Chapter 231 The Arrogant Big Wild Boar
"Comrades, it's time for us to prove ourselves!"

Everyone hurried to Yanggao Village. Yu Hua was breathing heavily as he ran, but he still shouted with a straight face, "When we get here, don't be timid. We must change the fellow villagers' views on us."

It was impossible for them not to feel the attitude of the villagers towards them in the past two days.

That kind of contempt and disdain often makes these intellectuals from the city so ashamed that they can't hold their heads up, and they all feel a fire in their hearts.

Now there are wild boars running into the fields and destroying crops. As members of the autumn protection team, they must show off in some way.Regardless of whether you can kill those wild boars, you must at least show due responsibility and courage.

"Sister Yu Hua is right! We have even seen bears, so what do a few wild boars mean?"

"That's right! Those people really treat us as weak young masters and young ladies. But we are proletarian fighters who support the construction of the motherland. We dare to go up to the sky to embrace the moon, and to swim across the five oceans to catch turtles. A group of wild beasts can scare us. ?”

"Hmph, those damn wild boars! We have guys in our hands, let's see who will deal with who this time! Wang Chengzhou has been rumored a lot in order to take care of us, we can't embarrass him!"

We all encouraged each other and felt like we were walking with wind.

The member of Yanggao Village who came to report the news heard the movement behind him and couldn't help but look back with a surprised look on his face.I guess I didn't expect that a group of educated youths with a literary talent could be so tough.

Don't tell me, it's really cute.

He ran ahead and shook his head, and couldn't help but quicken his pace.

Yanggao Village, west slope.

Yesterday, Wang Chengzhou took them past there and knew that it was a sweet potato field, close to the Funiu Mountains.

In addition to sweet potatoes, corn and beetroot are grown nearby.

Because it is close to the mountains, the land is relatively fertile, and crops grow very well every year.During the summer harvest, it is one of the most productive plots in the production team.

But once the autumn harvest comes, it won’t work.

The reason is that it is close to the mountains.Year-round rainwater has brought down a lot of good soil from the mountains, but the distance is too close, which naturally attracts a lot of wild animals.

Every year, everyone gets angry when they see the crops that are about to be harvested being destroyed by a group of animals, but every year the work of protecting the autumn has little effect.

The Wang family's production brigade was originally relatively small, with limited labor force.I need to take care of the crops during the day, but I am tired after a long day and don’t have much energy to patrol at night.

The wild boars in the mountains are different. They can give birth to more than a dozen cubs in one litter, and they roam around day and night. Occasionally hunting a few of them will not have much effect at all.

It caused a headache not only for the Wang family production brigade, but also for the Pushan Township Commune.

In order to encourage everyone to protect crops and hunt wild animals, many local incentives have been issued.For example, if you kill a pig, you can be rewarded with a few dollars, a certificate of merit, and even more when the public divides the meat.

At that time, the natural conditions were relatively good. When autumn came, many places were faced with the problem of protecting autumn.If a herdsman kills a wolf in the northern grassland, he will even be rewarded with 10 to 15 yuan; Nagada in the northeast is slightly less, but in addition to money, he will also be rewarded with food stamps; as for the northwest reclamation land, the reward is even more too much.

The heavier the reward, the more difficult it is to hunt.

Therefore, when a group of educated youths arrived, they were almost stunned by the sight in front of them.

The members of Yanggao Village were doing farm work in the fields. When they heard that a wild boar was coming, the village chief gave an order and everyone rushed over with their weapons.

At this moment, everyone was gathered around the ground, shouting bluffingly, but none of them dared to really get close.

Several large wild boars with tusks were gnawing on the sweet potatoes picked out in the field. The sound of chewing could be heard from far away.Everyone was jealous and distressed when they heard this. They were so angry that they held up farm tools and screamed like savages to drive them away.

But those big boars were not afraid at all. From time to time they would raise their heads to look at them, and then they would huff and puff, and pieces of sweet potato seedlings were torn off by them and turned aside.The little tail is swaying, as wild as you want.

"I rely on Xen Niang!"

Finally, a man couldn't help it any longer. Seeing that the food he had grown so hard fell into the bellies of several animals, he became so angry that he rushed forward with a big fork.


The big wild boar raised its fangs, roared threateningly, and stood motionless.The cry is short and thick, not much inferior to the roar of a tiger. Those who are less timid may be so frightened that their faces will change, and they will not dare to approach at all.

But that man was indeed a man, so he rushed up to it and slapped it on the head.


The fork tines were broken, but the big wild boar blinked its little eyes, but nothing happened, and even rushed forward with its head held high.

蕱TU wolfrun, which means rushing like a pig or running like a wolf.

The wild boar charge is very ferocious.

The man was also knowledgeable. When he dropped the fork and saw that the other party was safe and sound, he suddenly woke up, threw the fork away, turned around and ran away.

The wild boar opened its mouth wide and showed its fangs. It chased him like the wind and just missed biting his butt.

"Mom, hurry up!"

"What a bastard! It's so outrageous!"

"Save people, save people!"

Everyone shouted in unison, trying to scare away the ferocious wild boar.Standing among the crowd, Party Secretary Bai Houping seemed to have seen such a powerful beast in the mountains for the first time, and his pupils dilated in shock.After everyone shouted, they came back to their senses. Their expressions changed greatly, and they stamped their feet and said:

"The Autumn Protecting Team, where is the Autumn Protecting Team!"

"What's the use of just shouting with your voice? Hurry up and beat the gongs and drums to scare them!"

"Wang Chengzhou, where is Wang Chengzhou? If I had known this, I wouldn't have left the Qiu Guard Team in his charge. It's really unreliable!"

He stood there and scolded, while the others hurriedly surrounded the wild boar.

When a group of educated youths arrived, the entire crop field was in chaos.

When Zhao Yu, Qin Lang, Han Xuenong and others saw it, they quickly took off their bows and arrows, held them in their hands, opened their bows and nocked arrows, and shot from a distance.

But after all, they had only trained for an afternoon, and their accuracy was really limited. Several arrows in a row didn't even touch the wild boar hair.

Seeing that reinforcements had finally arrived, a group of villagers thought that they would be of some use, but they saw them shooting randomly with bows and arrows as if they were playing with children, but it had no effect. They all yelled anxiously:

"What kind of airplane are you doing? Stop playing with it!"

"Where are the gongs and drums? Can you do something serious? Please beat the gongs and drums for me!"

"My mother! Who gave you this wonderful idea? The wild boar's skin is so thick that even a big fork can't penetrate it. What if you get a few broken wooden sticks and shoot them in? You want to kill the wild boar? Become a porcupine?”

Everyone blushed when they scolded them, and the courage they had mustered on the road suddenly withered. They hurriedly picked up the gongs and drums and started beating them.

At first, when they heard such a loud noise, the big wild boars blinked their little eyes and raised their heads to listen for a while, but they found that the humans in front of them only had these two moments, and they became more and more arrogant.Either they lower their heads and gnaw the crops without caring, or they scream and make a bunch of villagers run around.

Those gongs and drums are like musical instruments to cheer them up.

A group of people have big heads.

Bai Houping gasped and suddenly felt a little headache!

At this moment, a figure ran over from a distance under the sunset, also carrying a long bow on his back, and holding a long arrow like a dry branch in his hand.

Seeing the wild boar raging in the field, he raised the long bow while running. With the sound of the bow string, a wooden arrow flew high like a bird. Facing the orange sunset, only one could be seen. A small black dot.

The small dot disappeared in a flash, then reappeared in the field of vision, transformed into a swooping eagle, roaring towards a wild boar that was munching.

The wooden arrow finally couldn't bear the force and broke with a snap, but the arrowhead penetrated deeply into the fat buttocks of the wild boar. The pain made it straighten its waist, let out a piercing howl, and then ran towards the mountain like a joyful child.

The other wild boars were obviously frightened and fled in all directions.

"Hurry up, don't let it get away!"

At this time, everyone realized that the person coming was Wang Chengzhou.

Seeing that the wild boar was scared away, Bai Houping couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but when he heard his words, he got angry and cursed:
"Chasing my ass!"

"Wang Chengzhou, why did you come here?"

"The wild boar was shot by you with a wooden stick. It was just frightened. It wasn't seriously injured at all. It didn't even shed a few drops of blood. Why did you let the big guy catch up?"

Everyone thought it was reasonable and stood still without moving.

Those big wild boars probably weighed several hundred kilograms each, and they were big boars with bad tempers. Now they were injured and went crazy, so the tiger had to take shelter for a while.Wouldn't it make yourself unhappy to catch up at this time?

However, everyone in the Qiu Protecting Team knew what was going on, and their eyes lit up when they saw that the wild boar was wounded by Wang Chengzhou's arrow.After hearing what he said, he chased after him without hesitation.

Even a few lesbians refused to lag behind.

That girl Jian Mo swallowed her saliva and even lost her shoes...

"These educated youths from the city have really rebelled against them! They don't listen to the leaders, but they follow that boy Wang Chengzhou and act nonsense."

"It's almost dark now. Are these people going crazy? The wild boar only suffered some superficial injuries. Do they still want to capture it alive and eat it?"

"Hey, what a bunch of ungrateful children!"

Seeing Bai Houping's ugly face, Wang Tielin and Yang Guoqiang stood aside and talked.

At this time, several educated youths left and returned.

Everyone thought they had suddenly woken up and understood that it was unrealistic to follow Wang Chengzhou to catch wild boars.Unexpectedly, those guys actually stood in the distance and jumped on their feet and shouted: "Everyone, get some ropes and crowbars quickly. The wild boar is too heavy. We can't lift it at all because we can't use our strength!"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Then, his eyes widened in disbelief.

——Thanks to Brother Xiao, a human warrior, for the 100-point reward!

(End of this chapter)

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