Give weak women a heart of steel

Chapter 281 The dead are more valuable than the living

Chapter 281 The dead are more valuable than the living

When going down the mountain, the girl still looked "relaxed".

At least, I can go on completely.

Standing in the valley, the leaves rustled in all directions.

The empty wind tugged at the corners of the girl's clothes.

The skin was so pale that you could even see the faint golden lines that were shining.

She staggered, leaning against a tree and panting.

Next to me is the steps of the back mountain of the shrine, with trampled weeds forming a patchwork of them.

It was already dry and wrinkled, curled into a piece like fried tea leaves.

"You've been here before."

The girl raised her chin and her chest couldn't stop rising and falling.

Her light blond hair hung down on her forehead, and sweat dripped down her hair.

It's like dew.

The dripping wet her shoulders.

Xia Tingfei looked at his clothes, shirt and jacket: "Probably, I may have been here before when I was alive."

The girl glanced at Xia Tingfei, probably because Xia Tingfei was deliberately imitating her own words, which made her angry.

She turned her head to the side and looked at the steps buried by weeds.

There is a thin layer of soil on the steps.

It is black, humus soil formed by rotting dead branches and leaves.

"Do you need a coat? I don't want you to die here, so I can't get the money." Xia Tingfei complained, pointing to the girl's wet shoulder.

Even a normal person may catch a cold in the mountain breeze.

Let alone this girl.

"I would be happy to die here." The girl sneered.

Xia Tingfei was noncommittal and asked: "Your condition will make you turn into gold at the moment of death, or will it turn into gold slowly?"

"Is there any difference?" The girl's voice was particularly ethereal.

"If it turns into gold instantly, then I'll just let you die. I'll break off your limbs and light a fire to melt them. My girlfriend really wants one made of Watanabe Gold Jewelry, and I am relatively short of money. So, I don’t mind making jewelry by myself.”

"And, since I have several girlfriends, I may have to make a few more."

Xia Tingfei answered calmly.

"Gold will not melt in a fire made of dead branches and leaves." The girl sneered.

"Oh, will it get even more golden?"

The girl didn't answer this question.

He just said: "This kind of disease will not be so kind and will turn into gold at the end? This kind of thing can only happen in dreams."

"The body will only slowly turn into gold, and you can feel your body slowly dying."

"The moment you discover this disease, you're dead."

The girl said calmly: "The living are not as valuable as the dead."

Xia Tingfei didn't say anything more, just took off his coat and threw it into the girl's hands.

"You can throw it away or put it on."

"But I won't wait for you."

After saying this, he stepped on the stone steps on the mountain behind the shrine and walked forward slowly.

The grass on the steps is extremely slippery, and you may fall if you step on it without paying attention.

Xia Tingfei kicked the grass away as if it was a deliberate prank.

Although there is a thin layer of soil, large chunks of soil can be kicked away with just a gentle kick.

Like turf, the roots of the plants below are tangled into white squares.

But dirt was flying everywhere, forcing the girl to cover her mouth.


Xia Tingfei stood on the high steps and looked at the girl's appearance, and couldn't help but smile.

The girl had already put on her shirt and was holding a branch in her hand as a cane.

This is extremely difficult.

Step by step, swaying.

Xia Tingfei took two steps before stopping and looking at the girl: "You are really seriously ill."

The girl was silent. She took a step to stop and rest for a while.

Looking back at the mountains.

"If you want to go there, it's really easy."

"There is no such thing." The girl just replied in a very nonchalant tone.

"The tongue is not the heart."

Xia Tingfei laughed at the girl.

But the girl just remained silent and continued walking upward.

Xia Tingfei shrugged and continued to kick off the coating.

The steps are green and there are ravines on them.

"When was the shrine here built?" Xia Tingfei asked, "You should be a local of Dusui Village."

"Twenty years ago? Thirty years ago? Who cares?" The girl said indifferently: "Maybe it was the house made by Watanabe Suijin, that's why it is so dilapidated."

she sneered, cynical.

It seems that he hates everything.

But - what she hates most in her heart is not just that.

"The priest here is a very good old man." Xia Tingfei said, "Although he is a little greedy for money."

The girl seemed tired and just walked.


Her legs supported her thin body and kept rising upwards.

She has a soul bound by the gravity of the planet, just like a body tortured by illness.

The soul trapped in the decaying body and bound by gravity was already causing her great pain and exhaustion.

The sun gradually disappeared, and darkness gradually enveloped everything.

The two of them were walking on the steps in the dark. Fortunately, the moon was very bright tonight.

It was enough for the two of them to see the shimmering light of the bluestone.

Xia Tingfei was the first to stand at the end of the steps.

He turned and looked at everything in front of him.

The valley is dark and the jungle is swaying.

There is an ugly scar on the overgrown steps, but the scar is filled with sparkling moonlight.

A girl is climbing on top, stepping on the sparkling scars.

But his waist became more and more bent, and almost all the weight of his back was poured on the crutch.

The same skinny cane made a squeaking sound.

The sound was the same as the painful moans in the girl's body.

Xia Tingfei stretched out his hand and faced the girl.

When the girl looked up, she could see Xia Tingfei's outstretched arms and palms. Xia Tingfei was sure of this.

However, the girl only breathed slowly, like a lung cancer patient trying her best.

Slowly, he climbed up the steps.

At that moment, she collapsed on the steps.

Sit on it with your hands hanging by your legs.

She gasped in pain and even made a hoarse tearing sound.

Xia Tingfei stood nearby, looking at her twitching shoulders.

As if a butterfly was about to burst out of its cocoon, her shoulder blades pushed up the coat.

Withdrawing his gaze, Xia Tingfei looked around. “Do you know Xicui Village?”

Xia Tingfei said: "We live there. If you don't mind staying in my room, I can take you in."

"Besides, I can see the golden garden from my room."

Perhaps this sentence impressed the girl, and the girl did not object.

"Do you know if there is any path to Xicui Village? If you have to go down the mountain road, it may be very difficult."

Xia Tingfei regarded the girl as some kind of intelligent navigation.

It was obvious that he was doing something like kidnapping, but he had to rely on the girl's help.

This kind of thing is simply self-evidently strange.

However, the girl didn't feel strange.

Xia Tingfei also looked normal.

"I once visited Xicui Village when I was very young."

The girl said: "My sister Zhao and I went together. We climbed over the fence from the back mountain and went in to secretly soak in the hot spring."

When talking about this, the girl's eyes seemed to be filled with light.

Like the bright moon in the sky, and like the twinkling stars.

"Teru-nee? Yukino-sensei?"

"What a coincidence."

Xia Tingfei thought this, and then said: "Then I will take you to relive your childhood."

There was a sneer on the girl's face.

But Xia Tingfei grabbed the girl's arm regardless and forced her up.

The girl's arms were too slender, no better than a reed stick.

It's also too heavy.

"If a limb needs to be replaced, it will definitely not start with your arm." Xia Tingfei said a cold joke, but the girl just looked at her expressionlessly.

"Come on, maybe I can also let you meet your Teru-nee."

Xia Tingfei grabbed the girl's arm and went down the mountain. There were little sparks on the side of the shrine.

It was the priest's hut, and the two people slowly walked down the steps.

When they were about to reach the mountain road, the girl pointed to the bushes: "Go from here."

Xia Tingfei didn't hesitate and immediately walked through the bushes.

Step through it to create an aisle.

Holding the girl's wrist, he walked slowly.

Weeds and shrubs slapped Xia Tingfei's arm, and many red marks soon appeared on it.

The roots are intertwined together, and the whole arm becomes red.

The weeds were trampled down piece by piece, traveling for about a hundred or ten meters.

Xia Tingfei's legs and feet were covered with cockleburs, and they looked surprisingly plush.

However, he himself didn't feel so good.

There is a dense itching.

"Sure enough, there is a path." Xia Tingfei looked at the vague mud path in front of him.

The weeds in the middle are much lower than those on both sides. If you look closely, you can see a thin brown line.

Stepping on the center, the soft weeds form a carpet-like feeling.

The grasshopper tilted his head on the tea leaves next to him and looked at the two humans. He didn't know why they appeared here at night.

Crickets chirped nonchalantly.

But when I walked in front of them, they would shrink back and pretend that nothing happened.

But once the two people passed by them, these crickets seemed to make up for the silence before, and screamed louder and louder.

The girl still held the crutch in her hand. She swept the branches across the branches and swept through the dense weeds.

It swept away countless blades of grass and frightened countless grasshoppers and crickets.

The originally relatively orderly chirping of insects immediately became chaotic.

Xia Tingfei couldn't help but turn his head and look at the girl.

On a sunny day, the long hair is light golden, but in the moonlight it seems to be silver.

Countless silver shavings rippled out from her hair.

It seems to be the same as the Milky Way.

"She is unconsciously an extremely beautiful girl. Whether it is her hair or her brilliant eyelashes, she has an inhuman feeling."

"But her hair and eyelashes are all caused by a disease that she hates so much."

"If she had a choice, would she choose to keep her current eyebrows, or would she choose to get rid of the pain?"

"I have no way of knowing."

"But there is a trace of luck in my heart that is extremely unbearable."

"I'm so lucky to have this disease with her, so she is just as special."

"It is out of a sea of ​​pain and a melancholy soul that a girl as special as her is born."

"Just like the shell that gave birth to the pearl, is it worth it? Or is it not worth it?"

"It's like a tangled mess in my head."

"It's such an ugly thought."

"What would this girl be like if she didn't have this disease?"

"Thinking in my mind."

"This kind of thing can indeed be imagined easily. Unlucky people are all kinds of strange things, but happy people are all the same. If she didn't have these symptoms, she might be smiling cheerfully, or she might be like an ordinary girl."

"Go to school, get out of school. Join a club, and feel happy or sad because of the competitions in the club."

"Enjoying the youth that most people remember, sweating profusely in the summer, biting a popsicle and riding a bicycle on the street. Or wearing a swimsuit, standing shyly in the sea, waving to one's friends, until When I get older, I will still remember this period of youth.”

"Even if it's even worse, so what?"

"She has become some kind of bad boy. She doesn't listen to the teacher and likes to do some weird things alone, such as planting or camping?"

"But the smile on her face will never change."

"She will definitely have that extremely bright smile as energetic as a sunflower on her face."

"But - so what?"

"If you glance at such a energetic girl on the street, you might be able to spot twenty or thirty of them."

"This disease is undoubtedly bad and unquestionably evil."

"But it turns girls into extremely special beings."

"Have you ever thought about what kind of existence you would be without Tosui Jin?"

Xia Tingfei suddenly asked.

The girl slowly waved the wooden stick, and Xia Tingfei held her wrist, staggering on the path covered with weeds.

"never thought about."

She said calmly, as if she didn't care.


Xia Tingfei said: "I have seen many girls. The moment they suddenly discover their tragic fate, they will be extremely painful and can't stop thinking about what they would have been like if they had not suffered that fate. "

"No why."

The girl recovered in an ethereal tone.

"I realized that what the girl said was true. Maybe she didn't think so."

"Perhaps, she never cared about what she would be like if she didn't have the disease."

"If you didn't have this kind of pain, maybe you wouldn't be so special."

Xia Tingfei said so.

He seemed to be looking forward to the girl's expression, waiting for her answer.

But the girl remained as usual, saying in a light, ethereal and indifferent tone: "Oh, is that so?"

(End of this chapter)

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