Give weak women a heart of steel

Chapter 282 A house waiting for its owner

Chapter 282 A house waiting for its owner

When everything was quiet, Xia Tingfei and the girl named Tsukimura Aoi finally arrived at the hot spring of Xicui Village.

Dense wooden rafts stood in front of the two people.

"Are you a high jumper?"

Xia Tingfei said: "If you are, there happens to be a bamboo forest here. You can use the bamboo pole to browse through it."

The girl just looked at Xia Tingfei coldly.

"It seems that you can only rely on me." Xia Tingfei squatted on the ground: "Step on my shoulders, girl. I hope the gold in your body will not make you too heavy."

The girl hesitated for a moment, then walked slowly to Xia Tingfei's side, slowly and stiffly climbed onto Xia Tingfei's back, kicked off her slippers, and stepped on Xia Tingfei's shoulders with her bare feet.

His shoulders are wide enough for the girl to stand on them.

The girl's feet were slender and tender, which made Xia Tingfei doubt whether they could support the girl's weight.

She held onto the wooden wall and stood firmly on Xia Tingfei's shoulders.

Xia Tingfei held the girl's petite ankle.

He could clearly feel the girl's restlessness, maybe she was not used to being close to others.

"Hold it." Xia Tingfei lifted the girl up.

But it was still some distance from the top. Xia Tingfei put his palms against the girl's feet and slowly lifted them up.

The girl swayed and held on to the top.

She raised her legs with great effort and sat on it.

Just such a simple action makes the girl breathless.

Xia Tingfei moved slightly and took a few steps back.

Like parkour, sprint forward.

The first foot stepped on the gap in the wooden raft, and the second foot stepped on the crossbar nailed to the wooden raft.

Reaching out like an ape, Xia Tingfei successfully hung himself on it.

He used his strength to drive his arms and slowly lifted his body up. Turning over and sitting on the top, he looked at the two hot springs in front of him.

"Want to go from the girls' hot spring? Or the boys?"

Xia Tingfei asked.

"It doesn't matter which one." The girl replied indifferently.

He had no choice but to jump into the girls' hot spring. Xia Tingfei stood on the stone at the edge and raised his hands towards the girl.

"Step on the palm of my hand."

He said that the girl was very trusting and stepped on it.

——But maybe it can be called indifferent.

Xia Tingfei took the girl down carefully and hugged her waist.

Like a cautious doll.

Putting her gently on the edge of the hot spring, Xia Tingfei stretched and said, "Do you want to soak in the hot spring? You should be very familiar with this place."

The girl remained silent and just looked at Xia Tingfei.

Xia Tingfei just smiled: "I will go to the other side, and no matter what happens to you, I will soak in the hot spring and wait for you outside."

He found a place, and then sprinted back to the wooden wall again.

Jumping back into the men's hot spring, he put his clothes in the changing room and slowly soaked in the hot spring.

The sulfur-smelling water swirled around, and the blood vessels in the skin seemed to be squeezed.

Xia Tingfei closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment of soaking in the hot spring.

This is already the third night, and the time I have is a little scarce again.

He knocked on the wooden wall next to him casually: "If you are still alive, please knock once. If you are dead, knock twice and I can collect the body for you."

dong dong.

There were two knocks on the wooden wall.

"Ah, it turns out he is dead." Xia Tingfei was a little troubled: "Can monsters be seen in the world after death?"

There was no sound there, just the sound of palms slapping against the water.

"You entered a sanatorium at the age of ten. You must have never worn a high school uniform." Xia Tingfei said, "It's very beautiful. It has a special magic power."

The other party still didn't reply.

Xia Tingfei walked out of the hot spring, got dressed in the locker room, took out his cell phone and sent a message to Hai Chao Zao Xian.

"Do you have any extra school uniforms?"

"It's just one dress, but I haven't worn it yet." Haichao Zaoxian sent a message: "I have a dress that I have worn, do you want it?"

"If I were a pervert, I would want a dress, but unfortunately I am not." Xia Tingfei and Haichao Zaoxian joked casually: "Can you bring your school uniform? It's best to have a set of underwear. .”

"None worn."

Haichao Zaoxian looked at this information with confusion. She didn't know why Xia Tingfei said this.

But he still looked for his clothes.

After digging through his school uniform, Hai Tide Zaochi picked out his underwear.

Some are too bland, some are too sensational.

It's really embarrassing.

After all, she wanted to show it to the person she liked, so the girl was extremely confused.

very distressed.

"what happened?"

Naoko Ueno held Umizuchi's shoulders and looked like she was smiling.

This was her favorite thing to do because the tide algae crumbs hated it.

Her reaction was very funny.

Every time he did this, Tidal Algae would run out like a disgusted cat.

However, Hai Tide Algae didn't react at all this time, and just looked at her clothes seriously.

Naoko Ueno also looked at those colorful underwear and exclaimed in surprise: "Ah, this one is so mature!"

"Let's go, let's go." Hai Tide Algae waved his hands and pushed Ueno Naoko away.

"Say it and I can help you." Naoko Ueno patted her chest.

Hai Tide Algae looked at Naoko Ueno, and had to say that Naoko Ueno was indeed the best candidate.

She is a fashionable high school girl and should know how to do this kind of thing.

"The minister asked me to give him a set of clothes, including underwear." Hai Chao Zao Xian whispered.

But Naoko Ueno shouted loudly, "Huh? Isn't this harassment?"

"Don't be like this." The seaweed flakes hurriedly covered Ueno Naoko's mouth.

Naoko Ueno was a little out of breath, and she patted Hai Tide's arm in a very funny way: "I will whisper, please let go..."

Hai Tide Zaozu let go suspiciously, and was relieved when he saw that Ueno Naoko didn't scream out again.

"So, what should we do?" She said with a little expectation.

"Of course I choose plain color." Naoko Ueno looked at the confused seaweed flakes, a little funny.

She originally thought that Hai Tide Algae would be an annoying and lonely guy, but after a few nights together, she discovered that Hai Tide Algae was actually a relatively simple girl. He is just not good at words, so he appears withdrawn.

If you get to know her, you will find that she is actually very funny.

Naoko Ueno pointed to a small piece of plain white fabric with a small pink bow: "This is the one suitable for people to see, and the more mature one is for people to wear."

Hai Chao Zao Xian thought it made sense, so she folded up her school uniform, put her underwear in the middle of the uniform, and walked out the door.

Ueno Naoko also smiled and wanted to follow, but the seaweed and algae stuffed her back.

"It's really difficult to handle." Naoko Ueno said deliberately: "If you owe me a favor, then I won't go with you."

Tide Algae had no choice but to agree to this request.

She ran out quickly and walked towards the hot spring.

She was a little confused and a little worried.

What will happen?

I kept thinking in my mind that even this girl, Hai Chao Zao Xian, was a little shy.

Also a little uneasy.

However, she saw the minister from a distance.

After waving towards her, Xia Tingfei walked over and said, "Haichao, your face is so red."

The girl had no way to answer, she just looked at him sadly: "What are the clothes here for?"

"For the other girl."

Xia Tingfei looked at the girl and said this.

Haichao Zaoxi's face suddenly became ugly. She grabbed the minister's arm: "Another girl?!"

The voice was a bit sharp.

"Or a woman?" Xia Tingfei said with some confusion: "If possible, can you give her the clothes? She is in the dressing room."

"Okay, I will." Hai Tide Algae gritted his teeth.

She let go of Xia Tingfei's arm and quickly walked into the bathroom.

Xia Tingfei walked towards Xueye Zhao's room.

The seaweed crumbs entered the dressing room, and she easily saw her target.

There is only one person here, and that girl is wearing the minister's coat.

"You're talking about a woman, it's obviously a girl."

Hai Chao Algae walked forward quickly, preparing to throw the clothes on the girl's head, and then hit the girl hard on the wardrobe.

The girl looked back at Hai Chao Zao Xian. Her long light golden hair and beautiful eyelashes made Hai Chao Zao Xian extremely jealous.

But that empty look in his eyes made Haichao Zaoxi stop in his tracks.

She was in agony, recalling her nightmare.

"This girl is even more pitiable than myself."

Hai Chao Algae walked forward silently and placed his clothes on the bench next to him.

"This is what the minister asked me to give you, which is Xia Tingfei."

The girl remained silent and slowly took off the clothes she had just put on.

The same goes for underwear.

Now, it is the tide algae flakes that are terrifying to discover that the girl's skin is pale.

Her skin is paler than before.

——Maybe it’s because of the golden lines on the skin that makes it look even paler.

The tide algae involuntarily stretched out his hand to touch the pale skin, but at the last moment of touching it, he withdrew his hand.

"My name is Tideweed."

"Aoi Tsukumura."

Although they said each other's names, the atmosphere was even more silent.

"Perhaps we should ask Naoko Ueno to follow us. She will definitely not let the atmosphere be so silent."

The tide algae was a little annoyed.

Before Xia Tingfei arrived at Xueye Zhao's room, he received an email from Hai Tide.

——I took Aoi Tsukimura to my dormitory.

"They seem to be getting along well. Is it really easy for girls to get along with each other?"

Xia Tingfei knocked on the door, then pushed it open and went in.

"What should I do if I'm changing clothes?" Yukino Teru was very dissatisfied. She said, "At least wait until I let you in."

"Does the teacher know how to change clothes?" Xia Tingfei said, "Drinking and sleeping should take up your activity time."

He looked at the beer bottles scattered everywhere and the piles of disposable boxes on the table.

Xia Tingfei asked confused.

"It's really unpleasant, today's students." Yukino Teru shook the beer bottle in his hand dissatisfied: "I won't promise you anything before I've had enough wine."

"Teacher, please promise." Xia Tingfei said, "Zhu Cunkui, teacher, have you heard of it?"

"Ah, such an ordinary name seems to have some impression." Yukino Teru shook the beer bottle in his hand, looking unconcerned: "In my career as a teacher, I have seen countless names, and I have forgotten them. It’s normal.”

"She called you Sister Zhao." Xia Tingfei replied nonchalantly, closed the door, kicked away the beer bottle and sat at the table.

"Teacher Xue Ye, have you forgotten your childhood playmate?" He said very viciously: "Now that I know her, I might be able to inherit her inheritance worth hundreds of millions of yen. After all, that is Equivalent to the volume of gold in the human body.”

"As long as the teacher says some random and sensational words in front of her, she can take home these hundreds of millions of yen and she won't have to work in the next life, teacher."

Yukino Teru remained silent, except for the beer can making a clicking sound.

Xia Tingfei slowly moved back to avoid being beaten by the teacher with smooth muscular lines.

"Are you good at talking, Xia Tingfei." Xueye Zhao said with a dull face, putting aside the beer can he crushed in his hand, and skillfully took out a cigarette from his pocket and started smoking.

Xia Tingfei stood up and opened the window.

"So, what do you want to know? Watanabe? Sanatorium? Or something else?"

Yukino Teru tapped her knees very irritably.

"I don't care about the human corpses that you treat as jewelry, and I don't care about the weird sanatorium. I just want to know everything about Aoi Tsukimura, such as when she was a child, or her dreams. And so on. After all, she is little different from a corpse now."

Xia Tingfei stared at Xueyezhao and looked into her eyes.

"Don't say that I did such a thing." Xueye Teru was dissatisfied and hit Xia Tingfei with a cigarette butt.

However, Xia Tingfei just dodged slightly and avoided this throw.

"When this disease, which is not contagious but only hereditary, was discovered for the first time, everyone's reaction was very sad. Not many people thought about this kind of thing today. However, the patient just let his body be used as a The inheritance was given to my family.”

"So, that family got rich." Yukino Teru said in a sarcastic tone: "In a poor mountain village, he got rich."

"From the first sight of the family wearing silk clothes, everyone else had a little fire in their hearts."

"However, the disease is not contagious. It can only be inherited genetically, but it's not right to just say that."

"It should be said that this kind of disease is possible only in Dusui Village."

When talking about this, Yukino Teru pointed out the window: "Here, there are countless temporarily uninhabited houses, waiting for their owners to return."

(End of this chapter)

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