I am a director, but I have the skills of an actor

Chapter 268 Content Exchange Platform

"Mr. Ma, I'm sorry. I was so excited at the time that I couldn't help but say that. I'm really sorry that Penguin was affected."

As soon as Wan Qingshan arrived, he apologized to Ma Huateng.

Although he didn't care in his heart what impact his words would have on Penguin, on the surface, he still had to keep his attitude in check.

"Haha, Director Wan, it's okay, it's okay. Speaking of which, I have to thank you."

Ma Huateng smiled happily. Although what Wan Qingshan said also had an impact on Penguin, it was definitely not as influential as Ali. Otherwise, Penguin News would have reported it in a saturation style.

As long as Alibaba has a big influence, it doesn't matter if Penguin is affected a little bit.

"Director Wan, you are worthy of being the No. 1 Internet + film and television company. The Internet + film and television you talked about at the meeting was an eye-opener for me.

I think many Internet companies now want to ask Director Wan to give lectures. "

Although Ma Huateng's praise of Wan Qingshan was a bit exaggerated, it was also somewhat sincere. Wan Qingshan's Internet + film and television set really surprised him, otherwise he would not have come to the capital to talk to Wan Qingshan in person.

"Mr. Ma, you are too complimentary. I just happened to think of this at the right time."

"Haha, Director Wan, I came to you this time because of the Internet + film and television you mentioned. Do you think we can achieve what you said with our cooperation?"

Ma Huateng took the initiative to ask him out, and Wan Qingshan thought that Ma Huateng came for the Internet + film and television he mentioned.

Although what he said at the film and television production exchange meeting, Wan Qingshan didn't think about whether he could do it at the time?
But afterwards, Wan Qingshan thought carefully about it, and realized that the operation of creating a topic and then producing a film and television show was completely feasible.

This is similar to the way he used to create hype on the Internet when the movie was released, but now he has changed the next step and created a hot topic first!
As for whether it entertained the audience?
He really thinks that what he said at the meeting is the truth. If he really cared so much about whether he deceived the audience, he would not have hyped "Loyal Liver and Righteousness" so much back then.

“Mr. Ma, I don’t dare to say it’s definitely possible, but I think it’s worth trying.

Use Penguin's channels to create topics. I produce movies and TV shows here. When it is released, Penguin will heat up the topic, and there should be a lot of viewers to watch it.

But Mr. Ma, there is a lot of talk from the outside world now, and this is not a good time. We should not wait until the talk passes. "

Ma Huateng waved his hand and said with a confident smile, "Don't worry, Director Wan, it won't be affected.

Nowadays, there is so much news that the public is dazzled by it, and the public’s attention to one thing generally does not last more than a week.

A week later, the incident was over, and everyone was still doing whatever they were supposed to do.

To say it has an impact, it means that Ma Yun loses face, Taobao has fewer users, and its reputation is bad.

By the time the film and television production is completed, it will be a few months later, and the public will have long forgotten about it. "

Wan Qingshan was stunned for a moment and smiled, "It seems that I still don't understand the Internet well enough. Since Mr. Ma said it has no impact, we can try it with a movie.

It just so happens that I am going to make a movie next, and the script is being revised. Once the script is revised and approved, we will try it with this movie. "

Ma Huateng frowned slightly and asked again, "Director Wan, are you taking the photos yourself?"

"Yes, I took the photo myself."

Ma Huateng immediately shook his head, "Director Wan, your movie itself is very well-known. If you try it with your movie, you can't test how effective this method is.

It is best to try a movie with a less famous director and an average actor, so that you can test how effective this method is. "

Wan Qingshan is not stupid. From the first sentence Ma Huateng said, he thought that he had not thought carefully.

As soon as Ma Huateng finished speaking, Wan Qingshan said quickly, "Mr. Ma, you are right, it was my lack of consideration.

How about this? Mr. Ma, you decide on the topic first, and then I ask the screenwriter to write a script based on the topic. Once the script is ready, I will find a general lineup of directors and actors. "

"This is better, Director Wan, then I will let Mr. Ren handle the rest of this with you."

"Director Wan, I have to ask you to take care of me next." Ren Yuxin said from the side.

"Mr. Ren, I should be the one troubling you."

Wan Qingshan originally thought that everything would be fine after saying this, but after Ma Huateng said a few words, he suddenly said, "Director Wan, what do you think of LeTV's ecological chain?"

Although Jia Yueting is currently working on the LeTV ecological chain, although it has not yet been launched, it has already attracted the attention of the three major Internet giants.

If LeTV's ecological chain is really going to start, it will be another giant company, and the ecological chain is more stable than the three giants in some aspects.

As for LeTV TV, it will be sold online next month. If LeTV TV is completed, then Jia Yueding will have all the hardware + content + platform + applications integrated, and he will only need to add more things to it later.

LeTV is at a critical moment, so Ma Huateng is paying close attention to LeTV now.

Ma Huateng suddenly thought that Wan Qingshan's vision and insights were beyond ordinary people, so he couldn't help but want to hear what Wan Qingshan thought of LeTV.

Wan Qingshan didn't expect Ma Huateng to actually ask him about LeTV. He was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said,
"Mr. Ma, I don't understand LeTV's ecological chain. There are so many industries that I really don't understand."

A trace of disappointment flashed in Ma Huateng's eyes, and when he was about to speak, he heard Wan Qingshan continue,

“I have also heard that if the LeTV ecological chain is established, it will be a business empire.

However, looking at Penguin and Alibaba, I think they are able to stand out from many similar companies and become giants and business empires because of one characteristic.

That is, when the company develops in the early stage, it will dig deep into the energy storage pool.

This energy storage pool is deep enough and strong enough to keep the company standing.

After it remains standing, trenches will be dug along this energy storage pool to expand.

Penguin’s energy storage pool is social users, while Alibaba’s energy storage pool is Taobao users.

LeTV, I think Accumulator is also a user, but its development model seems to be completely opposite to that of Alibaba and Penguin.

Ali and Penguin are expanding outward after having sufficient energy storage pools.

LeTV rolled it out quickly as soon as it arrived, which is equivalent to digging a pool of water in several places, but these pools are a bit small now.

I'm afraid that later, LeTV will have to gather the water from these pools together to form an energy storage pool.

This kind of development model seems to have never happened before, so I can't estimate what it will develop in the future.

Mr. Ma, this is just my personal opinion. I don’t know whether this statement is correct or not.

Just like Baidu, I don’t know where its energy storage pool is?
After all, when it comes to search, I personally feel that user stickiness is inherently less social than e-commerce.

But it has developed into a giant, so my statement is just my layman's opinion. "

Wan Qingshan was half making up and half telling the truth, which made Ma Huateng's eyes light up.

The development of Penguin and Ali was thoroughly explained by Wan Qingshan.

Baidu, it’s not that insiders don’t understand, search actually requires more technology than social networking and e-commerce. Baidu relies on technology, search, Tieba portal, these various aspects of customers are glued together, and protection measures are added to keep out some giants. , Baidu has also become a giant.

Wan Qingshan's views on LeTV also have some truth. It is not enough to open up the ecological chain. These users must be glued together to form a reservoir.

If it is only connected, but users in all aspects of hardware + content + platform + application are not connected, then it will be a piece of loose sand that cannot be closed by users, and it can easily be broken by someone with one click!

Ma Huateng's eyes lit up, and after his thoughts flashed for a moment, he asked with a smile,

"Director Wan, I can benefit a lot from your opinion.

Director Wan, I would like to ask, if you were in Jia Yueting's position, how would you bring these pools together? "

A trace of surprise flashed in Wan Qingshan's eyes, what does Ma Huateng want to do?
Also, he thinks too highly of me!

However, this question also made Wan Qingshan a little interested. If it were him, what should he do?
Wan Qingshan thought about it in his mind. Ma Huateng didn't rush him when he saw this, and even picked up the teapot to pour tea for Wan Qingshan.

Only after the tea in the cup was almost cold did Wanqingshan come back to his senses.

"Mr. Ma, if I were in Mr. Jia's position, I would keep the current ecological chain as it is and build a content exchange platform.

There is no way. At this stage, only platforms, or platforms with some social attributes, can create strong stickiness among users.

I will only add things to this ecological chain when most of the original LeTV users are embedded in this content exchange platform and there are a certain number of new users.

This is actually the same development model as Penguin and Alibaba. "

"Content exchange platform? Director Wan, could you please explain it in detail? I don't understand your content exchange for a while."

Ma Huateng was confused. Content exchange?How to exchange content?

"Well! The content exchange platform, in my opinion, covers everything that does not have physical objects.

For example, Mr. Ma, you are an ordinary white-collar worker. Due to work needs, you urgently need a landscape photo for commercial use. Mr. Ren, an ordinary programmer, suddenly encountered some problems and some code. indefinite.

Whatever you lack, you can buy it here.This kind of content exchange is essentially a transaction, but the transaction is not a physical object. It may be a photo, a design, someone to help you write code, or even an explanation of a mathematical problem.

Of course, this is just a transaction, and the social attributes are too poor, so we need to add another function, which is the discussion circle, which is similar to the previous Tieba.

But this discussion is for people to talk about technology and knowledge, unlike Tieba where everyone can post anything. "

Wan Qingshan paused for a moment, "Well, maybe that's a bit confusing, but in short, it can be a platform for trading knowledge and technical products, and it can also be a platform for people to make progress through mutual discussion!

It seems that intellectual property rights are not yet strictly enforced legally, and people don’t seem to care much about it.

But in my opinion, within ten years, intellectual property rights will be noticed by the country.

A large part of the reason why our economy can develop is that compared to other countries, we have a larger population and lower wages, so many foreign countries will entrust us with a lot of OEM work.

After the economy develops to a certain stage, workers' wages should rise. Then there is a populous country over there with a population no less than ours.

At that time, the OEMs given to us will slowly be transferred, and our industry will need to develop upwards, otherwise the economy will stagnate or even go backwards.

At that time, the country will definitely pay attention to intellectual property rights. Intellectual property rights are the first and most important step in promoting upward development.

If intellectual property rights are not established, inventions and knowledge can be used casually, but creators do not get profits, then who will develop things, study knowledge, and how to promote industry. "

Wan Qingshan explained clearly, and Ma Huateng also heard clearly. Because he understood clearly, his eyes were shining now.

The content exchange platform of Wanqingshan is a bit like tutoring on the Internet, but it is much bigger than tutoring. It can come out of the campus. If it really works, countless white-collar workers will become users of the content exchange platform.

"Wan Dao, what do you think is the most important thing about this content exchange platform? If we are getting started, which aspect should we start with?" Ma Huateng asked quickly.

Wan Qingshan was stunned for a moment and smiled, "Haha, Mr. Ma, this content exchange platform is just an idea of ​​mine.

I am the type who can talk but not do.

If I want to know exactly how to do it, then I just do it.

If this content exchange platform really succeeds, even if it is not a giant, it will be a company worth hundreds of billions.

Mr. Ma, do you think if I knew exactly how to build a company worth hundreds of billions, would I still tell you? "

Wan Qingshan really didn't know what Ma Huateng was thinking, and actually asked him what to do.

If you knew how to do it, would I still be talking nonsense to you?I just went for it.

After you get started, and then enter the social industry, even if you are a penguin, it will make you uncomfortable.

Ma Huateng was stunned for a moment and apologized quickly, "I'm sorry, the content exchange platform you described, Director Wan, is a blue ocean market. It's too broad, so I was a little too excited."

"It's okay, it's okay. The new market is just like the New World. When you hear about the New World, you will naturally be excited, understand, and understand."

Ma Huateng pushed down his gold-rimmed glasses, and after thinking for a few seconds, he said, "Director Wan, I won't hide it from you. The content exchange platform you mentioned is very attractive to everyone. So I'm going to do it.

I don’t know if you are interested in participating together. If you are interested, I can let you hold 20% of the shares. "

20% of the shares may not sound like much, but you must know that this content exchange platform is really a giant company.

20% of the shares of a giant company is no longer a problem.

Ma Huateng can allow Wan Qingshan to account for 20%. First, Wan Qingshan proposed this platform exchange, and Wan Qingshan's ideas may be needed in many aspects later.

What's more, Wan Qingshan's vision and opinions made Ma Huateng feel scared.

In the time it took for a cup of hot tea to cool down, Wan Qingshan was able to think of the blue ocean industry of content exchange platform.

With this kind of thinking and vision, Ma Huateng would be afraid that if Wanqingshan was not brought on board, one day Wanqingshan would think of a blue ocean industry again and cooperate with other companies.

Wan Qingshan hesitated for a moment and asked, "Mr. Ma, I am very grateful to you for supporting me in our cooperation to build a content exchange platform.

However, I have to ask first, how much money do you plan to burn on this company? "

Ma Huateng frowned!
Burn money!

He immediately understood why Wan Qingshan withdrew from the "Dianji". Wan Qingshan said that "Dianji" was against his original intention.

He was still a little confused at the time, thinking that Wan Qingshan was still a bit idealistic and wanted to make money, but he actually cared about things other than the film industry.

Co-author, Wan Qingshan doesn’t want to burn money!

Then all this makes sense. No wonder he doesn't even care about Yun Ping's shares and doesn't follow in the financing!

"Wan Dao, I can't give you an accurate figure, because it depends on the subsequent development. If there are competitors or no competitors, the amount of investment must be two different concepts.

Wan Dao, you can invest first, and when it comes to financing later, you can decide whether to follow up or not depending on the situation. "

Ma Huateng knew that once the content exchange platform made certain moves, Alibaba and Baidu would definitely follow suit, and it would definitely cost a lot of money. Tens of billions would be burned for sure.

But now we definitely can't tell Wan Qingshan clearly that we should first trick Wan Qingshan into boarding the ship. His thinking and vision are too scary!

Ma Huateng had set his attitude so low. Even though he knew that Alibaba would probably enter the content exchange industry later, which would be very expensive, Wan Qingshan still agreed!

At worst, there won’t be financing later.

As for whether it can be done, Wan Qingshan really doesn't know. Although the market for content exchange is clearly here, he has no original experience for this thing to refer to, so he is more wary and does not want to invest too much.

"Mr. Ma, you have said so, and you are supporting my cooperation. If I think too much about it, it will be too boring."

Wan Qingshan agreed, and Ma Huateng was very happy and felt a little relieved.

"Haha, Director Wan, this can't be considered a support, this content exchange was proposed by you.

If you really think about it, I am the one who took advantage. "

Ma Huateng attached great importance to this content exchange. He held a company meeting when he returned, and then immediately applied for a shareholders' meeting.

The content exchange platform is a giant company in terms of development.

In the early stage, he can't immediately put him under Penguin. He only has a small number of shares in Penguin. If he builds another giant company, it won't let the major shareholders take advantage.

Therefore, Ma Huateng believes that the content exchange platform should be developed separately first, and then when a large amount of financing is needed later, Penguin will be involved.

As for the need to use Penguin channels for development in the early stage?
He is one of the founders of Penguin. He uses the Penguin channel to help him set up another company. No one will say anything even if he says hello and gives him enough money.

A few days later, when the outside world was talking less about big data and Taobao, Penguin’s shareholder meeting was held.

"Everyone, due to my personal career development needs, I will resign as CEO of Penguin and only serve as chairman of Penguin's board of directors. The position of CEO will be taken over by Liu Chiping!"

Ma Huateng's words made everyone in the capital a bit confused.

Ma Huateng suddenly resigned as CEO. This was so sudden that they didn't receive any news in advance.

These people are not fools. After being confused for a moment, they immediately grasp the key points because of personal career development!

Ma Huateng is going to start another business. The business that allows him to ignore the penguins and develop it again is definitely not small. It is best to participate in the early investment.

"Mr. Ma, if you want to start a personal career, of course I will support it. Regarding funds, if you need anything, Mr. Ma, just ask, and I will definitely support you!"

"Mr. Ma, don't forget your old friend!"

A group of capital parties are rushing to send money to Ma Huateng!

"When the time comes, I will not forget you all."

After Ma Huateng finished speaking, he opened the file and continued, "In addition to my resignation as CEO, Zhang Zhidong resigned as chief technology officer!"

Ma Huateng had previously called a meeting with people in the company to tell the people below him that he was resigning and joining the content exchange platform.

At that time, Zhang Zhidong and the others were so surprised that their eyes nearly popped out.

They all advised Ma Huateng to think more. There is no need to resign to build a content exchange platform, just put it under Penguin.

But Ma Huateng said, "I said before that after the online ticket purchase started, it entered the clothing, food, housing and transportation industry. But after the online ticket purchase started, why did it fail to enter the clothing, food, housing and transportation industry? It's because Penguin is too bloated now and doesn't have that hard work. So this time he has to leave everything behind and start over. 'These words made everyone unable to refute!
While these words blocked everyone, they also deceived Zhang Zhidong, one of the "Penguin Five Tigers". In addition, Zhang Zhidong was also planning to resign and leave Penguin.

So Zhang Zhidong decided to resign together and start a content exchange platform with Ma Huateng.

Even if Zhang Zhidong didn't talk about setting up a content exchange platform with him, Ma Huateng was ready to ask Zhang Zhidong to join him.

Content interaction platform, the platform built in the early stage is very important, and Zhang Zhidong's technology is exactly what he needs. (End of chapter)

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