Chapter 141 Wang Chengzhou, please say something
To make watermelon frost, the first thing you need to use is naturally watermelon, and then, it is Glauber's salt.

In modern times, many people say that watermelon cream is purified hydrous sodium sulfate.

The ancient craftsmanship process was nothing more than a pretense.

Wang Chengzhou has never studied chemistry, so he doesn't know whether the ingredients of watermelon frost and thenardite are exactly the same.

However, clinically, the effect of watermelon cream cannot be replaced by Glauber's salt.

The two have completely different uses in prescriptions.

Si Ya was curious about everything. After listening to Wang Chengzhou's introduction, she seemed to have opened the door to a new world and volunteered to help him find the jar.

Wang Chengzhou brought a large watermelon by himself, cut it open, peeled off the outer skin, dug out the inner flesh, and waited for her to finish washing the jar.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, this little girl actually brought in a glazed clay pot.

"Wang Aiduo, I told you, I want a stoneware pot!"

Wang Chengzhou was speechless and stared at her, "The glazed jar is not breathable and affects the precipitation of watermelon frost. Are you a fool?"

Si Ya pouted, holding the jar, and her body was wet from the wash.

Hearing this, I wanted to drop the jar!
He muttered: "I think the glazed jar is smooth and looks good. Who knew you were so particular about it!"


Wang Chengzhou glared at her angrily.

The main reason is that the watermelon has been cut into small dices. If it is left to dry for too long on a hot day, it is easy for bacteria to breed.

This girl snorted and ran out quickly.

Li Yuzhu started to prepare dinner.

Wang Honghe squatted in the yard, handling the miscellaneous fish caught by Wang Chengzhou.

Seeing that Wang Aiduo was being manipulated so dizzy, everyone laughed heartlessly.

Si Ya became even more angry.

However, I really couldn't control my curiosity, so I could only swallow my anger and silently make a note for my brother Wang Chengzhou in a small notebook!
I chose a stoneware pot and cleaned it.

Wang Chengzhou began to put the cut watermelon pulp inside.

For each layer of watermelon, spread a layer of Glauber's salt.

Until the entire jar is almost full.

"Ouch, it's so cold!"

Siya was addicted to playing. She kept touching the outer wall of the clay pot with her little hands and exclaimed.

"That is!"

Wang Chengzhou smiled but stopped talking.

In the time-traveling army at a certain point, making ice from saltpeter is a compulsory course.

Watermelon frost, watermelon frost, is called frost because it uses endothermic reaction to precipitate crystals on the surface of the jar.

However, the combination of the two things has the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

The effect of watermelon cream is so good.

Wang Chengzhou held the jar and placed it in a cool place.

Wait a few days and you’ll be ready to harvest!
After finishing the work, the delicious fish soup is also ready.

Cut open the intestines and belly of crucian carp, grass carp and yellow bone, scrape off the fish scales, fry them with butter until both sides are golden, then add water and cook the soup over high heat, which is as white as milk.

I just added some wild vegetables and sprinkled with chopped green onion. It was so fresh that I could bite off my tongue.

The family had worked hard for two days, so it was a good time to replenish their nutrition.

Si Ya was sitting on the threshold with a large bowl of fish soup, and a sweet potato noodle bun in her other hand, blowing the evening breeze, which made people drunk.

Chang Chang took a whiff and said with an ecstatic expression, "Brother, if I could eat this kind of food every day, I would be happy to die in the fields."

"Ah, fish soup, it's so delicious!"

"Hey, life, I don't regret it!"

This girl started to express her emotions again.

The sour words made Li Yuzhu irritated and she wanted to hit her, "I'll give you a good bite, but I'll make endless fools of myself!"

"I'll let you go back tomorrow and see if you regret it later and if it's delicious!"

Wang Aiduo's little face immediately collapsed.

He snorted unconvinced, took the bowl and chopsticks, and started eating.

The posture is extremely elegant, it is a fight against reality and mediocrity!
Wang Chengzhou and Wang Honghe looked at her little appearance and couldn't help laughing, until they coughed.

After dinner, I took out the melon provided by Lao Guotou.

Under the moonlight, spread it out on a dustpan and expose it to the sun.

Anyway, in the summer, the sun is so fierce that I’m not afraid of being exposed all night.

It will be drying in a few hours at dawn tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Wang Chengzhou followed him to the fields.

The whole village members have been busy for two days, and one-third of the wheat in the field has been harvested. It is estimated that in a few weeks, all the wheat will be harvested on the threshing floor.

By then, it will be even more lively.

Everyone will gather there to help grind the field, turn it over, and raise the field.

The most important thing is that you can actually see the wheat grains.

Yesterday, Wang Chengzhou ran around all day, seeing a doctor and fishing, but he didn't help much.

Today, I'm going to show off my muscles and let those sharp-tongued little wives know how powerful I am once again.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I walked into the field, I heard a cry of sadness:
"Oh, I'm so exhausted. I don't know what happened last night. It was so hot that I couldn't sleep well all night. When I started today, I feel pain all over my body. My hands and feet are so heavy that I can hardly lift them."

"Oh, are you like this too? I was dazed for half a night, and finally fell asleep at dawn. I was too lazy to think about it, and I started sweating even if I moved a little bit."

"Oh, don't even talk about it. This day of harvesting wheat is really not a good one. I'm so tired that I can't digest it for a long time, and I have no appetite at all in the morning."

Wang Chengzhou blinked and looked up.

I found that the people talking were all the little wives who usually liked to make noises.Even those shy older girls looked sad, frowning and pinching their joints.

The whole person looked tired.

It was early in the morning. As soon as I arrived in the field, I sat on the field ridge and didn't want to move.

"You women are really delicate. You have men to take care of you at home, and you are tired of this and that. Aren't we gentlemen tired?"

"It is said that women can hold up half the sky. How much effort does it take for the sky to collapse?"

"Haha, women's bodies are really bad! Look at our gentlemen, is there any one of us who is complaining about being tired?"

Before everyone had time to start work, they all gathered in the field waiting to be assigned work.

As soon as they heard the little wives complaining, a bunch of old men started teasing them.

After saying that, they all held their chests out and raised their heads to show off their strength.

This time, it really stirred up a hornet's nest.

The newly married daughter-in-law is indeed very delicate, and she is treated as an ancestor by the whole family.

But there is no shortage of tasks to be done.

Although men have more strength to pull wheat, women are still busy cutting wheat in the fields all day long.

Some people with a bad temper were not happy to be ridiculed like this.

He forced himself to stand up, pointed at their noses and cursed:
"What's wrong with us women, you guys? We're still working in the fields, and when we're tired, we're not even allowed to complain?"

"Really, if you do more, we will do less!"

"It's true that we can't hold on any longer, but we're just saying a few words about our suffering. Why don't we just get up like you and work as cows and horses in the fields so early in the morning?"

"You are just joking, we women are not without ambition. Today, whoever can't make it to the end will be raised by me!"

A group of young wives are really feeling uncomfortable, and being laughed at by a group of old men is really aggrieved.As he spoke, tears fell down.

Seeing that they were really angry, the men hurriedly left.

Many of them here are husbands.

Don't look at the show of authority in the field, and use your quick words for a while, which will really make your mother-in-law angry. When you go back, you may not know who will kneel on the washboard!

Wang Chengzhou smacked his lips and felt something in his heart.

A rough idea has been determined.

At this moment, Xu Xiaozhi saw him, frowned, hesitated for a while, and then walked over with a sad face.

When he got close, facing the hazy morning light, he whispered:

"Wang Xiucai, it's broken!"

"I'm just like them. My body is hot and painful, my limbs are heavy, and I'm always sweating. Could it be that I have an infectious disease?"

"One or two may be in poor health, but so many people have the same symptoms, so they must not be tired!"

This girl was quick-thinking and immediately realized something was wrong.

I don’t think it’s because I don’t work hard enough to be as good as a man.

But after he finished speaking, he frowned and hesitated again, and stammered:

"But, if it's really an infectious disease, why are you men fine?"

"Why are we all lesbians the ones who feel unwell?"

"Oh, does this disease also have sexism and specifically targets women?"

When Wang Chengzhou heard this, he almost laughed.

He coughed a few times and lowered his voice, "Xu Xiaozhi, when you came back from work yesterday, did you take a cold shower?"

"Didn't you hear it and still ask?"

Xu Xiaozhi recalled yesterday's scene, her pretty face turned red and she glared at him.

I don’t understand why he asked such an embarrassing thing.

Siya heard the two of them muttering and squeezed over with her little head stuck out. She opened her mouth and said, "Brother, why don't I feel tired?"

"I feel like I'm so energetic today that I can harvest two acres of wheat in one go!"

"Oh, could it be that I am actually a man?"

As he said that, he raised his arms very smugly and looked at his biceps.

Seeing this, Xu Xiaozhi covered her mouth and snickered.

Wang Chengzhou glanced at the round and slender little arms and rolled his eyes at her.

Suddenly, he said seriously:

"Xu Xiaozhi, this is not an infectious disease."

"It's not that you women don't work hard."

"Actually, you are suffering from heat stroke."

"What, heatstroke?!"

Xu Xiaozhi raised her voice and looked surprised.

She is from the city, has never worked under the hot sun, and has never experienced heatstroke at all.

A group of young wives were feeling unwell and originally wanted to come see Wang Chengzhou for a check-up.

But they were ridiculed a few times by a bunch of old men, and they felt angry. They were afraid that if they came over to trouble the health workers over a trivial matter, people would seize the opportunity to tease them about their delicateness.

Therefore, we have been sitting together without moving.

At this moment, when I heard the word "heatstroke", my eyes lit up.

With a roar, everyone gathered around.

Everyone stared at Wang Chengzhou eagerly, as if they had finally found someone who could support their platform, and they all said:
"Wang Chengzhou, are we sick?"

"Let me tell you, when I woke up this morning, I felt uncomfortable all over my body. I was sweating and feeling pain all over my body. It must not be because I am tired!"

"Wang Xiucai, let me judge. Although we are women, have we ever cheated or cheated?"

A group of young daughters-in-law, with their breasts puffed out, surrounded Wang Chengzhou in the field, filled with indignation.

For a while, the village cadres even ignored the call to work and insisted on asking for an explanation.

Hearing the movement here, everyone gathered around.

Facing everyone's gaze, Wang Chengzhou nodded, "According to the symptoms you mentioned, it is indeed heatstroke."

"In Chinese medicine terms, it is called Taiyang Zhongxu. The general symptoms are fever, aversion to cold, body weight pain, coldness in the hands and feet, minor fatigue, and body heat."

"However, your symptoms are slightly mild, and the causes are slightly different."

After hearing his words and confirming that he had heat stroke, a group of young wives became happy.

It was as if I had finally made my grievances clear and found Master Qingtian.

One by one, they raised their chins and snorted:

"Did you hear what health nurse Wang Chengzhou said?"

"It's not that we can't compete with you gentlemen, it's that we suffered from heat stroke, that's why we felt unwell early in the morning."

"Don't worry, we are women. If we don't get sick and get violent, nothing will happen to you men!"

With authority figures speaking for them, their tails began to rise.

A group of gentlemen originally didn't want to argue with them, but it was obvious that they were about to get angry with them. Some of them thought quickly and said in a long voice with a strange tone:
"Ah yes yes yes!"

"Only you women can suffer from heat stroke. We gentlemen all jumped out of the cracks in the rocks and never get sick."

"Yesterday, the weather was very hot and the sun was very scorching, but we all worked in the fields all day. Why are you women the only ones suffering from heat stroke, but us men are fine?"

"After all, it's not that their physiques are different!"

These words are a bit heartbreaking.

A group of young wives had just found some space, but they were blocked again with words.

Now, it is a matter of dignity between men and women.

Even Wang Aiduo was so angry that his chest was heaving, and he was unwilling to admit that women were inferior to men.

Xu Xiaozhi suddenly flashed her big eyes and said nothing, but the sweet smile on her face gradually became dangerous.

"Wang Xiucai, please say something!"

A group of young wives were so angry that they stomped their feet. They didn't even realize that Wang Chengzhou was also a man, so they took it for granted and dragged him into the women's camp.

However, this group of older girls and younger wives do support Wang Chengzhou.

Especially when the health workers were selected, it was they who stood up for Wang Chengzhou and were able to defeat Wang Jianguo.

Among them, the most important credit belongs to Xu Xiaozhi.

Wang Chengzhou didn't want to provoke any conflict between men and women, he just told the facts as a doctor.

Moreover, at that time, the competition between men and women was all about working more.

It was different than now.

"As I said just now, there is a very subtle reason why you women are the ones suffering from heatstroke."

Wang Chengzhou said with a smile and explained calmly:
"When the sun is in the middle, a deficiency of cold is false, and a moderate heat is real. Heat is very harmful to the body fluids. Once the body fluids are lost, the body will feel heavy and painful, and the body will look weak. If the body is weak and does not work hard, it will be hot when moving."

"If it's serious, you need Baihu plus ginseng soup. However, we are all farmers. Even if we work hard under the sun for a day, we will not suffer from such serious heatstroke."

"Originally, everyone was suffering from a slight heat stroke. In fact, they came over after taking a rest."

"The reason why it's so serious is related to bathing."

(End of this chapter)

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