Give weak women a heart of steel

Chapter 178: Why did my life become like this?

Chapter 178: Why did my life become like this?

"Happiness, happiness. Everyone is talking about happiness, but the more it is mentioned repeatedly, the more the original heavy meaning of this word becomes thin and ridiculous."

Xia Tingfei looked at the girl and shook his head: "Although I am not against escaping, because escaping is the so-called instinct. But if we have to give this kind of behavior a high-sounding name, it will only become too ridiculous. .”

Looking at the girl's appearance, Xia Tingfei said nothing more: "See you next time."

Of course the girl knows that the so-called next meeting is when she is ready to act again.

Even she herself doesn't know when she will go back.

After Ichinose Qingyue left the hospital, she first went to the park to play on the swings.

A lot of time was wasted amidst the squeaking and shaking sounds.

When I got home, it was already evening.

Her home is an ordinary single-family house, but it is not an old-fashioned one-family house.

It's more modern, with the exterior painted white.

Has a balcony and bay window.

The door is also a heavy security door.

"I am back."

Ichinose Qingyue's voice was low, and a woman ran over from the kitchen.

"Qingyue! Speak louder!"


Although he responded, his voice became deeper and deeper.


The lady frowned, but Ichinose Kiyuki didn't care.

Her stepfather was already sitting at the dining table, and her sister was sitting next to him.

"Say hello!"

The rough voice shook the house, and it was her father who spoke.

"Good evening, Father."

Ichinose Qingyue said sickly, as if her body had collapsed.

"This kid, really."

Her mother said with a sigh: "Can't we let the adults worry less?"

"Feel sorry."

"This is not the only thing you should apologize for!" The rough man looked at Ichinose Kiyuki across the dining table: "School! What's wrong with you? The teacher said you skipped school again today."

"Feel sorry."

Ichinose Qingyue was as numb as a machine.

"What's the use of apologizing!" The man yelled: "You know, when your teacher called me, I lost all face in the company!"

"Your face, your face. Hmm, don't I have face?"

"Because it's in school!"

Ichinose Qingyue asked in her heart, and finally couldn't help shouting.

Want to explain.

"Who asked you to talk back to the adults!" The man took the open flat plate containing the sauce on the table and smashed it on Ichinose Kiyuki's head.

The sauce flowed down her long hair and onto her shoulders.

"All day long you only tell ridiculous jokes about people in school who bully you! Why do others only bully other people and only you! Don't you realize your own mistakes?" The man patted the table: "Give me a good one." Reflect on your own reasons!"

Such accusations made her feel as if she was suffocating.


"Feel sorry."

"Go back to your room! As punishment, you are not allowed to eat tonight. If you still let me know tomorrow and you skip classes from school again, I will break your legs!"


Unable to tell whether it was a response or a serious answer, Ichinose Qingyue stood up and walked upstairs.

There was a bathroom upstairs too - a small one with just a shower.

She took a quick shower, washed her hair, wrapped herself in a bath towel and got into her small room.

The room type is narrow vertical strip.

The bookshelf is close to the balcony, and the desk is also placed on the balcony.

There is only room for one single bed in the room.

After sitting at the desk and changing into pajamas.She just opened the curtains, letting the soft dusk outside shine into the balcony.

The orange sunlight shone down, and she remembered the smell of tangerine peel candy.

Sour and astringent with sweetness.

It's very delicious, but it has an indescribable feeling.

But she only had one of those tangerine peel candies, and the remaining one was strawberry-flavored.

She doesn't like strawberry flavor, nor does she like blueberry flavor.

——Because that kind of taste is the taste of happiness.

Only a carefree high school student would like to eat snacks with that flavor.

Stand up and walk to the bed.

From her skirt, she took out the candy wrapper and the strawberry-flavored candy.

Carefully spread the golden candy wrappers on the table and carefully scrape them with a ruler to make them evener.

Take out a thick book and put it inside as a bookmark.

Pink strawberry candies were placed on the table, and slender fingers were playing with them.

The candies are spinning, shining brightly in the sunset like fireworks.

It is like a kaleidoscope, shining with light.

Almost addicted to it.

"dong dong dong"

There was a knock on the narrow door, a knocking sound.

The person outside didn't say who it was, but Ichinose Qingyue also knew who was outside the door.

There is only one guy in this family who does this.

She was silent.

The door was pushed open directly, and the person who came was her sister.

Her sister walked to the bookcase, where the balcony connected to the room.

Because most of the space was taken up by the bookcase, she could only lean on her side and look at Ichinose Kiyosuki who was sitting in front of the desk.

"Go admit your mistake."

Ichinose Qingyue remained silent.

"Go and admit your mistake, and dad won't do this to you. At least you can eat."

Such condescension would make Ichinose Kiyuki angry.

"He's not my father."

The voice was low, but it seemed like it was being squeezed out from the deepest part of the lungs.

Almost using all his strength.

"Do you still have your family in this house?" My sister looked at her beautiful sister like this: "But it's just to prevent you from becoming a homeless person or a worse situation, isn't it?"

"Oh, so I should be grateful and kneel on the ground to say thank you?"

"Who is quarreling with you?" My sister knocked on the bookcase: "You are already a sophomore in high school. After high school, with your appearance, you can easily enter a rich family and become a full-time housewife. You Can’t you bear it even for a year?”

"Can't you just stay in school and endure it for a year?"

"whispering sound."

Ichinose Qingyue grabbed the strawberry-flavored candy and looked sideways at the sunset outside.

Over the top.


My sister sighed in annoyance, kicked the bookcase and walked out of the room dissatisfied.

The books on the desk are very worn and look like they have been read several times.

There are small creases on the pages.

They were all high school textbooks, and I flipped through them casually.

It is full of dense notes.

"Why is my life turning into this?"

Lying on the table, she let out a low, depressed breath. "Why is this so."

Such questions continued until late at night.

She swayed and lay on the narrow bed.

The cold wind in the middle of the night kept blowing from outside the window.

It made her feel extremely happy.

The next day, she got up early and went to school carrying her schoolbag.

Going from the first floor of hell to the second floor of hell.

Her school is not famous among Qingchuan, it is called Qingying High School.

There is only a dilapidated two-story club building in the school.
The playground is only small.

The teaching building looks even older, and the only thing worthy of praise is the greening.

——Because there are too many weeds hanging around.

"The top student is here~"

As soon as she walked in, a girl shouted.

The tone was completely deceptive.

Physical bullying was done blatantly.

But in words, it can be done easily.

"Aren't these top students who look down on Qingying? Why are they here suddenly?"

"A dog that runs away from home will come back when it rains heavily."

Several girls laughed loudly.

Ichinose Qingyue just walked into the building silently.

There were mushrooms stuffed in the shoes. She took them out without changing her expression and threw them aside.

In the classroom, there is a vase on the table.

Mud water flowed all over the table.

"Sorry, I haven't been here for a long time. And everyone thinks that if the light is better, the flowers will become more beautiful. So, I put it in your place."

There was no apology at all in his words.

But does it matter?
Ichinose Qingyue sat down and put her book on the table.

Although, he was immediately knocked off by others.

"Sorry, didn't see it."

The man said this.

Ichinose Qingyue picked up the book and fell into deep pain.

In a hazy state, the dazzling sight around him seemed like a nail impaling the male.

Make her miserable.

When she came to her senses, she had already escaped from the classroom.

Sit next to a chair next to the playground warehouse.

I couldn't help but put it into the pocket of my skirt, and kept touching the candy wrapper that made a clicking sound with my fingers.

She also didn't understand why she came to the school.

Obviously, she would never come to such a hell-like place.

——She clearly does not have the courage and confidence to come to school.

Perhaps, it was something that gave me the so-called courage.

"But, that's ridiculous."

"How can I have the courage?"

Covering her face with her slender palms, she sighed deeply and tiredly.

"That's it, just keep waiting for school to end."

If there is no way to escape hell, then at least hide somewhere safe.

"Hey! Which class are you in?"

A sturdy physical education teacher shouted, pointing to Ichinose Kiyosuki sitting next to the warehouse.

Ichinose Qingyue had no choice but to leave unhappy.

You can neither go back to the classroom nor hide next to the playground.

If you wander around the teaching building, you will definitely be caught by the disciplinary committee.

As if she were a ghost, she was almost wandering around the school.

However, he was soon caught by the teachers.

Although she avoided it, she still couldn't continue.

There is no place for her here.

She was helpless and didn't know what to do.

Touching the candy in her skirt pocket, she looked at the sky outside the school.

"Go outside."

Although there is only one place outside, the park, but at least it is better than school.

That's what she decided.

After leaving school, she felt extremely relaxed.

In the park, she met Xia Tingfei.

"Did you see it again?"

Looking at Xia Tingfei, she had a mocking expression on her face: "It seems that your intuition is not accurate either."

"Today, I'm just here to volunteer."

Xia Tingfei pointed to the red vest on his body.


Ichinose Qingyue was a little depressed.

I couldn't tell what was causing the gloominess.

Sitting on the swing, she asked familiarly: "Volunteer? Do you want to be a volunteer now?"

"Because my members did something wrong." Xia Tingfei was sitting on Qiu Mountain and resting.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

"My club is in the detective department."

"Is it the kind of club that investigates various things all day long?"

"That's probably it. My club member just investigated certain things, but it was not very accurate. And after the person involved found out, he notified the student union. As punishment, I, the minister, will do volunteer work. Pick up trash. Activities like that.”

"Detective, if the investigation is inaccurate, will you still be punished?"

"Theoretically speaking, it shouldn't be possible. But my department members incited the client to spread some unfavorable information about the client. This kind of thing is of course not allowed. After all, the principle of detectives is to investigate things that are not necessary. When it happens, it must not be announced.”

"What did she incite?"

"A girl asked my staff to set up a relationship between her and another boy, but that boy was already her sweetheart. Although after investigation, the boy used despicable means to want to be with another girl. That The girl didn't agree to the boy at all, she just wanted to hang him."

"It's really ugly."

The girl said this.

Xia Tingfei just glanced at her: "Yes, this kind of ugly thing. After she investigated, she only needed to hand over the information to the client. But she made the mistake of being a teacher and gave the girl a chance. What bad intentions. In the end, it ended up like this."

Listening to this, Ichinose Qingyue felt that this was not the girl's fault: "Don't you do this kind of thing the most?"

In some places, she noted.

Xia Tingfei is definitely better.

"That may be the case." Xia Tingfei said, "But she didn't choose a good partner. I would only do that to people who are valuable."

"It's valuable? That's just what you think is valuable." Ichinose Qingyue acted a little mean at this time: "If you think it's valuable, then do it. Why can't that girl face what she thinks is valuable? What worthy person would do that?”

"Still, she should do that to someone you think is valuable."

As she said that, she shook her head: "This is really arrogant."

"Maybe." Xia Tingfei was not angry because of this or anything else.

He just said: "This only proves that there is something wrong with her vision. She mistakenly believed someone she shouldn't trust. And I, because of some special reasons that I cannot tell, will never make a mistake."

After that, he brought up another thing: "Looking at your appearance, you should have a lot of time today? So you want to go on a date?"

"Do you think I would agree to this kind of thing? Am I a frivolous girl who can just date boys I've met a few times?"

"It's a date, but it's just practice." Xia Tingfei said: "I want to date a girl, but I don't know how to do it. So, it seems that because I saved you before, you can help me It’s great to practice and refer to.”

(End of this chapter)

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