Chapter 142 One thing melon soup

Why does it have anything to do with taking a bath?

When Xu Xiaozhi mentioned this, she recalled the scene yesterday. She couldn't help but blush slightly and looked at him with big eyes.

At this moment, everyone surrounded Wang Chengzhou and listened quietly.

Although many of what he said were incomprehensible, no one cared about his own health.

Even the village cadres had already arrived at work, but it was obvious that everyone listened so seriously that they were too embarrassed to rush.

"Wang Xiucai, what does this have to do with taking a bath?"

"Besides, who doesn't take a shower after work?"

"The old men went to swim in the Baihe River! Hey, if we were seven or eight years younger and turned into a little girl, we would also want to play in the water!"

When everyone heard this, they all laughed.

It is indeed inconvenient for women to bathe in the river.

What's more, those young wives in their prime.

There is no swimming pool built on the Baihe River, it is all open-air.If a group of young wives get into it to take a bath, a pedestrian passes by.

The scene immediately turned into Zhu Bajie playing with the spider spirit.

It's really indecent.

Wang Chengzhou suppressed laughter and raised his voice:
"That's where the problem lies."

"On a hot day, you really need to take a shower after work, but you can't warm up and take a cold shower."

"You guys are suffering from the cold water in Xia Yue, which caused the water to move through the skin. It was just a mild heat stroke at first, but you made trouble."

The crowd was in an uproar.

I understood it all at once.

The reason why the gentlemen are fine is because they all went to take a bath in the Baihe River.

The Baihe River flows quietly in the Central Plains. The sun has been shining all day, and the river water is still warm.

However, the well water in the village is different.

That stuff belongs to deep well water, which is warm in winter and cool in summer. When it was first pumped out, it was very cold and even smoking.

You won't get sick if your warm body is hit by cold water.

Si Ya shrank her neck and glanced at Wang Chengzhou secretly.

I thought to myself: If my brother hadn’t scolded me, I would have been as uncomfortable as them today!

Now, a group of young wives no longer want to be competitive, but are all worried.

Everyone stared at Wang Chengzhou pitifully and asked:

"Wang Xiucai, what should we do now?"

"By the way, didn't the team distribute some medicine to relieve the heat? Why don't you give us some?"

"Wang Xiucai, is this serious? I know that the team doesn't give many medicines every year. If we can get through it, let's save a few pills and just bear it."

Don't tell me, at that time, the consciousness of lesbians was really high.

"I can't say it's not serious."

"When the sun is shining, if you eat cold food quickly and are stimulated by cold water, you will die immediately."

"Even if your symptoms are mild, if you continue to take cold showers and don't pay attention to your health, it may even slowly turn into rheumatism. When you get older, you will know how uncomfortable it is."

Wang Chengzhou did not scare them.

The current medical conditions are very poor. If someone is really stupid and pours cold water and eats cold food after heat stroke, it will definitely develop into a serious disease.

Although I have a way to treat it, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. Without medicinal materials, it may actually lead to death.

At that time, it will be too late to regret.

After hearing his words, everyone panicked.

Everyone knows that the Rendan, Huoxiang Zhengqi Water and Fengyoujing distributed in the team are not only small in quantity, but also have limited effects.

Adjuvant treatment is okay, but it doesn’t work if it’s really serious.

Wang Chengzhou took a look and quickly comforted him, "It's okay, it's okay. Yesterday, I used carp to treat people's illnesses. Today, there is no reason why I can't treat you."

"Actually, I have already prepared the medicinal ingredients, just waiting for you unscrupulous people to suffer from heatstroke!"

"I didn't expect that you actually got hit."

Although he was scolded, a group of young ladies and young wives were moved and stared at him, their eyes brightening a lot.

"Wow, he is indeed Wang Xiucai!"

"Look at all you gentlemen, this is a good and considerate man! Compared with Wang Xiucai, you are all nothing!"

"Wang Xiucai, I hate you so much! Why don't we get married a few years later? Otherwise, we might be able to meet you."

Everyone burst into laughter and felt much more relaxed.

Some shrewd little wives started joking on the spot.

"Huanjun's pearls are both in tears, wishing they could meet again before they were married!"

Xu Xiaozhi raised her voice and shouted something in the crowd.

Then, pretend to look at the scenery as if nothing happened.

"Ouch, who is so talented? This sentence really speaks to my heart!"

"I hate it when we meet before we are married!"

"Jimeis, stop talking, Wang Xiucai is going to be buried in the ground."

These little wives...

Wang Chengzhou couldn't bear it anymore, so he quickly squeezed out of the crowd and went home to prepare soup and medicine.


The watermelon is almost tanned.

When the melon is ripe, the stem falls off. The watermelon is already ripe, but the stem is still half-dry.

After drying in the morning sun, it is almost dry.

Wang Chengzhou selected some, washed them, put them in a large pot and put in a large bucket of water.

According to the book, boiling Wuhe means boiling it in half.In the whole process, only one medicine is added, which is the melon.

Therefore, it is called Yiwu Guadi Tang.

It is a very famous prescription.

Indications: The sun is in the middle, the body is warm and the body is heavy, and the body, face and limbs are swollen.

"Zhang's Medical Tong" says: The beauty of this prescription lies in exploring the vomiting, in order to release the stagnant Yang Qi, so that the sweat all over the body will be released from the outside, and the internal heat and pain will be released, and the bitter cold will be released, and nothing will be left.

"Jin Gui Yao Lue Xin Yao" says: The melon pedicle is bitter and cold, and can be vomited or expelled. The moisture in the body, face, and limbs is removed. The water is gone and the heat has nothing to rely on. It will not be cured and will be cured by itself.This is the method for treating heatstroke and dampness.

In fact, when actually used, taking a small amount can play the role of removing water and dampness; if after heatstroke, eating too much cold food and the water will not melt, it is necessary to take a large amount to achieve the effect of inducing vomiting.

After struggling for a long time, Wang Chengzhou arrived at the end of the field carrying half a bucket of medicinal soup.

At this time, everyone was very tired and thirsty.

In my heart, I have long been thinking about his panacea!
Therefore, when I saw the half bucket of brown soup, I immediately became energetic.

Everyone wanted to take a sip.

However, this thing will really make you vomit if you drink too much.

Wang Chengzhou quickly stopped and asked the girls and wives who were really sick to come up.

and instructed:

"If you're warming up and losing weight, don't drink too much."

"If your stomach is full and you feel really uncomfortable, drink a few more sips. Then, find a place to vomit."

"This is actually soup made from watermelon pedicles. It's not a valuable thing, so don't grab it."

When everyone heard this, their eyes almost popped out.

Unexpectedly, Wang Chengzhou went back and worked hard for a long time, but he actually took the watermelon stems that no one wanted and boiled half a bucket of water.

But, is this thing really effective?

Facts quickly gave them the answer.

Those with mild symptoms will feel much lighter before noon after drinking.

Although I still sweat, it is no longer that sticky and boring feeling.

For those with slightly more serious symptoms, after vomiting out the undigested contents in my stomach, I rested against a tree trunk for a while, and my whole body felt relaxed.

Inducing vomiting is an animal's instinct to save itself.

If the local dog at home accidentally eats something poisonous, it will nibble on the weeds on the roadside and dig it out.

Even for humans, the body will naturally vomit after eating spoiled food.

In fact, you are protecting yourself.

Now, let alone urging Wang Chengzhou to work.

When a group of young wives saw him holding the sickle, they rushed to snatch it from him. With a sullen face, they pushed him to the shade of a tree and pressed him down to let him rest!
A group of old men watched helplessly, with smiles on their faces and no complaints at all.

It is really reassuring to have such a doctor in the village.

If you just take something and you can treat someone's disease without spending a penny, who are you talking to?
Wouldn't it be a waste of resources to deny such a precious child a good life?

In the end, Wang Chengzhou was embarrassed.

Sitting on the ground, you can only watch others working, like a waste.

It’s really unbearable.

Simply go to Lao Guo and order some watermelon stems.

By the way, you can also eat some watermelon.

In the melon field.

As soon as he saw Wang Chengzhou coming, Old Guo stood up with a smile on his face.

Without saying anything, I picked a watermelon for him.

The two of them didn't need to cut it with knives. They simply broke it in half, and each of them held a piece and ate it.

While chatting, Lao Guotou's eyes widened when he learned that Wang Chengzhou had cured the heat stroke with watermelon stems that no one wanted.

Immediately, I stopped eating the watermelon.

I was busy pulling the Guadi for him.

I have been growing watermelons all my life, but who knew that this thing would be a treasure!
From Lao Guotou, Wang Chengzhou also learned about the situation of Chuntao mother and son.

After getting the two big carps, no one in the family dared to eat them, so she used them all to produce milk.

Don't tell me, dietary therapy is really effective.

Chuntao was originally malnourished, and because of the wind evil, her veins were blocked, so she was in such a state.

After two days of supplementation, my milk gradually became normal.

At least, in a short period of time, raising children will be no problem.

Further on, new wheat will fall.

By then, when the food has caught up, the milk supply will naturally be sufficient.

While the two were chatting, the scorching sunshine was suddenly blocked by something, and the sky darkened.

Looking up, a large mountain-like dark cloud floated over from the northwest corner.

It was so dark that it seemed to be pressing down from the sky.

In the blink of an eye, it's already close at hand.

"No, it's going to rain heavily!"

The faces of the old man and the young man changed drastically. They stood up in a hurry and ran to the threshing floor.

Halfway through, the wind picked up.

First there was a chill, and then the clothes on his body bulged.

The strong wind howled by, and all the trees on the field path lowered their heads. The leaves turned up on the treetops glowed a scary silver-gray under the sky.

There was a crackling sound.

(End of this chapter)

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