the wood seller to give you free wood. "

“Mr. Wan, Ali is different from the wood factory.

Big data is different from wood. The selfless dedication of the public will ultimately benefit from the public.

Alibaba uses big data to help countless companies solve problems and promote social development, which will naturally feed back into people's lives.

The selfless dedication of the public is like throwing something out, going around in a circle, and finally turning into something else after processing and returning to the hands of the public. "

"No, no, Mr. Ma, as a child of seven or eight years old can understand, the things I take out and the things I get back should be of equal value, so that I won't lose money.

Public privacy cannot be put at a price. "

Wan Qingshan frowned slightly. He suddenly realized that there was a trap in what Ma Yun just said, and he had already stepped half in. If he continued to talk, he would be led by Ma Yun.

So what he had just organized in his mind changed.

“Privacy cannot be put at a price, and of course, I also know that social development cannot be put at a price either.

But I know that these two cannot be priced, they are definitely not equal, and privacy is definitely greater than feedback!
Otherwise, Alibaba, as a media, would not be able to make nearly [-] billion in profits a year. "

"Mr. Wan, I don't know if it's equivalent, but I know that if Ali falls, who will act as the intermediary?
In order to survive and to continue to be a good medium, Alibaba naturally has to earn a certain amount of profit. "

"No, no, if Alibaba falls, there will naturally be other companies. In fact, I think it is most correct for the country to act as this media."

"Mr. Wan, your thinking is from before the reform. In the market economy, Alibaba's ability to act as a media is the result of market decisions."

"But the market economy doesn't allow Ali to exploit people's privacy to make profits! To put it more seriously, Ali is breaking the law!"

“I just said, Alibaba is just a media, and if this media wants to survive, it must make a profit.

The fact that Alibaba can serve as this medium is determined by the market economy. "

On the stage, Wan Qingshan and Ma Yun were going back and forth with each other, quarreling with each other, which made the people in the audience, who had already seen through Ma Yun's sophistry, laugh.

Wan Qingshan insisted that Ali exploit public privacy to make money. Ma Yun said that Ali had to survive as a media, and neither of them could defeat the other!

Some of the rest of the people looked angry, and they were not stupid. Wan Qingshan's words made them react. Ma Yun kept saying that she was using big data to help society, but the purpose was to make profits.

Ma Yun uses everyone's privacy to make money.

There are also some people who think Ma Yun is right. If you want to survive, you have to make a profit. It makes sense to make a profit while helping the development of society.

"Mr. Ma, if you say this, you still can't convince me. However, I respect your point of view and respect the diversity of the market."

On the stage, Wan Qingshan also said that he was tired. In this kind of debate, thoughts change quickly, and he had to cheer up. Be careful of being taken away by Ma Yun's words. He almost was taken away by Ma Yun's words just now, so he said After a while, many brain cells died.

I’m tired, and I’ve already said everything I can say, so there’s no point in saying anything more.

If he goes on, even if he talks about it for a day and a night, Ma Yun won't be convinced by him, so she might as well step down and rest.

Ma Yun breathed a long sigh of relief in her heart. She originally wanted to use this meeting to improve Ali's reputation, but Wanqingshan was too difficult to deal with and kept focusing on profit points.

It’s too tiring to talk about it anymore, and I can’t find any other decisive point, so Ma Yun smiled and said,
"Mr. Wan, I agree with respecting the diversity of the market, just like Alibaba respects different voices."

After the two made peace on the surface, Wan Qingshan stepped down, and then Ma Yun made a very high-profile statement about what Alibaba would do in the next few years.

After Ma Yungao had a broad talk, the exchange meeting came to an end.

As soon as the meeting ended, Wan Qingshan flew back to the capital.

Before Wan Qingshan got on the plane, the video of Wan Qingshan and Ma Yun's verbal exchange at the meeting spread along with the reporter's report.

Then, the people who had begun to forget what happened before were reminded of what happened before.

Wan Qingshan and Ma Yun were having a verbal spat. Some people felt that Wan Qingshan was right, while some people felt that Ma Yun was right.

And as long as some people think that Ma Yun is right, then Ali's reporting of this exchange meeting will be a success!

Part of Ali's reputation has been reversed. After a while, Ali's charity has been publicized, and the reputation has been completely reversed.

(End of this chapter)

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