Chapter 232 Fat pig head
When the breeze blew, the old and young men in the crop fields seemed to be petrified, and they didn't react for a while.

The boy Qin Lang was anxious, his mind was filled with the big fat and strong wild boar, and he started to wander when he spoke, "What are you doing there, you guys?"

"If we keep dawdling any longer, it will get dark!"

"At that time, if that big bear comes out of the mountains again, won't it snatch away all the fat in its mouth?"

Bai Houping suddenly woke up, opened his mouth and was about to give instructions, when everyone swarmed up:

"Little comrade, did you really knock down that big wild boar?"

"Quick, quick, get the guy! Little educated youth, isn't it a waste of time for us to go back and get the crowbar now? It's the same with the farm tools in our hands. I would like to ask, is the wild boar really dead?"

"You guys! Are educated youth comrades still going to lie to us? Hurry up! Damn it, there are hundreds of kilograms of wild boar!"


Many people couldn't help but swallowed hard and followed him in a panic.

I'm afraid something might happen if I leave a little late.

After crossing the sweet potato field and almost reaching the mountain road, a group of young people carrying bows and arrows gathered together as if to take a photo. There were men and women, surrounding a huge wild boar lying on the ground. The picture was indescribable. of high spirits.

The girl Jian Mo was the most excited. While everyone was talking around Wang Chengzhou, she secretly went up and kicked the big wild boar that was still staring.

However, her strength was too weak, and she kicked the wild boar's belly. At most, it caused ripples on the fat meat, and the tone of the pig's grunt did not even change.Instead, she was knocked unsteady by the rebound and almost fell down.

Her younger sister Jian Li was so shocked that she was angry and scared. She quickly went up to grab her. She was really speechless for her naughty sister.

"Wang Chengzhou, this medicine is really powerful!"

"Yes, yes! We didn't chase it very far when the two hind legs of this big wild boar started to pull on the ground, and it couldn't run at all. You see, now it's lying on the ground and can't move at all. "

"That's not true! At noon, Wang Aiduo only ate a little bit, and his mouth and tongue were numb and speechless. This stupid thing was hit by Wang Chengzhou's arrow. The poison spread and paralyzed the nerves in his lower limbs, but he couldn't move. Well. Ahem, am I right?"

Looking at this big wild boar weighing several hundred kilograms, everyone is really excited!
Wang Chengzhou knew that they just wanted to express their excitement and did not really want to gain any knowledge from him, so he wisely did not make a long speech, but laughed and sighed with them.

At this moment, a group of people came over with shovels and hoes. They saw them from a distance, no, they should have seen a big wild boar lying on the ground from a distance, and their eyes widened.

"My mother!"

A group of young and old men from Yanggao Village were stunned for a moment, then screamed and rushed over. Because their steps were too hasty, they kicked the grass and made the grass crackle:
"It's true! It's true!"

"Come here and see, the comrades from the Autumn Protection Team have really knocked down a large wild boar weighing several hundred kilograms!"

"Oh my goodness! Where is Wang Chengzhou? I have to shake hands with Health Nurse Wang! Such a big wild boar, even if it is divided among three villages, each family can drink several bowls of broth! You are really making the old and young men Now open to meat!”

A group of farmers had been doing farm work for a day, and some of them pulled weeds until their hands were green and stained, but they held Wang Chengzhou's hand without any concern and shook it vigorously.


Everyone laughed.Especially the educated youths, their chests stood out and their faces glowed.

Party secretary Bai Houping, village chief Wang Tielin, and accountant Yang Guoqiang, who followed from behind, were all shocked and speechless.

"Hurry up, hurry up! The Qiu Guard Team is really capable, knocking down even the big wild boar. Let us men work hard and carry this thing back!"

"That's right! Carry it to the brigade yard and kill it directly, right?"

"Haha, you kid! You're staring at a big wild boar. If you don't eat it at night, you won't be able to sleep, right?"

The crowd laughed again.

Bai Houping was hit continuously today and felt that his brain was almost stiff. He only came to his senses now.As the party secretary of the brigade, I must find some sense of presence.So, he quickly gave instructions from the side:

"Be careful, be careful!"

"Are you all promising? You won't even walk away when you see meat?"

"Wang Chengzhou, why is this wild boar blinking? Will it break free again and hurt people when it is halfway carried?"

Although the leading comrades were scolding everyone, they always had a smile on their faces.As the leader of the brigade, he knows how to figure out the wishes of the members. How can he say no to killing pigs and eating meat?
Wang Chengzhou had to give him face. Hearing this, he stepped forward and explained with a smile:
"will not."

"This wild boar is poisoned. Before the poisoned arrowhead is pulled out, the symptoms will only get worse. It will probably die by the time it is carried to the brigade yard."

"Even if it is really talented and breaks free halfway, I can still shoot it down again!"

When everyone heard this, they all cheered in unison, and a group of female comrades even clapped their hands with excitement.


Bai Houping's heart trembled.But at this juncture, it was not the time to ask in detail, so he quickly directed the group of people carrying a large wild boar of several hundred kilograms to the brigade courtyard.

Perhaps he was too happy. When he entered the village, some good-natured guy banged the gongs and drums, as if some happy event had happened.

The young and old men in the village have just returned from the fields.When they heard that the wild boar had entered the village, they were quarreling over Wang Chengzhou's neglect, and they all felt heavy.At this moment, I suddenly heard the roar of gongs and drums. I didn't understand what happened, so I couldn't help but poke my head and look over.

However, at a glance, everyone was confused.

A group of men from Yanggao Village happily carried a big wild boar and walked toward the village with a hey.Don't talk about why they can tell it's a wild boar at a glance. Even a three-year-old child knows that domestic pigs don't have tusks.

But the big wild boar in front of him not only had curved lower tusks, but even the upper tusks were bared.An experienced farmer can tell at a glance that this is a wild boar that has been growing for at least three years.

That huge body also proves this.

"What's going on?"

"Didn't you say that the wild boar is destroying the crops in Yanggao Village? This... is it dead? Why was it brought to our village?"

"Could it be...won't it?"

Everyone was carrying hoes and crowded at the intersection. Just when they were confused, someone shouted, "Comrades from the autumn protection team killed a wild boar in the crops! It was health worker Wang Chengzhou who shot him to death with his own hands! Folks , you can eat meat tonight!"


Everyone was anxious all of a sudden, and they were curious and excited at the same time. The crowd made the big girls and young wives scold their mothers and talk about their ancestors. Only then did a group of gentlemen know how to restrain themselves and quickly turned around and said: A group of comrades made way.

"Oh, what a big wild boar! Did Wang Xiucai shoot him to death?"

"Tsk tsk, where is Wang Zhiguo? Come out and speak! Who just said that Wang Xiucai is free and undisciplined and doesn't take the food of young and old men at heart?"

"That's it! Ah, I remembered it! When we held the meeting in the morning, Wang Xiucai said: If wild beasts dare to eat our crops, we will eat their meat! This... Before this night, he promised Has it been cashed in?"

The yin in Wangjia Village is strong and the yang is declining, and the aunts and grandmothers are relatively tough. As soon as they stepped forward and shouted, the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

Only then did everyone realize.

Why are the men in Yanggao Village so obedient and take the initiative to carry the big wild boar they hunted to Wangjia Village? On the one hand, it is because the brigade courtyard is at the head of Wangjia Village, and on the other hand, it is probably because they are in awe of Wang Xiucai's contribution, right?
Just as I was thinking about it, the situation suddenly became chaotic.

At sunset, when the furry children in the village were active, they saw large wild boars that were rarely seen in the past. They were chirping, fearful and curious. Some even poked their heads out from under their mother's crotch, with their little eyes open. Mouth screamed.

"Ho ho, big wild boar!"

"What a big tooth! It seems bigger than an elephant's teeth!"

"Why is this pig so dark and not as white as the pigs in the team? It's so ugly!"

A bunch of little guys were talking in a coquettish voice, making the big guys laugh in unison.

Wild boars don’t look good, but their meat is delicious!Compared with domestic pork, this thing has much less fat content, tastes more chewy, and has no smell at all when it is ready, just like beef.

Wild boar is a kind of crude protein, rich in fatty acids, heme and organic iron. For children and the elderly with poor health, using wild boar to make soup can improve iron deficiency anemia.

Besides, in those days, ordinary people might not be able to see meat once for several months, so how could they be picky?When they heard that the pigs were going to be slaughtered tonight, both the adults and the children went crazy with joy!
Since this is the era of large collectives, although the prey is captured by Wang Chengzhou and a group of members of the Autumn Guard Team, it still has to be handed over to the public and distributed among the entire team.

However, as the first contributors, Wang Chengzhou and others will definitely receive preferential treatment.

There is strength in numbers, and soon the more experienced men in the village set up a large iron pot and began to boil water to remove hair.Everyone was waiting beside him eagerly.

But no matter how big the wild boar is, one is not enough for the entire production brigade.After a symbolic portion was distributed to the helping men in Yanggao Village, the rest could only be distributed to the members of Wangjia Village.

There is only a few hundred kilograms of meat in total. It is really unnecessary to call all the commune members from three villages and thousands of households to divide the eggs into larger ones.

There was nothing that could be done about it. Who would have thought that the warrior who shot the wild boar to death was Wang Chengzhou from Wangjiacun?

However, in order to reward the members of the Autumn Protection Team, the educated youths from Yanggao Village and Shuixi Village each still got a lot of money.

However, if the villagers in the two villages saw each of them carrying a piece of red wild boar meat back, they would be crazy with jealousy.

"Wang Chengzhou."

At this moment, Party Secretary Bai Houping came over with his hands behind his back, "According to regulations, the wild boar tusks must be handed in as a voucher so that the commune can issue rewards to you in the future."

"It's just that this big tooth won't be easy to pull out in a short while."


"Otherwise, what else is there? Since it's hard to pull out the fangs, why not just ask the health worker Wang Chengzhou to take the whole pig head back!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the young and old men with cheerful faces started to help him and forced him to give him a twenty-kilogram pig head.

But everyone didn't have any objections, and the older girls and younger wives even applauded like a heckler.

When Wang Tielin saw it, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and his nose was almost crooked with anger!

(End of this chapter)

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