Chapter 131: There is a sickle in the ground
I sat on the bluestone with Luan Hongying and played in the water for a while.

After surviving the hottest two hours in the afternoon, the two of them entered the mountain together.

However, this time there was no surprise.

There are many herbs that can clear away heat and relieve summer heat, such as jade leaf golden flower, anemarrhena, and Huoxiang.

But there are very few produced in the Central Plains.

Even if there are cold-cooling medicines, they either cannot be used alone, or their properties are too strong and are not suitable for daily use.

I kept searching until sunset, but there was no big harvest.

However, Wang Chengzhou didn't have much hope in the first place, he just wanted to relax with his senior sister.

After all, there will never be such leisure time in the next ten days and a half.

The next day.

As soon as the sky turned white, the big bell at the entrance of the village rang.

Because in the past few days, all members of the club have been recuperating and waiting for the day when the sickle will start.

Therefore, even Wang Chengzhou, who loved to sleep in, gathered in the field with his sickle as soon as the bell rang.

Although it has already entered summer, the fields are still cold in the early morning.

The huge temperature difference between day and night is a characteristic of this season.

Stepping on the cold dewdrops, everyone gathered at the edge of the field, looking at the rough-edged wheat field in the morning light, feeling indescribably excited.

It’s really summer harvest!

Only by smelling the slightly dry aroma of wheat can you deeply appreciate the joy of the harvest.

Today's start means that as long as we work hard for a few more months, we will be able to eat white flour.

Although the wheat yield is very low and no one really dares to eat it, the smell of pancakes and steamed buns is still the best wish that the villagers who have eaten wild vegetables for many days can achieve.

Wang Tielin wore a sweat scarf around his neck, a straw hat on his head, and held a sickle, and was carrying out mobilization work before the big battle as usual.

As an old village chief, he knows very well how to encourage everyone.

The impassioned speeches were occasionally punctuated by bursts of laughter.

Wang Chengzhou raised his head and found that there was still a star shining in the eastern sky.

It should be the legendary morning star.

The dim sky, the excited crowd, everything contained a hazy feeling like a dream.

But the passion makes people really feel the heat of rural life.

"Open the scythe!"

Following Wang Tielin's order, the crowd lined up, like well-trained soldiers on a school field, raised their sickles uniformly.

Stab, stab!

The wheat straws were broken one by one, and the heavy ears of wheat lay on the ground.

Wang Chengzhou's movements were a little unfamiliar.

After all, he had never done farm work in his previous life.

In this life, my predecessor was a lazy guy, a typical example of cheating and cheating.

He held the sickle in his hand, but he couldn't use it forcefully.

However, fortunately there is someone more miserable than him...

Among the five educated youths, Zhao Yu, Diao Qingsong, and Xu Wannian, as gay men, progressed slightly faster.

Diao Qingsong, in particular, has a wild temper and was inspired by the speech of village chief Wang Tielin.

He hunched his waist and waved the sickle quickly, throwing a group of young people far away with a squeaking sound.

The speed was so fast that he almost caught up with a veteran who was used to doing crop work.

Zhao Yu and Xu Wannian were much slower, and they were on the same level as the little wives in the village.

The worst ones are Xu Xiaozhi and Yu Hua.

The two lesbians are from the city and have never used a sickle at all. In addition, when cutting wheat, they need to bend down, grab with one hand, cut with the other, and cooperate with each other with their left and right hands. If they are not careful, they may hurt themselves. .

It's extremely difficult for them.

In the blink of an eye, the plot of land that the two people were responsible for in the wheat field turned into two long tails.

Fortunately, Wang Chengzhou is not much better than them.

After working for a while, the guy straightened up and took a breather.

Seeing the condition of the three of them, he wiped his sweat and laughed.

The village cadre had a dark face and hurriedly urged.

"Wang Xiucai, work harder, don't let the two female educated youth comrades overwhelm you!"

"Yang Xiushuan, you are so brave! Why do you call me a scholar? You are a hygienist, okay? If you get sick tomorrow, are you not afraid of being given small shoes for you?"

"You guys are really uneducated! I heard someone say that a scholar means a scholar. Isn't it because Wang Xiucai loves reading that he became a health worker?"

Since becoming a health worker, Wang Chengzhou has not been in the field often, and it has been a long time since he was molested by the little wife in the village.

I thought they finally restrained themselves due to their status.

Who knows, it turns out that I didn’t seize the opportunity!

Just when we started working together, it started again.

Wang Chengzhou was speechless.

He couldn't hold back his face and joked with these shrewd little wives, so he just moved his hands a little faster.

Seeing that he was silent, several older girls and younger wives thought he was showing timidity, so they all laughed sweetly.

He kicked his nose and face more and more.

"Oh, stop talking, Wang Xiucai needs to be serious!"

"Is it him? Can you recognize the needle? Can you find the eye?"

"Haha, look, Wang Xiucai's face is red!"

These little wives, who are used to being arrogant on weekdays, got into the car with just a few words.

It's so hilarious that most people really don't dare to care.

The older aunt is afraid of leaving a bad impression on the next generation and will make people talk too much, so she won't speak at all.

Even grinning and laughing.

Fueling their arrogance.

The young girl, before she went out, even if she understood something, her face would be red with embarrassment, and she would just lower her head and pretend to be quail.

He secretly glanced at Wang Chengzhou, then quickly moved away shyly.

As for the men in the village, according to local customs, they only joke with men.

If a man interrupts a conversation between an older girl and his younger daughter-in-law, he or she will be looked down upon, or scolded at worst.

Except for the sullen face of the village cadre, a reminder, everyone could only watch Wang Chengzhou being humiliated.

I hate and envy in my heart.

Among them, naturally includes Wang Zhiguo, who particularly likes to express himself in front of women.

Fortunately, Wang Chengzhou is not that coquettish.

You say what you say, and I do what you say is mine.

His body was not what it used to be. After the initial unfamiliarity, his speed suddenly increased.

He watched as he passed them one by one.

Those little wives were not yet in shape at first, but it was obvious that he was getting closer and closer to her, and they suddenly started to get nervous.

These women who were married from other villages are not very young, and they have always been interested in comparison in the village.

They all want to prove that they are more capable than other people's wives.

Whose little daughter-in-law is particularly useful? Speaking of which, it is a very glorious thing.

But now, Wang Xiucai, who had been teased by them, was trying to leave them behind when harvesting wheat.

For them who are arrogant and arrogant, this is absolutely unacceptable.

So, there was still laughter and laughter just now, but in an instant, it became quiet.

Everyone pursed their lips and glanced at Wang Chengzhou's back, no longer laughing and joking.

It's a battle for dignity, so they can't help but care.However, no matter how fast they hurried or slowed down, the scythes in their hands were swung out as phantoms, but they could not catch up with the slightly frail figure.

Always maintain a constant distance from him.

The unusual movement in the wheat field naturally attracted everyone's attention.

They didn't understand what happened.

In previous years, when the wheat was harvested, everyone was half-dead, trying to feel comfortable, for fear that they would work a little too much.

But what's going on today?
All the little wives were acting like crazy. They were so tired that they were sweating, but their faces were sullen, with no intention of resting at all.

Si Ya was originally very proud and very satisfied with her unhurried strategy.

But when he raised his head, he found that his brother was almost there on a horse riding Juechen!

Moreover, a group of little wives stuck their butts out, as if they were possessed by evil spirits, and chased him desperately.

The whole morning's work was almost finished before nine o'clock!

After cutting all the way to the ground in one breath, Wang Chengzhou stretched and took a deep breath.

It has to be said that after practicing martial arts, my physical fitness has improved more and more.

I believe that in another half year, combined with moxibustion, I will be able to grow at least five centimeters taller!
When the time comes, stand up and see who dares to say that you are thin?
At least I have to praise Yushu Linfeng, right?

Feeling bad in my heart, I looked back and found young faces staring angrily at me in the wheat fields not far away.

All of them were so tired that their temples were soaked with sweat. They were holding sickles and sweating profusely.

"Wang Xiucai, have you taken medicine?!"

"Oh my god, I tried my best to suck the milk, but why can't I catch up with him?"

"It's not just that we can't catch up with him. I think no one in our entire Wang family can catch up with him when it comes to cutting wheat!"

"Hmph, Wang Xiucai, I really belong to you! A man who works hard to compete with us women is really promising!"

A group of young wives couldn't compete with each other, so they started to use their words.


Wang Chengzhou had no idea what they were talking about and said blankly:
"What about fighting to the death?"

"Are you still competing with you?"

"Please, I'm just going to do whatever I want. I didn't expect that I would be the limit of this village with just a few moves."

Invisible coercion is the most deadly.

After hearing his words, all the little wives were so angry that they almost screamed.

"Oh, I'm so angry!"

"Wang Xiucai, don't be so proud!"

"Who doesn't have the energy for a sudden burst of energy? The most important thing is to be durable!"

"Hmph, yes! Just like Diao Qingsong, an educated youth, he was very fast at first, but now, he is halfway through, is he lagging?"

After saying that, he laughed up and down.

Diao Qingsong, who was still in the middle of the wheat field, rolled his eyelids and let out a feeble sigh. He could hardly lift the sickle.

The most important thing in crop work is longevity, and the most taboo is a sudden burst.

Diao Zhiqing looked like he had never done any work before, and he used too much force at first.

Now, I can hardly stand it any longer.

I can only hold on!

Wang Chengzhou did not argue with them, but found a shady place by himself and sat down.

He leaned against the small tree and watched them working comfortably.

"elder brother!"

Si Ya took a look, pouted, and suddenly felt a little discouraged.

Wang Chengzhou had finished his work and was lying there to enjoy the cool air. He still had more than half left!

"What are you shouting for?"

Li Yuzhu wiped the sweat from his forehead and glared at her, "Everyone does his or her own thing. Everyone cuts the wheat in handfuls. If you are tired, he will not be tired?"

"It's just, when did San'er's hands and feet become so nimble?"

He muttered softly, and a smile appeared on his lips.

She was happy from the bottom of her heart to see that her son no longer had to be exposed to the sun.

"Wang Chengzhou!"

While I was sitting, a village cadre walked up.

I thought he had a problem with him taking a premature break.

Who knows, when he got closer, he smiled and said:
"Go, go to the river beach and bring some watermelons."

"This is also the first watermelon produced in the brigade this year, which will provide relief to the members of the club."

"Lao Guo's village branch has already said hello, so feel free to go."

As soon as Wang Chengzhou heard that he was doing this, he immediately became energetic.

Anyway, it’s a rest. Go to the melon field and get familiar with Lao Guo. It will be easier to talk to him when you buy melons from him in the future.

Immediately, he responded, "OK!"

As mentioned before, there is a lot of sandy land on the banks of the White River.

None of the other crops grew, except for the watermelon, which was big and round, and all of it was pulpy.

Take a bite, it's so sweet!
However, the watermelon fields in Wangjia Village are only a small one, and the real large-scale planting has to be in Guojiazhuang on the south bank.

Belongs to the Laoqulin Production Brigade.

Lao Guo, who was watching the melons, was the technician transferred from next door.

In the spring, he is responsible for teaching the villagers how to plant flowers and rice seedlings. In the summer, he is mainly responsible for guarding the melon fields.

It's a very leisurely job.

However, this leisure is not very happy.

The Laoyu Forest Production Brigade has a lot of sandy land, which is suitable for growing watermelons; correspondingly, there is less loam, and the grain yield is very low.

They can't get much rations all year round, and watermelons can't be eaten as food.

Therefore, people from Guojiazhuang often come out to help.

Lao Guo is a labor force drawn from the village.

When the end of the year comes, he will be given some food according to his work points.

When Wang Chengzhou arrived, he saw the familiar shack in his memory from a distance.

It was a small house built with corn stalks, and there was air leakage from all sides.The top was randomly paved with reeds, barely shielding it from the wind and rain.

Hanging on the door beam is a rusty broken gong, which is Lao Guo's most important weapon.

During the day, naturally no one dares to go to the fields to steal melons.

At night, the sound of the gong can have a considerable deterrent effect on petty thieves.

Seeing someone coming, a middle-aged man who was a few years older than Wang Honghe stood up from the melon field.

He was very tall, wearing half-length trousers, exposing his thin calves, which made his knees look particularly thick.


Lao Guo looked expressionless and stared at him and asked.

"Unload melon!"

Wang Chengzhou smiled and added:
"I am a health worker in Wangjiacun. My name is Wang Chengzhou."

"Today is a sick day, and the leader of the team asked me to get some watermelons back to help everyone cool down."

"Lao Guo, please pick some that are cooked."

"Oh, are you Wang Chengzhou?"

Lao Guo's chin was clean shaven, but there were still one or two white stubbles missing. Many of them had grown out in isolation, which looked a bit awkward and made people want to pull them out.

After hearing his self-introduction, Lao Guo looked him up and down, seemingly a little surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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