Chapter 132 Wang Xiucai’s delicious cakes
"Yeah, what's the problem?"

"It's really you."

Lao Guo is a bit unsmiling, with a dark and shiny face.Instead of answering directly, he asked an inexplicable question, "Boy, everyone says that your medical skills are superb and you are one of the best in the entire Wang family's production team."

"So, can you deliver babies?"


Wang Chengzhou opened his mouth, was stunned for a moment, and smiled a little embarrassedly, "Uncle, delivering a baby is the midwife's job. If there is no unexpected situation, we can't do it for you."

In those days, women generally delivered their babies at home.

Moreover, there is generally no need for a doctor, it is all the midwives who are responsible.

Unlike now, when the labor date is still a few weeks away, you have to be sent to the hospital to be taken care of by the obstetrician and gynecologist.

The special nature of the times has made women more independent and resilient.

"oh, I see."

Lao Guo nodded, the wrinkles on his face relaxed a bit, and he seemed to be smiling, "By the way, you are here to get the melon, right?"

"You kid, there are probably dozens or hundreds of people working in the village, and you don't know how to pick one up. How many can you carry back with just two hands?"

"Wait, I'll get you a sack."

With that said, he turned back to the shack and came out with a rag bag.

Without saying anything, he started picking through the melon fields.

This uncle is also cold-faced and warm-hearted.

When Wang Chengzhou saw this, he quickly went to help.

"Hey, boy, do you know how to choose?"

Lao Guo rolled his eyes and asked, "If you pick a few raw melon eggs and go back, not to mention the waste, many people in the village will give you a scolding."

"Uncle, I understand!"

Wang Chengzhou grinned, held up a watermelon, and patted it gently, "If you pat a ripe watermelon, you can feel the obvious tremor, but you won't feel the tremor of a raw melon egg, which is hard and lumpy."

"Look, this one is cooked."

"I'll cut it open later. It'll be sweet and tangy when I keep it!"

Lao Guo finally raised the corners of his mouth and chuckled, "Sure, you have something good."

"No wonder people say you are a geek. Your medical skills are all learned from books and you are self-taught. Now that I have a look, it turns out that this is true!"

"However, your method is stupid and impractical."

As he spoke, he came closer, pointed at a watermelon on the vine and said:

"Today, I will teach you two moves."

"Did you see the pattern on this melon? Ripe watermelons have darker patterns and larger intervals, while raw watermelons are completely different."

"The other one is looking at the belly button of the watermelon."

After speaking, he paused for a moment, his eyes full of smiles.

Wang Chengzhou was very cooperative, with a surprised look on his face, and said with a smile: "Uncle, are you talking nonsense? Watermelon still has a belly button?"

"Ha ha!"

Sure enough, Lao Guo laughed loudly and turned the watermelon over, revealing a small circle at one end, which really looked like a human belly button. "Boy, have you ever heard of a saying that says a melon is ripe and the stem falls off?"

"The so-called melon navel is where the watermelon flowers fall off. The more obvious the melon navel is, the more mature the watermelon is."

"These are all tips summed up by melon growers. You can tell whether a watermelon is raw or ripe with your eyes alone. Isn't it much more advanced than your method?"

Wang Chengzhou looked surprised, scratched his head and laughed.

To be honest, this was the first time he had heard of this method of picking watermelons.

"Okay, take it."

Lao Guo filled most of the sacks, seven or eight in number, which probably weighed hundreds of kilograms. "By the way, boy, can you carry it?"

"Hey, Lao Guo, you are looking down on others."

Wang Chengzhou was speechless and casually put it on his shoulder, "We don't have the finesse, but we still have the strength to be stupid."

"Haha, slow down on the road. These melons are overripe and will explode if you bump into them."

"I know, then I'll go and you're busy."

When Wang Chengzhou appeared carrying watermelon, the wheat field was boiling.

It was already ten o'clock in the morning, and the sun became extremely fierce.

Everyone had already fainted from exhaustion, and their bodies were covered in sweat, as if they had been washed with water.

The wheat field was dry, and every time the sickle was swung, a cloud of dust would rise.

Even the eldest daughter and daughter-in-law who loves beauty have their faces covered in dust, like a cat with a painted face.

There's smoke coming out of my throat!
Who wouldn’t be happy to see Wang Chengzhou bring back so many big watermelons?
"Uncle, give us one quickly!"

At this moment, Yang Xiushuan blinked his big eyes and his little mouth was sweeter than anyone else.

I didn’t even mention Wang Xiucai, the health worker, etc., I just called my uncle.

"Chengzhou, here comes one too!"

Because of his wife's affairs, Wang Jianchun became familiar with him and called him affectionately.

It makes those who are not very familiar with Wang Chengzhou extremely envious.

"Wang Chengzhou, where is ours?"

Wang Zhiguo looked shy and couldn't sit still anymore, so he came up to ask for it.

"Wait a moment, I don't know how old and young are arranged!"

Wang Chengzhou didn't tolerate him, so he retorted and took the lead in passing it to a group of elderly people.

Wang Wuhe took it over with a smile and praised, "You are worthy of being a scholar!"

"This kid Chengzhou is much better than those little brats who have no rules."

"In the future, I promise to find you a beautiful wife!"

Everyone laughed.

Wang Chengzhou rolled his eyes and was speechless.

I can finally feel how Si Ya felt back then.

This fifth uncle, who always introduces a young man to others when he sees one, is simply the most powerful competitor of the matchmaker!
Wang Chengzhou handed another one to the group of shy girls.

The daughter who has not left the court chatters endlessly in front of familiar people.

But in front of the elders in the village, he immediately became quiet.

If Wang Chengzhou didn't take care of them, they would probably end up eating watermelon rinds.

There is simply no shame in coming forward to ask for help.

"Thank you, my lord!"

A little girl with extremely long eyelashes took it with both hands, held it in her arms, narrowed her eyes and smiled.

However, the words he said almost choked Wang Chengzhou.

Call yourself daddy?

How low is this in the village?

Upon closer inspection, it doesn't look familiar.Probably the girl from the east end of the village.

She is even younger than Wang Aiduo, 15 years old at most.

The small face is very delicate, especially the eyebrows and eyes, which are like mist and smoke, giving people the feeling of a landscape painting.

Moreover, she is very tall, not much shorter than Si Ya.

She is a rare beauty.

The girls in the Central Plains area are not short in stature, and they are ranked among the best in the country.

Even in those difficult times.

Wang Chengzhou was embarrassed for a moment when he was called "Master" and didn't know whether he should answer or not.

Until he turned to leave, he was still confused.

It made the girl holding the watermelon put her head against the friend next to her and snicker.

Even though he brought back a big bag of watermelon, he couldn't handle the crowd.Spread out, each person can only eat one or two teeth.

After all, things in the team are not free.

If you want to enjoy the food, you have to exchange it with food.

But even so, the club members who were originally extremely tired were nourished and suddenly became active.

When wielding the sickle, he felt a little more brisk.

By nearly eleven o'clock, almost everyone had completed their tasks.

Even Xu Xiaozhi and Yu Hua did not hold back.

However, after knocking down the last wheat tree, the two of them were so tired that they could no longer lift the sickle. They threw it on the ground and sat down, panting.

The young girl from the city has completely turned into a country girl from the village.

I don't even care about cleanliness and dirty things.

The buttocks were sticky with loess.

"Oh, Wang Xiucai, it's all your fault, I'm exhausted!"

"That's right! Wang Xiucai, originally we could have done it slowly and leisurely, but you are so competitive that you made us work hard!"

"Ouch, I can't do it anymore. If I keep doing this, I won't be able to hold on any longer this afternoon."

A group of young wives were half lying on the ground, gathered together in various directions, and scolded Wang Chengzhou angrily.

It made everyone laugh out loud.

Hearing this, Li Yuzhu felt a little embarrassed, secretly pulled her son for a moment, and whispered:

"San'er, take your time while you work."

"In collective work, if you do a particularly good job, whether it is too fast or too slow, you will easily be disliked by others."

"Why are you working so hard for government work?"

Si Ya was sitting aside. Hearing this, her big eyes suddenly flashed and she stared at him without speaking.

This girl was very tired this morning.

However, in front of outsiders, I dare not complain about my own brother.

"No, I really didn't mean to."

Wang Chengzhou scratched his head and said with an innocent look, "Okay, I'll just help pull the wheat this afternoon."

He didn't want to stand out in the first place.

The main reason is that my physical strength is really good, and I haven’t cut wheat for a long time, so I became a little addicted for a while.

When he came back to his senses, he had already been thrown thousands of miles away.


Li Yuzhu poked his forehead and smiled fondly.

"Oh, be gentle, it hurts!"

As he was talking, sitting aside, Xu Xiaozhi, who was a bit autistic, exclaimed, which made people think.

"But if I don't prick it, it will keep hurting. How can I work in the afternoon?"

Yu Hua held an embroidery needle and gestured with her little hand.

"Comrade Xu Xiaozhi, what's going on?"

When Wang Zhiguo heard her voice, his soul almost flew away, and he hurriedly ran over to show her courtesy, "Ouch, I made a blister!"

"Tell me, you, a girl from the city with a delicate skin and tender flesh, why are you so careless? How heartbreaking it is!"

"By the way, it's all Wang Chengzhou's fault!"

This kid only cares about eating and not fighting.

Seeing Xu Xiaozhi sitting on the ground, raising her little hands, her eyebrows were furrowed, and in an instant, she completely forgot about her drugging him.

What happened at that time, although Xu Xiaozhi designed it very cleverly, he could only suffer the loss of being dumb.

But that doesn't mean he can't get over it.

However, as soon as he saw her charming little appearance, he began to feel dizzy.

I don’t care about any grudges or grudges.

"It's none of Wang Chengzhou's business."

Xu Xiaozhi lowered her eyelashes and didn't look at him at all, "I was too lazy before, so I couldn't stand even a little farm work."

"Comrade Xu Xiaozhi, don't say that."

Wang Zhiguo climbed up when he saw the pole, but he still used the same compliments, "You are a cultural person! Unlike us, we are born to face the loess and back to the sky."

"Look at your snow-white skin, it's a blister, what a pity!"

"If it doesn't work out, just take a leave."

Xu Xiaozhi opened her mouth in astonishment, and for a moment she couldn't tell whether he was flattering herself or ridiculing herself.

Farming is busy right now!

I am an educated youth from the city. I originally responded to the country’s call and was sent to the countryside to receive re-education from workers and peasants. How can I have anything to do with my fate?

The members of the commune are working hard to harvest wheat. They ask for leave and lie down at home to sleep?
Aren't you afraid of being poked in the spine?
Sure enough, Yu Hua couldn't stand listening and frowned:
"Comrade Wang Zhiguo, we are all members of Wangjia Village, and fair labor is what we deserve."

"Xu Xiaozhi just got a blister, not a broken arm. You don't need to be so kind as to ask for leave for her."

"I think, instead of feeling distressed here, it would be better to ask Comrade Wang Chengzhou to take a look at her!"

Xu Xiaozhi's eyes lit up and she felt that it made sense!

Just now, I just took it for granted that a minor problem like a blister could only be left alone and waited for it to heal on its own. What could the doctor do?
However, when I think about it again, Wang Chengzhou is not an ordinary person.

Miracles always happen to him.

Maybe he could actually relieve his own pain.

Thinking of this, he immediately raised his head and looked over with big eyes.

Wang Chengzhou had heard their conversation, but because Wang Zhiguo was there, he didn't want to get involved.

So as not to be jealous.

Seeing her looking at him, he couldn't shirk it anymore, so he immediately got up and walked over.

"Well, little blisters, you have never done farm work, and the skin of your hands is too tender. It is normal for you to get blisters."

Wang Chengzhou knelt down, held her little hand, and comforted her with a few words, "When you cut the wheat later, don't hold the sickle too tightly."

"Or, in the afternoon, just put on a pair of gloves."

"Also, your clothes should be tied tightly. Your skin is too delicate, and it may feel uncomfortable if you are rubbed by the awns."

After hearing his detailed instructions, Xu Xiaozhi's eyebrows immediately curved, she nodded her head and smiled sweetly.

Yu Hua breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at Wang Zhiguo, "Comrade Wang Zhiguo, do you hear that? These are constructive words."

"We are all here to work, and no one is more delicate than the other."

"Dividing people into three, six or nine classes is a serious class error."

Wang Zhiguo stared directly at the palms of the two people pinched together. After hearing this, he came back to his senses and said bitterly:

“Who wouldn’t say something nice?”

"Am I not doing it for Comrade Xu Xiaozhi's benefit?"

"What Wang Chengzhou can do, I can do the same!"

This kid is simply openly showing his love.

Xu Xiaozhi rolled her eyes and was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Wang Chengzhou was really speechless and didn't bother to play any show-off tricks with him.

Instead, he silently took out the silver needle he had with him, gently pinched Xu Xiaozhi's palm, pressed it on the blister, staggered the position, and slowly inserted it in along the lower edge of the bulge.

He explained verbally:
"When blisters develop, puncture treatment is no problem."

"However, you cannot prick directly on the blisters. Otherwise, the water will flow out and the skin will be damaged, making it difficult to close the blisters. If you touch the blisters, it will be extremely painful."

"The correct method is to make a small incision along the edge of the blister, close to the healthy skin. In this way, the skin will fit back together and it will grow back easily. Remember?"

(End of this chapter)

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